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2019-2020年高考英语限时训练(27)More than a third of the babies born this year could receive a 100th birthday message from whoever happens to be on the throne in the second decade of the 22nd century, according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).It forecasts that 35% of the 826,000 people born in xx will live to bee centenarians.But a long life is not unalloyed good news. David Sinclair, head of policy and research at the International Longevity Centre UK,warned that for many the future may mean social isolation(隔离)as they live longer than friends and members of their families.“It is of course good news that so many more people are living longer,” he said,” but there is a big problem. We will be older, but in worse health, and at high risk of living alone. The other problem is that we are very poor at forward planning. We deal with the problems that are under our noses, but even problems two or three years away seem quite distant enough to put off. When youre talking about forecasts for a time half a century away and more, I see no evidence that we are putting in place the measures to deal with it.”This year there will be 14,500 centenarians in the UK, a number which is expected to increase to 110,000 in 2035.Women have higher life expectancies than men at every age: the likelihood of a girl born this year reaching her century is estimated to be 39%;for boys the figure is 32%.The estimated number of female centenarians has risen from 500 in 1961 to more than 10,000 in xx,a figure which is projected to reach 71,000 by 2035 and 276,000 by 2060.Men are also living far longer, although their numbers are far fewer. There was an estimated of 92 male centenarians in 1961 and just below 2,000 in xx.1.The underlined word “centenarians” probably means people who.A. are born this year B. live longer than their friendsC. are in poor health D. are a hundred or more years old2.From what David Sinclair said, we can learn.A. he doesnt believe so many people are living longerB. the older we are, the more likely we are to live alone and in poor healthC. the people who are good at forward planning are likely to live longerD. too distant planning is not always necessary for most of us3.Which of the following statements is true? A. About 289,100 people born in xx will live to 100.B. More men will reach their century than women in the future.C. The number of the female centenarians was 1,000 in 1970s.D. More than 600 people reached their century in 1961.4.What does this passage mainly talk about? A.A long life is not always good news.B.A long life also means social and physical isolation.C. In the future, more people will live to 100 in the UK.D. It is good to live to 100. (B) Children will find it more difficult to buy cigarettes as vending machines(自动售货机)selling tobacco will be officially banned in England today. According to the British Heart Foundation(BHF),around 200,000 young people start smoking regularly in England each year and 11 percent of 11-to-15-year-old regular smokers in England and Wales get their cigarettes from vending machines.Betty McBride, Director of Policy and munications at the British Heart Foundation,said,“Thousands of children who are at risk of addiction regularly get tobacco from these machines, which of course, dont ask them to prove their age. With the tobacco industry increasingly depending on young smokers to keep their profits,theyre fighting tooth and nail to stop any changes that might hit their bottom line.”The ban, which makes it illegal to sell tobacco from vending machines and requires shopkeepers to ensure all tobacco advertising on the machines is removed, es into force in England today. It is the first ban in Europe to prohibit selling cigarettes from vending machines, which shows the determination of England to fight against smoking.Other measures to protect young people from the dangers of smoking are also on the way. In April xx large retailers(零售商)in England and Scotland will have to get rid of all tobacco displays and small shops will be expected to do that from April xx.Wales and Northern Ireland also plan to make similar regulations.The UK Government is due to begin a public consultation before the end of the year on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes which would reduce their marketing appeal to young people, help to make health warnings more effective and, alongside other measures, help to reduce the number of smokers in the long term.9.According to the text, vending machines selling cigarettes.A. offer cheaper products B. have more varieties of productsC. dont check buyers personal information D. keep a record of every purchase10.The tobacco industry may be against the new regulation because.A. more children will be at risk of tobacco addiction B. it will bring inconvenience to its consumers C. young smokers will be discouraged D. many vending machines will be left unused11.Small stores in Scotland.A. will be banned from selling tobacco next yearB. can still present cigarettes for around 2 yearsC. must get rid of all tobacco advertisementsD. must show warnings about cigarettes in xx12.It can be inferred from the text that.A. plain packaging is a must for cigarettes B. the number of tobacco panies will be limitedC. tobaccos harm to health will be put down on packagesD. opinions will be asked for plans of tobacco controlling13.What is the best title for the text? A. Cigarette vending machines banned. B. The youths addiction to tobacco.C. UKs efforts to improve peoples health. D. Strong opposition from tobacco industry. (C) Red roses were her favorites; her name was also Rose. And every year her husband sent them, tied with pretty bows. The year he died, the roses were delivered to her door. The card said,” Be my Valentine(情人),”like all the years before.Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say,” I love you even more this year, than last year on this day. My love for you will always grow, with every passing year.” She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear. She thought, he ordered roses in advance before this day. Her loving husband did not know that he would pass away. He always liked to do things early.Then,if he got too busy, everything would work out fine. She cut away some stems, placed them in a very special vase, and set the vase beside the picture of his smiling face. She would sit for hours in her husbands favorite chair, staring at his photo and the roses sitting there.A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate. Loneliness and solitude had bee her fate. Then, the very hour, as on Valentines Day before, the doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door. She brought the roses in, and just looked at them in shock.Then,she went to get the telephone to call the florist(花匠)shop. The owner answered, and she asked him, if he would explain why someone would do this to her, causing her such pain.“I know your husband passed away, more than a year ago,” the owner said,” I knew youd call, and you would want to know. The flowers you received today were paid for in advance. Your husband always planned ahead. He left nothing to change.”“There is a standing order that I have on file down here. And he has paid, well in advance; youll get them every year. There is also another thing that I think you should know. He wrote a special little card.he did this years ago.”“Then,should ever, I find out that hes no longer here. Thats the card.that should be sent to you the following year.” She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers shaking, she slowly reached to get the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note.Then,as she stared in total silence, this is what he wrote:” Hello my love, I know its been a year since I was gone. I hope it hasnt been too hard for you to overe. I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real. If it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than words can say. You were the perfect wife.”“You were my friend and lover; you satisfied my every need. I know its only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears. That is why the roses will be sent to you for years.”“When you get these roses, think of all the happiness that we had together, and how both of us were blessed. I have always loved you and I know I always will.But,my love, you must go on; you have some living still.”“Please.try to find happiness, while living out your days. I know it is not easy, but I hope you find some ways. The roses will e every year, and they will only stop when your doors not answered, when the florist stops to knock. He will e five times that day, in case you have gone out. But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt. To take the roses to the place, where Ive instructed him, and place them where we are, together once again.”14.How did Rose feel when she received roses a year after her husbands death?()A. Surprised and disappointed. B. Happy but confused. C. Proud but frightened. D. Sad and puzzled.15.What can we know about Roses husband when he was alive?()A. He knew his wife loved roses more than himself.B. He preferred to make arrangements ahead of time.C. He gave his wife a pleasant surprise every Valentines Day.D. He was so busy that he had to order roses in advance each year.16.The underlined word “grieve” (Paragraph 6) is closest in meaning toA. kill yourself B. feel deep sorrow C. marry again D. buy roses17.Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Roses for Rose B. Be My Valentine C. An Unexpected Gift D.A Loving Couple(D) Trusting in the Kindness of StrangersWhile driving from my home on the long way to work I noticed a car in front of me had a wobbly (摇摆的) wheel. It was clear that the wheel had been changed recently and had not been fixed correctly. On a slow road this would not present much of a problem, but I knew the route and knew a motorway (高速公路) was ing soon where the traffic would move much faster and would be very dangerous as the wheel could e off at that speed.I was driving a large jeep at the time and the car in front was a small to mid-sized car driven by a lady on her own.So as I tried to flash my lights and wave her to pull over. I was worried that looking in her mirror she would see a lone man chase her down in a jeep waving frantically for her to pull over on this side of the road.Thankfully she trusted more in the good nature of people and pulled over where I could explain the problem.She confirmed the wheel was changed only the night before and said she would pull in to the next garage before the motorway where they would have the tools to fix the wheel correctly.My belief is that the act of kindness was hers and not mine. How so?Well,it was her who chose to trust in the possibility that people are good over the belief that bad things e from being waved down to the side of the road by strangers. I do preach (宣扬) caution and would have hesitated myself to pull over to the side should a stranger in a car wave me down.I will never know,thankfully,if the wheel may have e off and caused a serious accident but it was risky and at the very least might have caused damage to her car, so for that I am glad I was able to wave her down. But I am more glad she trusted in a stranger.18.What was the author worried about? A. Being late for work. B. Being stuck in a traffic jam.C. Being trapped in a traffic accident. D. The bad condition of the car in front of him.19.The author flashed his lights because.A. it was quite dark that dayB. he was driving extremely fastC. he wanted to call the attention of the ladyD. he wanted to catch up with the car in front of him20.The underlined word“frantically”in the second paragraph probably means“”.A. politelyB. madly C. casuallyD. calmly21.The lady would have her problem solved.A. with the authors help immediately B. by driving slowlyC. before entering the motorway D. with the tools the author gave herxx届高三英语限时训练(27)(A)语篇解读:在英国,越来越多的人会活到100岁,但是那些老寿星们将面临年老体弱、孤独等问题。答案及剖析:1.D推理判断题。由第一段的内容可知,xx年出生的婴儿到22世纪第二个十年的时候将会收到100岁生日的信息,故D项正确。2.B细节理解题。由第三段David Sinclair 说的话We will be older,but in worse health,and at high risk of living alone可知, 人活得越长,就越孤独而且身体不好,故选B项。3.A细节理解题。由第一段的最后一句话.35% of the 826,000 people born in xx will live to bee centenarians可知A项正确。由倒数第三段的内容可知B项错误;文章没有提到C项所涉及的内容;由最后两段的.female centenarians has risen from 500 in 1961和.92 male centenarians in 1961.可知D项错误。4.C主旨大意题。由全文内容可知,本文讲述了英国会有更多的人活到100岁,故选C项。(B)语篇解读:为了减少青少年吸烟者的数量,英国政府颁发了自动售货卖烟机的禁令,充分显示了政府同吸烟作斗争的决心。答案及剖析:9.C细节理解题。由第二段的.from these machines, which of course, dont ask them to prove their age可知,售烟机不会询问买烟者的年龄,故选C项。10.C推理判断题。由第二段的最后一句话With the tobacco industry increasingly depending on young smokers to keep their profits,.可知,烟草商为了获得利益更加依赖年轻的吸烟者的消费,政府的这种禁令会大大减少青少年买烟者的数量而损害烟草业的利益,故选C项。11.B细节理解题。由倒数第二段的In April xx large retailers(零售商)in England and Scotland will have to get rid of all tobacco displays and small shops will be expected to do that from April xx可知,小商店到xx年的4月就不可以再在商店里陈列烟了,故B项正确。12.D推理判断题。由最后一段的第一句话The UK Government is due to begin a public consultation.on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes.可知,英国政府将举行公开磋商,询问对烟草控制计划的问题,故选D项。由最后一段的第一句话.on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes可排除A项;由文章内容可知,英国政府只是对自动售烟机,销售店和包装采取措施,没有提到关闭生产厂家,故排除B项;由最后一段的.make health warnings more effective.可知,烟包装盒上已经有了“吸烟有害”警示语,故排除C项。13.A主旨大意题。由文章的首句Children will find it more difficult to buy cigarettes as vending machines(自动售货机)selling tobacco will be officially banned in England today.为本文的主题句,故A项作为标题最合适。【疑难词汇解读】1.prohibit v.禁止,防止Smoking is prohibited in the library.图书馆里禁止吸烟。2.consultation n.磋商,商议;会诊She said the public wanted a longer consultation period.她表示市民希望延长咨询期C篇语篇解读:在丈夫去世后,妻子在情人节却意外地收到了丈夫给自己订的红玫瑰。原来体贴的丈夫在去世前就给妻子预订以后每年的情人节礼物红玫瑰,直到妻子和自己在墓地团聚。14.D细节理解题。由第三段的.looked at them in shock和.causing her such pain可知15.B细节理解题。由第四段的The flowers you received today were paid for in advance. Your husband always planned ahead可知,丈夫在生前是一个提前安排一切的人,故选B项。16.B推理判断题。由画线部分后面的I want you to be happy可知,丈夫不愿意妻子悲伤17.A主旨大意题。本文以roses为线索,讲述了一名叫Rose的女士与丈夫之间动人的爱情故事,故A项作为标题最合适。【疑难词汇解读】1.in advance提前With your help ,we will surely finish the work in advance.有你的帮助,我们一定会提前完成这项工作的。2.loneliness n.孤独,寂寞Her husband died last year,bringing her great sorrow and loneliness.她的丈夫去年去世了,给她带来了巨大的悲哀和孤独。(D)语篇解读:作者在一次自己驱车上班途中,发现前面的轿车的一只轮子没有装好,在行驶时轮子摇摇摆摆的。作者设法告知了前面车上的人,一次车祸得以避免,而作者认为是前面车上的女司机自己救了自己,因为她相信了一个陌生人。答案及剖析:18.D细节理解题。由第一段的描述可知,作者担心的是前面车子的一只车轮有些摇摆,有可能引起一场车祸,故选D项。19.C推理判断题。作者之所以拼命地挥手和闪自己的车灯,是为了引起前面车里女士的注意,希望她能够停下来,故选C项。20.B词义猜测题。作者发现前面的车有问题后,非常担心会因此出现危险情况,自然是“拼命地、疯狂地”挥手,以便让前面的司机将车停下来,故选B项。21.C细节理解题。由第三段.said she would pull in to the next garage before the motorway where they would have the tools to fix the wheel correctly可知,这位女士会在进入高速公路前,在下一个修理站,将车轮安装好,故选C项。【疑难词汇解读】1.pull over靠边停车;(把)车停在路边The policeman signed to him to pull over.警察示意他把车开到路边停下来。2.caution n.&v.小心,谨慎;劝告The work he does calls for caution and patience.他从事的工作需要小心和耐心。


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