2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English教案与反思 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English教案与反思 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English教案与反思 人教新目标版Period ILanguage Goal: Identify the things around you.New words:room pen ruler orange jacket key quilt map; Whats, this, its, a, anPhrases:in English an orange.Structure: -Whats this in English? -Its a/anActivity: Guessing game; Make conversations.Tool:Section A 1a挂图;字母卡片A,B,R,O,M。Learning & Teaching procedurePurposeStep I Warm-upT:Good morning. How are you?Ss: Im fine. Thanks. And you?T:Im OK. 用前一单元所学的日常交际语言进行语言热身。Step II Guessing game (letter A,B,R,O,M)T: Show a part of a letter and ask: Whats this? Let Ss answer like: I think its.And then show the whole letter to check the answer. Write the letters R,O,O,M on the Bb and ask: Whats this?Ss: Its room. Show the picture of Section A 1a on the Bb.T: Look at the picture. Its Alices picture. There are many things in her room. Look, whats this in English? Get Ss answer like: Its a/an Learn the new sentence and 8 new words: room/u:/, pen/e/, ruler/u:/, orange/D/, jacket/I/, key/i:/, quilt/I/ and map/. Pay attention to their pronunciation. ndr I Pay attention to “an orange” ,we should read like: / nDrI nd/用Guessing形式引出单词room,并对whats this?Its句型产生印象。重点学习whats句型和图片中出现的新单词,在黑板上标注元音字母的发音,学习拼读方法。特别要注意an orange 的连读方法。Step III ListeningListen for the first time. Ask Ss to pay attention to the intonation and the sentence stress. Make some marks like “ ” ,” ”and “” .Whats this in English?Its an orange./ nDrI nd/Whats this in English?Its a map. Listen for the second time. Repeat the sentences. 让学生感知四句话的语调和重读,在跟读的时候尽量跟磁带上的一样。Step I PairworkLet Ss make conversations in pairs by the things in Section A 1a. Then act out in front of the classroom.让学生在全班面前展示自己的语言,体验成功的快感。Step IV Homework:Make the conversation with partner by using the school things.Draw a picture of your own room.反思:1, 从猜字母引出room单词,学生兴趣很大,积极性也比较高,再由room导出新单词,过渡也比较自然,在八个新单词的教授中,jacket中jacket/d/的和quilt中的/kwI/比较难,多听丝带,多模仿几遍。2, 听力部分中,语调和重读都模仿时还可以,就是an orange./ nDrI nd/发音有些困难。在学生自己做pairwork的还是要多提醒语调和重读的地方。Period IILanguage Goal: Identify things;Letter I-RNew words:P; NBA/CBA; kg/km;Phrases:in English an orange.Structure: -Whats this in English? -Its a/an Letter I-R;Activity: Introduce Ss own room.Learning & Teaching procedurePurposeStep I Warm-upT:Good morning. How are you?Ss: Im fine. Thanks. And you?T:Im OK. T:I have some special pictures to show you. Look , are they beautiful?. Ss: Yes.T:Look at this one first. Its S1s room. S1, Whats this in English?S1:Its a quilt.T:And whats this in English?S1:Its a jacket.Let Ss ask and answer in pairs by their own room. Let Ss pay attention to “a “and “an”, learn how to use them. “a” 用于辅音因素开头的单词前,而“an”用于元音因素开头的单词前。 Get Ss find some nouns after “an” that they kwon. For example, egg, elephant, apple, engineer, accountant用日常交际语言进行语言热身,同时,利用昨天的家庭作业,对昨天所学重点单词和句型进行复习。Step II Listening and presentationT:Turn to page 9, Activity 4a. Look at these pictures, fill in the blank with the miss letter. Listen to the tape for the first time, number the pictures. Listen for the second time, repeat the words. Check the missing letters together. In order to learn the new letters. T: Look at ruler first, the missing letter is “L”, can you write the big letter and the small letter in right way?Draw four lines on the blackboard, let Ss write big letters and small letters from I to R. Check the letters and finish Activity 2b and 2d.Learn the pronunciations of the new letters.IiI Jj d3eI Kk keI Ll el Mm em Nn en Oo u P p pi: Q q kju: R r :(r) Listen and repeat the letters. Check the pronunciations. Finish Activity 2c.Make sure to pronunciations the same as the tape.在已经复习单词的情况下,完成4a就轻而易举了。学习新字母Ii-Rr,并学习他们的发音。Step III GuessingGuess the meanings of the letters in Activity 3.P= Parking;NBA/CBA:kg/km学习缩略词,并加入一些常见的,相近的,如km,CBA。Step IV Game Let Ss listen and draw lines between the letters you hear. Listen and answer the question:” Whats this in English?” 反思:1, 对于自己同学画的房间图片,很感兴趣,复习昨天的句型和单词,比较顺畅,只是关于quilt,和an orange的连读发音,是昨天课堂中比较难的发音,很多同学已经忘记,发不正确;2, 讲授字母音标时,J,O,R,发音不正确,要改变他们小学里习惯了的发音,有点困难,还需以后的反复操练。Period IIILanguage Goal: Spell words New words:spell,please;Structure: -Whats this in English? -Its a key -Spell it, please. K-E-Y.Activity: Make conversations.Learning & Teaching procedurePurposeStep I Warm-up and lead-inT:Good morning. How are you?Ss: Im fine. Thanks. And you?T:Im OK. T:I have some things to show you. Look , Whats this in English?. Ss: Its an orange.T:Yes, O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. I can spell it. Can you spell it?T:Whats this in English?S1:Its a key.T:Spell it, please. Pay attention to / spelIt /. / spelIt / / pli:z /Ss: K-E-Y (When we spell the word, we should use big letters and “-”)用日常交际语言进行语言热身,同时,展示一些随手可得的事物,如ruler,pen,key,orange等实物,学习新句型Spell it,please。Step II Listening and repeatT:Turn to page10, Section B 1a. Look at the picture, Helen and Eric are talking about the key. Lets listen to the tape for the first time, Mark the sentence stress, then ,for the second time, mark the intonation. Whats this in English? Its a key, Spell it , please. K- E- Y. Listen for the third time, repeat the sentences.做听力时,听三遍,第一遍,标注重读音,第二遍,标注升降调,第三遍,再让学生进行repeat,校正学生的发音,同时增强学生的口语能力。Step III PairworkLet Ss ask and answer in pairs with the things: key, orange, pen, ruler, map, jacket, orange, and other school thing, like eraser, backpack, pencil case .让学生用刚学的语音语调,现学现卖,利用实物做对话操练。Step III ListeningFinish Activity 3a and 3b. 复习字母AaRr。Step IV Listen and repeatT:We have learn four vowel letters. Theyre A,E,I,O. look at the chart and read after the tape.T: We know letter A pronounced /eI/ and / in different situations. Letter E pronounced /e/ and /i:/ in different situations. What about letter I? look at the chart on the blackboard.IiOofine /a I /nice, likego/ u /Sonia,thosemike / I /six,sisterorange/ D/not, dog T: Look at “fine”, here “i” pronounced /a I /,so how to read” nice”? Let Ss try to read the words that next to “fine”, and find more words like these in the “Words and Expressions in Each Unit”.复习A 和E的发音状况,学习另外两个元音字母I和O的发音状况,探索他们的发音规律。 反思:这堂课的发音难点在Spell it的连读,在前课中已对an orange的连读有所认识,所以学生学起来教快,但依然需要反复操练予以加强。在page11,Activity 4 Listen and repeat中,运用黑板上的表格是一种比较有效的教学方法,如I,先知道fine中“i”的发音,由fine,得出旁边nice,like的正确读法,再组织一个小竞赛,让学生从生词表中去寻找字母“i”发/a I /的单词,若找错,立刻让其他同学判断错误的原因。这个方法,学生的反应很热烈。


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