2019年高一英语12月月考试题 .doc

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2019年高一英语12月月考试题一、听力(201分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where was the boy hiding? A. Behind the door.B. Under the bed.C. In the closet.2.What will the man do during winter break? A. Go skiing.B. Stay home with his dog.C. Visit some overseas friends.3.Where did the man get the vegetables? A. From his school.B. From the munity garden. C. From the grocery store.4.What kind of food does the woman want the man to buy? A. Junk food.B. Cheap food.C. Good quality food.5.What size does the woman need? A. Large.B. Medium.C. Small.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题;每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读二遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.How does the womans family celebrate Christmas? A. They eat turkey.B. They go skating. C. They hold a great party.7.Who might the man be? A. A waiter.B. An actor.C. A reporter.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.When does the man want to go to Mexico? A. In JanuaryB. in February.C. In August.9.What can the speakers find in Mexico during the winter? A. Snow.B. Very hot water.C. Whales.听8段材料,回答10至12题。10.Why does the woman read the book so quickly? A. The story is too exciting. B. She just wants to get it over with. C. She has to return it very soon.11.How many days are there before Saturday? A. Two.B. ThreeC. Four.12.What will the woman do for the rest of the week? A. Read another book. B. Read the book again. C. Write a book review.听第9段材料,回答13至16题。13.Where does the man dream about going? A. To a desert.B. To a big city.C. To a quiet island.14.How long would the man like to be away? A. For around half a year.B. For at least a whole year. C. For about six years.15.What did the young guy in the story do for work? A. He was a travel agent.B. He was a fisherman. C. He ran his own Internet business.16.What does the woman think about the young guys story? A. She is impressedB. She isnt interested at all C. She will do the same thing.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.How long did it take to build the Golden Gate Bridge? A. Three years.B. Four years.C. Seven years.18.What must you bring with you if you decide to visit the Bridge? A. A camera.B. A bike.C. A jacket.19.How many bridges are longer than the Bridge? A. Four.B. Eight.C. Twelve.20.What is true about the Bridge according to the speaker? A. Its not worth visiting now. B. Its still a famous attraction in the world. C. Its the oldest bridge of its kind in the world.二、单项选择(151分)21. Im willing to help, I do not have much time available. A. When B. WhileC. AsD. Because22.Many people fixed their eyes on me when I made that silly mistake, made me rather embarrassed.A. thatB. whoC. whichD. when23.Now that she got married, Kate quitting her job, but she hasnt decided yet. A. had consideredB. has been considering C. consideredD. is going to consider24.We should try every means to protect the area, for it is many wild animals. A. a home toB. homes of C. a home ofD. home to25.The past ten years have the great changes in all fields of our life, especially in the way we municate. A. assumedB. witnessedC. requiredD. expressed26.Little Edward did the kindergarten teachers told him to do. A. whateverB. no matter whatC. wheneverD. wherever27.Researches say that they have found the in support of their conclusion that our brain activities during sleep are similar to those while we are awake. A. mysteryB. incidentC. possibilityD. evidence28.You cant just selling clothes with a long face, which will our customers. A. give awayB. scare awayC. take awayD. put away29.The neighbors reported him the house in a black coat. A. seeingleaveB. seeingleftC. to seeleaveD. to seeleaving30.Life us only once. Therefore, we should make full use of every minute and try to do something useful. A. belongs toB. is belonged to C. is belonging toD. has belonged to31.Im going to see my uncle. He for Beijing tomorrow. A. leavesB. is leavingC. has leftD. is about to leave32.She abroad before.A. is said to have gone B. is said to be goingC. said to go D. said to have gone33.Away before I could say a single word. A. the children ranB. did the children run C. ran the childrenD. had the children run34.The manager will you to visit the big pany next week. A. arrangeB. planC. arrange forD. plan to35.May I go white-water rafting with my friends this weekend, Mom? You are risking your life, arent you?A. Why not?B. What for?C. Have funD. Forget it!三、完形填空(201分)Many years ago I studied in a pubic school in the Philippines. Whenever rain came, rain water went 36 the roof of the classrooms. It was clear that they needed 37 badly.I remember this well. It was raining hard, and classes had to 38 . All of the children and my classmates tried to 39 their parents. For me I knew it will be late 40 my mother would e to pick me up late from the office.The rain 41 harder and I found more flood water seeping(渗漏)through the classroom and began to rise on the 42 .While building a much 43 ground (by stacking(摞起) tables and chairs), I saw my 44 , a young pretty lady, whose skirt was already wet with mud(泥浆)and trash, 45 to remove all the flood water from the room using a bucket(水桶) and 46 it outside the garden. I also 47 that there were some books on the shelves, some were already wet at the bottom, and she was doing her best to 48 the other books. I was moved deeply by her 49 .While crying with tears on my nose, I pulled up the edges of my pants, 50 my shoes, and walked through the flooded classroom. I grabbed(抓住) a plastic bag and tried to remove the flood as 51 as I could.“Go back and wait for your parents. Just 52 it to me,” she said. I continued saying, “But teacher”She immediately hugged(拥抱) me and said, “If you grow 53 , I know you will be a good man and hope you can change everything.”I 54 cry when I remember what she did and her words to me. I dont know where she is now but I love hermy beloved teacher. I am determined to 55 a difference in the future as she mentioned.36.A. beyondB. betweenC. withinD. through37.A. repair B. operation C. protection D. decoration(装饰 装饰物)38.A. continueB. chooseC. stopD. change39.A. depend onB. search forC. turn outD. put down40.A. thoughB. untilC. unlessD. because41.A. pouredB. droppedC. fellD. flowed42.A. roofB. topC. floorD. bottom43.A. lowerB. higherC. thickerD. longer44.A. motherB. friendC. classmateD. teacher45.A. agreeB. preferC. tryD. refuse46.A. throwB. spreadC. keepD. drive47.A. predictedB. answeredC. imaginedD. noticed48.A. buy B. saveC. hideD. cover49.A. thoughtB. successC. actionD. failure50.A. removedB. wore C. cleanedD. lost51.A. earlyB. farC. deepD. fast52.A. passB. leaveC. bringD. offer53.A. wealthyB. strongC. oldD. healthy54.A. stillB. alsoC. evenD. ever55.A. have B. make C. do D. tell四、阅读理解(152分)AWhen I was young, I read many kinds of books, including fairy tales. Most of the books described heroes who were handsome and heroines who were beautiful. So, I believed I had to e beautiful if I wanted to bee a great person.As I grew up, I began to realize outer beauty was not so important to make someone good. I remember a friend of mine, Janie, who was so beautiful that every classmate wanted to talk with her, but she was very arrogant(傲慢的).She believed that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful, but she lost friends one by one. My poor friend! But she learned a good lesson inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. After she learned that, she changed her attitude(态度 看法) and made friends again.Whenever I see TV advertisements(广告), I feel that these things make us believe beauty is very importantespecially physical(身体的) attractiveness(吸引力 魅力). Although we say that inner beauty is more valuable, we often look to plastic surgery to make us more beautiful. There seems to be a boom(流行) in plastic surgery. It is surprising to realize the number of people who try it is increasing day by day.We know good-looking guys usually get higher scores on job interviews. So, what is real beauty? I want to say that inner beauty is the real one because if someone has beauty in his soul(灵魂 心灵), he looks like a really beautiful person.The beauty looked at with eyes doesnt last forever. Instead of concentrating on(专注) outer beauty, we should concentrate on inner beauty. The point is that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. So, if we make the effort to make our minds beautiful, well be happier.56.When the author was young, she thought if he wanted to succeed, . A. she must have good looks. B. she must learn from the heroes C. she had to work hard at her lessons D. she had to read many kinds of books.57.Why did Janie lose friends one by one? A. Because she was too shy. B. Because she wouldnt take their advice. C. Because she looked down upon(瞧不起 轻视) others. D. because she didnt study well at her lessons.58.The underlined phrase“plastic surgery”in Paragraph 4 probably means . A. 化妆B. 整形C. 健身D. 阅读 BWe all know that a developed country can provide better education and career(事业) which you hardly can get in any other country in the world. Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world with a growing economy(经济). One can find many more opportunities(机会) there to build a good career.In order to get a well-paid job in Canada, you need to be an expert(专家) or a professional in a particular field; otherwise, the chance to get a desired job is quite tough(艰难). Many places in Canada like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal are some of the best places to live and work in. Toronto is the largest city in Canada with the population of more than 2.7 million. Toronto was considered as one of the most economically powerful cities in the world. Toronto is the home of banking and financial(金融的) capital of Canada.There are many industries that are making a beeline to invest(投资) in this city due to(由于) the size of the economy, cost and quality of living. In order to get the permanent citizenship in Canada, you need to fulfill certain rules laid down by the government of Canada. These are guidelines one should follow in order to apply for (申请)the citizenship of Canada.You should live in Canada for three to four years before applying for the citizenship and must have the excellent munication skills either in English or French.You should possess(具有) knowledge about Canadian history, culture and political system.Download the immigration application form from the citizenship and immigration website.Fill the application form and send it to the address given by paying the charges applicable as mentioned.After meeting all the requirements(要求), you will receive a notice to take the agreement of citizenship.61. What makes it fairly easy to find a job in Canada? A. Few people would like to work. B. Economy is developing rapidly. C. People have gone to other countries. D. The Canadians are always very helpful.62. People who are most likely to find a good job in Canada are those . A. who work harder than othersB. who want to make more money C. who have professional knowledgeD. who can settle in(定居) Canada forever63. People would like to work in Toronto probably because . A. they are interested in financeB. it is the capital city of Canada C. it is the largest city in the worldD. there are many places of interest64. If you want to bee a citizen(市民) of Canada, you should . A. study for at least two years in Canada B. work in Canada for more than four years C. be familiar with the world history and culture D. be good at municating (交流)with others in French65. What would be the best title for this passage? A. Canada, a Historic Country B. Rules to Be Followed in Canada C. Canada, a Developed and Strong Country D. How People Can Live and Work in CanadaCApplying(申请) to colleges in high school can be exciting, yet stressful at the same time. You might not have the best GPA, or SAT/ACT score, or you might have the wrong people surrounding (围绕)you, like discouraging(使人泄气的) friends or even counselors. In my case, I had to deal with a mentor (导师) who was extremely discouraging.When I started to apply to colleges, I decided to get some advice from the mentor at the school career center. I laid out all the colleges I wanted to attend and showed her my grades. She immediately shot down some of the colleges, and told me I couldnt get into them. Cal Poly SLO was one of my choices and she told me straight off, “You shouldnt apply there. Youre not going to get in. (被录取) ” She then laid out a new set of colleges that I would have a better chance at.When I left her office I almost started crying. She literally shot down all my dreams in just one encounter(经历). I told my mom what had happened and she said that I should still apply and that I should never let anyone turn me down no matter what. I ended up applying to all the colleges that I waned. I didnt let the mentor get in my way.I finally got my decisions that I was accepted by 5 out of the 6 universities I applied to and one of them was Cal Poly SLO. I was so overjoyed that I had gotten accepted. I was never doubtful at first but after hearing what the mentor had said I felt like I wasnt good enough and I felt like maybe I really wasnt qualified.It just shows that you shouldnt ever let anyone tell you that you cant do something. Turn around and prove(证明) them wrong.66. The author went to the school career center in order to . A. ask for help from his mentorB. hand in his homework C. look for a job at collegeD. perform an experiment67. What the authors mentor said made him . A. happyB. satisfiedC. disappointedD. nervous68. Who might encourage the author a lot according to this passage? A. His teachers.B. His mother.C. His friends.D. His classmates.69. The author was overjoyed probably because he . A. followed his mentors adviceB. had a better fortune(运气) than others C. didnt accept others opinionsD. realized his dream finally70. In the authors opinion, . A. the school mentor is usually helpful to us B. youd better not turn to anyone for help at school C. its really easy to go to the best college in the US D. its good to keep away from(避开) the discouraging people五、任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Travelling is a great way to find oneself, and discover the beautiful things around. It is an amazing way to explore different parts of the world, meet new people, try out new things, and have fun. However, travelling is expensive.When we plan for a trip, we tend to pay attention to the airfare and acmodation. We make a mistake by not planning the rest of the trip, which includes food.Most people think that food is mainly included in the acmodation cost, but this is far from true. Of course, the hotel you are staying in might provide free lunch or dinner, but the chances are slim. Most hotels offer only a free breakfast, making much money when you eat lunch or supper at their restaurants. In the end, youll realize the most expensive part of your trip is not the airfare or the acmodation, but the food. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to reduce the money you spend on food while travelling.You need to spend wisely on water. Water is something you often need. You may not be able to carry a lot, which means you will end up buying a lot of it. Buying a bottle of water every time you are thirsty is not the way to go if you wish to save money. Instead, buy a big bottle of water and carry a smaller bottle, which you can fill again, every time you go out. Try not to drink tap water (自水) when you are travelling, especially if you travel in a different country.Also, try to eat at restaurants that charge reasonable price and stay away from popular tourist spots because prices there are much higher. Actually, many places around the world have a rich culture of street food. In some places, the street food may be even better than that in restaurants, and it is not expensive, so you will end up saving a large amount of money.In addition, you can also visit a supermarket and spend a little money on things that you can eat in your room. Youd better not buy drinks sold at restaurants while you are travelling. If its necessary, then look for places that serve free drinks with the food. Keep a record of all your food expenses in a diary, which can help you keep those food expenses in control. Have a nice trip!How to save money spent on food while travellingParagraph outlineSupporting detailsImportance of travelling It makes one find himself and discover the (71) thingsaround.It gives one a chance to (72) different parts of the world, meet new people and try new things.It brings one a lot of (73) .Our mistakesWe seldom (74) the cost of food while planning for a trip.Actually, we can only have (75) free of charge and well spend much on other meals at some restaurants.(76) on reducing food expensesBuy a big bottle of water and carry a smaller bottle that you can (77) whenever you get out.Dont drink tap water.Dont eat at restaurants in areas that are (78) with tourists.Try some street food.Buy food from (79) .Its better to look for places (80) free drinks with the food.六、单词拼写(根据汉语意思或首字母填空,每小题1分)81.Some parents have bee c that learning to play chess helps children develop their mind.82.I couldnt sleep because the bed was so (不舒服的).83.We havent yet been told (正式地,官方地) about the closure.84.Ever since their quarrel, there has been an unpleasant a in the office.85.The pany managed to (幸存,挺过) the crisis.七、完成句子(每空一词,每空0.5分)86.Its cheaper if you book the tickets (提前).87.Well be (加紧,加速) our efforts to prevent further pollution.88.We must make sure that tourism develops _ _ _ (与相和谐) the environment.89.Many people are (困惑,不知所措) as to what to do in case of an earthquake.八、书面表达(满分15分)最近你班就“独生子女幸福还是有兄弟姐妹的孩子幸福”进行了一次讨论,请你根据下表所列要点写一篇120词左右的英语短文。观 点理 由60%认为独生子女幸福1 可以得到父母所有的爱,享受好的生活条件,接受良好的教育;2 父母负担轻,有更多的时间陪孩子。40%认为有兄弟姐妹的孩子幸福1学会分享,与人友好相处;2. 擅长合作你的观点要求:1 文章包括所有要点,语句通顺;2 开头已给出,但不计入总词数。Recently, our class held a discussion on whether an only child is happier than a child who has brothers or sisters. Different students have different opinions.


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