2019年高考英语 Unit 4 Body language课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高考英语 Unit 4 Body language课时作业 新人教版必修4. 单项填空1. She felt sorry that she had disturbed thecalmness of a man she respected. A. regularB. curiousC. usualD. various2. the right decisionthe future is probably the most important thing we will ever do in our lives. A. Making; concernedB. Make; concerningC. To make; concernedD. Making; concerning3. (原创)By 2030, Chinasurpass the United States in economy and bees the biggest economic country in the world, according to a report. A. is possible toB. is probable toC. is likely toD. is maybe to4. Although he is wise and intelligent, he fails to be elected as the manager. After all, _ men can be masters. A. not everyB. eachC. allD. not all5. (xx吉安模拟)I can hardly believe my eyes. What a poor position you have! There are so many wrong spellings in it. A. turned intoB. turned offC. turned toD. turned in6. She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their. A. pleasureB. easeC. delightD. fort7. (xx成都模拟)I findhard to concentrate on my study with some people having small talks around me. A. themB. himC. thatD. it8. Inmost cases, smartest way to travel is to carry as little cash as possible. A. /; theB. the; /C. /; /D. a; the9. Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and. A. neither wont TomB. Tom wont eitherC. Tom will, tooD. so will Tom10. (原创)We are all eager to see a brilliant opening ceremony of the 31th Olympics _in Rio de Janeiro. A. holdingB. heldC. to be heldD. being held11. A house may serve many purposes, but its mainis to provide shelter. A. rankB. approachC. functionD. theme12. (xx济南模拟)Though British and American English have some differences in spelling and pronunciation, they have much. A. in generalB. in monC. in placeD. in words13. (原创)It is said that the girl will have a chance toher country to take part in the xx Olympic Games. A. supportB. leadC. representD. guide14. Parents, of course, will do everything they could totheir children from harm. A. defendB. convinceC. overeD. reduce15. She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, , had done very well. A. in additionB. in contrastC. in caseD. in general. 阅读理解(A)(xx白鹭洲模拟)If a noisy neighbor is blasting music at all hours of the day and night, drowning out your phone conversations and interrupting your sleep, you can call the police. But what is a whale to do? Natural noise from waves, wind, rain and even earthquakes is mon in oceans. Unfortunately, man-made noise from oil and gas drilling, sonar, and ships is also present. Low frequency noise has doubled off the California coast every decade since the nineteen sixties. The main reasons are shipspropellers(螺旋桨). They not only generate continuous low frequency sound, but some propellers cavitate(形成气穴), which means they create air bubbles that collapse, creating loud popping sounds. Whales use low frequency calls to municate across thousands of miles of ocean. They are threatened by noise pollution because it can prevent them from contacting each other and from locating their foods. Endangered humpback and right whales, which use fibrous baleen to strain food from the water, are the most at risk. Scientists studying right whales off Canadas east coast have discovered that whales are sending louder calls through the water to make themselves heard. Because they invest more energy in making calls, they have less energy available for finding food and mating. Other scientists measuring whale calls against background noise pollution have discovered that right whales have lost about eighty percent of their normal munication areas. This could seriously affect survival of this already threatened species. Scientists dont have badges and guns, but they are trying to correct the noise pollution problem. By tracking ships and marine mammals and understanding how noise travels, they are creating sound maps. They hope to get shipping lanes moved so that the noise pollution ships create will not overlap with areas most important to the whales. (300W)1. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Whales are in danger because of the noise. B. Noise pollution is affecting whales. C. Natural noise is good for whales. D. How to protect whales endangered. 2. The following statements are true EXCEPT. A. you can call the police if you are disturbed by a noisy neighborB. low frequency noise has doubled off the Canadian coast every decade since the 1960sC. noise pollution can prevent whales from contacting each other and from locating preyD. endangered humpback and right whales are the most at risk3. We can infer from the last paragraph that. A. some areas important to whales are overlapped with the ship lanesB. scientists are creating the sound maps by tracking ships and marine mammalsC. if scientists have guns, they can correct the noise pollutionD. scientists have worked out a plan to protect the whales4. According to scientists, . A. right whales off the California coast have been in danger because of the loss of the energyB. right whales cannot find food and mate for they lose a lot of living areasC. there are about 20% of the normal munication areas still available for the right whalesD. the right whales always invest most of their energy for making calls5. According to the description of whales, we can know that. A. the noise made by the ships has a bad effect on the area where whales liveB. whales can municate with each other by diving into the deep waterC. whales cannot find mates because they dont have enough energyD. the munication between whales is through low frequency calls(B)(xx洛阳模拟)Kids who receive special education are, without doubt, the hardest working children in any school. When they are having difficulty learning basic literacy and number concepts, when they break rules, when they need more services, support and adult attention than their peers, then they are struggling the hardest. In psychology, we are trained to think that if we are feeling angry or confused when sitting with a patient, then we are probably feeling just what our patient is feeling. The same is true for students with disabilities. Whatever we feel when we work with them, they are probably feeling as they work with us. If you have a disability that affects your education, then you have a brain disorder. Because education, even in mathematics, is largely verbal(用言辞的), most brain disorders responsible for educational disabilities affect language, and how you process words and ideas in written form and oral form. To imagine how much effort a child with a language disability spends each school day, imagine yourself attending a school today taught in a language you had a basic understanding of. Imagine though, that while you seem fluent to others, you have trouble when people talk too fast, use idioms or expressions. When adults and classmates blame, or criticize kids who receive special education, they are struggling with their own confusion. It is difficult to imagine the world as it is lived by someone with an educational disability. It is difficult to understand how someone who can be so “normal” can have so many problems. It is so easy to imagine that if they just tried harder. . . Without understanding that just to do the ordinary, kids with disabilities are making an extraordinary effort. (287W)6. What is the purpose of the author by writing the passage? A. To introduce how hard to be a special education teacher. B. To think highly of the children with disabilities. C. To show the disabled have much trouble in understanding. D. To call on the society to care for the disabled. 7. If a disabled kid learns number concepts, he. A. wont work as hard as the normalB. will work double as hard as the normalC. will be as patient as the normalD. will think of his disability first8. If a kid has a disability affecting his education, he will. A. have a hard time using the languageB. be too foolish to learn mathsC. not understand what others are sayingD. have a lot of trouble in remembering words9. Before you intend to blame a kid receiving special education, . A. you should try to understand what he is sayingB. you should imagine the world he lives inC. you should put yourself in his shoesD. you should think of the education he has received【语篇随练】1. 翻译阅读理解(A)的句子If a noisy neighbor is blasting music at all hours of the day and night, drowning out your phone conversations and interrupting your sleep, you can call the police. 【译】_ _2. 用30个词左右概括阅读理解(A)文章大意_答案解析. 1. 【解析】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。usual作 “通(往)常的” 或 “平常的” 讲, 是指在某处、某一时间或某人身上所常见的东西或发生的情况。2. 【解析】选D。句意: 做出关于未来的正确的决定可能是我们生活中将要做的最重要的事情。第一空是动名词短语作主语; 第二空concerning是介词, 有关。3. 【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。句意: 根据一份报告, 中国很可能于2030年在经济上超越美国, 从而成为世界上最大的经济强国。be likely to是固定词组, 主语可以是人或事物, 表示 “很可能做某事” ; possible常用于It is possible that或for sb. to do sth. 结构; probable常用于It is probable that结构。4. 【解析】选D。考查部分否定。句意: 尽管他明智而且聪明, 他不能被选为经理。毕竟, 不是所有的人都能成为主宰。由句意可排除B、C两项。由后面的men可排除A项。故选D项, 在此表部分否定。5. 【解析】选D。turn in上交。句意: 真是难以置信。你交的作文真差啊! 里面有那么多拼写错误。6. 【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 她安排了一个聚会以帮助让陌生人感到放松。put sb. at ones ease意为 “使某人宽心; 使某人感到无拘无束” 。pleasure愉快; delight高兴; fort舒适。【变式备选】the painthe medicine, he can walk as usual now. A. Easing; ofB. Having eased; ofC. Eased of; byD. Having eased of; by【解析】选C。ease sb. of the pain by sth. 通过某物减轻某人的痛苦, 其被动式为sb. be eased of the pain by sth. ; C项为过去分词短语作状语, he为其逻辑主语。7. 【解析】选D。句意: 有一些人在我身边闲聊时我觉得很难集中精力学习。it是形式宾语, 代指后面的不定式短语。8. 【解析】选A。考查冠词的用法。句意: 在大多数情况下, 旅行最聪明之道是身上尽可能少带现金。in most cases意思是 “在大多数情况下” , 不需要冠词, smartest是形容词的最高级形式, 前面要加定冠词the。9. 【解析】选B。考查倒装。句意: 简今天晚上不和我们一起吃饭, 汤姆也一样。and后接的同样为否定句, 故排除C、D两项, A项应改为neither will Tom, 故选B项。10. 【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意: 我们都期望看到将要在里约热内卢举行的第31届奥运会的精彩的开幕式。根据常识可知第31届奥运会尚未举行, 所以要用表示将来的to do, 而且是被举行, 要用其被动结构。故选C。11. 【解析】选C。句意: 房子有许多用途, 但它的主要功能是提供居住处。function功能, 符合题意。12. 【解析】选B。句意: 虽然英国英语和美国英语在拼写和读音上有一些差异, 然而它们还是有很多共同之处的。have much in mon意为 “有很多共同之处” , 符合句意。13. 【解析】选C。句意: 据说那个女孩将有机会代表她的国家参加xx年奥运会。represent代表, 符合句意。14. 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 父母当然会尽其所能来保护他们的孩子免受伤害。defend保护, 保卫; convince使相信; overe克服; reduce减少。15. 【解析】选B。考查介词短语。句意: 她几乎考试不及格, 但是, 与之相反, 她的姐姐却做得很好。从下文的had done very well与前面的had almost failed the exam形成对比, 可知B项in contrast(相比之下, 与之相反)符合句意。in addition另外; in case万一; in general总之。. 文章主要介绍科学家们研究在远离加利福尼亚海滨的海洋里, 轮船螺旋桨形成的噪音现在正影响着鲸鱼之间进行交流和寻找食物的问题。1. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。文章全文在讲述在远离加利福尼亚海滨的海洋里, 轮船螺旋桨形成的噪音现在正影响着鲸鱼之间进行交流和寻找食物的问题。从文章第三段的The main reasons are shipspropellers. 和第四段的They are threatened by noise pollution because it can prevent them from contacting each other and from locating their foods. 可看出。2. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。从第一段的If a noisy neighbor is blasting music at all hours of the day and night, drowning out your phone conversations and interrupting your sleep, you can call the police. 看出A项是正确的; 从第三段的Low frequency noise has doubled off the California coast every decade since the nineteen sixties. 看出B项不正确, 是加利福尼亚而不是加拿大; 从第四段的They are threatened by noise pollution because it can prevent them from contacting each other and from locating their foods. 看出C项是正确的; 从第四段的Endangered humpback and right whales, which use fibrous baleen to strain food from the water, are the most at risk. 看出D项是正确的。3. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一句They hope to get shipping lanes moved so that the noise pollution ships create will not overlap with areas most important to the whales. 可以看出, 鲸鱼的领地被轮船的航线占领了。4. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第五段的Other scientists measuring whale calls against background noise pollution have discovered that right whales have lost about eighty percent of their normal munication areas. 可知露脊鲸在它们正常的交际中失去了大约80%的交流区域, 能利用的有20%。5. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。从文章第四段的Whales use low frequency calls to municate across thousands of miles of ocean. 看出, 鲸鱼是通过low frequency calls进行交流的。社会中有正常人和残疾人, 残疾人做事情时遇到的困难是正常人无法想象的, 所以我们要学会换位思考, 这样我们就可以理解并关心残疾人。6. 【解析】选D。主旨大意题。文章用三段讲述了残疾人受教育时所遭受到的困难, 作者多次用了struggling和if结构, 表明作者写文章的目的在于让正常人理解并且关心残疾人。7. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。文章第一段中When they are having difficulty learning basic literacy and number concepts. . . then they are struggling the hardest. 说明了该题。8. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。文章的第二段前两句说明了该题。9. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章的最后一段尤其是最后一个句子, 作者建议我们换位思考, 设身处地地想一想残疾人的感受。【语篇随练】1.如果你吵闹的邻居时时刻刻都在吵闹地演奏音乐, (音乐声)淹没了你的电话(声), 打断了你的睡眠, 你可以报警。2. Noise pollution is affecting whales and the reasons for that.


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