2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class 单元同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Dont eat in class 单元同步练习 (新版)人教新目标版IChoose the right answers to plete the words. 选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. _ ss _ stant A. a, iB. i, aC. o, i( ) 2. st _ d _ ntA. e, uB. u, eC. u, a( ) 3. w _ _ terA. iaB. eiC. ai( ) 4. p _ l _ cem _ nA. o, y, aB. a, i, eC. o, i, a( ) 5. act _ _A. erB. orC. ir( ) 6. cl _ _ kA. a, rB. e, rC. o, r( ) 7. d _ ct_ rA. o, eB. a, oC. o, o( ) 8. r _ port _A. i, erB. e, erC. e, or( ) 9. hosp _ t _A. e, alB. i, alC. i, le( ) 10. rest _ _ rantA. ouB. auC. euIIChoose the right answers to fill in the blanks. 选择填空。( )1. My cousin works _ that restaurant. A. inB. onC. of( ) 2. He _ want to be a doctor. A. dontB. isC. doesnt( ) 3. She works in a bank. She is a _. A. shop assistantB. bank clerkC. policewoman( ) 4. _ their uncle want to be a reporter? A. IsB. DoC. Does( ) 5. Where does your father _? A. workB. workingC. works( ) 6. Lets _ to dinner. A. to go outB. go outC. going out( ) 7. My mother wants to be _ actor. A. aB. theC. an( ) 8. People give me their money or get their money _ me. A. forB. toC. from( ) 9. I dont like my job, because its very _. A. interestingB. boringC. exciting( ) 10. A: _ does he work? B: He works in a school. A. WhereB. WhatC. HowIIIMake dialogues after the model. 根据示范编写对话。Model: Annas mother, a bank clerk, policewoman A: What does Annas mother do? B: She is a bank clerk. A: What does she want to be? B: She wants to be a policewoman.1. Tonys father, a waiter, doctor2. Lin Tao, a student, teacher 3. you, a shop assistant, actor4. his friend, a bank clerk, reporterIVSolve the puzzles. 找出谜底。1. I am not a doctor, but I work in a hospital. I help doctors and patients. I like my job very much, because its interesting. Some people call me “an angel in white”. What do I do?_2. She doesnt like her work. Its boring. She can see a lot of money, but its not her money. She counts it for other people every day. She wants to be an actor one day. Is she a bank clerk or an actor?_3. His work is very exciting, but its kind of dangerous. He often helps people when they are in trouble (麻烦). People like him, but thieves are afraid of him. He is often busy and works late. Where does he work?_4. My cousin works in a restaurant. She doesnt want to do the work. She likes talking to people and wants to meet pop stars and VIPs. What does she do? What does she want to be?_VFill in the blanks with the verbs given. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. Her father _ (work) in a restaurant.2. What _ you _ (do)?3. They _ (be) students. They want _ (be) doctors.4. _ he _ (live) in China?5. A: _ (be) your sister a student?B: No, she _ (work) in a hospital.6. A: Where _ he _ (e) from?B: He _ (e) from Canada.7. That boy can _ (speak) English very well.Section BIPut the following phrases into English. 将下列短语翻译成英语。1一个有趣的工作_2. 写小说_3. 为杂志社工作 _4. 尽快 _ 5. 校园剧_6. 出去 _ 7. 害怕_8. 许多 _9. 一份危险的工作_10. 晚报 _IIForm sentence. 组句。1. every, she, a , money, sees, lot, day, of_.2. talking, your, likes, uncle, and, stories, to, writing, people_.3. I, when, out, busy, people, dinners, am, go, to, very_.4. interesting, dangerous, of, my, kind, work, but, is_5. she, hospital, in, does, a, work_?6. play, you, in, to, the, school, do, be, want_?IIIplete the dialogue. 完成对话。Meimei: Excuse me! _?Lucy: My name is Lucy. Whats your name?Meimei: _. _?Lucy: I e from America. Meimei: Why do you e here?Lucy: I e here with my parents. Theyre working in China.Meimei: _?Lucy: My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher.Meimei: My mother is a teacher, too. _?Lucy: I want to be an angel in white. And you?Meimei: _. I like talking to people and writing stories.Lucy: I think you can be a reporter. Meimei: Thank you.IVAnswer the questions according to the fact. 根据事实回答问题。1. Where do you e from?_2. What do you do?_3. What do you want to be?_4. What do your parents do?_5. Do you have a good friend in your class?_6. What does your friend want to be?_VRead and plete the table. 阅读并完成表格。 There are sixty students in our class. Two of them are my good friends. One is Lin Tao, the other is Tom. Tom es from America. He is here with his parents. His father works in a school. He teaches English. Tom wants to be a teacher like his father. His mother is a doctor in No. 1 Hospital. Lin Tao and I are Chinese. His father and my father are good friends. They work in the same police station. They often help others, but thieves are afraid of them. Lin Taos mother is a bank clerk. She doesnt like the job. She thinks its boring. She wants to be an actor. My mother is a shop assistant. She likes her work very much. She says she can talk to many people when she works. Lin Tao likes writing stories and meeting pop stars and VIPs. He wants to be a reporter. But I want to be a policeman. I am Li Ming.NameOccupationWants to beTomToms fatherToms motherLin TaoLin Taos fatherLin Taos motherLi MingLi Mings fatherLi Mings mother Unit Four参 考 答 案Section AI. 1-5 ABCCB 6-10 BCBBBII. 1-5 ACBCA 6-10 BCCBAIII. 略IV. 1. You are a nurse. 2. She is a bank clerk. 3. He works in a police station. 4. Shes a waiter. She wants to be a reporter.V. 1.works 2. do, do 3. are, to be 4. Does, live 5. Is, works 6. does, e, es 7. speakSection BI. 略II. 1. She sees a lot of money every day. 2. Your uncle likes talking to people and writing stories.3. I am busy when people go out to dinners.4. My work is interesting, but kind of dangerous.5. Does she work in a hospital.6. Do you want to be in the school play?III. 1. Whats your name? 2. My name is Meimei. / I am Meimei. 3. Where do you e from? 4. What do your parents do? 5. What do you want to be? 6. I want to be a reporter.IV. 略V. 略

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