2019年高中英语 Module 4 Period Two Language Points课时作业 外研版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 4 Period Two Language Points课时作业 外研版必修3.语境填词1He told us a _ (可怕的) story last night.2The hurricane became less forceful as it moved _ (向内地)3He took part in the Huaihai _ (战役)4_ (沙漠化) is a long process that takes many years.5Weather experts have _ (预报) another sandstorm in a weeks time there.6In winter she often wears a _ (口罩)7Most students in this area _ (骑自行车) to school.8He became a _ (公民),thereby gaining the right to vote.9A _ (沙尘暴) kicked up while we drove through the desert.10It took me weeks to regain my _ (力气;体力) after the illness.选词填空1The pany is _ moving to new offices.2The ship _ a terrible storm and lost its control.3There are many people who want to earn some money by _ trees.4The surface of our earth is covered with _ water.5It was time for a break and we came out of the classroom _.6She died _ her injuries.同义词辨析1用forecast或predict的适当形式填空(1)Its difficult to _ when an earthquake will happen.(2)It would be difficult to make an accurate _.(3)I _ that such actions will cause great conflict.2用strength,force,power或energy填空(1)He has so much _ that he can work eight hours without having a rest.(2)Electricity gives us _ and make machines work.(3)She lifted the stone with all her _.(4)Knowledge is _.(5)The police took the thief to the police station by _.单项填空1The flowers made a_of colour against the stone wall.Amass BmanyCnumber Dplenty2“Rain is_for all parts of southern England tomorrow,” a forecaster on TV said.Apredicted BforecastCinformed Dtold3I felt really_to hear the_sound over my head.Afrightening;terribleBterrible;scaryCfrightened;frighteningDafraid;frightened4To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their_and weaknesses.Astrengths BbenefitsCtechniques Dvalues5Although she did not know Boston well,she made her way_to the Home Circle Building.Aeasy enough Benough easyCeasily enough Denough easily6You neednt worry about little Tom.He seems_himself there.Ato enjoy Bto be enjoyedCto be enjoying Dto have enjoyed7The government will soon put the law into_.Aenergy BforceCpower Dstrength8When I came in,he was_a newspaper as he was drinking tea.Alooking into Blooking afterClooking through Dlooking for9_ways to be more gentle with the earth,or well be punished for what weve done.ATo find BFindingCFound DFind10John went to the hospital alone.If he_me about it,I would have gone with him.Ashould tell BtellsCtold Dhad told.阅读理解People in different fields interested in creating an earthfriendly world met at the San Jose Convention Center in California last week.They were there to attend the West Coast Green conference.At the meeting,leaders in the green revolution movement showed their designs and products.The conference aimed to develop businesses and expand peoples thinking about how they can have a positive (积极的) effect on the planet.About 14,000 people attended the West Coast Green conference.Former Vicepresident Al Gore made a challenge to Americans to think about the countrys use of energy.Gore said he believed that Americans could create cheap,clean renewable (可再生的) resources.Christi Graham,the founder of West Coast Green,agrees with Gore that Americans can make a difference.She sees kids as future decisionmakers and hopes the younger generation will build a greener world.Celia Canfield,the development director for West Coast Green,agrees with Graham.Visitors to the conference watched numerous exciting new technologies.The Harbinger House is a beautiful twostory home that is made entirely out of steel shipping containers.Its inside decorations are made of recycled paper and reused glass.The Harbinger House can stand hurricanes and tornadoes.Other new technologies included a car that runs on pressed (压缩的) air and a green battery,a solarpowered coffee table,a bike that makes pure water,and a solarpowered radio that produces electricity and music.With products like these,it will be easy being green!1Whats the best title of the passage?AA New Technology ExhibitionBIntroductions to New TechnologiesCA Green ConferenceDA Report about Making a Green World2What do we know about the West Coast Green conference?AAbout 14,000 people in the field of technology attended the conference.BThe conference was held at the San Jose Convention Center in California.CThe purpose of the conference was to show off new technologies.DAmerican kids will bee the decisionmakers in the next conference.3The second paragraph mainly _.Atells us that Al Gore is satisfied with Americans current use of energyBintroduces some leaders of the conferenceCintroduces some ideas of the leaders of the conferenceDtells us that Americans can create cheap,clean renewable resources4According to the passage,the Harbinger House is a home _.Awhich is beautiful on several floorsBthat is made entirely of recycled paper and reused glassCwhose inside walls are made of steelDthat is strong enough to stand against hurricanes and tornadoes5How many new technologies are mentioned in the passage?A2. B4. C5. D6.ing形容词表示主语或所修饰的名词本身所具有的特征,意为“令/使人的”,常修饰事或物;而ed分词形容词表示主语或所修饰的名词对外界事物的感受,意为“感到的”,常修饰人。1The frightened woman was frightened by the frightening dog.那个受到惊吓的妇女被那只吓人的狗吓坏了。2It has lasted for five hours and was very frightening.它持续了五个小时,并且非常可怕。Period TwoLanguage Points.1.frightening2.inland3.Campaign4.Desertification5.forecast6.mask7.cycle8.citizen9.sandstorm10.strength.1.in the process of2.was caught in3.cutting down4.masses of5.one after another6.as a result of.1.(1)predict(2)forecast(3)forecast(1)forecast vt.& n指在知识的帮助下告诉大家要发生的事情。(2)predict指根据已有的知识、经验和思想进行“预见性”的描述。2(1)energy(2)power(3)strength(4)power (5)force(1)strength强调“体力,力气,力量”。(2)force主要指外力,是推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。(3)power意为“力,力量”,是力的总称,指各种力,如电力、动力,也可指人的能力、权力等。(4)energy指人的“精力,活力”,也指物理学上的能量。.1.A句意为:以石墙衬托着的花朵五彩缤纷。a mass of大量的,可以修饰不可数名词或可数名词,符合题意。many of和a number of修饰的是可数名词;plenty of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,但不与a搭配。2B句意为:电视天气预报员说明天整个英格兰南部都有雨。forecast指有专业知识的专业人员对于公众的预报,符合题意。predict预言,预测,尤指个人的预言和推测;inform告知,通知;tell告诉。3C句意为:听到头顶上吓人的声音,我感到非常害怕。frightened多指人“害怕的”;frightening多指事物“吓人的,令人恐惧的”。4A句意为:要使队员表现得更好,教练员首先得弄清楚每个队员的强项和弱项。strength强项,优点,长处,符合题意。benefit利益,好处;technique技术;value价值。5Cmake ones way to是固定短语,意为“前往”,to是介词;enough修饰副词时,放在副词的后面。6C考查seem to do/to be done/to be doing/to have done的用法,其中动词不定式的进行时态表示动作正在进行。7Bput.into force施行(法律等),是固定短语。8C考查短语辨析。句意为:我进来时,他正边喝茶边浏览报纸。look into调查;look after照顾,照料;look through浏览;look for寻找,由句意知选C项。9D根据句子结构可知,此句为“祈使句or陈述句”句型,故空格处应用动词原形。10D答语句意为:John若是告诉我他要去医院的话,我就跟他一起去了。根据句意知选D项,说明事实是John没有告诉我他要去医院的事,我也没有跟他一块儿去。此题是表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,从句用“If主语had done”的形式,主句谓语部分用“情态动词have done”的形式。.1.C文章主要介绍了在圣荷西会议中心举行的绿色会议。2B根据文章第一段第一、二句可知B项正确;而A项错误,因为参加会议的不仅仅是技术界的人;由第一段第四句可知C项错误;文章并没有提及美国儿童会成为下一届绿色会议的决策者,所以D项错误。3C第二段主要介绍了几位领导者的观点,所以答案为C项。4D根据文章最后一段第四句可知D项正确;由该段第二、三句可知A、B、C三项错误。5C文章最后一段第五句提到了五种新技术:即a car,a green battery,a coffee table,a bike,a radio,所以选C项。


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