2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2双基限时练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2双基限时练 北师大版必修2.单词拼写1Piano and violin are both musical _ (乐器)答案instruments2All the _ (女性的) workers in this factory got a present on March 8.答案female3He wore a _ (面具) so that no one would recognize him.答案mask4The red lines on the map _ (代表) railways.答案represent5The _ (将军) directed that the prisoners should be set free.答案general6We cant always _ (结合) work with pleasure.答案bine7Knowledge is a _ (财富), practice is the key to it.答案treasure.完成句子1Its better _ _ theory _ practice.把理论和实践合起来更好些。答案to bine; with2_ _ _ _ _ _, I loved him.第一次见到他,我就爱上了他。答案The first time I saw him3puters are _ _ _ _ _ modern society.计算机在现代社会中起着重要作用。答案playing an important role/part in4His only aim is _ _ _ _ at the Olympics in xx.他唯一的目标是代表我们国家在xx年的奥运会上参赛。答案to represent our country5_ _ _, you must stop smoking.换句话说,你必须戒烟。答案In other words.单项填空1Fortunately, the villagers found the buried _, lots of jewellery included.A. treasures B. treasureC. instrument D. mask答案与解析B句意:幸运的是,村民们找到了埋藏在地下的宝藏,包括大量的珠宝。treasure作“财宝;财富”讲时是不可数名词,故排除A项;instrument“工具;乐器”;mask“面罩”,与句意不符。2No matter what we do, we should _ theory with practice.A. bine B. connectC. join D. tie答案与解析A句意:不管做什么,我们应该理论联系实际。bine . with .“把和联合/结合起来”;connect . with/to .强调把不紧密的东西连接起来;join“加入”;tie“系,拴”。3Smith was chosen to _ the pany at the conference.A. replace B. insteadC. represent D. impress答案与解析C句意:史密斯被选中代表公司出席会议。represent“代表”,符合句意。4Can you play this kind of musical _?A. instrument B. universityC. equipment D. engagement答案与解析Ainstrument“乐器”;university“大学”;equipment“设备”;engagement“约会”。由此及句意可知,应选A项。5I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.A. first time B. for the first timeC. the first time D. by the first time答案与解析C句意:第一次看见她时,我就认为她很好且诚实。the first time在此为连词词组,引导时间状语从句。6On my birthday, my father _ a coloured shirt and an unobtrusive tie.A. wear B. dressC. wore D. dressed答案与解析C句意:在我生日那天,我父亲穿了一件颜色鲜艳的衬衫,配了一条素净的领带。wear与dress为一对同义词,意为“穿”,但在习惯上它们与宾语的搭配有差异。wear通常接物,即所穿的衣服;而dress通常只接人作宾语,不接物作宾语,其被动语态为be dressed in。7She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _ in making the earth a better place to live.A. to have played B. to playC. to be played D. to be playing答案与解析B根据句子中所暗含的时间,是指未来的动作,故排除A项和D项;而不定式作定语时,若不定式的动作为句子的主语或宾语所发出时,用主动语态而不用被动语态,故选B项。8They have a lot in _ and have bee close friends.A. mon B. usualC. ordinary D. general答案与解析Ahave a lot in mon“有许多共同之处”。9 Is there anything special youd like for the dinner, Teddy? Nothing _, as usual, Mummy.A. on the whole B. in particularC. in general D. in total答案与解析Bin particular“特别”,答语句意:没有什么特别的,和往常一样,妈妈。on the whole“大体上”;in general“一般;通常”;in total“总共”。10I would like a job which pays more, but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.A. in other words B. on the other handC. for one thing D. as a matter of fact答案与解析Bon the other hand“从另一方面来说”,符合句意。in other words“换句话说”;for one thing“一方面”;as a matter of fact“事实上”,均不符合句意。.阅读理解Country singer Gary Allan has been making records since the mid 1990s. But his latest album Set You Free, is his first to hit number one on Billboards top two hundred albums chart (排行榜). The song Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain) is the lead single (单曲) from Gary Allans new copies and is number one on Billboards country music chart. It has risen faster than any other single in the California natives career. Gary Allan says Every Storm is about hope, the mon idea throughout the new album. “You can expect a lot of songs about life. Its going to roll you through a breakup and its going to roll you through the anger and the pain and make you as good as new. So what I think you can expect is something a little bit different musically out of this.”Gary Allan says his favorite song on Set You Free is One More Time. He says he wrote it after his father died. The country singer is supporting the album with concerts around the United States for most of the rest of the year. He says the shows are full of energy. “We play hard and they have a very strong impact (冲突) on the audience. I think thats why people love to e and see us. Were giving it everything that we have every night.”Set You Free is Allans ninth album. In an interview with Broadways Electric Barnyard, Allan spoke about cowriting with women for the new album. It was the first time in his career he had done so, and he described it as an interesting experience. 1Whats the topic of the passage?A. Gary Allans new album Set You Free. B. The life of American singer Gary Allan. C. The development of American country music. D. A young musicians hard struggle for success. 答案与解析A阅读全文可知本文是在介绍加里艾伦的新专辑Set You Free。本题选择A项。2Gary Allan likes One More Time most probably because _.A. its different musically from his other songs B. it helped him find courage after failureC. it was written in honor of his father D. it has sold more copies than any other single答案与解析C根据第四段最后一句“He says he wrote it after his father died. ”他说这是他父亲死后他写的歌。由此可知,这首歌是为了怀念他的父亲。C项正确。3What can we learn about Gary from the passage?A. He lived an unhappy life in his childhood. B. He was born in the state of California. C. He began music career in the late 1990s. D. His concerts are mostly made up of light music. 答案与解析B根据第二段中“It has risen faster than any other single in the California natives career. ”它的增长速度比其他任何一个加州本地歌手的职业生涯中有的都要快,由此可知加里艾伦是加州本地歌手,他出生在加州。因此B项正确。4The album Set You Free marked the first time _.A. Gary had made a record in his music career. B. Gary had a word with Broadways Electric Barnyard. C. Garys albums had appeared on Billboards music chart. D. Gary had worked together with women in writing songs. 答案与解析D根据最后一段中“Allan spoke about cowriting with women for the new album. It was the first time in his career he had done so”艾伦说这是他职业生涯中第一次和女士合作新专辑。D项正确。.七选五Today, kids have more worries and face more pressures than ever before. Here are a few tips to help your child focus on and do well in school._1_Recording everything to be done will help him keep track of important dates and deadlines. With proper plan he will be better able to plan how and where to spend his time.Watch the clock_2_ I also remend setting his clock or watch five minutes ahead since its always easy to run late. When it es to something like catching a bus, just five minutes can make a significant difference._3_Lack of sleep is proven to harm us physically. The more sleep we get,the more alert we are. The average adult needs at least six hours of sleep a night and the average child needs at least eight.Stay in shapeThrough spending time outdoors or playing sports with friends,he can “blow off some steam” so to speak,as well as reenergize. _4_Talk through your problemsBe able to share his concerns with you. _5_ If you make it clear that you understand him and are willing to help,you will contribute to his emotional health and build an open and honest relationship as well.A. Get enough sleepB. Create a personal scheduleC. Encourage him to get outside.D. Encourage your child to be positive.E. Setting an alarm for the morning is a must.F. Help your child work better to realize his aim.G. Sharing feelings often makes them easier to deal with答案1.B2.E3.A4.C5.G.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One afternoon just before Christmas, an old gentleman was wandering through the city center. The shops were all filled with good things and crowded 1._ shoppers. The children were looking at all the toys on display in windows, and 2._ old man suddenly saw a boy 3._ (sit) on the ground and crying bitterly. When the kind old man asked him 4._ he was weeping, the little boy told him that he 5._ (lose) a ten penny coin that his uncle had given him. Hearing this, the old man handed to the child a shiny new ten penny coin 6._ he pulled out from his pocket.“Thank you very much,” said the little boy, drying his eyes. He cheered up at once.An hour or so later, the old man was making his way back home by the same road. To his 7._(astonish), he saw the dirty little boy in the same spot, crying just as 8._(sad) as before. He went up to the boy 9._ asked him if he had lost the second ten penny piece he had just given him as well. The boy told him that actually he had not lost the second coin, he still could not find the first 10._. “If I could find my own piece,” he said tearfully, “I would have twenty pence now.”答案1.with2.the3.sitting4.why5.had lost6which/that7.astonishment8.sadly9.and10.one


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