2019-2020年高考英语 非谓语动词作主宾表练习.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 非谓语动词作主宾表练习1.(xx四川,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new products_after great effort.A.having developed B.to develop C.developed D.develop2.(xx福建,30,1分)For those with family members far away,the personal puter and the phone are important in staying_.A.connected B.connecting C.to connect D.to be connected3.(xx江西,34,1分)He is thought_foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.A.to act B.to have acted C.acting D.having acted4.(xx江西,26,1分)When it es to_in public,no one can match him.A.speak B.speaking C.being spoken D.be spoken5.(xx湖南,23,1分)_your own needs and styles of munication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.A.Understanding B.To be understoodC.Being understood D.Having understood6.(xx陕西,12,1分)Its quite hot today.Do you feel like_for a swim?A.to go B.going C.go D.having gone7.(xx安徽,32,1分)While waiting for the opportunity to get_,Henry did his best to perform his duty.A.promote B.promoted C.promoting D.to promote8.(xx山东,9,1分)Its standard practice for a pany like this one_a security officer.A.employed B.being employed C.to employ D.employs9.(xx北京,35)The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without_.A.recognizing B.being recognizedC.having recognized D.having been recognized10.(xx江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考,34)All the students dont want _ any misunderstanding among them.A. there isB. there areC. there beingD. there to be11.(xx江西省重点中学协作体高三第一次联考,30)I cant have him _ fun of others.A. makeB. makingC. made D. to make12.(xx吉林省实验中学高三第一次模拟,33) in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself at the party.A. Dressed; noticing B. dressing; noticed C. dressed; noticed D. Dressing; being noticed13.(xx安徽省合肥市高三第二次教学质量检测,32) Every morning I get up at 6: 00 because I have two dogs _ at the door for me to take them out for the routine walk.A. to waitB. waitC. waitedD. waiting14.(xx北京市海淀区高三年级第一学期期末,33)With our country entering an aging society, _ the retirement age is probably unavoidable.A. having delayedB. delayingC. being delayed D. to be delayed15.(xx北京市海淀区高三年级第一学期期末,26)Doctors always advise us _ plenty of water to stay healthy. A. drunkB. drinkingC. drinkD. to drink16.(xx江西省赣州市四所重点中学第一学期期末联考,31)_smoking here will be fined.AWhoever BAnyone who CNo matter who DAnyone17.(xx江西省赣州市四所重点中学第一学期期末联考,29)What would you rather have_ now, the bike or the car ?Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Drepaired18.(xx江苏省扬州市高三期末质量检测,24) A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students to hospital.A. being sentB. sentC. sendingD. to be sent19.(xx河南省开封市高三第一次模拟考试,31)_in charge of the shopping center has upset him for quite some time.A. LeftB. Being leftC. Having leftD. To leave20.(xx河南省开封市高三第一次模拟考试,28)Nowadays people separate their waste to make it easier for it_. A. to reuseB. to be reusedC. reusedD. reusing21.(xx江苏,29)They are quiet, arent they?Yes. They are accustomed_at meals.A. to talkB. to not talkC. to talkingD. to not talking22.(xx北京,35)It is worth considering what makes convenience foods so popular,and_better ones of your own.A. introducesB. to introduceC. introducingD. introduced23.(xx辽宁,31)Please remain_; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.A. seatingB. seatedC. to seatD. to be seated24.(xx湖南,34)Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried_alone,but she didnt like it and moved back home.A. livingB. to liveC. to be livingD. having lived25.(xx江苏,28)Can I smoke here? Sorry. We dont allow_here.A.people smokingB. people smokeC. tosmokeD. smoking26.(xx安徽,30)Robert is indeed a wise man.Oh, yes. How often I have regretted_his advice!A. to takeB. takingC. not to takeD. not taking27.(xx辽宁,34)You cant imagine what difficulty we had_home in the snowstorm.A. walkedB. walkC. to walkD. walking28.(xx陕西,9)As a result of the serious flood, two thirds of the buildings in the area_.A. needrepairing B. needs to repair C. needs repairing D. need to repair29.(xx福建普通高中毕业班质量检查, 24) So why not, he reasoned, _ French the same way as he learned English?A. learnB. learning C. to learnD. learned30.(xx苏锡常镇高三教学调研测试, 26)Young people can acplish what they want through such simple acts as keepingthemselves _ and approaching everything with total mitment.A.focusingB. focusedC. having focusedD. to focus31.(xx山西省太原市高三模拟考试二,28)No one had told Christopher about _ an English lecture the following dayAthere beingBthere beCthere would haveDthere would be32.(xx山西省太原市高三模拟考试二,31)Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind _ by their grandparentsAraisedBraisingCbeing raisedDto be raised33.(xx天津市十二区县重点中学高三毕业班联考二,4)After the Arab states won independence, the government focused on expanding education,with girls as well as boys _to go to school.A. encouragingB. having encouragedC.being encouragedD. be encouraged34.(xx上海市十三校联合考试,38)Snow fall has been light in Beijing this winter, but that has not stopped its citizens from _fun on ice and snowAto haveBhavingChadD. being had35.(xx浙江省嘉兴市高三教学测试二,14)Did you witness the traffic accident round the corner?It was really scaring. Many people were passing with their eyes half _.AcoveredBcoveringCbeing coveredDto be covered36.(xx吉林省吉林市普通高中高三第三次模拟考试,24)How do you know so much about whats going on in the countryside?Ive got a friend there who keeps me _.A. informingB. to be informedC. informedD. being informed37.The scientist was rewarded by the government forsuch a great contribution to the country.A. make B. making C. being made D. having made38.She never dreamed ofa chance for her to meet her old friends again.A. there being B. there to be C. there was D. being39.(xx江西, 33) Having finished her project, she was invited by the school _to the new students. A. speakingB. having spokenC. to speakD. to have spoken40.(xx陕西, 22) If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _an even greater challenge. A. meetsB. meetingC. meetD. to meet41.(xx北京, 23) One learns a language by making mistakes and_ them. A. correctsB. correctC. to correct D. correcting42.(xx福建, 28) China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from _ in the South China Sea. A. attackingB. having attackedC. being attacked D. having been attacked43.from the moon, our earth with waterseventy percent of its surface, appears as a blue ball.A. Seen; covered B. Seeing; covering C. Seen; covering D. Seeing; covered44.(xx安徽, 24) I remembered _the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.A. locking B. to lockC. having locked D. to have locked45.(xx湖南, 21) Weve had a good start, but next, more work needs_to achieve the final success. A. being doneB. doC. to be done D. to do46.(xx辽宁, 25) The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog_them.A. to follow B. followingC. followedD. follows47.(xx浙江, 3) No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times when its better _silent. A. remain B. be remainingC. having remainedD. to remain48.(xx四川, 8) I looked up and noticed a snake_ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.A. to wind B. windC. winding D. wound49.(xx四川, 12) Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car_. A. washedB. washC. washing D. to wash50.(xx吉林二模, 31) I think it a great honor _ to visit your country. A. to inviteB. inviting C. having invited D. to be invited51. On the way _a book, he found some of his classmates_in the street. A. to buy; knocking down B. to buy; knocking aboutC. to buying; knocking about D. to buying; knocking into52. The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years_trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value.A. to planting B. to plant C. plant D. planting53. After the operation,the first thing he does every morning is_ plenty of exercise.A. to take B. taking C. take D. to be taken54. _ himself to childrens charity work, the famous actor missed_ from a terminal disease.A. Dedicated; being saved B. Dedicating; being saved C. Dedicated; to be saved D. Dedicating; to be saved55. There will be more than 750 projects_,creating nearly 40, 000 jobs this summer,including 15, 000 in a Youth Conservation Corps.A. started B. to be started C. starting D. to start56. Can I have the document right now?Of course. Wait a minute and Ill have my secretary_it for you. A. to print B. printing C. printed D. print57. Why are you looking pleased?Oh,I have just had a job_for next year.A. being offered B. offering C. to offer D. offered58. What he had done really left us_about his real purpose.A. wondered B. wonder C. to wonder D. wondering59. We could hear the noise of the kids_before entering the room.A. shouting and crying B. being shouted and criedC. to shout and cry D. shouted and cried 60. The managers were discussing the plan which they all wanted to see_out that month.A. carried B. to carry C. carrying D. carry 61. Another primary school is reported_for children in Wen Chuan now.A. to have been built B. to have built C. being built D. to be building62. Obamas African father returned Kenya when he was 2, _him_by his white,Kansas-born mother in Hawaii.A. leaving; to be raised B. left; to be raised C. leaving; raising D. left; raised63. A wild boar was found_a nap in the guest bedroom in a Bavarian familys house after fleeing from hunters.A. to take B. taking C. took D. having taken64. The photos were taken in a London park where the man remembered_to go for a walk one afternoon after taking tea.A. to ask B. to be asked C. asking D. having been asked65. Despite_no hope of recovery,the disease sometimes permits its victim to linger on for many months in great torment.A. there is B. there to be C. there being D. there be66.I was about to enter the building when I heard from the wayside a voice_,“Danger!Keep out! ” A. calling B. called C. being called D. to call67. It is generally believed that being a good flight attendant means_your passengers feel relaxed. A. make B. to make C. making D. made68. I understand and am aware that,despite these gains,the biggest steps remain_.A. to take B. to be taken C. to have taken D. to be taking69. petition in the market sometimes can lead to_cheaply and an obvious drop in product quality.A. goods having produced B. produce goods C. goods being produced D. goods to be produced70. The living conditions we citizens are looking forward to seeing_should have attracted the local governments attention.A. improving B. improve C. to improve D. improved71. With a lot of problems_,the principal decided to hold a meeting to have a thorough discussion about them.A. solving B. solved C. to solve D. will be solved72. The scientist was rewarded by the government for_such a great contribution to the country.A. make B. making C. being made D. having made73. All the Chinese people are expecting the governments four-thousand-billion financial plan _ around the country, _ to improve the current economic situation.A. carried out; intending B. being carried out; intended C. to be carried out; intended D. to be carried out; intending74.Many a student _ going to have themselves_in the hospital. A. is; to examine B. are; examine C. is; examined D. are; examining75. The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have_ right from wrong. A. distinguished B. to distinguish C. distinguishing D. to be distinguished76. _ five minutes _ before the last bus left, we arrived at the station.A. There were; to go B. With; to go C. It was; left D. It had; left77. With their son_a foreign college now,the parents have some financial problem now and then. A. to attend B. attending C. attended D. having attended78. With Christmas_near,the shops are crowded with people doing shopping.A. drawn B. having drawn C. drawing D. draw79. _30 minutes_,we might as well go to the cafe for a drink. A. There were; to go B. It had; left C. There was; left D. With; to go80. The sale usually takes place outside the house,with the audience_on benches, chairs or boxes. A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. being seated81. _,he cant go out for a walk as usual.A. With so much work to do B. With so much work doingC. With so much work done D. Without so much work to do82.It looks like my cousin, but I dont remember him_a pair of glasses. A. to wear B. wore C. wear D. wearing83. Some people havent realized something as mon as_to the sun for a long time will do harm to their skin and even cause skin cancer. A. exposing B. exposed C. having exposed D. being exposed84. You can use a large plastic bottle, _cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in.A. with its top B. the top is C. whose top D. the top of which85. Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _will certainly do you good. A. Well dressed B. Well dressing C. Being well dressed D. Well dressing up86._ever rising house prices in China, 18 percent of mothers would be willing to let their daughters_men who have their own houses. A. Facing; to marry B. Facing; and marry C. Facing; marry D. Faced; marry87. Hearing something_downstairs, I opened the door and found my brother was playing with a ball.A. kicking B. to kick C. being kicked D. to be kicked88. With his lamp_, the professor walked proudly ahead of his students.A. to swing B. swing C. swung D. swinging89. We wonder if there is any possibility of the statistics_as soon as possible.A. to be analyzed B. being analyzed C. analyzing D. to analyze90. With all the novels he was interested in_, he left the library and went back to his dorm. A. borrowed B. borrowing C. to borrow D. borrow91. The result made her_.To be frank, I regret_her the truth. A. depressing; telling B. depressed; to tell C. depressing; to tell D. depressed; telling92. There is no_that he is guilty and deserves_. A. doubt; to be punishedB. wonder; to punishC. wonder; to be punished D. doubt; to punish93. The silence of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or the sound of pages_. A. being turned B. turned C. turning D. having turned94. With lots of homework_, he felt worried all the time.A. doing B. done C. to do D. to be done95. _abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me.A. Taken B. Taking C. Being taken D. Having been taken96. He was afraid that thieves would get into his room, for he_the door. A. forgot to lock B. forgot locking C. had forgotten to lock D. had forgotten locking97. What do you mean? You will see this product_wherever you go around our city. A. advertised B. advertising C. advertise D. to be advertised98. How about the two of us_ourselves in the crowd on parade? A. to hide B. hiding C. hide D. will hide99. How do you deal with the disagreement between the pany and customers? The key_the problem is to meet the demand_by customers.A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; made D. to make; made100. The teacher went into the classroom, _the five boys_in the rain.A. left; standing B. leaving; standing C. left; stood D. leaving; stood101. She was too nervous to speak with so many eyes_on her. A. fixing B. fixed C. to be fixed D. were fixed102. Some groups still have difficulties_access_social services.A. gain; in B. gaining; to C. to gain; to D. gaining; of103. Mary, I should tell you it is the third time that you_your homework. A. forgot to do B. forgot doing C. have forgotten to do D. had forgotten doing104. As our eating habits are changing, choosing what_is no longer as easy as it once was.A. eat B. eaten C. to eat D. to be eating105. Leonardo da Vincebirds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought C. had said to buy D. who said to have bought106. What makes you so unhappy? . A. Because Ive put on weight B. Putting on weightC. For Ive lost some weight D. Because of my putting on weight107.(江苏省盐城市xx届高三10月摸底考试,26)_ tablet puters like Apples iPad just before bed, a research says recently, can lead to poor nights sleep.A. Using B. Used C. To use D. Use108.(xx届东北三省高三第一次大联考,28)The main method of prevention of cold is by hand washing with some evidence _ the effectiveness of hand washing.A. support B. supporting C. having supported D. being supported109.(河南省中原名校xx届高三上学期期中联考,14)As a reporter, you should first decide what events _ before you make some interviews. A. reported B. to be reported C. reporting D. to report110.(xx届北京市海淀区高三年级第一学期期末练习,27)When the police arrived at the accident spot, they saw many victims _from great pain.A. to suffer B. suffered C. suffering D. having suffered111.(东北三省四市教研协作体xx届高三联合考试,32)We had no one _us, for we could deal with the case all by ourselves. A. helpB. to helpC. helpedD. helps112.(福建省莆田市xx届高三教学质量检查,30)_ on account of drunk driving, obviously, is now in public concern. A. PunishedB. PunishingC. Being punishedD. To punish113.(xx年河北省石家庄市高中毕业班第一次模拟考试,33)With a great weight _ off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully. A. takingB. to takeC. takenD. being taken114.(xx重庆,34,1分)The engine just wont start. Something seemswrong with it.A. to goB. to have gone C. goingD. having gone115.(xx福建,22,1分)basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.A. KnownB. Having knownC. KnowingD. Being known116.(xx陕西,13,1分)Let those in needthat we will go all out to help them.A. to understandB. understandC. understandingD. understo

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