2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion单元综合测试 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion单元综合测试 新人教版选修8.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion单元综合测试 新人教版选修8一、plete each sentence according to the Chinese given.1. Eliza is a poor flower girl who has _ (雄心勃勃) to improve herself2. It is raining heavily and Eliza is _ the storm (躲雨).3. The man makes notes , _ (一边观察) peoples use of language and reaction 4. Excuse me , _? (你有零钱吗?)5. Whos hurting you, you silly girl. _? (你把我看成什么人啦?) 6. _(一个便装警察) came into the supermarket and caught the thief stealing some goods.7. You e from the west end of London, born in Lisson Grove _ (如果我没有搞错的话).8. Eliza_(谋生)by selling flowers.9. Professor Higgins believed that one”s speech could show one”s social status. “People _(透露自己的身世)every time they open their mouths” 10. “Her terrible English will_ (使她注定为市井小民)to the end of her life,” said Professor Higgins.11. The waiter _to the beggar(用打发人走的口吻说) and demanded he leave the restaurant at once.12. Once educated to speak properly, the girl could _ (冒充成女公爵) at an ambassador”s garden party.13. We are only_(点头之交).In fact I dont even know his full name 14. _(走着瞧).I am determined to bee a great success.15.The little boy picked up_ (一把沙子)and began to build a cstle 二,Choose the best answer 1. I was_ about it. I thought you were responsible and thats why I scolded you. Please forgive me.A. curious B. worried C. particular D. mistaken2. The September 11 attack has been _ by the entire international munity. A. condemned B. scolded C. criticized D. blamed 3. He is not a(n)_, only a(n) _. A. friend; acquaintances B. acquaintance; friend C. friend; acquaintance D. acquaintances; friend 4. In our school students are _ according to how much they know and how old they are. A. classified B. bined C. listed D. made 5. _, what you did is right. So dont be worried about it any more. A. General speaking B. Generally speaking C. General spoken D. Generally to speak 6. Charles Darwin considered _ to be the process by which evolution took place. A. adjust B. acpany C. abandon D. adaptation 7. He is not very confident and always _ before making a decision. A. considers B. hesitates C. reflects D. waits 8. She thought herself _ to her friends because her family was rich. A. higher B. better C. richer D. superior9. Agriculturalists are very popular with the farmers as they are_ agricultural science and technology. A. in great need of B. in greatly need of C. greatly need of D. very much need of10. When day dawned , the stars _ of sight. A. kept away B. faded out C. faded into D. died out 11. What a _ smell! How long was it since you last cleaned the house? A. smelly B. tasty C. sweet D. disgusting 12. Many people went to the southern parts of China to _their fortune.A. find B. search C. make D. receive


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