2019-2020年高中英语《Module1 Europe》语法专练 外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语Module1 Europe语法专练 外研版必修3Grammar 1单选1.All visitors to this village_with kindness.A.treat B.are treated C.are treating D.had been treated2.You have failed to do what you_to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you.A.will expect B.will be expected C.expected D.were expected3.This coastal area_a national wildlife reserve last year.A.was named B.named C.is named D.names4.The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which_saved for other purposes.A.is B.are C.was D.were5.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people_to eat more fruit and vegetables.A.persuade B.will persuadeC.be persuaded D.are persuaded6.According to the art dealer, the painting_to go for at least a million dollars.A.is expected B.expects C.expected D.is expecting7.In the near future, more advances in the robot technology_by scientists.A.are making B.are made C.will make D.will be made8.It is reported that many a new house_at present in the disaster area.A.are being built B.were being built C.was being built D.is being built9. Ill have to push the car to the side of the road because we _if we leave it here.A. would be fined B. will be finedC. will being fined D. will have been fined10. “_two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together?”A. They have been given B. I have been givenC. I am given D. They have given to me11.The goods _when we arrived at the airport.A. were just unloading B. were just been unloadingC. had just unloaded D. were just being unloaded12. You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now _sour.A. I smell B. it is smeltC. it smells D. it is smelling13. After the race_, the celebration began.A. had been won B. is won C. will be won D. has been won14. A great number of colleges and universities _since 1949.A. has been establish B. have been established C. have established D. had been established15. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _in broad daylight yesterdayA. to be robbed B. to have been robbedC. robbed D. having been robbed16. It is said that a new robot _by him in a few days.A. designed B. has been designed C. will be designed D. will have been designed17. We are late. I expect the film _by the time we get to the cinema.A. will already have started B. would already have startedC. shall have already started D. has already been started18. She will stop showing off if no notice_ of her.A. is taken B. takes C. will be taken D. has taken19. Diamond _in Brazil in 1971.A. is found B. has been found C. was found D. had been found20. “Have you moved into the new flat?” “Not yet. The room_.”A. has been painted B. is painted C. paints D. is being paintedGrammar 2一.用适当的形式填空。1.The class_(be)big.2.The class_(be)taking notes at the moment.3.His family_(be)small in the past, but now it_(be)big.4.His family_(be)all soccer fans.5.The team_(have)made progress.6.The team_(have)all forgotten the meeting.7.None_(be)willing to miss her lecture.8.None of them_(have)a camera.9.Each of the boys_ (have) a room to himself.10.Neither of the examples_ (explain) it well.11.Neither of the students nor their teacher_ (be) here.12.Neither of the two girls_ (be) from England.13.Is there any call for me today? Sorry, there_ (be) none.14.So many students are doing it. None_ (think) it impossible.15.Neither they nor he_ (be) to blame.16.Two students are from America. Each_ (speak) American English.二.单选1.Each of you_responsible for the accident.A.am B.be C.is D.are2.Each man and woman_the same rights.A.has B.have C.had D.is having3.Neither Tom nor his parents_at home.A.is B.are C.has D.was4.Each student_got an Engish-Chinese dictionary. The students each_a dictionary.A.have; has B.has;have C.have;have D.has;has5.The team_chosen him_head.A.has;the B.has;their C.have;his D.have,their6.Our team_eager to play basketball against their team which_formed last year.A.is;are B.are;was C.is;was D.are;are7.Neither of you_wrong, right?A.Well,not I but he_wrong, I think.A.is;is B.are;is C.is ;am D.are;am8.His family_all very well. His family_a “five good” one.A.are;is B.is;is C.are;are D.is;are9.Either you or I _going to the teachers office after class.A. amB. is C. are D. will10. _ was wrong.A. Not the teacher but the students B. Both the students and the teacherC. Neither the teacher not the students D. Not the students but the teacher答案Grammar 11-5.B D A DD6.-10A D.DBB11.-15DCABB 16-20CAACDGrammar 2一1.is 2.are 3.was, is 4.are 5.has 6.have7.is/are 8.has/have 9.has10.explains11.is12.is13.is 14.thinks/think 15.is speaks二1.C 2.A3.B4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.A9.A10.D


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