2019年高三一轮复习 辅导与测试 第2部分 第10讲 专题创新演练.doc

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2019年高三一轮复习 辅导与测试 第2部分 第10讲 专题创新演练.用所给词的适当形式填空1At the corner of the street,there_a pretty girl with long hair.(stand)解析:stands。考查倒装。句意:在街道的拐角处站着一位长发女孩。there be句型是全部倒装的一种情况。be常被stand,lie等词替换,此时倒装用法不变。2Food will last longer if_in a closed container.(keep)解析:kept。考查省略。句意:如果贮藏在密封的容器里,食物便能保持比较久的时间。此处为省略句,if kept相当于if food is kept。3What we have to admit is that never in the past thirty years_ China _so greatly as today.(change)解析:has;changed。考查倒装。句意:我们不得不承认的是,在过去的三十年里,中国从没像今天这样变化巨大。否定词放在句首时句子要部分倒装;“in the past时间段”作时间状语时,谓语要用现在完成时。4You can go to the party with us if you_.(want)解析:want to。考查不定式省略。句意:你可以和我们一起去晚会,如果你想去的话。当不定式所表示的内容在上文已经出现时,为避免重复,不定式中的动词及其后续部分常被省略而只保留to;当to后是be动词时要保留be动词。5He paused as if_a way to phrase his next thoughts.(find)解析:to find。考查省略。句意:他顿了一下,像是在考虑接下去要说的该怎样来措词。此处as if引导的句子,其对应的完整形式是as if he wanted to find a way to phrase his next thoughts。6It was not until spring xx,when Sarah and Brown shared a flight from London to Washington,_they got to know each other properly.解析:that。考查强调句。句意:直到xx年春天,Sarah和Brown同乘由伦敦到华盛顿的航班时,两人才充分地了解了对方。分析句子成分可知,此处是not.until的强调句式,句中缺少that。7Liu Jia cant answer the question.Neither_Peter.解析:can。考查倒装。句意:刘佳答不上这个问题?Peter也回答不上来。当so/neither/nor位于句首时,要用部分倒装,谓语部分的助动词要和前句的助动词一致,故填can。8Only after it had been carefully counted all_he _ the money had been given out.(realize)解析:did;realize。考查倒装。句意:只有仔细点过钱之后他才意识到所有的钱都已经被分发完了。only状语放在句首,此时主句要用部分倒装,且由had been carefully counted可知,应用过去时。9He waited and waited all the time.Then _ an invition to Martinique.It was a chance of a lifetime.(e)解析:came。考查完全倒装。句意:他一直等啊等,然后到马提尼克岛的请柬到了。这真是一个千载难逢的机会。当把then,out,in,down,up,away,here,there等副词置于句首时,句子要用完全倒装。10My brother is a good photographer.Taking pictures of landmarks like the Chicago Water Tower_one of his strengths.(be)解析:is。考查主谓一致。句意:我哥哥很会拍照。拍地标,比如芝加哥水塔,是他的强项之一。单个动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。11Each man and each woman in the neighboring villages_a bad opinion of him,but he is spoken better of by the village leaders.(have)解析:has。考查主谓一致。句意:邻近村庄的每个人都对他印象不好,但是村领导对他的评价颇高。“every. and every.”,“each.and each.”等结构作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;且根据空后的is可知,应用一般现在时。.单句改错1Looking after children and doing cooking is her main jobs after retirement._2All the explorers, including my brotherinlaw, is leaving for Tibet next week._ 3Here are one pair of new glasses for my deskmate,for her old glasses are broken._4I,who is your true friend,do hope to give you as much help as I can._5The police is ing to look into the case of the Agricultural Bank being robbed._6The report says that most of the electronic games is not helpful to children,s study._7Every boy and every girl have the right to be educated in public schools._8Two fifths of the land in that district are covered with trees and grass._9Three quarters of their money are spent in building express roads,railways and so on._10Three fourths of the Olympic Games volunteers is university students in Beijing._11Mr.Wang said that the job was important and we should try our best to do it._12Have you ever been to Hong Kong before?Never to._13When are offered some immediate help, it,s always polite of you to say a simple “Thank you.”_14The road is designed for only motor vehicles, so once it opened, bicycles are not allowed to go along it._15No matter how frequently explaining, the maths problem could not be understood by some of the students._16A hero as he is, the young PLA soldier remains to be modest._17So curious were the couple about Tibet and they decided to go on a trip to the mysterious place next spring._18Mary seldom does any reading when she goes to bed in the evening, nor is her parents._19It was at the school gate where we gave the foreign visitors a warm wele._20“Do careful with your spelling,” the woman teacher often said to us._答案:1.is改为are2.is改为are3.第一个are改为is4.is改为am5.is改为are6.is改为are7.have改为has8.are改为is9.are改为is10.is改为are11.and后加that12.删去第二个to13.删去are或者在are后加you14.删去第一个it或者在it后加is15.explaining改为explained16.删去A17.and改为that18.is改为do19.where改为that20.在Do后加be.短文填空(1)在下面短文中的空白处填上适当的词,使短文意思通顺The door of a popular coffee bar in central Delhi1._(be) seldom shut for long as a steady stream of customers walk in and out.Many of them 2._(be) youngsterscollege students and young working people wanting to relax over a cup of coffee.“Without being disturbed, you can sit for a long time and have a cup of coffee, and chat;nobody 3._(disturb) you here,”said a girl.“You can sit, talk and spend time here, and have a cup of coffee, hang out with your friends, nice time,”added another customer.“Basically the setting and the fact that you can sit here, relaxed. They actually allow you to relax, thats the thing,” a girl said.“I get to meet a lot of people here.”“Young people 4._(be) looking for a place where they can hang out, let down their hair, and have a good time, and the coffee 5._(be) a good excuse to bring them together. It made coffee far more easily reached,” said another young boy.The coffee culture 6._(have) been spreading rapidly in recent years as coffee bars began rapidly increasing in Indian towns and cities.It is a trend that has been repeated in some of the traditional teadrinking cultures of East Asia, such as China and Hong Kong.The results 7._(have) been great:home use of coffee last year increased by nearly onethird, from 60,000 to 80,000 tons.That is good news for the coffee industry, which 8._(be) recovering from a fiveyear crisis. Indian coffee growers, who 9._(export) threequarters of their produce,10._(be) hit hard for it at that time.Although the export market11._(have) now recovered, the growers hope to make some of their ines in the home market in the future.The success of cafes in India has attracted the attention of international chains. US. coffee giant Starbucks12._(be) exploring possible partners, and says it wants to enter the country by the end of the year.答案:1.is2.are3.disturbs4.are5.is6.has7.have8.is9.export10.were11.has12.is(2)在下面短文中的空白处填上适当的词,使短文意思通顺Sometimes I think my father loves his dog more than he loves us.1._a few days,I observed everything I could about him and the dog.The dog never receives direct orders. What he hears are 2._(suggest),“Would you like to go to the shop with me?Pluto,would you like me 3._(feed)you now?Shall we go for a walk?” Whats amazing is,Pluto 4._ understand everything dad says.Their munication is 5._ near to being perfect as possible.And its not just Pluto 6._understands,its dad,too.Each seems to know what the 7._needs at any time.Never once 8._ I heard anyone shout at Pluto or even raise their voices. And then there is the fact that they are always together.Dogs love to play and need to get lots of exercise.I have noticed that Dad reserves some special walks just for him and Pluto.This is 9._he calls hisalone timethat time of the day 10._no human being can disturb his thinking.It works!1For2.suggestions3.to feed4.does/can5.as6.that/who7.other8.have9.what10.when


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