2019-2020年高二上学期英语期末复习测试:M6 U1 Word版含答案.doc

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xx届高二英语(上)期末复习讲义2019-2020年高二上学期英语期末复习测试:M6 U1 Word版含答案单词拼写1. Everyone was a_ by Jennys answer and couldnt help laughing loudly.2. It is v_ for us to take some measures at once.3. Feng Gongs crosstalk can always make people roar with l_.4. My plaint about the poor service brought no r_, which made me very angry.5. When he did his work, he often followed his r_.6. Mary won the first a_ in the English contest.7. We have a saying that one minutes performance on s_ needs ten years hard work.8. I want to know her r_ when she is told the news.9. I prefer to watch l_ football matches, no matter when they are shown.10. Its awful to stand in a c_ bus in summer days.11. Please fill in the blanks in the following sentences with a _ prepositions.12. Suddenly a big fire broke out in the building. The people upstairs and downstairs d_ out of their rooms quickly.13. The door on the opposite side is used only in an _(紧急情况).14. As is known to all, Albert Einstein was an _(杰出的) scientist.15. If you want to get the latest _(娱乐) news, please call me at any time.16. You can find a lot of h_(幽默) in this amusing story.17. The tall tower adds to the _(视觉) impact of the building.18. Bill Crystal is a well-known American stand-up _(喜剧演员).19. She is good at English, but _(不知怎么) she lost the English test this time.20. As the _(谚语) goes, no pains, no gains.21. You dont seem very _(热情) about the film. Dont you want to go tonight?22. With his _ (幽默) words and expressions, Zhao Benshan always can make a deep impression on the audience.23. President Hu Jintao is a _ (深受爱戴的) leader, and all of the Chinese people respect him.24. The i_ letter of each word in a title is usually capitalized (大写).25. Though he failed in business, he has _(掌握) some valuable experience.26. Read th e following _(对话), and youll know how to use this idiom.27.The boy _(徘徊) arround the neighborhood, looking for something that he was eager to get.28. I was _(气恼) because I missed the bus and was late for school.29. She doesnt like the coat made of this kind of cloth. Because the cloth _(撕破)easily.30. He made several _ (意味深长的) pauses during his speech.单选选择1. What do you think of the lecture on how to improve our English learning?I dont think I have got any _ advice.A. worth B. worthless C. worthy D. worthwhile2. At the beginning of the class, the teacher asked the students to recite the poem taught in the last lesson before they _their textbooks.A. hold up B. hold out C. hold on D. hold down3. Unlike Chinese cross-talk performers, the western stand-up edians like to talking _ to audience members.A. friendly B. lively C. straightly D. diirectly4. An officer _ their discussion with the news _ the enemy was only five miles away.A.burst out; whichB.burst into; that C. burst in; whichD.burst in on; that5. Its bad manners for you to talk to your mother with your fingers_her.A. pointed on B. pointed out C. pointed at D. pointing to6. Charles began looking for a summer job in January, he knew that the early bird _the worm.A. will get B. gets C. is getting D. got7. He _his clothes and goes out.A. weas B. puts on C. is wearing D. is putting on8. The boy is throwing a frisby (飞盘) and his father and mother _him not far away.A. see B. are looking at C. watch D. look at9. Where are they from? They _ from Shanghai.A. are ing B. e C. came D. have e10. She has never performed in public because she was afraid of making a _of herself.A. fool B. show C. lock D. lose11. I can only stay here _ because I have something important to do.A. for a little whileB. in a short whileC. once in a whileD. afte a short while12. Mike _ out breathlessly but found nothing he wanted.A. moved B. gave C. looked D. dashed13.Youd better take your dog for a walk in the park as long as you _.A. exit B. run C. talk D. excite14. He couldnt take part in the petition because his name was out _somehow. A. given B. made C. found D. crossed15. After a while, she stopped reading and _ to giving us a lecture.A. took on B. moved away C. moved on D. took away16. Thank you very much for your valuable time, Lucy. _.A. My pleasure B. All right C. Never mind D. with pleasure17. My cousin wanted to make a living in the arts rather than in the _world.A. beneficial B. partial C. memorial D. mercial18. The boss _ me to keep in touch with the customers as often as possible.A. looked after B. arranged for C. stood for D. headed for19. The chief manager has decided to put _ he thinks is energetic, clever, and has good qualities in the position of the leadership of the pany.A. those whoB. anyoneC. whomeverD. whoever20. Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time. _! Im sure youll make it.A. Go aheadB. Good luckC. No problemD. Cheer up21. Who do you think will take _ office next month and bee _ president of that country?A. the; aB. a; /C. the; theD. /; /22. It was _ she was injured in the accident _ she didnt e to the party yesterday.A. as; whichB. because; thatC. since; whyD. for; how23. Look there! So many people! Whats up?Oh, they are _ tickets for the concert.A. queuing up forB. waiting in a lineforC. lined withD. queuing on24. This remarkable girl was sent to me _ my request for a suitable secretary.A. on return forB. with hope ofC. in response toD. to reply of25. It is said that the popular record has been sold out. What s shame! How I regret that I didnt buy _. A. such oneB. any a suchC. no suchD. one such26. She had been waiting for a letter from her parents, and when she received it, she couldnt help _ crying. A. bursting intoB. bursting outC. to burst outD. to burst into27. Not getting that job was a big disappointment. Dont worry. Something better will _.A. e along B. take onC. go on D. carry on28. What do you think of her idea? Well, I think her idea is right, but _ Im not pletely sure.A. somewhatB. somehowC. somewhereD. sometime29. Some famous singers live on the _ from their record sales. A. salaryB. value C. billD. ine30. Are you still busy? Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long.A. just finishB. have just finishedC. am just finishingD. am just going to finish模块6 答案单词拼写:1-5 amused, vital, laughter, response/ reaction, routine 6-10 award, stage, reaction, live, crowded11-15 appropriate, dashed, emergency, outstanding, entertainment 16-20 humour, visual, edian, somehow, saying 21-25 ehthusiastic, humorous, well-loved, initial, mastered / grasped26-30 dialogue, wandered, annoyed, tears, meaningful单项选择:DBDDC BBBBA ADADC ADBDDDBACD BABDC虚拟语气: ABABCCCDAB BDBACDACDB CDACC情态动词: ACDDB ABCCA DADCD ABDDC BCBCA AABDB AADDA CBDBD

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