2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 第4课时 Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 第4课时 Cultural Corner课时作业 外研版选修6.单词拼写1The car was running slowly along the _ (弯曲的) roads in the mountains.2We need to make _ (基本的) changes to the way in which we treat our environment.3The film “Frankenstein” is the most _ (可怕的) film that I have ever seen.4She _ (相似) her sister in everything.5We are _ (相同的) in our views of what should be done.6Stable society will be _ (有益的) to the development of economy.7The _ (暴力) and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers.8Thats the most _ (难以置信的) coincidence Ive ever heard of!.同义词辨析1用reason,cause填空(1)Whats the _ of the fire?(2)There was no _ for ing late.(3)For this _,he didnt attend the meeting.2用such as,for example填空(1)What would you do if you met a wild animala lion,_.(2)The farmer grows various kinds of crops,_ corn,wheat,rice and cotton.(3)Matter may be invisible:air,_,is this kind of matter.完成句子1 Can you _ (想像在太空旅行)?2If you _ (允许我去那里),I _ (将非常感激)3The athlete ran _ (向相反的方向),so he failed and didnt get the gold medal.4_ (难以置信的) that such a thing should happen in your school.5He came awake suddenly,_ (感到害怕) at what he had dreamed in the nightmare.6I thought he was a criminal;_ (相反的),he was a policeman.单项填空1Sorry,I took your book _ mistake when I left _ a hurry.Aby;onBby;inCwith;to Dfor;in2Although we dont have much money,I cant _ the temptation to buy that nice fur coat.Arefuse BrejectCinsist Dresist3Maria lay on the bed,_ in her book.Aabsorbed Bto absorbCabsorbing Dwas absorbed4The best way to deal with plex problems is to _ them _ into smaller problems.Abreak;down Bbreak;inCbreak;out Dbreak;through5Although we had made careful preparations,unexpected difficulties _ in the course of our experiment.Arose BaroseCraised Dlifted6Mary _ me to the doctors this morning._ a result,she missed Mr.Blacks lecture.Aacpanied;As Badvised;AsCtook;With Dsent;To7Shes got no _ over that childits terrible.Ahold BruleCcontrol Dregulation8Though _ money,his parents managed to send him to college.Alacked Blacking ofClacking Dlacked in9Researchers have not found a _,but they are developing a better understanding of the disease.Atreatment BcureCmedicine Dmethod10A large number of people think the truth has been covered up _.Aby chance Bby accidentCon purpose Dfor the purpose.阅读理解How to apply for an IDPAn International Driving Permit(IDP) is valid(有效的)for 12 months from the date of issue.Recognized internationally,it normally allows the holder to drive a private motor vehicle when acpanied by a valid UK driving license.Most countries require a 1949 Convention IDP but for certain countries,a 1926 Convention IDP is necessary.The AA is authorized(特许的)to issue both the 1926 and 1949 Convention IDPs to applicants 18 years old and over who hold a valid UK driving license.An IDP is a permit for use together with your driving license,not in place of it.In some countries,you risk being fined or worse for depending only on an IDP.Before applying for an IDP you must:Check the IDP requirements by country to see which type of IDP you need and check for any special conditions.Read the important notes below:IDP applications can only be made up to three months in advance.An IDP may be postdated up to three months in advance but,by no means can it be backdated.If therere any errors about your personal information on your driving license or you have a change of name or address,you should immediately inform the authority that issued you license.When hiring a car overseas,remember that driving license requirements worldwide do vary.AN IDP ISSUED IN THE UK ISNT VALID FOR USE IN THE UK.Ways you can apply for an IDP:Apply by post.If its not convenient for you to get to a post office,you may apply by post to the AA.Apply at selected post offices.Personal applications for an IDP can be made at selected post office branches.Apply at AA Port Travel shops.You may apply at AA Dover or,if traveling via Eurotunnel,AA Folkestone.1According to the text,IDP is _.Aa kind of valid UK driving licenseBa permit to help you own the right to driveCa kind of driving examinationDa permit issued by British government2Having an IDP means that its holder _.Adoesnt need a driving license at allBcan avoid the risk of being finedCcan use any car running in the streetDis aged eighteen or over3Which of the following isnt the way to apply for an IDP?AApplying at selected post office branches.BBy post.CBy telephone.DApplying at AA Port Travel shops.4It can be inferred that the IDP is intended for _.Athe British people to go abroadBthe foreign people in BritainCthe foreigners in any countryDthe Chinese people in BritainThe reason why.is/was that.The reason why he didnt attend the meeting was that he missed his flight.他没参加会议的原因是他误了航班。The reason why he didnt pass his exam was that he didnt prepare for it.他没通过考试的原因是他没做准备。 答案.1.twisting2.fundamental3.terrifying4.resembles5identical6.beneficial7.violence8incredible.1.(1)cause(2)reason(3)reason解析(1)reason是对某件事情的解释,往往是该事发生以后才提出的理由。reason后常跟介词for。(2)cause指会产生结果的原因,一般不用于人。cause后常跟介词of。2(1)for example(2)such as(3)for example解析(1)such as用来列举同类事物中的几个例子,不用于句首,不跟句子,后面不跟逗号。后面列举的事物的数量不能等于它前面所提到的事物的总和。(2)for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或事物中的一个为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。.1.imagine traveling in space2.allowed me to go there;would be very grateful3.in the opposite direction4It is incredible5.feeling frightened6.on the contrary.1.B句意为:对不起,我匆忙离开时错拿了你的书。by mistake错误地;in a hurry匆忙地。2D句意为:尽管我们没有太多的钱,但是我却不能抵挡住买那件好皮衣的诱惑。A项“拒绝(接受)”;B项“拒绝(接受),驳回”;C项“坚持,坚持要求”;D项“忍住,抵抗”。由句意可知D项正确。3A句意为:玛丽亚躺在床上,全神贯注地看书。be absorbed in全神贯注地做。句子后半部分为状语,且absorb与主语有被动关系,故应用ed形式。4A句意为:对付复杂难题的最佳方法是把它们分解成较小的问题。A项“分解”;B项“闯入”;C项“(火灾等)突然爆发”;D项“突破”。由句意可知A项正确。5B句意为:尽管我们已做了认真准备,意想不到的困难还是在实验过程中出现了。A项“升起”;B项“出现,发生”;C项“提高,增加”;D项“举起”。由句意可知B项正确。6A句意为:今天早晨玛丽陪我去看医生。因此,她错过了布莱克老师的讲课。acpany sb.to sp.陪伴某人去某地;as a result因此。7C句意为:她无法让那个孩子听话真是糟透了。get control over sb.控制某人。8C考查状语从句中的省略。句意为:尽管他的父母缺钱,他们还是设法送他上大学。lack为及物动词,表示“缺少”,在though引导的让步状语从句Though they are lacking money中,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。9B句意为:研究人员们还没有找到治愈那种疾病的药,但他们对疾病有了更多的了解。A项“治疗”;B项“治愈的方法或药物”;C项“药”,为不可数名词,前不加冠词;D项“方法”。由句意可知B项正确。10C考查介词短语用法。句意为:许多人认为事实真相已经被有意隐瞒了。on purpose有意地。by chancebe accident偶然;for the purpose为了某个目的。.1.B细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“it normally allows the holder to drive a private motor vehicle”可知,IDP可以让持有者开私家车。故答案选B。2D细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,拥有IDP之后,持有者只有同时使用driving license方可在外国驾车,故A项错误。而根据第二段“to applicants 18 years old and over.”可知,既然拥有了IDP那就说明申请者已经达到了18岁。故答案选D。3C细节理解题。从文章最后介绍的IDP申请方式中可以看出,申请方式中不包括电话申请。4A推理判断题。根据文章第一段提到的“when acpanied by a valid UK driving license”,及第二段“to applicants 18 years old and over who hold a valid UK driving license”,及第二段“AN IDP ISSUED IN THE UK ISNT VALID FOR USE IN THE UK.”可知,IDP是为那些要到国外的英国人而签发的。故答案选A。

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