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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit3WeletoSunshineTownStudyskills学案新版牛津版l 学习目标知识目标1.能讨论一次外出计划,恰当表达自己的想法。能力目标:1.能了解单词重音的概念及其重要性。2.能识别单词重音符号、重音模式并能掌握重音的朗读方法。情感目标:学会正确表达自己的观点,关爱同学。l 学习重点1.学会总结句子结构,运用句子结构。l 学习难点学会用不同的重音正确表达自己的观点,关爱同学。l 课前自学一、阅读书37页Speak up的对话内容三遍。回答问题:What can Simon and Will see at the Palace Museum?When will they meet at school tomorrow?二、讨论:仿照B部分对话内容,编写一个谈论外出游玩计划的对话。(名胜景点,可做的事,汇合时间地点以及其他计划。)三、阅读书38页A部分的单词,注意重音提示。四、练习朗读B部分单词。寻找重音的位置。l 课堂检测一下阅读下列单词,并按重音分类:underground, pollution, country, example, until, souvenir, western, theatre. 重音在第一个音节: 重音在第二个音节: 重音在第三个音节: 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.We hope _(join) the Music Club.2.Everybody_(be)here now. Lets begin our meeting.3.We look forward to _(see) the great man.4.Id like you _(read)the letter for me.5.We are happy _(be)here with you.6.Walk down the street, the _(enter)to the cinema will be on your right.7.-_it _(rain)tomorrow?-I hope not.三.完型填空I was walking down the road one day when my phone rang. A childs voice on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please e back soon. I miss you so much!” I thought that it was a wrong number. A short while later, the call came once again, so I 1 impolitely, “Youve called the wrong number!” and then hung up. During the 2 days, I often got the same call. But I didnt care much about it. Then one day she kept calling me,3_I didnt answer. Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “Dad, please e back. I miss you so much! Dad, Im in so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take care of me. But, dad, please 4_me again, OK?” It was _5_to refuse(拒绝) the innocent(天真的)ask. I made a_6_kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank youDad, I am sohappy, sohappy.” Shortly after this, I became curious about who it was on the other end of my phone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to 7_ you. My daughter has had bone cancer since she was born. And her fatherdied in a car8_ two weeks ago. I didnt want to tell her the news. Poor baby. When she couldnt stand(忍受) the painful chemotherapy(化疗), she would cry for her dad because her dad_9 encouraged her. I really dont know what to do, so I gave her a random(随意的) phone number” “How is your daughter now?” I couldnt wait to ask. “She has died. You must have kissed her on the phone, because she died _10_ a smile, tightly holding the cell phone.” Tears full of my eyes.1.A. spoke B. told C. returned D. answered2. A. other B. frontC. followingD. ing3. A. butB. andC. ifD. so 4. A. look afterB. kissC. helpD. support5.A. different B. difficult C. easy D.unusual6. A. softlyB. sweetC. lowerD. wisely7. A. troubleB. askC. stopD. reach8. A. testsB. eventC. accidentD. activity9.A.seldomB. sometimesC. neverD. always10. A. withB. hadC. woreD. Stayed参考答案:一、重音在第一个音节:country, western, theatre. 重音在第二个音节:pollution ,example, until,重音在第三个音节:underground,souvenir, 二、1.to join 2.is. 3. seeing 4. to read 5.to be6. entrance 7.Will,rain三、1-5DCACB 610 BACDA

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