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2019-2020年高二英语6月阶段练习试题一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 第一节:听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats the woman crazy about? A. The bad traffic in the morning. B. The early working time in her office. C. The construction in front of the building.2. What is the woman doing? A. Remending some places to the man. B. Asking for advice from the man. C. Leaving on her trip to Asia.3. What is the man going to do? A. Talk to more soldiers. B. Organize the information. C. Collect more information. 4. What will the speakers do tonight? A. Prepare for an exam. B. Go to a celebration. C. Go to a hospital.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At a clinic. B. At a furniture store. C. In a gym. 第二节:听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What class will the man have this afternoon? A. Politics. B. History. C. Biology. 7. What does the woman say about the cafeteria? A. She likes the variety of food there. B. She doesnt think the food there is too bad. C. She thinks it is too crowded there.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where does the conversation take place? A. At the airport. B. At the Lost and Found. C. At a railway station. 9. How many pieces of luggage does the woman have? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.10. What color is the large suitcase? A. Brown. B. Gray. C. Blue.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What does the woman ask the information for? A. For some surveys. B. For a meeting. C. For a class project.12. What sport is the 36-to-45 age groups second choice? A. Jogging. B. Tennis. C. Skiing.13. In which age group are men a bit more active than women? A. The 18-to-26 age group. B. The 27-to-35 age group. C. The 46-to-55 age group.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. How does the man know the shop? A. From a friend. B. From the newspaper. C. From the Internet.15. Who does the man like most? A. Jimmy Hendrix. B. Jimmy Page. C. Fender.16. Why is the Jimmy Pages guitar so expensive? A. His signature is on it. B. It was played at his 1970 show. C. It is the only Fender in the store.17. What does the man plan to buy? A. A Fender used by Jimmy Page. B. A latest model of classic guitar. C. A small guitar for a beginner.听第10段材料,回答18至20题。18. What should international students do when they get to college in America? A. Take out a medical insurance policy. B. Ask the college to remend a doctor. C. Get a check-up.19. According to the man, what is the standard form of medical care in America? A. Public clinics. B. College clinics. C. Private doctors.20. What should international students bring when they go to America? A. Their health records. B. The contact information of their doctors. C. Medicine.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. The transformation of Chinas economy is at the turning point. However, within every challenge _. A. opportunity lie B. does opportunity lie C. do opportunities lie D. lies opportunity 22 - The clock isnt working properly.- Why not _ fixing it?A. have go for B. having a go atC. having go forD. have a go at23. As the worlds two most populous countries and major emerging economies, China and India, during Xis visit to India, _ a strategic blueprint for cooperation over the ing decade. A. hatch out B. laid out C. lay out D. cut out24. Migrant workers, who have _ a wealth of experience and capital after years of hard work in cities, are encouraged to return to start business of their own, contributing to balanced development between urban and rural areas.A. acmodated B. admitted C. attracted D. accumulated25Many education experts stressed at the meeting that scores should not be viewed as the only _ of success in ones study Ainstruction Bcriterion Cproportion D trick26. In xx, such important reform policies associated with the interests of the general public were introduced in China _almost each person could benefit from in life. A. when B. that C. where D. as27. Global oil prices_ since June as demand weakens in China and Europe while output in the United States grows steadily.A. fell B. had fallen C. were falling D. have been falling28. _ the doors were closed and that all the lights were off, the man left the office for home.A. CheckedB. Having checkedC. To be checked D. Checking29. Not until I knew much about the Nanjing Massacre, the foreigner says, _ the significance of setting the National Memorial Day. A. had I understood B. did I understand C. I have understood D. I understood30. If you pletely _ foods and drinks that you love,youll only set yourself up to go on a large amount of those items later, which is inefficient in losing weight. Atake out Bcut out Cgive out Dput out31. The shooting death of Michael Brown,an 18-year-old black man,who was fatally shot by a police officer,has _ a media firestorm across the US since Aug 9 Aset up Bset out Cset aside Dset off32. One way for students to prevent H7N9 flu virus is to open the windows of the classroom to allow the air to _. A. accumulate B. circulate C. calculate D. accelerate33. Many local citizens wrote to the mayor, plaining that the police were always failing to take adequate measures to _ the growth in crime. A. decline B. quit C. reject D. check34. - The role of management in the first stage of a bands career should not be underestimated.- Thats true. Inefficient management makes life very difficult for everybody, artists, record panies, agents and promoters _. Aagain Bahead Calike Daltogether35. - Are you aware that Jack is so soul-destroying as living from day to day with no purpose ?- _. His failing in the recent job interview made him feel blue and he just turned to food and drink for fort. A. Who knows? B. Forget it C. How e? D. Hardly surprising第二节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题历给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was a terrible day. Snow had been falling all day long making the trip 36 . I would rather have been in my warm home than drive along on such a cold day, but I didnt have a 37 . I had to have my paper work handed in and then 38 my son.The snow continued to fall as we drove along for the 15-mile trip back home. I slowed the car and 39 at my son in his heavy coat as he looked 40 out of the window with a blank expression. In the 41 of the world he was looked upon as a mentally disabled child. 42 , over the years what I saw was a beautiful, kind and 43 soul. He had shown me more about love than I could have ever 44 on my own.I slowed the car even more as we 45 a sharp curve (弯). As we rounded it I saw a shivering (颤抖的), young woman in a 46 jacket walking in the snow storm. I pulled over and let her in. She was heading for her Moms house to visit her 47 whom she hadnt seen for months. She had experienced a lot of disappointments and 48 . Yet, she still held out hope for a new job and tried to 49 a new life for her son and herself.I took her as 50 as I was able to and dropped her off. She thanked me for the 51 and I told her I wished I could have done more to help. Then as we were about to leave, my sweet son took off his coat, 52 down the window and gave it to her. She put it on, smiled and 53 to us as we pulled out on the road.In this world we will 54 many problems and challenges. Sometimes it seems that our entire lives are a trip down a curvy and dangerous road. Yet the power of 55 takes us straight back to a broad smooth highway. 36. A. smoothB. funnyC. riskyD. special 37. A. changeB. choiceC. reasonD. chance 38. A. call onB. look afterC. seek forD. pick up 39. A. glancedB. laughedC. staredD. shouted 40. A. excitedlyB. peacefullyC. sadlyD. fearfully 41. A. historyB. developmentC. eyesD. systems 42. A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. MeanwhileD. Besides 43. A. dirtyB. sensitiveC. painfulD. merciful 44. A. dreamedB. learnedC. concludedD. ignored 45. A. expectedB. leftC. approachedD. discovered 46. A. newB. heavyC. fortableD. light 47. A. sonB. daughterC. motherD. Father 48.A. adventuresB. puzzlesC. tragediesD. battles 49. A. predictB. sufferC. saveD. build 50. A. farB. longC. soonD. much 51. A. moneyB. coatC. liftD. gift 52. A. burnedB. rolledC. toreD. shut 53. A. criedB. pointedC. wroteD. waved 54. A. faceB. overeC. createD. bear 55. A. natureB. loveC. mindsD. wills第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Driving in traffic can be extremely stressful. Pedestrians(行人) appear out of nowhere, cars suddenly pull out of parking spots, and roads bee slippery due to rain or snow. Knowing when to brake and when to accelerate in such situations is hard enough for a human driver, let alone a robotic one. But several carmakers and a few tech panies are working to convince drivers to let driverless cars take the wheel. Without question, the most anticipated(期盼的、预期的) benefit of driverless cars is improved safety. Driverless systems will feature sensors(传感器、探测设备) that detect safety threats that human drivers might miss. Many carmakers already offer systems that alert drivers whenever they get dangerously close to other cars. Also, driverless systems have the benefit of increased efficiency. Driverless cars wont waste as much gas as human drivers do, and guided by advanced GPS, theyll always take the fastest route. Once driverless cars bee widely available, mon people can have their own driver, and theyll just sit back and relax while their cars puter takes the wheel! Although pletely driverless cars wont be on the market for several years, the technology behind them is already appearing in phases. Two examples are the Active Lane Keeping Assist option for Mercedes-Benz cars and Fords Traffic Jam Assist. In the first option, the system warns the driver whenever the car crosses lane markings by causing the steering wheel to vibrate(振动). In the second option, the system helps the car keep pace with other cars while remaining in its current lane. The system is being developed to help relieve blocking on busy roads. Several carmakers claim that theyll produce driverless cars within the next decade. But critics arent so sure, warning that a pletely driverless car must be able to make split-second decisions in even the most plex traffic situations. In addition, the cars puter must bee smart enough to know when to ask the driver to intervene (介入,干涉) to prevent an accident. Full government approval wont happen until driverless cars are proven safe. In the meantime, expect to see carmakers offer ever-smarter features on their new models.56. According to the passage, the following statements are true except that _. A. driverless system has two main benefits-improved safety and increased efficiency B. when car with the Active Lane Keeping Assist crosses the lane markings, the steering wheel will vibrate C. driverless cars wont be on the market until they can make split-second decisions and know when to ask the driver to intervene D. Carmakers will get the approval of government as long as they offer ever-smarter features on their new models57. The authors tone towards the driverless system can most probably be described as _A. tense and anxious B. light and optimistic C. matter-of-fact D. Indifferent and bored B Dear Faculty and Staff,We are scheduled to play a football game at 6 p.m on Thursday, October 2nd against the University of Central Florida. This game will be televised nationally on ESPN. Scheduling is determined by factors mostly outside of our control. The good news is that the University of Houston game has a reach of over 100 million homes. The bad news is that having a game on a Thursday will create numerous parking inconveniences for everyone. By next year, we intend to build additional parking and find other viable solutions. This year we must manage the challenges as best as possible. After considerable consultation, we have reached the following arrangement for parking on October 2nd. While it is far from perfect, we hope it will minimize disruption(干扰、扰乱) on campus and still afford a great experience to our donors (who donate to academics as well as sports), students and fans.Foe everyone: All classes will be held as scheduled unless noted otherwise by individual faculty.For Staff: If your work allows you to work from home, you may seek your supervisors permission and work from home starting at 3 p.m on Thursday.For Faculty/Staff who normally park in the Stadium Garage: Please feel free to park in the Stadium Garage until 3 p.m. This timeframe will acmodate most of the classes on Thursday afternoon. If you need to keep your car on campus after 3 p, please park in the alternative lot provided to you on campus (Wele Center Garage)ge by 3 p.m. I have extended the time for as long as possible in hope that you will honor my request and vacate the garage. Exits are scheduled to be blocked off at 3p.mFor Faculty/Staff who normally park in surface lots 12A, 12B and 9C: You may park in any un-gated, economy or ERP lot.Athletics will issue game day parking instructions seperately for students and fans.This is the only game scheduled on Thursday with one-additional game on Friday evening this year. We realize we may have to play one or two weekday game every year, and therefore, we intend to build additional parking. However, until then, I ask everyone to give a little bit of their convenience for the greater good of all for one day.For more information, visit uh. Edu/pts/parkgameday.htmThank you for understanding our growing pains and thank you for your patience.58. What type of writing is the article likely to be? A. E-mail on campus B. Project introduction C. Research report D. A news report59. According to the article, which of the following is not true ? A. The university will have a football game on October 2nd against the University of Central Florida B. Holding he game will bring a great deal of parking inconvenience for everyone C. Despite considerable construction, the arrangement is not nearly perfect D. The university used o hold one or wo games on weekdays annually60. The article is intended to _. A. Announce a football game on October 2nd B. Tell the students about their class schedule C. inform the faculty and staff the parking arrangement on the game day D. Calling on the whole staff to do their part for building additional parking C An international group of coffee experts has rated Ethiopias coffee as the best in the world. Coffee is a top export for the country. At home, it is a source of national pride. Ethiopians feel good about their coffee, and enjoying a drink with friends is a longstanding tradition.International coffee experts travel the world to find the best tasting cup of coffee. They keep returning to Ethiopia. Some people say the climate produces quality beans. Morton Wennersgarrd is a coffee importer.You have different ancient varieties referred to as Ethiopian heirdom(承袭者,传人). They are grown in places with perfect soil, perfect altitude, and micro climates that are really suitable for coffee processing, such as drying and things like that.Finding the best quality beans is often an issue of taste. The intense process is known as cupping - tasting and paring coffee from different roasted beans, grading and then pricing them.But before international experts e to taste, coffee beans are studied in small coffee laboratories. Helen Assefa, a lab technician, describes the process.When the coffee es to the lab, we assess the coffee quality first by recording the details. Then we weigh the moisture(潮湿,潮气) level and we screen the beans for analysis. After that we grind(碾碎) the coffee beans and taste the samples. At the end we check for defective beans.Mubarik Abaoli is a lab worker. He says the testing is a very difficult and lengthy process.We sort out the defects manually, by hand. And we sort out the defect according to the defect types. The types are immature, paste damage, foxy, black - all has to be sorted out according to the severity of the defects.Ethiopia is making big profits on its coffee reputation with exports to more than 120 countries. The country has an export revenue of more than $840 million a year.But not all the best coffee leaves Ethiopia. Forty percent of the coffee grown in the country stays there. It remains an important part of everyday life at work, at home and at ceremonies just to celebrate that special cup.61. From the passage we can know Ethiopia produces the best coffee for the following reasons EXCEPT _. A. it has places with social and altitude perfect for quality beans B. its micro climate is drying, suitable for coffee processing C. Ethiopians have a long history of drinking coffee with friends D. it has strict process such as assessing and testing62. The writer quotes Helen Assefa and Mubarik Abaoli _. A. to indicate Ethiopia are proud of their coffee B. to explain is top expert for Ethiopia C. to prove their importance in the process D. to show the details of their intense process 63. What do the last two paragraphs tell us ? A. Ethiopias economy all depends on coffee expert. B. Ethiopia has made enough profits, so they keep 40 percent of their coffee fpr themselves C. Ethiopia keeps exporting coffee to over 120 American countries. D. Coffee counts in Ethiopias life, work and on other occasions.64. Which title may best give the main idea of the passage? A. Experts Decide Ethiopia Has Best Coffee B.Ethiopia Makes Big Profit on Coffee C. Ethiopia Are Proud Of Their Coffee D. International Experts Travel to Find the Worlds Best Coffee DCan it really be sixty-two years ago that I first saw you? It is truly a lifetime, I know. But as I gaze into your eyes now, it seems like only yesterday that I first saw you, in that small cafe in Hanover Square. From the moment I saw you smile, as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby. I knew. I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you. I still think of how foolish I must have looked, as I gazed at you, that first time. I remember watching you intently, as you took off your hat and loosely shook yo


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