2019年高三上学期第三次质量检测英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019年高三上学期第三次质量检测英语试题 含答案第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man doing? A. Offering a suggestion. B. Starting an argument. C. Stopping a fight. 2. What does the man think of himself? A. He deserves a free lunch. B. His salary is not high. C. He works very hard. 3. When will the party be held? A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. 4. What do we know about the man? A. He knows little about business. B. He is bargaining about something.C. He has a slight hearing problem. 5. What will the man probably do today? A. Have an outdoor party. B. Go shopping. C. Go to a post office.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a drugstore. B. In the hospital. C. In the street. 7. What will the man do next? A. Treat the woman with a drug. B. Support the woman across the street. C. Take the woman back home.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Who is Dan the Bear? A. A fisherman. B. A singer. C. A dolphin trainer.9. How will the woman inform the security officers? A. By putting up a notice. B. By telephone. C. By broadcasting.10. What will the woman do before going to the bar? A. Go to the barbers. B. Buy some clothes. C. Perform onstage.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. How did the woman feel about her weekend? A. It was exciting. B. It was full. C. It was boring.12. What did the man do on Saturday? A. He played sport. B. He visited someone. C. He watched movies. 13. What are the speakers? A. Students. B. Teachers. C. Clerks.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14. What did the woman put on the calendar? A. The picture of the munity. B. The schedule of munity events. C. Interesting stories. 15. What is the man worried about?A. Neighborhood safety. B. Shopping convenience. C. Schools in the munity. 16. Why will there be a party? A. To celebrate a festival. B. To wele some new people.C. To celebrate the womans birthday. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is true about Deep Springs College? A. Its located in a college town. B. Its classrooms are rather pretty. C. Its buildings have a long history. 18. What do you know about the library?A. It looks older than other buildings. B. It is open all the time on weekdays. C. It doesnt have plenty of books. 19. How many teachers and students are there in the college?A. 24. B. 29. C. About 9000.20. What can students at Deep Springs do in their spare time? A. Go walking. B. Go to the cinema. C. Eat out.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. We urge _ extreme caution in _ use of this medicine, which has not been officially approved yet. A. an; theB. an; 不填C. 不填; theD. 不填; 不填22. -Alice has just lost her husband to heart failure. -Her _ smile cant hide her sorrow. A. arbitrary B. artificial C. pulsory D. conventional 23. Though Im not making _ near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, I have more time to acpany the family. A. anything B. everything C. anywhere D. everywhere 24. -Can you give me the right answer? -Sorry, I _. Would you repeat that question? A. hadnt listened B. havent listened C. dont listen D. wasnt listening25. The doctor began feeling inactive and powerless a couple of days ago, but not until he developed 103-degree fever, _ Doctors Without Borders, authorities said.A. did he contactB. he had contacted C. had he contactedD. he contacted26. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), its headquarter _ in Beijing, is an inter-governmental agency which is intended for multi-development of Infrastructure in Asia. A. is locatedB. locatingC. being locatedD. located27. _ the consistent efforts made by the people of Hangzhou, preparatory work for the G20 Summit has been a success.A. On account of B. In terms ofC. With respect toD. In addition to28. These young people are not suitable for such a simple job in an office, _ they are adventurous and creative in nature. A. except thatB. in thatC. as thoughD. in case29. How do you find the club?I _ it. Everyone is saying its management is going from bad to worse.A. couldnt have joinedB. might have joinedC. would rather not have joinedD. was to have joined30. Recent research has _the causes of the mysterious disease that has claimed thousands of lives. A. cast light on B. caught hold of C. made sense of D. laid stress on31. _from the Song Dynasty, the Confucian Temple of Nanjing has now developed into a famous scenic spot, _ sightseeing, shopping and tasty foods. A. Having dated; featured B. Dating; featuring C. Dating; having featured D. Dated; featuring32. As we know, keeping positive is beneficial to the process of our work and study.You can say that again. Struggle not to let negative ideas_.A. take upB. take offC. take onD. take over33. Tony always works out development schemes faster than others. Is it _he graduated from a top university _counts?A. because, that B. that, which C. that; that D. why, what34. Since the 18th national congress of the Party in xx, 79 senior officials, including five members of the Partys central mittee who once _, have been investigated. A. got their wayB. mended their way C. paved their wayD. made their way35. -It is said that it was Mark who started the quarrel and David simply defended himself. -I dont believe it. Those two hate each other. Anyway, _. A. Two wrongs dont make a right B. It takes two to tango C. Attack is the best means of defense D. A fox may grow grey, but never good第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。We must think anew-and act anew. -Abraham LincolnWhen Abraham Lincoln wrote these words, he was facing the greatest crisis: the Civil War. He knew that 36 measures were not enough. “The dogmas (教条) of the37past,” he wrote, “are inadequate to the stormy present. We must think anew, and act anew.” New thought, new action - how simple it sounds and how38it is! Most of us tend to be39by old habits of thought. When crisis threatens, it is all too easy to react as we did before.But great40awaits men and women who can change the pattern of their thinking to meet new challenges. I have41of this in my own experience. When I first left college, I had no42of being a psychiatrist(精神病医生). I taught drama in university. But two years later,43my life, I decided that, much44I enjoyed teaching, what I really wanted to be was a doctor. The45to “act anew” was not easy. I knewI could hardly hope to bee a(n)46psychiatrist before I was forty. My friends advised strongly against such an extreme step. I took it47. I have never regretted it. Today, many of the people who e to me for help are suffering from a kind of48caused by blindly sticking to old patterns of thinking and acting. They cant adapt to49conditions. They find it so difficult to50that sometimes they break. Quite often, in my51 to help such people, I quote these words of Lincoln. When problems annoy us, I tell them - when there is52 no solution - we must not act rigidly. We must not53 our difficulties from old, habitual points of view. We must think anew, and with it will e the54 and the confidence to act anew. A great American told us this. We should remember his words and try to live55them.36. A. immediate B. ordinary C. effective D. temporary37. A. quiet B. dark C. glorious D. recent38. A. impossible B. difficult C. exciting D. interesting39. A. attracted B. covered C. ignored D. restricted40. A. rewardB. promotion C. responsibility D. trouble41. A. noticeB. enough C. proof D. memory42. A. sense B. chance C. knowledgeD. intention43. A. enjoying B. reviewing C. spending D. restarting44. A. as B. since C. for D. unless45. A. promise B. chance C. desire D. decision46. A. little-known B. privileged C. established D. ambitious47. A. moreover B. anyway C. instead D. therefore48. A. rigidity B. foolishness C. sickness D. gravity49. A. pressing B. existing C. changing D. appealing50. A. insist B. pass C. bend D. flee51. A. beliefsB. requests C. wishesD. efforts52. A. seemingly B. surprisingly C. partly D. originally53. A. take on B. look at C. deal with D. see to54. A. interest B. reason C. passion D. power55. A. in B. by C. on D. for 第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AWe considered a list of the best American books but wed need a whole issue to do them justice. Here are 5 that helped define the national character. Most from a century or so ago, they still entertain, teach and inspire American people.Moby-Dick by Herman MelvilleFirst published in 1851, the book tells the adventure stories of Captain Ahab and his continuous hunting for the white whale and draws us into a universe full of fascinating characters and stories.The Education of Henry Adams by Henry AdamsAwarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1918, the book provides insight into Adams family, including his experience as a private secretary to his father, minister to England during the American Civil War.Leaves of Grass by Walt WhitemanWhen Whiteman published Leaves of Grass in 1855, he wanted to define the American experience sing for the new country in a new voice, reflecting the great changes in the American literary world that had taken place during his lifetime.Poems by Emily DickinsonAn enthusiastic poet whose works have had a considerable influence on modern poetry, Dickinsons frequent use of dashes(破折号),sporadic(零星的)capitalization of nouns, and unusual metaphors(隐喻) has contributed to her reputation as one of the most innovative poets of the 19th-century American literature.The song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowFirst published in 1855, this is Longfellows most popular and most recognized poem, showing the heroic life and death of a magic American Indian sent by the Great Spirit to guide the nations in the ways of peace.56. If you want to learn about a magic American Indian, you can choose _.A. Moby-Dick B. Leaves of Grass C. Poems D. The song of Hiawatha57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Of the five works, four are poems.B. Walt Whiteman was an enthusiastic poet and singer.C. The Education of Henry Adams is a non-fiction book.D. Of the five books, Moby-Dick was published last.BA good joke can be the hardest thing to understand when studying a foreign language. As a recent article in The Guardian newspaper noted, “Theres more to understanding a joke in a foreign language than understanding vocabulary and grammar.”Being able to understand local jokes is often seen as an unbelievable ice-breaker for a language learner eager to form friendships with native speakers. “I always felt that humor was a ceiling that I could never break through,” Hannah Ashley, a public relations account manager in London, who once studied Spanish in Madrid, told The Guardian, “I could never speak to people on the same level as I would speak to a native English speaker. I almost came across as quite a boring person because all I could talk about was facts.”In fact, most of the time, jokes are only funny for people who share a cultural background or understand humor in the same way. Chinese-American edian Joe Wong found this out first-hand. He had achieved huge success in the US, but when he returned to China in xx for his first live show in Beijing, he discovered that people didnt think his. Chinese jokes were as funny as his English ones.In Australia, meanwhile many foreigners find understanding jokes about sports to be the biggest headache. “The hardest jokes are related to rugby because I know nothing about rugby,” said Melody Cao, who was once a student in Australia. “When I heard jokes I didnt get, I just laughed along.”In the other two major English-speaking countries, the sense of humor is also different. British edian Simon Pegg believes that while British people use irony (反话)basically, saying something they dont mean to make a jokeevery day, people in the US dont see the point of using it so often. “British jokes tend to be more subtle and dark, while American jokes are more obvious with their meanings, a bit like Americans themselves,” he wrote in The Guardian.58. It is implied in the noted sentence in Paragraph 1 that _. A. making jokes is a possible way for one to learn better a foreign languageB. humor is always conveyed to foreigners through vocabulary and grammarC. vocabulary and grammar help you understand jokes in a foreign language D. there tends to be something behind the words of a joke in a foreign language 59. What can we guess about Hannah Ashley? A. She thinks that Spanish people generally do not have much of a sense of humor.B. She believes that one had better rely on facts when speaking a foreign language.C. She found that humor was a barrier to her getting along well with Spanish people.D. She had a better mand of the Spanish language than of the English language.60. Joe Wong is used as an example to _.A. suggest that there are cultural differences in humorB. show that its hard to put jokes into another languageC. prove that local people have different taste in humorD. show that expressing ability affects the sense of humor61. From the article we can learn that _.A. jokes about sports are difficult for foreigners to understandB. Americans are generally more humorous than British peopleC. not all English native speakers can understand English jokes easilyD. British peoples dark jokes often make people unfortableCBefore boarding the virtual reality roller coaster, riders put on a VR headset across their face. They wont see where the steel track is going, or whats ing up next. As the ride launches into a series of steep drops, banks and loops (环形), riders are involved in high-definition imagery and 360-degree virtual views. Theres even a story lineto follow as theyre screaming their heads off. In the petitive world of who can go higher, faster and deliver more G-forces (离心力), this new kid on the block is making a splash at amusement parks across North America. Next spring, Six Flags will present nine virtual reality roller coasters at its parks in Texas, California, Maryland, and New York. “Its perfect to have this virtual reality technology that gives you the thrilling feeling of being in a different world,” said Thomas Wagner, CEO of VR Coaster, which developed the system for Six Flags, “and to bine it with a coaster that delivers motion (运动), G-forces, zero-gravity momentsits a totally new kind of attraction.” What makes the experience different from 3-D motion simulator (模拟器) rides is that the imagery playing inside the headsets is pletely in sync (同步) with what the physical roller coaster is doing on the track. So while riders are flying amid (在.之间) high-rise buildings in the virtual world, theyre barreling through a corkscrew (拔塞钻) in real life.At Six Flags Magic Mountain outside Los Angeles, VR technology was added to longtime favorite “Revolution” and rebranded as “The New Revolution.” Built in 1976, it was the first looping roller coaster in the world. Today, riders no longer experience a twisting journey through green trees and hills. Instead, theyre knee-deep in a mankind vs. aliens story line. At Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio, thrill seekers who board the new “Superman: Krypton Coaster Virtual Reality Coaster” are fully involved in the ic-book world of Metropolis. Some skeptical park-goers have questioned whether the VR effects cause motion sickness. “Its crucial to have the virtual reality ride precisely synced to the real ride,” Wagner said, “because otherwise, you would get dizzy and have motion sickness.”“The entire VR industry, especially gaming developers, are fighting with this motion sickness problem. If youre sitting at home in a chair and youre watching this convincing 3-D movement, you get dizzy. But when youre on the coaster, and you actually feel the same movements that you are watching and seeing, you dont.” Of course, “Its still a roller coaster, and its still kind of fierce.” So far, Wagner said, the VR roller coasters have attracted every type of daredevil. “People who are even afraid of coasters like it better in VR, because they feel a little bit safer,” he said, “They dont think a video game environment can harm them in any way.”62. Which helps create a special story line? A. A roller coaster. B. A VR headset. C. High buildings. D. Zero-gravity. 63. When you ride a VR roller coaster, you _. A. can clearly see where the steel track is going B. will experience a series of story-based views C. will suffer from serious motion sickness D. can pose a story line of your own 64. What do the underlined words “making a splash” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. attracting much attention B. taking the lead C. following ones example D. struggling to exist 65. People wont feel motion sickness because _. A. they know it is safe to ride VR roller coasters B. a VR ride is not so fierce as a traditional one C. what they feel keeps pace with what they see D. they are concentrating on a game environmentDOn a warm November day, as a skydiving instructor, I, Sheldon McFarlane, arrived at Perths Jandakot Airport at 7.30am, as I do every morning. Id been really busy doing tandem (串联) jumpswhere the student is attached to me with a harness (安全带)as well as teaching students to j


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