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2019-2020年高考英语限时训练(31) I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people 1 I think about myself. I am happy that I am being a 2 person.I think my 3 started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my 4 and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever 5 to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really 6.It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So I tried a(n) 7.I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I 8 to help. That was really a big 9 for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of 10 are still my best friends today.A bigger cause of my new 11,however, came when I took a part-time job at Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimers disease became my 12.Every time I came into her room, she was so 13 because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never 14 her, so I took her place. She let me 15 that making others feel good made me feel good too. When she died, I was 16,but I was also very grateful to her.I think I am a much 17 person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not 18 these experiences. They have 19 me to care about other people more than about myself. I 20 who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.1.A.since B. before C. or D. unless2.A.famousB. simple C. different D. skilled3.A.educationB. career C. tour D. change4.A.balanceB. homework C. degree D. interest5.A.talkedB. wrote C. lied D. reported6.A.carefulB. lonely C. curious D. guilty7.A.argumentB. game C. experiment D. defense8.A.dared B. offered C. hesitated D. happened9.A.dreamB. problem C. duty D. step10.A.us B. which C. them D. whom11.A.attitudeB. hobby C. hope D. luck12.A.friendB. partner C. guide D. guest13.A.politeB. happy C. strange D. confident14.A.botheredB. answered C. visited D. trusted15.A.explainB. guess C. declare D. see16.A.homelessB. heartbroken C. bad-tempered D. hopeless17.A.quieterB. busier C. better D. richer18.A.forgetB. face C. improve D. analyze19.A.forcedB. preferred C. ordered D. taught20.A.missB. like C. wonder D. expectCloze 2 To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We 1 hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter. When our 2 came, I started walking towards an empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap(带子) got 3 on a chair and the tray(托盘) that I was holding slipped 4 my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents,5 on a man who was just about to 6 a bite of his sandwich. I stared, greatly 7,as the drinks soaked(浸湿) his white shirt.Then I 8 my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of 9.Instead, he said “Its OK” to 10 me before he disappeared into the washroom.Still shaky and unsure 11 to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look 12.A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and 13 our table. My heart almost stopped 14.I thought he was going to ask for my fathers 15 and call him.To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said,“16 yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked 17 without even finishing his food.He could have made what was already an unfortable situation worse,18 he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still 19 in this world. Ill never 20 his actions.1.A.ordered B. made C. arranged D. demanded2.A.food B. turn C. bill D. menu3.A.fixed B. caught C. cut D. tied4.A.by B. in C. from D. out5.A.knocked B. fell C. stood D. hung6.A.take B. taste C. swallow D. chew7.A.discouraged B. disappointed C. shocked D. annoyed8.A.rolled B. rubbed C. narrowed D. closed9.A.bitterness B. anxiety C. anger D. sorrow10.A.satisfy B. fort C. encourage D. praise11.A.how B. who C. what D. which12.A.mild B. honest C. calm D. modest13.A.pushed B. approached C. drew D. laid14.A.beating B. breaking C. sinking D. trembling15.A.help B. position C. number D. job16.A.Prepare B. Buy C. Find D. Cook17.A.on B. around C. up D. away18.A.so B. since C. although D. but 19.A.kindness B. happiness C. politeness D. brightness20.A.forget B. refuse C. oppose D . ignorexx届高三英语限时训练(31)参考答案A篇语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者对他人的态度的转变过程。作者以前是一个以自我为中心的人,但是作者的一些经历教会了她如何关心别人。1.B作者以前是一个以自我为中心的人,但是现在变了。以自我为中心的人总是先为自己考虑,既然现在变了,就会先考虑别人,所以填before。2.C作者以前以自己为中心,现在知道考虑别人了,所以她与以前的自己不同了,故选different。3.D根据下文可知,作者通过讲述事实来说明自己是何时开始改变的,所以填change。4.C根据上文的Palomar College和动词get可知,此处指作者想获得“学位”degree。5.A作者自以为比任何人都聪明,所以几乎不与班里的任何人“交谈”。6.B根据下文的“好像除了我之外的其他人都交了朋友,他们都玩得很开心”可知,作者感到“孤独”。7.C作者感到孤独,所以就开始尝试一个试验。根据语境可知此处应填experiment。8.B作者开始询问周围的人,如果有困难,她会“提供(offer)”帮助。9.D作者以前几乎从不和班里任何人交流,而现在却主动询问别人有什么困难,这对她是一大“步”。10.C分析语境和句子结构可知,空处用来指代前面的several new friends,所以填them。 11.A全文都是在讲述作者对待他人的“态度”(attitude)的转变。12.A 据下文可知,这位老太太把作者当成自己的女儿,她使作者明白让别人感觉好也会使自己感觉好。13.B由于老太太见到作者以为见到了自己的女儿,所以她感到“高兴”(happy)。14.C根据下文的“我代替了她的位置”可知,她的女儿从未来“看望”(visit)过她。15.D老太太让作者明白了让别人开心也可以使自己开心。see除了表示“看到,看见”外,还可表示“明白,认识到”。其余三项的意思分别是“解释”、“猜测”、“宣布”,都不符合语境。16.B老太太把作者看作是自己的女儿,作者也把老人看作是朋友,老太太去世,作者很“伤心” 。17.C作者以前只知道为自己考虑,现在知道了关心别人,所以同以前相比,作者认为自己好多了。18.A这些经历使作者得以改变,所以作者希望自己不会“忘记”(forget)这些经历。19.D这些经历教会了作者要更多地关心他人。force强迫;prefer更喜欢;order要求,均不符合语境。20.B作者认为自己比以前好了,所以作者喜欢现在的自己。 【疑难词汇解读】1.leave alone不去打扰某人,让某人独自待着;不管,不过问B篇语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在快餐店里吃饭时发生的一件事情:由于粗心“我”把食物撒在别人身上,“我”感到不安和害怕,但是对方不但没有责备“我”,反而掏出钱让“我”另外买一份。这使作者真正懂得了在我们所生活的世界里仁慈和宽容的行为一直存在着。1.A为了庆祝考试的结束,我们去了一家快餐店。我们点了(ordered)汉堡包和可口可乐。2.A上文中提到了汉堡包和可口可乐,故此处指我们的食物(food)端上来了。 3.B不幸的是,我钱包的带子挂在了椅子上面。短语get caught在此处的意思是“被挂住,卡在”。4.C钱包的带子被挂在椅子上了,我手上的托盘也就从(from)我的手上滑出去了。5.B托盘滑了出去,托盘以及托盘中的东西也就撒落(fell)到一个人身上了。6.A那个人刚要吃他的三明治。take a bite of.固定搭配,意为“吃一口”,符合语境。7.C由于饮料浸湿了那个人洁白的衬衫,所以我盯着他,感到很震惊(shocked)。8.D发生了这样的事,作者肯定很害怕,故闭上(closed)眼睛,等着他的愤怒爆发。9.C作者把食物和饮料撒在别人身上,因此认为他会很愤怒(anger)。10.B但是那个人只说了一句“Its OK”来安慰(fort)我,然后去了洗手间。 11.C根据语境可知,此处表示作者不知道接下来要做些什么(what)。12.C我们坐在一张桌子旁,尽力让我们看上去很冷静(calm)。 13.B过了一会儿,那个人从洗手间出来,向我们的桌子走来。 14.A由于害怕被责备,我的心脏几乎都要停止跳动(beating)了。15.C根据此句后面的call him可知,我认为会要我父亲的电话号码(number)并给我父亲打电话。16.B令我惊讶的是,他仅仅对着我们笑了笑,给了我们一些钱,让我买(buy)一些新的汉堡包。17.D根据语境,他没有吃完就离开了。walk away意思是“走开,离去”,符合语境。18.D他本来可以使已经糟糕的情况变得更糟糕,但是(but)他却选择了一种不同的方式。19.A从这件事上,那个人让我们相信了世界上仍然存在宽容(kindness)。20.A我当然不会忘记(forget)那个人的这种行为。refuse拒绝;oppose反对;ignore忽视。xx届高三英语时文阅读 Youll always be there for me! In 1980s a big erathquake broke out in America, killing many people. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safety at home and rushed to his sons school, but only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake. After the unforgettable shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son. No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes. He began to direct his attention towards where he walked with his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his sons classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging through the ruins. As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived. Some of them tried to pull him off the schools ruins, saying: “Its too late! Theyre all dead! Go home! Theres nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with one line: “Are you going to help me now?” And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and said, “Fires are breaking out, and explosions are happening everywhere. You are in danger. Well take care of it. Go home.” To which this loving, caring father still asked, “Are you going to help me now?” The police came and said, “ Youre angry and anxious. Its over. Go home. Well handle it!” Tro which he replied, “Are you going to help now?” But, No one helped. Courageously he went on alone. He dug for eight hours12 hours24hoursthen, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons voice. He screamed his sons name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad?! Its me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, youd save me and when you saved me, theyd be saved. You had promised: No matter what happens, youll always be there for me! You did it, Dad!” “Whats going on there? How is it?” the father asked. “There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. Were scared, hungry, thirsty, and thankful youre here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us. “e out, boy!” “No, Dad! Let the other kids go out first, because I know youll get me! No matter what happens, I know youll always be there for me!”好词好句积累:_


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