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2019-2020年高二年级上学期第一次月考(英语)第一部分英语知识运用(共二节满分20分)第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1. radiumA、attendB、challengeC、blameD、announce2. thrillA、healthB、thoseC、smoothD、there3、greatA、leaveB、breadC、breakD、threat4、countrysideA、constructB、cureC、polluteD、pump5、expertA、exerciseB、exactlyC、exampleD、exhausted第二节语法和词汇知识运用(每小题1分,共15分)6、meeting held last night was.great successA、A;aB、A;/C、The;aD、The;/7、Whenhelp, one often says “Thank you”. or “Its hind of you”.A、offeringB、to offerC、to be offeredD、offered8、I think it is your brother who for your being late.A、is to blame B、is going to blameC、is to be blamedD、should blame9、The puter systemsuddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A、broke downB、broke outC、broke upD、broke in10、is known to us all is that the xx Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.A、ItB、AsC、whatD、which11、John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work,he gladly accepted it.A、finishedB、to be finishedC、hawing finishedD、was finished12、Entering the room, I found Mary at the desk and a letter.A、seated; wrote B、sitting, writtenC、seating; writingD、seated; writing13、A new food market has been built for the of the residents.A、happinessB、convenienceC、quietnessD、economy14、Im deadly tired I cant walk any farther, Jenny., Tommy, You can do it!A、No problemB、No hurryC、e onD、Thats OK15、Thoughmoney, his parents managed to send him to universityA、lackedB、lacking ofC、lackingD、lacked in16、The girl began to cryshe saw the dog.A、instantlyB、the instantC、in no instantD、the instant when17、In my opinion, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesnt make any.A、meaningB、ideaC、senseD、point18、I admired my classmate Lisa very much. her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.A、Except forB、But forC、Apart fromD、In spite of19、How about your interview, Tom?Im confident that I have made a good.A、effectB、viewC、attractionD、impression20、She was always , even when things were at their worst.A、attractive B、optimisticC、pessimisticD、frightened第二部分完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)One day a famous speaker gave a speech to a crowd of people. He held up a 21 bill. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill? Hands were 22 .” Then he said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first let me do this.” He began to crumple(弄皱)the 23 . He then asked the audience, “ 24 still wants it?” Still the hands went 25 in the air.“What 26 I do this?” He asked, and he 27 it on the ground, and started to step on it. He 28 it up. Now the bill was 29 and crumpled. “Now who still wants it?” Still the hands went up.“My friends,” He continued, “You have all 30 a good lesson. No matter 31 I did to the money, you still wanted it because the bill did not lose its 32 . It was still worth$20. Many times in our 33 , we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on, because we sometimes 34 wrong decisions, or we may 35 with something we do not 36 . When what happens, we feel depressed and think we are 37 . But in fact no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. The worth of our life es not 38 what we do or whom we know, but in who we are! Dont forget the worth of a thing does not depend on its outside 39 , but on its inner value. This is the 40 of life.”21、A、20 dollarB、20 dollarsC、20-dollarsD、20-dollar22、A、risenB、putC、raisedD、held23、A、billB、groundC、moneyD、finger24、A、SomebodyB、NobodyC、AnybodyD、Everybody25、A、upB、downC、aboveD、below26、A、shouldB、canC、ifD、whether27、A、threwB、droppedC、fellD、put28、A、showedB、liftedC、putD、picked29、A、goodB、cleanC、largeD、dirty30、A、gaveB、learnedC、hadD、took31、A、thatB、howC、whatD、why32、A、valueB、priceC、effectD、part33、A、studiesB、workC、fieldsD、lives34、A、doB、makeC、giveD、take35、A、meetB、dealC、talkD、get36、A、likeB、hopeC、wishD、expect37、A、worthlessB、weakC、poorD、careless38、A、fromB、inC、aboutD、at39、A、beautyB、faceC、looksD、image40、A、lessonB、truthC、sayingD、story第三部分阅读理解(共二节,第一节共20小题,每小题2分;第二节补全对话共45分,每小5分)第一节阅读理解APocket MoneyMost British parents give their teenagers pocket money. Teenagers get between 7 and 20 a week. They spend it on fast food, designer clothes, the cinema, concert, magazines and mobile phones.1. Lazy parents?37% of parents pay teenagers to clean the lounge(起居室).66% of parents pay teenagers to take the rubbish out.2. Lazy teens?51% of teenagers dont make their beds before they leave home.Only 13% of teenagers wash the car for money.Some parents even pay their teenagers to do their homework.3. Equality? Not Yet!Boys get more money than girls for most odd jobs.For washing the dishes, boys get about 4 and girls get about 1.4. And if you need some more money?Teens get an extra 250 a year out of their parents on top of pocket money!Abort 50% of teens get gifts of money from their grandparents.Go to Mum if you need extra money! She gives more than Dad.5. Where you live makes a difference!Parents in Scotland and the North of England give most pocket money.6. Spending.51% spend their money on clothes.39% buy cosmetics, jewellery and toiletries(化妆品).Less than 50% of teenagers save any money.Here are some children who tell us about their pocket money:I get 30 a month. I have to take the rubbish out and tidy my room. Emma, 15, Edinburgh.I get 10 a week. But I have to clean the car, hoover(用真空洗尘器清洗)the house and load and unload the dishwasher. I usually save the money. James, 12, Sheffield.I get 7.50 a week. I have to be “good” but I dont have to do any jobs for the money. Lain, 13, Cardiff.I get 5 a week. But our neighbors go away a lot and they give me 25 a week for looking after their cats. Richard, 13, Belfast.41、This passage is mainly about.A、how to get pocket moneyB、how to spend pocket moneyC、something about pocket money in BritainD、teenagers everywhere get pocket money42、According to the passage we can know that.A、parents are lazy so they let children do houseworkB、teens are too lazy to do housework unless they are given pocket moneyC、the pocket money boys and girls get is not equalD、it is not right for children to ask for pocket money43、We can infer from the passage that.A、boys earn more money at home than girlsB、girls earn more money at home than boysC、only rich parents give children pocket moneyD、most children spend their pocket money44、Who most probably gets the most money for a whole year according to the passage?A、Emma.B、James.C、Lain.D、Richard.BThe BBC was founded in 1922, including radio and television services. It is based at Broadcasting House in London.The BBC is controlled by some governors chosen by the government, but these people have freedom and the government cant interfere(干扰).That is , the BBC is supposed not to be the mouthpiece(代言人)of the government. It has to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious(宗教)groups.There is a kind of interesting service in British-rental services. Many people prefer to rent(租用)their television sets instead of buying them.The rent for a black and white set is about 80 pence a week (1980). The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have them repaired free of charge or replaced immediately.Everyone has to buy a yearly licence, since there is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sale of licences that the BBC gets most of its money. A licence for a black and white set costs 8 pounds, and for a colour set 18 pounds a year.There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes. Radio 1 is mainly pop music. Radio 2 deals with light music, sports and other programmes. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects etc. News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4.There are special programmes for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and certain parts of England. It also broadcasts programmes about Britainin many different languages as well as in English to all parts of the world.45、The officials in charge of the BBC.A、must say what the government wants to sayB、should give more time to political parties than to religious groupsC、are elected by the citizens from all over the countryD、can decide things without the permission of the government46、If he wants to watch TV at home, everyone.A、has to buy a television set of his ownB、must rent a TV setC、had to buy a licence once a yearD、can change his damaged TV set for a new one without payment47、How does BBC get most of its money?A、It gets money from all kinds of advertisements.B、The BBC depends on the rent of TV sets.C、The BBC gets money mainly by selling licences and TV sets.D、It gets its money mainly by selling licences.48、According to the passage, we can know that.A、if you rent a television set and there is something wrong with it, you should pay to fix it with your own moneyB、it costs more to rent a color TV set than a black and white oneC、you can listen to classical music from Radio 1D、you neednt buy the licence if you pay the rent on timeCBritains oldest man made his first visit to London yesterday at the age of 101. Mr John Evans had never found the time or money to make the trip from his home in Forestfach, near Swansea. But, when British Rail offered him an all-expense-paid birthday treat to the capital he just could not refuse.He arrived at Paddington Station and smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite Panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole. “Its very exciting. Theres no doubt about it.” He said.Until yesterday he had never been far from home, except for one trip to Aberdeen. “But Ive been on the seas to that faraway land called Frabe 21 miles from home.” He joked.Mr Evans, who spent 60 years working as a miner in South Wales, almost made the journey to London once before, at the turn of the century. “There was a trip to the White City but it was ten shillings return from Swanseatoo much I thought. All my money went to the family then,” he said.During the next two days Mr Evans will be taken on a short tour of London to see the sights. Top of his list is a visit to the House of Parliament organized by his MP, Mr Gareth Wardell.The only arrangement he does not care for is the wheelchair provided for him if he gets tired. “I dont like the chairpeople will think I am getting old.” he said.His secret for a long and healthy life has been well publicizedno wine, no tobacco and no anger.Before setting off from Swansea with his 76-year-old son, Amwell, he said jokingly, “Im glad to see theyve given me a return ticket.”49、Whats the best title for the passage?A、Britains Oldest Man Visited LondonB、The Secret of A Long LifeC、A Man Who Has Never Been Far From Home During 101 YearsD、A Humorous Old Man50、Mr Evans didnt like the wheelchair simply because.A、he was not used to traveling in itB、the wheelchair was of poor quality and not easy to operateC、he actually preferred walking to sitting in it at homeD、he thought he was still young enough to manage the trip51、We can infer from the passage EXCEPT that.A、Mr Evans had to work hard to raise his family when youngB、the trip of London excited Mr Evans very muchC、Mr Evans could not really enjoy the trip because of his ageD、humor was one of Mr Evans characters52、The probable explanation to Mr Evans long life lies in.A、his good living habitsB、his hard working for the familyC、his sticking to his hometownD、his living conditions near the SwanseaDI always felt sorry for the people in wheelchair. Some people, old and weak, cannot get around by themselves. Others seem perfectly healthy, dressed in business suits. But whenever I saw someone in a wheelchair, I only saw a disability, not a person.Then I fainted(昏晕)at Euro Disney due to low blood pressure. This was the first time I had ever fainted, and my parents said that I must rest for a while after first aid. I agreed to take it easy but, as I stepped toward the door, I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction! Feeling the color burn my cheeks, I asked him to wheel that thing right back to where he found it.I could not believe this was happening to me. Wheelchairs were fine for other people but not for me, as my father wheeled me out into the main street, people immediately began to treat me differently.Little kids ran in front of me, forcing my father to stop the wheel chair suddenly. Bitterness set in as I was thrown back and forth. “Stupid kidsthey have perfectly good legs. Why cant they watch where they are going?” I thought. People stared down at me, pity in their eyes. Then they would look away, maybe because they thought the sooner they forgot me the better.“Im just like you!” I wanted to scream. “The only difference is youve got legs, and I have wheels.”People in wheelchairs are not stupid. They see every look and hear each word. Looking out at the faces, I finally understood: I was once just like them. I treated people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated. I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are truly disabled.53、The author oncewhen she was healthy.A、laughed at disabled peopleB、looked down upon disabled peopleC、imagined herself sitting in a wheelchairD、saw some healthy people moving around in wheelchairs54、Facing the wheelchair for the first time, the author.A、felt curious about itB、got ready to move around in it right awayC、refused to accept it right awayD、thought it was ready for his father55、From this passage we can infer that.A、the author will never stand up againB、little kids will not look down upon the disabled from now onC、all the people in wheelchairs are disabledD、the author learned a lot about how the people in wheelchairs feel when they are treated differently56、Which is the best title for this passage?A、How to Get Used to WheelchairsB、The Wheels Are as Good as Two LegsC、People with Two Legs Are Truly HealthyD、The Difference between Healthy People and the DisabledEWhat will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question, you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio-technology(生物技术). With the help of new medicine, the human body will last a very long time. Death will e mainly from accidents, murder and war. Todays leading killers, such as heart disease, cancer, and aging itself, will bee distant memories.In discussion of technological changes, the Internet gets most of the attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells(细胞) are the basic units of all living things, and until recently, scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond l20 years because the basic materials of cells, such as those of brain cells, would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100, medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so, people will be able to take medicine to repair their organs ( The medicine, made up of the basic building materials of life, will build new brain cells, heart cells, and so onin much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.It is exciting to imaging that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic condition of human existence, but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.57、According to the passage, human death IS now mainly caused by .A、diseases and agingB、accidents and warC、accidents and aging D、heart disease and war58、In the author s opinion, todays most important advance in technology lies in .A、medicineB、the InternetC、brain cells D、human organ59、Humans may live longer in the future because .A、heart disease will be far away from usB、human brains can decide the final deathC、the basic materials of cells will last foreverD、human organs can be repaired by new medicine60、We can learn from the passage that .A、human life will not last more than 120 years in the futureB、humans have to take medicine to build new skin cells nowC、much needs to be done before humans can have a longer lifeD、we have already solved the technical problems in building new cells第二节补全对话(下面选项中有2项是多余的)Im going to leave for the airport in half an hour. Can I have a word with you first?Yes, sure. 61 Oh, just a week. Im going to see some new designs. Now youll remember to shut the windows every evening, wont you? 62 Dont worry.And dont forget to lock all the doors when you leave. 63 OK, well, I must get ready. Look at the weather. Its going to rain again. 64 They say its quite warm and sunny. 65 Dont forget Im not going to have a holiday there but just to work. Now I think I must be leaving now.A、No, I wont.B、Yes, I will.C、Lucky you!D、Take care all the way!E、When are you going to leave for Italy?F、How long are you going to stay in Italy?G、Whats the weather like in Italy at this time of year?第二卷(共55分)第一节单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)66、You can(澄清)this question if you study British history.67、He found that it came from the river(污染)by the dirty water from London. 68、Youll live in a town close to the countryside in England in a(带家具的)house. 69、Hakings hands shook(不断地) 70、Wang Ping(系牢)my safety belt and showed me how to use it.71、Only a few friends(参加)their wedding.72、She(吵架)with her brother about the terms of their fathers will.73、We should look at every(方面)of the problem.74、She is not(乐观的)about the oute. 75、Many(代表)of the older generation were there.第二节短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)It is five years now since I graduate from No.3 High76. School. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held a77. get-together, which took us a long time prepare. I 78. was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody79. and setted a good time for all of us. We all enjoyed 80. this precious day great , remembering the time we spent 81. together and the people they were familiar with. It was 82. a pity which some of us were not present as they had 83. gone abroad for further studies, but they called back 84. or sent greeting card from different places. 85. 第三节书面表达(30分)假如你是吴晶,五一假期返校后,给朋友王兴写封感谢信。要点如下:1.感谢他为你安排一周愉快的假期;2.简单回忆假期的愉快生活,感谢对方陪你游玩了许多地方;3.认为他母亲厨艺精湛,做的饭菜美味可口;4.再次感谢,并希望保持联系。欢迎他有机会来你校游玩。(100词左右)

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