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2019年高一上学期期末考试(英语)(试卷满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟)第一卷 (三部分,共100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节 单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. _ time went on, our teachers words proved true.A. With B. As C. When DWhile22. Harry Potter VII _ well all over the world.A. is sold B. sells C. sell D. are sold23. The color purple is a _ of red and blue.A. collection B. unity C. joint D. bination24. Her latest album, The Element of Freedom, _ last week and Keys has proved yetagain that she simply does her own thing.A. came out B. came over C. came in D. came up25. The Xinhua News Agency has picked its “hot words” for xx, _ on news storiesin China over the past year.A. to base B. basing C. base D. based26. The report called for global action to deal with climate change and to better _ the earths water resources.A. slurp B. terrify C. distribute D. twinkle27. Looking up, I saw her eyes _ on me in curiosity.A. fixed B. to fix C. fixing D. having fixed28. He shut the window with _ force _ the glass broke.A. so; that B. such; that C. so; as D. such; as29. Teachers should be able to give _ instructions in class.A. specific B. realistic C. critic D. fantastic30. It is not _ that you are so depressed recently; you are suffering from so much pressure.A. surprised B. surprise C. surprisingly D. surprising31. You have no idea how she finished the race _ her foot wounded so badly.A. for B. when C. with D. while32. Mary, why didnt you e yesterday?I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. had B. didC. would D. was going to33. With nothing on, the Emperor walked in the parade, thinking he _ the most beautiful clothes in the world.A. was dressed himselfB. dressedC. was dressed in D. was dressed34. Why didnt you know it was raining outside?Oh, I was _ in thought at that time.A. confident B. strict C. interested D. deep35. His mother was so angry at all _ he was doing _ she shouted at him.A. what; that B. which; that C. that; that D. that; so36. Mary is ill today. If she _, she _ absent from school.A. were not ill; wouldnt be B. had been ill; wouldnt have beenC. had been ill; should have been D. hadnt been ill; could be37. This is one of the best novels _ ever been written by her.A. that has B. which has C. that have D. which have38. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, _, refusing them when they turn to him.A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any39. Have you known Mr. Wang for a long time?Yes, since he _ to our school.A. has e B. es C. had e D. came40. Only those _ knew well could be allowed into the hall.A. he B. who C. whom D. which41. These days, some people choose jobs for other reasons _ money.A. besides B. with C. except D. for42. More and more old people go to the universities for the aged in order to avoid _from the outside world.A. cutting off B. being cut offC. to cut offD. to be cut off43. Fail in the election _ he _, he became famous for his wonderful speech againstslavery.A. although; did B. though; doesC. as; did D. even if; does44. After you arrive, your host will usually _ you a drink. Dont just say: “Ill have a Coke.” Ask them what they have available, and then make your choice.A. offer B. provide C. supply D. furnish45. He gave away his money to help those children who _ school at an early age becauseof poverty.A. start B. keep C. prevent D. quit46. Have you ever been to New York?Do you mean the one which is _ skyscrapers?A. known as B. known to C. famous for D. famous as47. The new state-run test will _ a written test of reading, listening prehension and writing, plus an interview to test speaking skills.A. consist of B. make up C. make up of D. be made of48. It is most _ that we should have a three-day holiday without any homework.A. affordable B. desirableC. remarkable D. accountable49. Winter vacation is approaching. The oversea students are leaving _ their motherland.A. to B. off C. for D. /50. How was it that we were able to _ untold hardships, overe the most difficult and dangerous conditions and bring the revolution to victory?A. survive on B. survive from C. survive D. surviving第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AngelsMy friend Heather mentioned that she had never seen an Angel. Then I remembered the 51I had with my sister Sandra earlier this week.This will be Sandras first Christmas without her husband. This summer he died in her arms. On Thursday, she was in the store 52for an ideal card for her two sons and daughter. Time passed by quickly as she 53the many choices. She wanted a card that sent something special to each of them, 54she knew they would have a(n) 55place in their heart this holiday season.Finally! She found the one that expressed the 56feeling. The words expressed the feelings that she wished to share. However, a sharp pain pierced(穿透) her heart when she realized that the card was 57“mom and dad.” She stood there, 58it close for a long time, unable to move from the 59. Tears began to run down her cheeks.“Is there something I can do for you?” a 60voice asked. She 61to face a stranger, a woman, who was looking at her with 62and concern. “Uhoh.OH!” Sandra responded, “I cant give this card to my children becausebecause my husband died and this is the 63card.”Hearing this, the strangers face softened with sympathy(同情) and love. She reached out and 64my sister into her arms, giving her unspoken permission to cry in the protection of her embrace(拥抱). She 65held my sister until her calmness 66. “Thank you for listening to me cry on,” was what my sister said when all was better. “You are wele, and I am so sorry for your 67,” the stranger answered and said goodbye to her.During her telling of this event I was feeling 68that I hadnt been there. My sister needed me and a stranger had to do my 69. “You know,” she went on, “a friend suggested that it was like meeting with an Angel.” My 70disappeared in an instant. My sister required an Angel, and I think that is exactly what she got.51. A. conversation B. difficulty C. accident D. quarrel52. A. paying B. caring C. callingD. looking53. A. left B. offeredC. read D. discovered54. A. although B. as C. when D. if55. A. otherB. emptyC. safe D. different56. A. sadB. strangeC. amazingD. perfect57. A. forB. to C. from D. by58. A. seizingB. holdingC. keepingD. grasping59. A. spot B. stairC. area D. home60. A. firm B. proudC. cold D. soft61. A. walked B. turned C. decidedD. woke62. A. question B. shockC. regret D. upset63. A. harmfulB. specialC. wrongD. right64. A. pulled B. caught C. sent D. protected65. A. quietlyB. tightlyC. strongly D. seriously66. A. disappearedB. went C. arrivedD. returned67. A. failureB. idea C. loss D. death68. A. shockedB. angryC. shyD. hopeless69. A. task B. time C. favorD. job70. A. responsibility B. sympathy C. guiltD. hurt第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen a close friend dies, it often forces you to consider your own death. The more you have in mon with the friend, the more his death will make you wonder about your own. Sometimes you will naturally say to yourself, “It could just as easily have been me.” Such a death has a way of reminding us how fragile life is, and it may cause you to reassess(重新评价) the direction of your own life.Jacks story is a good example. A successful businessman making a lot of money, Jack didnt spend as much time with his family as he wanted. His job required him to work long hours. But three years ago one of his best friends, a man who worked in the same office, had a heart attack. He died while celebrating his daughters eighteenth birthday in a restaurant. He was only fifty years old.Not long after his friends death, Jack started to have a chest pain. Finally he had a good physical check-up. He received a clean bill of health. But the chest pain continued. He kept thinking of the death of his friend. Jack thought about how much his friend missed in life and he saw how hard it was for his friends family to manage after he passed away.Jack realized that he didnt want to end up his life that way. He talked his feelings over with his wife and children, and decided to change his way of life. The family moved to a small town where he started a simple life. Now he is running a small art gallery(画廊). He is relaxed, and says he has never been so happy in his life. And he has got no more chest pain.71. Your close friends death is _ to you.A. a warning B. monC. a direction of life D. an example72. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means “_”.A. The doctor didnt write a word on his billB. The doctor didnt want Jack to pay for the billC. The doctor didnt find anything wrong with himD. The doctor didnt want to treat his pain73. His friends death made Jack _.A. lose much interest in lifeB. realize that he missed the friend very muchC. doubt his way of lifeD. ill for some time74. While living in the small town Jack _.A. earns less money B. gets more timeC. has a happier life D. does all these mentioned aboveBForce other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes(龙卷风). Sometimes, as the turning, jumping funnel(漏斗) passes over a house, the walls and ceiling burst apart as if a bomb had gone off inside. This explosion(爆炸) is caused by the low air pressure at the center of a tornado.The pressure at the center of a tornado is usually 13 pounds per square inch. However, inside the house the air pressure is normal, about 15 pounds per square inch. The difference of 2 pounds per square inch between the inside and outside pressure may not seem like much. But suppose a tornado funnel passes over a small building that measures 20 by 10 by 10 feet. On each square inch of the building, there is 2 pounds of pressure from the inside that is not balanced by air pressure outside the building. On the ceiling, that adds up to an unbalanced pressure of 57,600 pounds. The pressure on the four walls adds up to 172,800 pounds.If windows are open in the building, some of the inside air will rush out through them. This will balance the pressure inside and outside the building. But if the windows are shut tightly, the great inside pressure may cause the building to burst.Unfortunately, heavy rain happens in thunderstorms that later produce tornadoes. So, people often shut all windows to protect their property. This may cause far worse damage later.75. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?A. Where tornadoes are formed.B. When tornadoes usually occur.C. How tornadoes can be prevented.D. Why tornadoes cause so much damage.76. According to the passage, tornadoes can destroy building because the _.A. force of a tornado increases the air pressure in a buildingB. air pressure at the center of a tornado is over 172,000 poundsC. weight of a tornado can crush a buildings roof when it passes overheadD. air pressure inside a tornado is less than the air pressure inside a building77. According to the passage, the pressure on a building during a tornado can be reducedby _.A. closing the windows B. opening the windowsC. using an electric fan D. making the roof and walls strongerCA newspaper reporters job can be very interesting. He meets all types of people and lives quite a busy life. He is on the rush for news all the time, then after several years he may get a desk job, and life bees a bit more settled. Lets look at his work a little more closely. In a day he may have to interview the prime minister of a foreign country, and the next day he may be writing about a football match. Sometimes he may be so busy that he has hardly any time to sleep. And at other times he may go on for days looking out for news materials yet return empty-handed.In the beginning, a reporter has to cover a very wide field. After the early years he bees more specialized in his work. For example, he may finally be asked to write only on court cases or politics or sports. Some reporters may bee so specialized that they are asked only to write on a special thing: horse racing, for example. In most newspaper houses there is at least one special racing correspondent. Some newspapers have book reviews. Their job is delightful. They read the latest book and then write reviews on the ones they like. Then there are those who write on films, so they get to see them even before they are shown in the cinema. How lucky, you would say!A reporters job can also be very dangerous. A number of them have died rushing from one assignment to another, and if there is a flood or a riot(暴乱) they may get hurt or even be killed. Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was smashed by a group of men, because they were angry with him for taking their picture. Dangerous or not, one thing is certain, and that is, their job is never dull!78. What does the underlined phrase “on the rush” mean in the passage?A. on the beach B. in a hurryC. on the spotD. in no time79. Reporters who write on films are said to be lucky because they _.A. can see the films before most people see them in the cinemaB. can see more film starsC. can pay less than other peopleD. can write anything they like80. A reporters work bees dangerous when _.A. there is a flood or a riotB. there is an interview with the prime ministerC. there is a football matchD. he is seeing a horror film81. From the passage we can infer that, to be a good reporter, he must be all of the following except _.A. brave B. strongC. quick in mind D. well-informedDMore than 6,000 children were expelled(开除) from the U. S. schools last year for bringing guns and bombs to schools, the U. S. Department of Education said on May 8.The department gave a report on the expulsions(开除) as saying handguns accounted for 85 percent of the 6,093 expulsions in 1996-97, against 7 percent for rifles(步枪) or shotguns and 25 percent for other types of firearms.“The report is a clear sign that our nations public schools are cracking down(严惩) on students who bring guns to school.” Education Secretary Richard Riley said in a statement. “We need to be tough-minded about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe.”In March 1997, an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old boy using handguns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In October, two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14-year-old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Daducah, Kentucky.Most of the expulsions, 56 per cent, were from high schools, which have students from about age 16. Nearly 34 per cent were from junior high schools and 9 per cent were from elementary schools, the report said.82. From the first paragraph we can infer that in the U. S. schools _.A. students enjoy shooting B. students are eager to be soldiersC. safety is a problem D. students can make guns83. The report from the U. S. Department of Education shows that _.A. the number of the expulsions is not largeB. the number of the expulsions is wrongC. there are soldiers hiding among the studentsD. guns are out of control in the U. S. schools.84. The main idea of Paragraph 4 shows us _.A. some examples of shooting in the U. S. schoolsB. the Americans feelingC. some terrible accidentsD. that some teachers were killed by students85. According to the passage, how many students were shot dead in 1997 in the U. S. schools?A. 10 B. 9C. 12 D. 22EYour parents always tell you that a solid education is the key to a successful future. For those of you that will be graduating from high school, the mitment(承诺) you made to plete your schooling has been fulfilled. Another few years in some college classroom just doesnt sound too attractive; so what are your choices? Lets see, Choice 1You can live with your parents, leech on to them, and basically do nothing. Or Choice 2You could get yourself a job. Of course, there are other choices, but for this little discussion, well just suppose that they arent relevant.Okay, so Choice 2 is obviously going to be more productive. Youre finally into the workplace and will be entering the real world. What would be a good place to start? Well, hopefully high school helped to give you some sort of an idea of what type of job you would like to enter. If not, then it would be a good idea to speak with an advisor or a person working in the field you may be interested in before you jump into a job that you wont like. Gaining knowledge on a particular line of work beforehand can be very effective by helping you in your search to find that job that you will enjoy doing. Another reason to research jobs and get some hands on work is related to the fact that it will also be helpful in buffing up your resume and providing you with some valued experience. Internships(见习) or volunteering are usually a good place to start.If you are ready to begin a job after high school, the main benefits will clearly be saving money from high college expense and happily making a living in your chosen jobs. From another point of view, jumping into the workplace is sometimes the only way to see for yourself if you are ready to work a 40-hour week yet. If you decide that full time work is not what you are ready for, then this may suggest that you should go back to school and get a degree. Besides, a college degree will usually equal higher wages.86. The underlined phrase “leech on to” in the first paragraph might mean “_”.A. help B. depend onC. quarrel with D. take care of87. The best title for this passage might be _.A. Going to CollegeB. Where Should I StartC. The Advantage of Starting Work EarlierD. Jumping into Work after High School88. The advantages of starting work right after high school include the following except _.A. saving moneyB. making sure if you are really ready to workC. getting higher wagesD. getting to know if you should go back to school89. Which of the following isnt menti


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