2019年高中英语 语篇提能14 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 语篇提能14 新人教版必修2.完形填空An African farmer had heard tales about other farmers who had made millions of dollars by discovering diamond (钻石) mines. These tales _1_ the farmer so much that he could hardly wait to sell his farm and find diamonds himself. So he spent the rest of his life _2_ the African continent, searching unsuccessfully for _3_. Finally, he was so _4_ that he threw himself into a river and drowned.Meanwhile, the man who had bought his farm was _5_ a small stream (小溪) near the farm one day _6_ he saw something gleaming at the bottom of the stream. He picked it up. It was a _7_ stone, a goodsized stone. The man took it _8_ and put it on his desk. Several weeks later, a visitor admired the stone, and looked _9_ at it. He asked the farmer _10_ he knew what hed found. The farmer said “No”. He thought it was just a piece of crystal. The visitor told him he had found one of the largest diamonds ever _11_. The farmer just couldnt believe it. He told the man that his stream was _12_ of these stones, and his farmland was covered with them.The farm the first farmer had sold _13_ out to be the most productive diamond mine on the entire African continent. The first farmer had _14_ acres of diamonds, but had sold them in order to _15_ them elsewhere. If the first farmer had only taken time to study and _16_ himself for learning what diamonds looked like and to _17_ the farm he had before looking elsewhere, his wildest dreams would have _18_.Do you want to be rich? Look within yourself first. If each of us has the _19_ and patience to begin by exploring ourselves, we will find that we _20_ all the riches necessary to be able to succeed in whatever endeavors (努力) to which we may set our hearts.1A. excited B. frightened C. grasped D. attached2A. watching B. covering C. expecting D. wandering3A. families B. money C. diamonds D. friends4A. puzzled B. shocked C. delighted D. disappointed5A. seeing B. crossing C. visiting D. following6A. when B. before C. suddenly D. unexpectedly7A. normal B. special C. hard D. terrible8A. out B. home C. away D. easy9A. nearly B. clearly C. closely D. tightly10A. where B. why C. how D. if11A. discovered B. invented C. presented D. accepted12A. careful B. worthy C. full D. empty13A. went B. pointed C. turned D. worked14A. brought B. owned C. missed D. wasted15A. look back B. look up C. look after D. look for16A. believe B. introduce C. engage D. prepare17A. measure B. explore C. dig D. develop18A. e true B. realized C. arrived D. achieved19A. memory B. honesty C. wisdom D. guidance20A. contain B. control C. conquer D. manage答案与解析语篇解读我们总是羡慕别人的富有,却不知道真正的富有就在我们身边,所以不要一味地羡慕别人。1A由下文中的“他等不及要卖掉农场”可知,这些故事让这位农民如此心潮澎湃,用动词excite表示“使兴奋”。2D上文提到他卖掉了农场,所以他后来就在非洲大陆游荡(wandering),寻找钻石。3C根据第一段第一句判断,这个农民在非洲大陆上寻找的肯定是diamonds。4D根据上文中的“unsuccessfully”和下文中的“投河自尽”可知,他的心情是disappointed。5B那个买下农场的人有一天横穿(crossing)农场附近的一条小溪的时候,故选B项。6A突然他看见小溪底部有什么东西在闪闪发光。此处考查固定句型be doing . when .“正在做突然”。7B根据上文中的“闪闪发光的东西”推断,此石头应当是special。8B根据下文中的“放在桌子上”可知,他应当是将石头带回家了,所以用home。9C一位客人来欣赏那块石头,他仔细(closely)观察着。nearly“几乎,将近”; clearly“清晰地,明显地”; tightly“紧紧地,坚固地”。10D他问那个农民是否(if)知道自己捡到的是什么。从句子结构和意义上分析,此处有“是否”之义,所以用if。11A那位客人告诉他,他捡到的是迄今为止人类发现的(discovered)最大的钻石之一。ever discovered作后置定语。12C他告诉那位客人他的小溪里到处都是这种发光的石头。be full of“被充满”。13C第一个农民卖掉的农场结果却是整个非洲大陆上最多产的钻石矿。turn out意为“证明是,结果是”。14B第一个农民本来拥有(owned)大量的钻石。15D但他为了去其他地方寻找(look for)钻石而把自己本来拥有的大量钻石卖了。16D如果第一个农民花一点时间去学习和准备,弄清楚钻石是什么样的, prepare oneself for“为做准备”。17B在勘探其他地方之前先勘探(explore)一下自己已经拥有的那块地。measure“量”; dig“挖”; develop“开发”。18A他做梦都想不到的事情就可以成真(e true)。B项有一定的干扰性。realize为及物动词,因此应该用被动语态。19C根据全文意思及下文与之并列的名词patience,我们可以推测此处用wisdom,语境是:如果我们每个人都有智慧和耐心去首先探索自己。20A我们就会发现,我们拥有(contain)这种能力。.短文改错(xx郑州高一检测)Im very exciting to receive your letter. Now Im doing some research on why people use the Internet. Some of my classmate have been made stop using the Net. I see them spending more time do sports, talking with their parents and going out. Although at times my parents are against use the Net, but I still use the Net, which can help me find information and keep uptodate with events. The Net is such convenient that it help me keep contact with my friends all the time. Because the Net, were closer. If there werent the Net, what will the world be like?答案Im very to receive your letter. Now Im doing some research on why people use the Internet. Some of my have been made stop using the Net. I see them spending more time sports, talking with their parents and going out. Although at times my parents are against the Net, I still use the Net, which can help me find information and keep uptodate with events. The Net is convenient that it me keep contact with my friends all the time. Because the Net, were closer. If there werent the Net, what the world be like?

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