2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第6课时(coach-courage).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语核心词汇复习 第6课时(coach-courage)I.单词拼写1. We got a professional football c_ to e and help us train the team.2. They live on a small island off the c_ of Scotland.3. He tried to c_ her by telling her that everything would be all right.4. Ann became my closest c_; we spent a lot of time together.5. The new building is going up at a c_ of $82 million.6. Hes on the c_(委员会)that controls council spending.7. She kept the c_(内容) of the letter a secret.8. Didnt you give a talk at the c_( 会议) last year?9. I had to write a c_(作文) about the Royal visit.10.Whats your c_(概念) of an ideal society?II.词形转换1. Grandpa has a large _ (collect)of foreign coins.2. I was so _ (fort) and warm in bed that I didnt want to get up.3. Radio was the pilots only means of _ (municate)4. _ (pete) for these jobs is very fiercewe had over 200 applicants.5. Weve e to the _ (conclude) that hes not for the plan.6. _ (congratulate) on your new job, Jenny.7. There is a _ (connect) between pollution and the death of trees.8. A new nuclear power station is now under _ (construct).9. I want to thank everyone who has _(courage) and supported me.10.I have every _ (confident) in you and your ability.III.单项选择1. The news will _ as no surprise to his colleaguesA. connectB. eC. concludeD. contain2. The landlady came around once a month to _ the rent.A. collectB. askC. mitD. confirm3. I thought Id go over and _ her pany so that she didnt feel lonely.A. doB. stayC. remainD. keep4. _ to our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace.A. pareB. paringC. To pareD. pared5. Meg realized shed been a _ fool.A. pleteB. mercialC. contentD. constant6. _ Im concerned, you can forget about it.A. As long as B. On condition thatC. As far as D. In case of7. Dress well for a job interview because first impressions really do _.A. count B. cooperateC. convinceD. important8. -Shes moving to Alaska.- Really? _.A. And you?B. How e?C. Hows it going?D. How about?9. He _, but he chose to stand and fight.A. escapedB. did escapeC. might escapeD. could have escaped10._ me if Im wrong, but havent we met before?A. CorrectB. CorrectingC. To correctD. Having correctedIV.词组填空on the contraryconcentrate onbe concerned aboutbe content witha couple ofunder controlconsist ofconnected toment onconvinceof1. Turn off the TV, so you can _your homework.2. The police have refused to _the investigation until it is pleted.3. Zoo officials _ the mother elephant, which is badly ill.4. The International Olympic mittee _ members from many countries.5. I _ my job, my home, and my family. Im happy and satisfied.6. Her voice is _, but she is almost shaking with anger.7.The government id trying hard to _the local people _ the safety of the nuclear power station.8. What I need now is a puter _ the Internet.9. It wasnt a good thing; _, it was a huge mistake.10.Id just like to ask you _ questions before you go.I. 句子翻译1. 他祝贺我取得好成绩。(congratulate)_2. 这兄弟俩没有什么相同之处。(mon)_3. 许多人在竞争这份工作。(pete)_4. 从他的话中我们得出结论:他不赞成这个计划。(conclude)_5. 这次调查将会用英语进行个。(conduct)_6. 那个传言后来得到了证实。(confirm)_7. 注意不要把质量和数量混淆了。(confuse)_8. 你有没有考虑过买一辆新车?(consider)_9. 移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。(contribute)_10.那个错误几乎使他丧命。(cost)第6课时答案I. 单词拼写1. coach2. coast3. fort4. panion5. cost6. mittee7. contents8. conference9. position10. conceptII. 词形转换1. collection 2. fortable3. munication4. petition5. conclusion6.Congratulation 7.connection8. construction 9. encouraged10. confidenceIII. 单项选择1 5 BADDA 6 10 CABDAIV. 选词填空1. concentrate on2. ment on3. are concerned about 4. consists of 5. am content with6. under control7. convince of8. connected to9. on the contrary 10. a couple ofV. 句子翻译1. He congratulated me on my good exam results.2. The two brothers have little in mon.3. Many people are peting of the job.4. We conclude from his words that he is not for the plan.5. The survey will be conducted in English.6. The rumor was later confirmed.7. Be careful not to confuse quality with quantity.8. Have you ever considered buying a new car?9. Immigrants contribute to English culture in many ways.10. The mistake almost cost him his life.

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