2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Period4 Lesson2 Great Buildings课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Period4 Lesson2 Great Buildings课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Period4 Lesson2 Great Buildings课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 Period4 Lesson2 Great Buildings课堂达标训练 北师大版必修2.句型转换1A:I was a bit careless in the examination.B:I was _ _ careless in the examination.2A:Our school,lying in the east of the city,has about 3,000 students.B:Our school,_ in the east of the city,has about 3,000 students.3A:Plastics can be made into many things.B:Many things can _ _ _ plastics.4A:Try to think of as many examples as possible.B:Try to think of as many examples _ _ _.翻译句子1这个故事有许多不同寻常的特点。(feature)_2我们的计划落空了。(in ruins)_3这部电影有点令人失望。(sort of )_4雨马上就要来了,屋顶需要修理了。(roof)_5在公园里,有一个用石头雕刻的雕塑。(statue)_.单项填空1When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it _.AbreaksBhas brokenCwere brokenDhad been broken2How is Dennis getting along with his work?Well,he can always_a new idea for increasing sales.Ae up with Be aboutCe out De over3Is_ necessary to plete the design before National Day?Athis BthatCit Dhe4You look uneasy.Is there anything wrong?I feel _ cold.Asort of Ba sort ofCof a sort Dof sort5Time is _,and we should cherish (珍惜) it.Avaluable BvalueCvalueless Dprice 6Joe fixed his eyes _ something moving in front of the table.Aat Bin Cof Don7So far she _ three chapters of the book.Acovers BcoveredChas covered Dis covering8After the entrance examination he spent almost a day_all his textbooks,papers and notebooks.Amaking out Bfiguring outCsorting out Dturning out.完形填空“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence.When I first read this sentence from an American friends email,I laughed.I thought it was a perfect _1_ of Chinglish.Obviously,it is a wordbyword literal (字面的) translation of the Chinese greeting with a _2_English grammar and structure! Later on,my friend told me that it is a standard American _3_.I was too astonished to _4_ her.Her words could not convince (使信服) me at all.So I did a _5_ on google.To my surprise,there are over 60 thousand web pages _6_ “Long time no see”This sentence has been _7_ used in emails,letters,newspapers,movies,books,or any other possible place.Though it is _8_ informal,it is part of the language that Americans use daily.Ironically (具有讽刺意味的是),if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word,the _9_ will tell you that the grammar needs to be _10_.Nobody knows the _11_ of this Chinglish sentence.Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chans movies.In the 1930s,Hollywood moviemakers successfully _12_ a worldwide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens.Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese _13_.“Long time no see” was his trademark.Soon after Charlie Chan,“Long time no see” became a _14_ phrase in the real world _15_ the popularity of these movies.Some people _16_ America to a huge melting pot (大熔炉)All kinds of culture are _17_ in the pot together,and they _18_ the color and taste of each other.American Chinese,though a minority ethnic (民族) group in the US,is also _19_ some changes to the stew (融合)! Language is usually the first thing to be _20_ in the mixed pot.1A.exampleBsignCwordDchange2A.damagedBperfectedClearnedDruined3A.customBgreetingChabitDproverb4A.fixBencourageCunderstandDbelieve5A.jobBresearchCstudyDsearch6A.containingBprintingCshowingDexpressing7A.widelyBhardlyCseldomDdeeply8A.neverBin factCsort ofDenough9A.teacherBsoftwareCoperatorDlistener10A.impressedBexaminedCcorrectedDfound11A.useBoriginCexpressionDmeaning12A.createdBpublishedCdidDdiscovered13A.languagesBskillsCwisdomDknowledge14A.ordinaryBrareCmodernDpopular15A.in spite ofBas toCthanks toDbut for16ApareBaddCleadDowe17A.joinedBmixedCcookedDdone18A.improveBchangeClowerDreduce19A.lookingBputtingCtakingDcontributing20A.affectedBmentionedCusedDconsideredPeriod 4Lesson 2 Great Buildings.1.sort;of2.situated/located3.be;made;of4as;you;can.1.This story has many unusual features.2Our plans are in ruins.3The movie was sort of disappointing.4The rain is ingthe roof needs mending/to be mended.5In the park there is a statue,made of stone.1.Cas if后面的从句要用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反,且该句与现在相反,故用一般过去时,故选C项。2A考查动词短语辨析。e up with提出,拿出;e about发生,产生;e out出来;发行;e over顺便来访。句意为:Dennis工作怎么样?他总能提出促进销售的新主意。3Cit在句中作形式主语。4A句意为:你看上去不舒服。有什么事吗?我感到有点冷。sort of有几分地;a sort of一种;of a sort同一种类的;没有of sort这种用法,因此A项正确。5A句意为:时间是宝贵的,我们应该珍惜它。valuable adj.贵重的,昂贵的,符合句意。value价值;valueless无价值的;price价格。 6D句意为:乔盯着桌子前面移动的东西。fix ones eyes on为固定搭配,意为“注视,凝视”。7C句意为:到目前为止,她已经读了这本书的三章。so far至今,到目前为止,常用于现在完成时,故选C。8Csort out整理,分类,符合句意。make out理解;辨认出;figure out理解;计算出;turn out生产;结果是。.1.A这是中国式英语的一个很好的范例。2D这句话是中国式招呼用语的字面翻译,这种逐字翻译破坏了英语的语法结构。3B承接上文。这是标准的美国式的招呼语。4D指作者感到太意外,而不相信。5D指使用google搜索引擎在网上搜索。6A指包含“Long time no see”这一用语的网页。7A这句话被广泛应用于各种情况下。8C尽管这句话有点不规范。sort of表示程度。9BMicrosoft Word是一款常用的文字处理软件。10C该软件建议该句话的语法需要修正。11B此处谈论该句话的来源。12A好莱坞电影人创造了一位著名的中国侦探的形象。13CChinese wisdom中国的名言,警句。14D在现实世界中这句话得到广泛的欢迎和使用。15Cthank to多亏了,由于。 16Apare. to.把比作17B不同的文化在这个大熔炉中融合。18B指融合以后,各种文化都发生了变化。19D指华人也对这种融合作出了贡献。20A在熔炉中语言通常是首先受到影响的。

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