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2019-2020年高三英语上学期学前试卷纯(含解析)新人教A版题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择(题型注释)评卷人得分二、完形填空(题型注释)11A.making Bworrying about Chaving Dshowing off12A.healthy BAmbitiousCexcited Dbroken13A.breakfast Bschool Cwork Dexercise14A.richBbusy Cpoor Deasy15A.love Blife Ccareer Dfuture16A.long Bfair Cshort Dbeautiful17A.study Bthink CliveDplay18A.stopped Bimagined Cenjoyed Dtried19A.reason BResultCtruthDdream20A.When BIf CUnless DBefore【答案】1D2B3C4A5D 6B 7C8B9C10B11C12D13C14D15B16B17D18C19C20A【解析】试题解析:本文对生命中,人们往往对自己所没有拥有的东西,非常渴望。对自己现在拥有的东西并没有在意,我们只有对现在拥有的东西心存感激,人生才会幸福。1D形容词辨析。Afortable“舒服的、舒适的”;Bdependent “依靠的、从属的”; CPolite“礼貌的”;DIndependent“独立的、不受约束的”。该句讲的是“我们年轻的时候,想在外面待到很晚,想谈恋爱,想独立。”那么该空就只能填DIndependent。2B形容词辨析。该句由However引启,意思和上文表转折,上句讲的是年少时,那么该句就应说到人们成年了、成熟了的时期。3C动词辨析。and连接的并列谓语(结构和语义都并列),第一个谓语是“want to go back”那么第二个谓语就应该选“Cmiss ”表示“怀念”。4A名词定语,语义辨析。成年后,我们不得不面对的除了复杂的爱情、经济问题,还有“工作”压力,故答案为A。5D动词辨析。Acreates创立; Bshows表露; Climits限制;Dmeans意味着;根据句意:“年轻人认为成年人意味着不被家长和家庭作业约束。”故选D。6B 名词辨析。根据句意:当他们更大一些时,他们发现年少时没有工作压力和家庭责任。故选A7C动词辨析。Areduce减少;Bexperience经历;Cdescribe描述;Dunderstand理解。根据文后:“栅栏另一边的草总是更绿一些。”可知,这里是“描述”他们的感受。故选C。8B形容词辨析。根据文意:“栅栏另一边的草总是更绿一些。”故选B。9C名词辨析。Aresearchers研究员;Badults成年人;Cteenagers青少年;Delders老年人;根据句意:“青少年总是想成为成年人。”故选C。10B动词辨析。根据文意“作为青少年我们想像成年人一样;而作为成年人,我们有希望我们再次回到童年。”故选B。11C动词辨析。该处动词名词化作介词about的宾语。根据句意可知“我们想着呆在外边,有我们自己的钱花。”故选C.have。注意:“make (ones own) money”意为:“挣钱”。此处,小孩想象着长大后能有自己的钱花,而并非向往挣钱,所以不能选A。12D形容词辨析。Ahealthy健康的;Bambitious有野心的;Cexcited兴奋的;Dbroken破碎的;该句的“suddenly”表明话锋已转,所以“突然我们会感到爱情能导致我们心碎”,故选D。13C名词辨析。A.breakfast早餐;Bschool学业;Cwork工作;Dexercise练习,运动。“在外面呆到深夜,我们会发现难以为第二天早上的工作做好准备。”故选C。14D形容词辨析。Arich富裕的;Bbusy忙碌的;Cpoor贫困的;Deasy容易的。“我们发现成年人的生活与我们曾经所想的不是一样容易。”故选D。15B名词辨析。前文都在讲生活,此处填life.“生活变得令人可怕。”16B形容词辨析。从后文,可知“生活是公平的,既给了我们玩的时间也要求我们工作。”故选fair。17D动词辨析。“It gives us time to_57_but also requires us to work.”此句中的but有转折意义,其后动词有work,故but前的动词选择应为D. Play。18C动词辨析。.Astopped 停止;Bimagined 想象;Cenjoyed欣赏、享受;Dtried尝试;“我们总是回首希望我们能更长时间的来享受童年。”故选C。19C名词辨析。.Areason原因;Bresult结果;Ctruth真理、真相、事实;Ddream梦想;“但是生活的真理是感激现在我们所有的。”故选C20A连词辨析。该句句意为“当生活变得复杂起来时,我们不会后悔曾经自己希望赶快变成成年人的想法的。”从主句和从句的逻辑关系可以看出,从句为时间状语从句,翻译为“当的时候,”故正确答案为A。考点:富含人生哲理的议论文。评卷人得分三、阅读理解(题型注释)Some scientists say that animals in the oceans are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings. The noise that affects sea creatures es from a number of human activities. It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines. Such noises are added to natural sounds. These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves. Decibels (分贝) measured in water are different from those measured on land. A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears. In water, a decibel level of one hundred and ninetyfive would have the same effect. Some scientists have suggested setting a noise limit of one hundred and twenty decibels in the oceans. They have observed that noises at that level can frighten and confuse whales(鲸鱼). A team of American and Canadian scientists discovered that louder noises can seriously injure some animals. The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing. This seriously affected the whales ability to exchange information and find their way. Some of the whales even died. The explosions had caused their ears to bleed and bee infected. Many researchers whose work depends on ocean sounds are against a limit of one hundred and twenty decibels. They say such a limit would mean an end to important industrial and scientific research. Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals. However, many scientists dont think that noise is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean. 21According to the passage, natural sounds include all of the following EXCEPT_.Asounds made by animals themselvesBocean drillingCunderwater earthquakesDthe breaking of ice fields22Which of the following is true of whales?AThey wont be confused by noises.BThey are deaf to noises.CTheir ability to reproduce will be lowered by highlevel noises.DTheir hearing will be damaged by highlevel noises.23According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future?AThey will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution.BThey will protect sea animals from harmful noises.CThey will try to set a limit of 120 decibels.DThey will study the effect of ocean noise pollution.【答案】21B22D23B【解析】试题分析:文章大意:研究表明噪音污染会引起海洋生物的危险,科学家将要采取措施拯救海洋生物,阻止噪音对海洋生物的伤害,提醒我们也要意识到保护海洋生物的重要性。21B细节信息题。从文章第二段能直接找出那些对海洋生物产生影响的噪音,一些来源于人类活动,例如:工业水下爆炸、海洋钻探、和船舶发动机。还有一些来自于冰域破裂、水下地震、动物自身发出的声音之类的自然界的噪音。B选项:“海洋钻探”,是人为因素,并非自然所为。22D细节信息题。文章倒数第三段讲的就是噪音对鲸鱼的影响影响到其听力。“This seriously affected the whales ability to exchange information and find their way”. 即“噪音会影响鲸鱼的交流和辨识路径的能力。”故AThey wont be confused by noises.错误。BThey are deaf to noises.“be deaf to”意为:“对充耳不闻”,“鲸鱼对噪音充耳不闻”这显然和文章内容相悖。CTheir ability to reproduce will be lowered by highlevel noises.而文中并未提到噪音对鲸鱼的繁衍能力的影响。23B推理判断题。由文章的最后一句话They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean. 可知科学家将来要采取措施阻止噪音对海洋生物的伤害,故选B。考点:环保类短文阅读。Have you ever thought of joining a book club and buying new books through the post?Here at the International Book Club,we already have many members buying books from us by mail.Immediate benefits:As a special offer,you may choose any reducedprice books from our new members book list,to the value of $6 in total (plus postage and packing)By doing this,you will save pounds on the publishers prices.Tick the box on your form to order a free watch.If you reply within seven days,we will send you another free gift carefully chosen from our book list by our staffOrder a DVD from the many on offer in our list,at half the remended retail price.When youve joined:As a member,youll enjoy savings of between 30% and 50% off the publishers price on every book you buy,and whats more,theyll e straight to your door.Your free club magazine arrives once a month,to keep you up to date with the latest bestsellers.This means that every year we offer over 1,000 books to choose from.On the Internet,you can find all our titles for the year on our exclusive members website.Being a member:All we are asking you to do while you are a member is to choose four books during your first year.After that,you can decide on the number of books you wish to take.In each of our monthly club magazines,our experienced staff choose a Club Choice booka work of fiction or a reference title which they feel is particularly worth buying,and which is offered at an extraspecial price.However,if you do not want this book,just say so in the space provided on the form.We will always send the book if we do not receive this.So,return your application form today,but hurryits not every day we can make you an offer like this.To apply to bee a member,all you need to do is simply fill in the enclosed form and return it in the postagepaid envelope supplied.Before you know it,your books will be with you.Please dont send any money now,as we will send you your bill with the books.And remember,you have up to a fortnight to decide if you wish to keep the books you have ordered.You should then either return the books or send your payment.24Which of the following doesnt belong to the benefits of being a club member?AGet four books for free in the first year.BOrder a free watch.CGet a gift for nothing.DOrder a DVD at a low price.25Every month the club provides a free club magazine in order to_.Alet readers know the number of books to be soldBkeep readers well informed of recent bestselling booksCmake readers know the clubs developmentDattract more and more readers to join the club26If a book is worth $100,how much will a member probably save if he buys one?A$20.B$40.C$60.D$70.27What should you do if you want to join the book club?AJust fill in a form with personal information and send the club an email.BAsk other club members to remend you to the club.CFill in an application form with needed information and return it to the club.DApply for a membership card.【答案】24A25B26B27C【解析】试题分析:本文是一则图书俱乐部的会员加入说明。24A细节信息题。根据Being a member部分中的第一句话“All we are asking you to do while you are a member is to choose four books during your first year.”可知,成为会员后,第一年要选购四本书,这些书并不是免费的,因此A选项不是成为会员的好处。根据Immediate benefits部分的内容可知,B、C、D三项都是成为会员后可以享受到的好处。25B细节信息题。根据When youve joined部分中的第二句话“Your free club magazine arrives once a month,to keep you up to date with the latest bestsellers.”可知,每月给会员一本免费的会员杂志是为了告知会员最近的畅销书,因此答案为B。26B推理判断题。根据When youve joined部分中的首句“As a member,youll enjoy savings of between 30% and 50% off the publishers price on every book you buy”可知,会员购书可以打七到五折,因此一本100美元的图书,会员将节省30至50美元,故B项正确。27C细节信息题。根据倒数第二段第二句话“To apply to bee a member,all you need to do is simply fill in the enclosed form and return it in the postagepaid envelope supplied.”直接可知,要成为该图书俱乐部的成员,所需要的就是简单地填好所附的表格然后用提供的已付邮资的信封寄回就OK了。考点:应用文之广告的阅读Many people think of the brain as a mystery.They dont know much about intelligence and how it works. When they do think about what intelligence is,many people believe that a person is born smart,average,or dumband stays that way in the whole life.But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscleit changes and gets stronger when you use it.And scientists have been able to show just how the brain grows and gets stronger when you learn.Everyone knows that when you lift weights,your muscles get bigger and you get stronger.A person who cant lift 20 pounds when he/she starts exercising can get strong enough to lift 100 pounds after working out for a long time.Thats because the muscles bee larger and stronger with exercise.And when you stop exercising,the muscles shrink and you get weaker.Thats why people say “Use it or lose it!” But most people dont know that when they practice and learn new things,parts of their brain change and get larger a lot like muscles do when they exercise.Inside the cortex (皮层) of the brain are billions of tiny nerve cells,called neurons.The nerve cells have branches connecting them to other cells in a plicated networkmunication between these brain cells is what allows us to think and solve problems.When you learn new things,these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger.The more you challenge your mind to learn,the more your brain cells grow.Then,things that you once found very hard or even impossible to dolike speaking a foreign language or doing algebra (代数)seem to bee easy after learning them for a period of time.The result is a stronger,smarter brain.Scientists started thinking that the human brain could develop and change when they studied animals brains.They found out that animals that lived in a challenging environment were more “perspicacious”they were better at solving problems and learning new things.28According to the first paragraph,_.Athe function of our brain is like that of the muscleBuntil now its impossible to explain the brains mysteryCmany people believe ones intelligence is naturally determinedDones brain grows stronger as the age increases29Training muscles is pared to_.Ausing the brainBconnecting things in your brainClifting weightsDdoing research about the brain30What does the underlined word “perspicacious” in the last paragraph probably mean?AStrong.BSmart.CPopular.DActive.31The following paragraph will most probably talk about_.Athe differences between animals brains and humans brainsBthe relation between human brains and musclesCscientists findings about animals brainsDhow to make your brain smarter through selfdevelopment【答案】28C29A30B31C【解析】试题分析:科学研究发现,经常学习能促进大脑的发育,正如经常锻炼能使肌肉更强健一样。28C推理判断题。Athe function of our brain is like that of the muscle。该选项错在function,根据文章可知brain和muscle确实有相似之处,但不是“功能”相似。.“But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscle”说明,到目前为止,人们对brain并不是毫无发现,所以B选项错误。“it changes and gets stronger when you use it”,所以大脑是越用越灵,而此处并未提及与年龄有关,故D选项错误。而C,是由“many people believe that a person is born smart,average,or dumband stays that way in the whole life.”可以推知。29A推理判断题。根据第一段中“But new research shows that the brain is more like a muscleit changes and gets stronger when you use it.”可推知,正确答案为A即:Training muscles is pared to using the brain.30B词义猜测题。根据该词后破折号后面的“they were better at solving problems and learning new things”可知,该词应为“聪明的,机敏的”之意。31C推理判断题。因为本文最后一段提出了科学家从研究动物的大脑得出的结论,因此下一段最可能进一步具体描述这些研究成果。考点:科普说明文的阅读A winter wonderland on the outskirts of Quebec City has bee one of Canadas hottest attractions and most sought out acmodations. Guests stay close for warmth in sleeping bags on beds of ice, hats pulled over their ears to prevent frostbite, while sipping cocktails (鸡尾酒) in glasses also made of ice. A cool place to host a memorable wedding or for a romantic getaway, the Quebec Ice Hotel has attracted 600,000 curious tourists, including 30,000 who stayed overnight, since openingseasonally 11 years ago. Like Victoria and Jeremy Martin, dozens of couples will exchange vows (誓约) this winter in a temporary church next to the hotel, sculpted entirely from blocks of ice withseats covered in furs. Average temperatures fall below minus 20 degrees C (minus four F) in winter, but inside the hotels 36 rooms it is relatively cozy. Thick walls of packed snow and ice act as aninsulator, trapping body heat inside. Each room is uniquely decorated, using designs created by Quebec architecture students.Two hotel bars also sell special cocktails in ice glasses. First-time guests of the hotel, however, are remended to stay only one night as sleeping insub-zero temperatures is not very refreshing. This year for the first time the ice hotel has teamed up with a bricks and concrete Quebec City hotel to offer packages for one-night acmodations ateach. Prices for one night only at the ice hotel start at 200 US dollars per person. The 3,000-square-metre (32,300-square-feet) buildings take six weeks starting in December to build, using 15,000 tonnes of snow and 500 tonnes of ice, at a cost of some 750,000 US dollars.Eleven weeks after its seasonal grand opening, the hotel will close on March 27 and then melt away with the arrival of spring.32What is true with the ice hotel?A. 630,000 people have visited it.B. 30,000 people visit it each year.C. It has stayed open for many years.D. Wedding ceremonies are often held there.33What can we learn about the hotel rooms?A. It can be -20C inside.B. The temperature is always below 0C.C. The rooms all look alike.D. Each room costs $200 per night.34First-time guests are advised to stay there only one night because _.A. they may not be able to stand the coldB. their other night is with an ordinary hotelC. new guests have less advantages over old onesD. the first-day service is just for a test run35If you choose to visit the ice hotel during the Christmas season, youll find _.A.it doesnt exist at allB. it is just being builtC. most of its rooms are vacantD. it is crowded with guests【答案】32D33B34A35B【解析】试题分析:文章大意:文章介绍了魁北克的一种新型的冰做旅馆,它里面的设施,服务项目和吸引人之处。32D细节信息题。由第二段的最后一句话“dozens of couples will exchange vows (誓约) this winter in a temporary church next to the hotel,”可知D为正确选项。根据第二段中“A cool place to host a memorable wedding or for a romantic getaway, the Quebec Ice Hotel has attracted 600,000 curious tourists, including 30,000 who stayed overnight, since openingseasonally 11 years ago.”可知,A、B、D均为错误选项。A错在630,000(应为600,000);B错在visit it each year(应是stayed overnight);D错在stayed open for many years(因为原文中的副词seasonally,说明该旅馆只是季节性地开放。)33B细节推理题。根据倒数第二段的第一句话“ First-time guests of the hotel, however, are remended to stay only one night as sleeping insub-zero temperatures is not very refreshing.”可知,在旅馆里的温度也通常是在零度以下的。根据第三段第一句“Average temperatures fall below minus 20 degrees C (minus four F) in winter, but inside the hotels 36 rooms it is relatively cozy.”A选项错在inside;根据倒数第三段中“Each room is uniquely decorated”可知,C选项错误;由倒数第二段的最后一句“ Prices for one night only at the ice hotel start at 200 US dollars per person.”可知D选项也不对。34A细节信息题。根据倒数第二段的第一句话“ First-time guests of the hotel, however, are remended to stay only one night as sleeping insub-zero temperatures is not very refreshing.”便可直接知道,第一次来的客人只能歇一晚,是因为零度以下的空气不新鲜。35B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句“The 3,000-square-metre (32,300-square-feet) buildings take six weeks starting in December to build, ”可知,在圣诞节时,这个冰旅馆还正在建。考点:历史文化类文章的阅读第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分四、单词拼写(题型注释)评卷人得分五、短文改错(题型注释)36假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号,并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉。修改:在错词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Hello, boys and girls! Today, I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm go off. If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. Stay close to your teacher and classmate. Dont panic or get out of line, and trying to remain quiet and calmly. Soon the firefighters will e and put out a fire. If its a false alarm and there is no fire, your teacher will lead us back to the classroom. If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt, tell your teacher immediately.【答案】【小题1】with 改为about【小题2】go改为goes【小题3】wait后加for【小题4】classmate改为classmates【小题5】trying改为try 【小题6】calmly改为calm 【小题7】a 改为the【小题8】us改为you【小题9】去掉when【小题10】and改为or,【解析】【小题1】with 改为about 固定结构:“和某人谈论某事”:talk to/with sb about sb/sth【小题2】go改为goes 谓语的数:该句主语为afirealarm,谓语为一般现在时,所以谓语改为goes【小题3】wait后加for 动词的用法:wait为vi.,加宾语时要加prep. for【小题4】classmate改为classmates 名词的数:classmate为可数名词,此处又为复数意义,所以改为classmates【小题5】trying改为try 此处为and连接的并列谓语故把trying改为try【小题6】calmly改为calm 因为remain作“仍然是,保持不变”时为系动词,所以其后接形容词。 【小题7】a fire 中的a改为“the Soon the firefighters will e and put out a fire. ”该处的火灾,已在上文中被提到了,故此处为特指,所以用定冠词the【小题8】us改为you 根据上下文的逻辑关系。整篇文章都是以“我”的口吻,告诉“你”该怎么做,所以要把此处的us改为you【小题9】去掉when,文中if引导的状语从句中,谓语notice后的宾语从句someoneismissingandhurt句意完整、结构完整,所以只需要连接词that【小题10】and改为or,此处missing和hurt为选择关系,所以把and改为or,翻译成“或是”评卷人得分六、阅读填空(题型注释)评卷人得分七、信息匹配(题型注释)Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesnt mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, youll have to stand up and say problem, I dont want you in my life. 37 Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems e in different shapes and colors and feelings.But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help. 38 Talking helps you move on and let go.Write your problems. 39 When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the probl


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