2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Tomorrow’s world课后达标检测12(含解析).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit3 Tomorrows world课后达标检测12(含解析).单项填空1(xx湖南省重点中学联考)Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.Please give me a reply at your earliest_.AconvenienceBconsiderationCinterruption Dimagination2The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,_ that he had enjoyed his stay here.Ahaving added Bto addCadding Dadded3Rainforests _ at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.Acut Bare cutCare being cut Dhad been cut 4I feel it is your sister not you who _ for the spoiled child.Ais to blame Bis going to blameCis to be blamed Dshould blame5(xx湖南十二校联考)Could you tell me what made you so upset?_.ACharged with giving away state secretsBAccused of giving away state secretsCBeing charged with giving away state secretsDAccusing of giving away state secrets6Miss Amelia _a deep impression on us while working in our school.She _ greet us with a smile,whenever she met us.Amade;must Bremained;shouldCleft;would Dhad;could7The news of the mayors ing to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.Aturned out Bfound outCgiven out Dcarried out8At least 30 workers were _in the explosion accident,eight of them seriously,including one who was taken unconscious to the hospital.Ainjured BwoundedCharmed Dhurt 9(xx长沙模拟)For English learners _ the English language,they must learn both the language and the culture.Amaster BmasteringCto master Dmastered10Im sorry.I _ at you the other day.Forget it.I was a bit out of control myself.Ashouldnt shoutBshouldnt have shoutedCmustnt shoutDmustnt have shouted11The news has spread all over the country_Shenzhou spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth.Athat BwhichCwhether Dwhat12Students should try to do a little studying every evening throughout the term,rather than study all night during the week before the exam.Exactly,_.APractice makes perfectBThe early bird catches the wormCSlow but sure wins the raceDDelays are dangerous13Look,the window is so dirty.I know.It _ for weeks.Ahasnt cleaned Bdidnt cleanCwasnt cleaned Dhasnt been cleaned14(xx高考江苏卷)“Never for a second,”the boy says,“_ that my father would e to my rescue.”AI doubted Bdo I doubt CI have doubted Ddid I doubt15I _ downtown to the shopping centre soon.Could I get you something?No,thanks.I will do eshopping.Awas just going Bam just about to goChave just gone Dam just going.完形填空(xx湖南四校高三联考)My grandma has never been like all the grandmas of my friends. While their grandmas _1_ their grandchildren in their cars at the end of the school day, my grandma stood on the playground, waiting to walk me home. While their grandmas read _2_ books to them before bedtime, my grandma told me stories from her own life, because she could not read. My grandma couldnt drive, or even speak English, either. She was always wearing worn clothes. These differences made me _3_ of her.During elementary school, every morning, my grandma would fill a bottle with water for me to take to the school. But one day, I forgot. Worried that I would be _4_ the whole day, my grandma walked all the way to my school. I was extremely surprised and _5_ when she entered my classroom with other _6_ staring at me curiously. “Why did you e here? I dont need that water.” I said _7_, pushing her out of the classroom.Later that day, my dad knew the incident. He said, “Your grandma did this because she loves you and worries about you. Not only did you not feel any _8_, but you ordered her to leave! Why did you do that?” I responded, “Because she embarrassed me at school.” “Were you embarrassed because she cannot speak English? Because she is an illiterate? Because she is _9_?” As he talked on, my face turned red. I felt deeply sorry for what I had done.After that, my perception (看法) of my grandma began to change _10_. I started appreciating her storytelling and _11_ walking home together with her after school.Looking back, I feel grateful for what happened on that day in the 4th grade. The experience changed my attitude towards my grandma. Without it, I would not have the mutually (相互地) loving and _12_ relationship that I have with her now.1.A.gave upBpicked upCtook up Dmade up2A.picture BscienceCtext Dreference3A.proud BtiredCaware Dashamed4A.hungry BthirstyCcold Dsick5A.delighted BtouchedCfrightened Dembarrassed6A.teachersBgrandmasCkids Dfriends7A.angrily BhappilyCexcitedly Dcalmly8A.gratitude BpainCwarmth Dhonor9A.unique BfriendlyCfashionable Dcool10A.quickly BstrangelyCexactly Dgradually11A.hating BavoidingCrisking Denjoying12A.successful BpeacefulCrespectful Dhopeful.语法填空(xx湖南四校高三联考)Ocean storms develop when the air temperature in one area is different from the temperature nearby. Warmer air rises 1._ cooler air falls. These movements create a difference in atmospheric pressure. 2._ the pressure changes over a large area, winds start to blow in a huge circle. Highpressure air is pulled toward a lowpressure center. Thick clouds form and heavy rains fall as the storm gains speed and moves over the ocean. Storms will get stronger as they move over warm ocean centers. 3._ strongest and fastest winds of a hurricane blow in the area known 4._ the eyewall. It surrounds the center of the storm. The eye itself is calm by parison. Wind speeds in the most severe ocean storms 5._ reach more than 250 kilometers an hour. 6._ to 50 centimeters of rain can fall. These storms also cause high waves and ocean surges. A surge is a continuous movement of water 7._ may reach as high as six meters or more. The water strikes low coastal areas. Surges are monly responsible 8._ about 90 percent of all deaths from ocean storm.阅读理解A(xx长沙模拟)Anger is not wrong.I know this statement seems shocking and challenges the wildly popular “Positive Thinking” movement,which encourages us to “be full of positive energy” and “let go of our anger”However,the truth is that anger is just an emotion,and emotions are neither right nor wrong.We do not consciously choose them.We do,on the other hand,choose how we express our emotions and there are definitely right and wrong means of expression.The reason were often urged to “keep_a_lid_on” our anger is that few people ever learn proper and positive ways to express anger.Instead,we are taught that “anger is wrong” and “you should keep your anger inside”But these messages dont change the fact that,for most of us,anger exists.Many popular “Positive Thinking” programmes assume that success es from “controlling our emotions” and this can be done by simply repeating positive statements.Interestingly,these positive slogans often include a lot of negativity.“Only losers plain! I am a winner!” is one popular saying.The belief that those who disagree with us are losers is actually quite negative and is often used as an excuse for rude language and personal attacks.When it es to dealing with negative situations in our daily lives,the ability to reasonably express anger or disagreement is an important skill.But we must use balanced and nonviolent methods to express our dissatisfaction.Frustration at unfair policies or treatment can certainly cause anger,but our anger can never be an excuse for abusing family members,damaging schools,attacking doctors or most seriously,engaging in terrorism.Instead of pretending that anger doesnt exist,we should start teaching appropriate means of dealing with anger.When we experience angry feelings in ourselves or others,what we should “let go of” is the silly idea that we can remove anger with just a few sweet words.Instead,we should find reasonable solutions to the causes of those angry feelings.We need to accept anger as a natural emotion but stop using it as an excuse for violent and destructive behaviour.Anger isnt wrong,but failure to deal with it appropriately is.1What is the writers opinion about the “Positive Thinking” movement?AIt can help people control their negative feelings.BIt does not offer useful solutions for dealing with anger.CFollowing such advice can improve peoples chances for success.DMost of the people who participate in such programmes are dishonest.2The underlined expression “keep a lid on” in Paragragh 2 is closest in meaning to _.Afreely expressBalways forgiveChold inside Dpletely forget3According to the writer,the best way to deal with anger is to _.Aunderstand the cause of the problem and act appropriatelyBignore the cause and hope that the anger will go awayCrespond to the cause with positive energy and wordsDlet the anger out freely until you finally feel relaxed4What information would have been useful to add to the final paragraph?AThe names of some good books that talk about anger issues.BThe viewpoints of people who hold the opposite opinion to the writer.CDifferent studies that provide some evidence supporting the writers beliefs.DSome examples of how to deal with anger in a positive and beneficial way.5The content of this passage is mostly based on _.Afact BopinionCtheory DstoryB(xx湖南名校联考)Celebrities(名人) are more in love with themselves than the average person,according to a new study.In case anyone needed proof,a new study supports the widely held perception:Fsamous people are more narcissistic (自我陶醉的),which means they are more in love with themselves than the average person is.That is the conclusion drawn by Drew Pinsky and SMark Young of the University of Southern California,whose study of 200 celebrities will appear in the Journal of Research in Personality.It is not the entertainment industry that turns stars into narcissists,the study found.Rather,it suggests,the selfadoring (自恋的) people seek jobs in show business.The study,whose subjects were all celebrities from Pinskys Loveline radio show,found that reality TV stars were the most narcissistic of all celebrities.Female stars were also more likely than the male stars to exhibit narcissistic characteristics.Its “mon sense” that celebrities are narcissists,said Jeremy Ritzlin,a longtime Hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study.“Everyone knows famous people are really in love with themselves,” he said.“So it would be natural for narcissists to be attracted toward the stage and spotlight,where other people will also think highly of them.”Pinsky,an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at USCs Keck School of Medicine,said narcissists desire attention,are overconfident,behave strangely and lack sympathy.“However,they are easilyliked,especially on first meeting,are outgoing and perform well in public,”added Pinsky,who has hosted the radio show Loveline for 20 years.Celebrity guests appearing on the program were randomly chosen to participate in the study. They anonymously (匿名地) took the Narcissistic Personality Inventory test,which rates selflove levels based on seven ponents:superiority,exhibitionism,entitlement,vanity,authority,exploitativeness,and selfsufficiency.6Who are most likely to be selfadoring in the study?AThe women stars.BThe men stars.CThe average people.DIt is not mentioned in the passage.7According to the forth paragraph,the fact “celebrities are narcissists” _.Ais mon in the entertainment industryBis a misunderstanding of Jeremy RitzlinCis known to most of the peopleDis unreal on the stage8According to Pinsky,narcissists may NOT _.Ahope to attract attentionBbe kind to poor peopleCbelieve in themselvesDbe liked by others easily9How were the celebrities surveyed in the study?AThey were interviewed by Drew Pinsky and SMark Young.BThey were invited to the University of Southern California.CThey appeared on Pinskys Loveline radio show.DThey took the Narcissistic Personality Inventory test.10The author of this passage wants to tell us _.Ahow psychologists make a studyBhow entertainment industry produces celebritiesChow people think of the famous starsDhow celebrities feel about themselves.阅读填空(xx益阳南县一中月考)Learning to improve your focus is difficult,because you are talking long hours a day.However,if you break down your day into manageable time sections,it would be much easier to learn to improve your focus.Focus,or concentration,is a skill that can be taught,so there are some exercises you can do to improve your focus.Start with easy exercises like staring a picture on the wall for a few minutes without moving or talking.Once you learn how to block out your surroundings,your focus will improve.Other mind exercises are internalizing (内化)This is when you imagine yourself in a desired situation,and then you work around your imagination.Actors and singers do this to block all distractions.If this sounds a little strange,you could try making lists.List the things you need to acplish for the morning,for the afternoon,and finally for the evening.For instance,if you have a dinner that evening,dont arrange everything in the afternoon,and give yourself some time to relax before the guests arrive.Another way to improve your focus is to take breaks.During your breaks,you should allow yourselves a drink or 30 minutes on TV.If you are having coffee breaks in your office,use this time wisely.Dont spend it with your coworker talking about problems.Your breaks should be as quiet as possible.The reason why you lose focus so easily is that you have too much on your minds.Of course,it could also be because you are bored with nothing to do all day.A good balance between a too relaxed brain and an overly active brain is a desirable situation.Improving your focus also mean knowing what you can do and being confident about doing it well.1._ to improve your focusStaring at a pictureStaring at a wall picture for a few minutes 2._ to learn to block out surroundingsInternalizingConcentrating on imagining a potentially stressful work place to block 3._4._Dividing a day into 5._,and arranging time for relaxation as wellTaking breaksWisely using time to have a drink,watch TV instead of 6._7. _for losing focus8._ on mindsDoing nothing all dayConclusionBeing 9._ between extremely relaxed brain and too active brainImproving your focus means knowing 10._ and being confident about doing it well.阅读简答(xx衡阳八中高三月考)How we look and how we appear to others probably worry us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life.Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are,and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner.If we do,they tell us,we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment.Changing fashion,of course,does not apply just to dress.A barber today does not cut a boys hair in the same way as he used to,and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did.The advertisers show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion in case our friends think we are odd or dull.What causes fashions to change?Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion.Take hats for examplein cold climates,early buildings were cold inside,so people wore hats indoors as well as outside.In recent times, President Kennedy caused a depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats: more American men followed his example.There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion.In the 1920s in Europe and America,short skirts became fashionable.After World War ,they dropped to ankle length.Then they got shorter and shorter and the miniskirt was in fashion.After a few more years,skirts became longer again.Today,society is much freer and easier than it used to be.It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else.Within reason,you can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion.The popularity of jeans and the “untidy” look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashion of the top fashion houses.1What do the fashion magazines or TV advertisements claim to bring us?(No more than 2 words)_2Why does the writer take President Kennedy as an example?(No more than 14 words)_3What does the writer try to explain by talking about short skirts?(No more than 8 words)_4Why are jeans so popular according to the writer?(No more than 10 words)_课后达标检测12.单项填空1解析:选A。句意:你们所提供的任何帮助我们都很感激,请在方便的时候尽早联系我们。at ones convenience 意为“在某人方便的时候”。2解析:选C。adding that“补充说”,作伴随状语。3解析:选C。句意:雨林正在以如此快的速度被砍伐和烧毁以至于在不久的将来它们就会消失。从语境中可以看出强调目前这样的动作正在进行,那么在不久的将来就会被砍伐光。4解析:选A。be to blame 是相对固定的结构,意思为应该负责。同时,该句主要的结构上是一个强调句型,强调主语。注意主谓一致。5解析:选C。本句是省略句,省略了made me so upset;所选部分是主语,所以用ing形式,再根据意义“被指控出卖国家机密”,所以选C。6解析:选C。考查动词短语搭配以及情态动词的用法。句意:阿米莉亚老师在我校工作时给我们留下了很深的印象。无论她什么时候见到我们,都微笑着向我们打招呼。make/leave an impression on“给留下印象”。would 可表示“过去常常”的意思。must“一定,必须”;should“应该”;could“可能”,故选择C项。7解析:选C。turn out“结果是”;find out“查清,弄明白”;give out“发出,分发,散发”;carry out“履行,实施”。句意:昨天广播公布了市长要来参观我校的消息。根据题意,选C项。8解析:选A。句意:在这次爆炸事故中至少有30个工人受伤,他们中有8个重伤,其中一名昏迷不醒,已被送往医院。injure“(主要指意外事故中)受伤”;hurt“伤害”;wound“(指刀、枪、剑)伤”;harm“伤害”。根据句意选A项。9解析:选C。句意:对于英语学习者来说,要想掌握英语,必须既学习这门语言,又要了解它的文化习俗。to master the English language为不定式短语作目的状语。10解析:选B。考查情态动词的用法。题干中说话人展现的是过去的事情。道歉的人想表达的意思是:我不应该那么大喊大叫的。而事实上自己已经这样做了。那么这样的一个情态动词结构就是shouldnt have done sth.,B项就是最佳选择。11解析:选A。Shenzhou spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth是一个由that 引导的同位语从句,that在句子中不充当成分。12解析:选C。句意:学生应该整个学期每晚都尽力学一点,而不是在考前的一个星期通宵学习。确实如此。稳健扎实必制胜。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧;The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃;Delays are dangerous.事怕延误,都不符合题意。 Slow but sure wins the race.稳健扎实必制胜,符合题意。13解析:选D。该句的意思为窗户看起来很脏,说明到现在为止窗户已经很长时间没有打扫,而且窗户被打扫很明显该用被动语态。因此,可以看出语态的考查通常与时态相结合。14解析:选D。句意:这个男孩说:“我从来没有怀疑过我爸爸会来救我。”当否定副词或具有否定含义的短语置于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。本题中,Never for a second 置于句首,所以句子要用部分倒装。再根据would e to.可知,是在讲过去发生的事情,故应用过去时。故答案选D。15解析:选D。考查时态。此处是进行时表示将来动作。B项不与soon连用。.完形填空【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者曾为土里土气的奶奶感到羞耻,但一次“校园送水”事件之后,作者慢慢地改变了对奶奶的看法。1解析:选B。pick up在此意为“开车来接某人”,符合语境。give up“放弃”;take up“占据,从事,拿起”;make up“编造,构成,和解”。2解析:选A。因为是读给小孩子听的,故“图画书(picture books)”恰当。3解析:选D。根据后文的描述可知,奶奶的这些与众不同使作者对她感到羞耻。be ashamed of“对感到羞耻”,符合语境。4解析:选B。因为作者没有带水到学校,所以奶奶担心作者整天在学校会口渴。5解析:选D。由上文作者对奶奶感到羞耻,再结合下文“I responded, Because she embarrassed me at school.”可知,作者当时感到难堪。6解析:选C。作者在下文提到她当时在读四年级,kid指“小孩”,符合语境。7解析:


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