2019年高中英语 Unit4 Earthquake PartⅠ双基限时练 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit4 Earthquake Part双基限时练 新人教版必修1.单词拼写1. After _(电) was cut off, the lights went out.答案electricity2The audience _(爆发) into cheers.答案burst3. The boy was _(困住) in the burning house.答案trapped4We were _(震惊) at the bad news.答案shocked5The flood _(毁坏) a lot of houses and many people became homeless.答案destroyed6He was lucky enough to be _(营救) from drowning.答案rescued7. The people _(受伤) in the accident were sent to hospital without delay.答案injured8. Fires, floods and earthquakes are _(灾难)答案disasters9. Many men were_(埋葬)underground when the accident at the mine happened.答案buried10. Trees along the road provide _(掩蔽处) from the sun for the farmers.答案shelter.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1He behaves as if he _ (be) a threeyearold boy.答案were2He talked as though he _ (know) where she was.答案had known3The mother, along with her two daughters, _ (rescue) from the sinking aircraft by a passing ship yesterday.答案was rescued4None of the books _ (be) English books.答案are/is5Many women _ (trap) in loveless marriage.答案are trapped.翻译句子1老师好像对你做的事很满意。(seem)_答案It seemed that the teacher was satisfied with what you had done.2北京建起了一大批工厂。(a great number of)_答案A great number of factories have been set up in Beijing.3我们希望能找出一些重要的事实。(dig out)_答案We are expecting to dig out some important facts.4她对她的孩子们的成功感到非常自豪。(proud)_答案She is very proud of her childrens success.5这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。(destroy)_答案The building was pletely destroyed by the big fire.词语知识1With more forests being destroyed, humans have to _ a lot from what they have done.A. suffer B. separateC. stop D. protect答案与解析A句意:随着森林的毁坏,人类必然为他们的所作所为付出代价。suffer from“遭受”; separate from“把和分开”; protect . from“使免受”。只有A项符合句意。2A great _ of students in our school go to university every year.A. plenty B. lotC. number D. many答案与解析C句意:每年我们学校有很多学生上大学。表示“许多”的词有: plenty of, a lot of/lots of, a (great) number of或many。只有C项可以用a great修饰。3We dont need to do extra work this evening. The days work was almost _ now.A. at the end B. at an endC. at one end D. at our end答案与解析B此处at an end是“终结;结束”的意思。4The teacher told the students that she would e to the classroom _.A. right away B. right onC. right along D. right ago答案与解析Aright away相当于at once,意为“立刻;马上”,为固定搭配。5On National Day there are many flags in our school _ in the wind.A. trembling B. shakingC. waving D. flying答案与解析C句意:国庆节的时候,我们校园里有好多面旗子,它们在风中飘扬。旗子在风中摆动,应用动词wave,并且此处应用现在分词作后置定语,故选C项。6All our attempts to _ the child from drowning were in vain.A. regain B. recoverC. reserve D. rescue答案与解析D句意:我们营救溺水儿童的所有尝试都是徒劳的。rescue“援救,救出,营救”; regain“恢复,取回,复得”; recover“恢复,复原,补偿”; reserve“保留,预订,延期”。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。At about 3:00 am. on July 28, 1976, people in Tangshan, Hebei Province, woke up and saw bright lights in the sky. They didnt pay much attention and went back to bed as _1_ that night.At 3:42 am. everything began to shake. Eleven kilometers _2_(direct) below the city the _3_(great) earthquake of the 20th century began. It was heard in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers _4_. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay _5_ ruins. Twothirds of the people died or were _6_(injure) during the earthquake.The survivors couldnt believe it was natural. Nearly _7_ was destroyed. Most of the buildings were gone and many farm animals died. Then later that afternoon, _8_ big quake shook Tangshan. Some rescue workers and doctors _9_(trap) under the ruins.All hope was lost. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. Slowly, the city began _10_(breathe) again.答案1.usual2.directly3.greatest4.away5.in6.injured7.everything8.another9.were trapped10.to breathe.完形填空I was afraid to fly alone, but Dad put me on board anyway and a flight attendant (乘务员) was keeping an eye on me through the flight._1_ came to land.As we broke through the clouds, I could see lights _2_ and knew we were getting close to the ground. When we came to the runway, however, I realized we were going too _3_! I turned and looked back: no one seemed to be acting _4_ it seemed to be fine. The lights were gone when suddenly someone shouted, “Look, the runways _5_!”I looked up ahead and saw a busy road. There were lots of _6_ that must have seen us because some of them _7_. We crossed the road, and I felt _8_ not knowing whether we were going to run over or be hit by the cars! _9_ was with us, but not for long.We _10_ nose down onto some ground. The flight attendant came, “Have to _11_!” I didnt _12_ and immediately unfastened my seatbelt. Through the window I saw _13_ sign. A _14_ thought crossed my mind that the plane could be sitting on gas tanks and it might _15_!The exits were opened and the _16_ started to help get people down out. When I did touch the ground, I wanted to _17_, still fearing the explosion. The gas tanks were _18_ and the flight attendant passed me my cell phone by which I called my grandparents, who were waiting for _19_ from me. Although they knew no one was dead, they were still glad I was _20_!1A. Order B. The plane C. Time D. Place2A. below B. ahead C. around D. behind3A. slow B. far C. high D. fast4A. carefully B. differently C. calmly D. seriously5A. moving B. working C. ending D. closing6A. people B. passengers C. buses D. cars7A. stopped B. rushed C. escaped D. cheered8A. puzzled B. scared C. discouraged D. ashamed9A. Hope B. Care C. Luck D. Fear10A. landed B. struck C. settled D. crashed11A. get off B. sit still C. run away D. stay behind12A. wonder B. reply C. hesitate D. hurry13A. a gasstation B. an emergency C. a keepoff D. a nocrossing14A. curious B. powerful C. cautious D. bitter15A. survive B. explode C. rescue D. disappear16A. pilot B. airhostess C. crew D. captain17A. lie down B. rush away C. ring up D. give up18A. unharmed B. destroyed C. removed D. equipped19A. gift B. word C. story D. evidence20A. polite B. patient C. nervous D. alive答案与解析1C由第6空后面可知此处是指到了飞机着陆的时间。其他选项均不符合语境。故选C项。2Abelow意为“在下面”,由于飞机马上要着陆,所以作者看到了下面的灯。ahead“在前面”, around“在四周”和behind“在后面”均不符合语境。故选A项。3D由于飞机降落时有惯性,所以在跑道上速度较快(fast)。其他选项均不符合语境。故选D项。4Bdifferently意为“不同地”,由后面的“it seemed to be fine”可知飞机上没人反应不同。carefully“仔细地”, calmly“镇静地”和seriously“严肃地”均不符合语境。故选B项。5Cend意为“结束”,由前面的“The lights were gone”可知跑道马上要到头了。move“移动”, work“工作,运转”和close“关闭”均不符合语境。故选C项。6D由第9空前面的“be hit by the cars”可知路上有许多车子。其他选均不符合语境。故选D项。7Astop意为“停止”,车子看到飞机当然是停下来。rush“冲”, escape“逃跑,避免”和cheer“喝彩”均不符合语境。故选A项。8Bscared意为“害怕的”,由后面的“not knowing whether we were going to run over or be hit by the cars”可知作者害怕飞机会被汽车撞到。puzzled“迷惑的”, discouraged“泄气的”和ashamed“惭愧的”均不符合语境。故选B项。9Cluck意为“幸运,运气”,此处是指飞机没有被车子撞到是很幸运的。hope“希望”, care“细心”和fear“害怕”均不符合语境。故选C项。10Dcrash意为“碰撞”,上面说好运不长,可知我们撞到了鼻子。land“着陆”, strike“击打,袭击”和settle“解决,定居”均不符合语境。故选D项。11Aget off意为“下(飞机、车等)”,此处是指到了下飞机的时候。sit still“静坐着”, run away“逃跑”和stay behind“留下”均不符合语境。故选A项。12Chesitate意为“犹豫”,由后面的“immediately unfastened my seatbelt(立刻解开安全带)”可知作者没有犹豫。wonder“想知道,惊讶”, reply“回答”和hurry“匆忙”均不符合语境。故选C项。13Agasstation意为“加油站”,由后面的“gas tanks”可知是加油站。emergency“紧急情况”, keepoff“远离,不接近”和nocrossing“请勿跨越”均不符合语境。故选A项。14Dbitter意为“痛苦的”,由后面的“the plane could be sitting on gas tanks(飞机可能坐在油箱上)”可知作者产生了一个痛苦的想法。curious“好奇的”, powerful“强大的”和cautious“小心的”均不符合语境。故选D项。15Bexplode意为“爆炸”,前面说飞机可能坐在油箱上,可知作者认为飞机会爆炸。survive“幸存”, rescue“营救”和disappear“消失”均不符合语境。故选B项。16Ccrew意为“全体机员”。pilot“飞行员”, airhostess“空姐”和captain“机长”均不全面。故选C项。17Brush away“匆忙离开”,由后面的“still fearing the explosion(仍然害怕爆炸)”可知作者想快点儿离开。lie down“躺下”, ring up“打电话”和give up“放弃”均不符合语境。故选B项。18Aunharm意为“没有损坏”,由后面的“no one was dead”可知油箱没被损坏。destroy“毁坏”, remove“移动,除去”和equip“装备”均不符合语境。故选A项。19Bword意为“消息”,文章第一段说作者开始很害怕,所以家人在等待作者是否安全的消息。gift“礼物”, story“故事”和evidence“证据”均不符合语境。故选B项。20Dalive意为“活着的”,由前面的“no one was dead”可知作者还活着。polite“礼貌的”, patient“耐心的”和nervous“紧张的”均不符合语境。故选D项。


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