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2019-2020年高三英语第一次月考试题新人教版第一部分 听力部分(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题l.5分,满分7.5分) 1. Which is true about the womans sister?A.She is very tall.B.She wears a T-shirt.C.She has brown hair.2. Where are the speakers? A. At a shop. B. At a bank. C. At a hotel.3.What does the woman mean? A. She likes her work. B. She feels tired every day.C. She plans to quit her job.4. What does the woman mean? A. Most students cant afford to live in the new apatments. B. The new apartments are not available until next month.C. The new apartments can acmodate 500 students.5. What is Mr. Middleton according to the conversation? A. A student. B.A teacher. C. A lawyer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题两个小题。6. What is the womans real problem? A. She feels headache.B. She feels frightened.C. She feels stressed.7. What food is considered as low stress food? A. Apples and grapes. B. Hamburgers. C. French Fries.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. What does the man give the woman as a souvenir(纪念品)? A. A horse. B. A paiting. C. A book.9. What can we know from the conversation? A. The man gets a book from the woman.B. The man is an artist. C. The man will miss the woman whenever it is.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. What do we know about the new iPhone 4? A. Its expensive.B. Its multifunctional(多功能的).C. It will e out in June.11. How big is the first generation iPod? A. It is about the size of a pack of gum.B. It is about the size of a piece of gum.C. It is about half the size of a pack of gum.12. How much does the second generation iPod cost? A. About $ 50. B. About $ 100. C. About $ 150.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where are the two speakers? A. At home. B. In a shop. C. In a hotel.14. What does the woman order? A. Coffee with cream. B. A boiled egg. C. A cup of tea.15. What does the man want to do for the woman? A. Make her enjoy herself.B. Enjoy all kinds of food. C. Make each other better understood.16. What the possible relationship between the spaekers? A. Friends. B. Waiter and customer. C. Husband and wife.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What will not be raised on the farm? A. Cats. B. Chickens. C. Pigs.18. Why does the speaker want to have some chickens? A. To sell them when they grow up.B. To eat the meat. C. To get enough eggs from them.19. How long would the speaker help other neighours with their work? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Fours hours.20. Where does the speaker want to go one afternoon? A. To his parents. B. To Sams. school C. To his brothers.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. _ the good chance to get promoted then, he would be a sales manager now. A.If he seized B.If he were to seized C.If he had seized D.If he should seize2. -I often confuse the locations of Wangjiang Junior High School and Wangjiang Senior High School.-The former is located on the Phenix Mound(凤凰墩), _ the latter beside the Nine Dragons Pool. A.while B.however C.although D.since3. When my friend, Li Hua, came to Wangjiang Senior High School for the first time, he was _, remarking, “What an amazingly beautiful school!”A.travelled around B.turned around C.looked around D.showed around4. Being most potential, the Wuchang Lake is being _ into a tourist attraction.A.adopted B.admired C.developed D.preferred5. On a freezing cold winter morning with _ wind, Wang Xiang lay on the thick ice in a river, nearly frozen to death, catching fish for his sick step mother, which, however, has received universal praise throughout history.A.mild B.sharp C.large D.calm6. Why are you leaving right away? You promised to stay two _ hours. A.every B.another C.both D.more7. -_ success the young brilliant scientist has made is admirable.-I think he is _ success as a scientist indeed. A.a; the B.the; C.the; a D.; the8. Little Bob is often educated by his parents to be good and friendly even if _.A. attacking B. is attacked C. to attrack D. attacked9. -John, _.Helpyourselftothetastyhot pot.Youcantfindamoredeliciousdish.-Oh,_!Thetasteistoosharp-Icantreallytakeit. Ae on; I cant agree more Be on; e onC.take it easy; wonderful D.go ahead; it doesnt matter10. Kathie is reading the note which _ in the drawer the other day.A.is leaving B.is left C.left D.was left11. She laid a tablecloth _ the dining table to keep dust _ it. A.on; out of B.above; from C.over; off D.up; away12. _ the instructions very carefully when filling in the form. A.Following B.To follow C.Follow D.Followed13. 2,000 adults will be questioned to see _ they think ghosts are real on Halloween. A.that B.whether C.what D.which14. The old temple _ roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair. A.where B.which C.its D.whose15. He admitted that when _ es to repairing a puter, he had little knowledge of it. A.he B.that C.this D.it第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot ofteens today, got tired of home. The daughter objected to her familys 36 lifestyle and said, “I dont want your God. I am leaving !” She left home. Before long, she was disappointed and unable to find a job, so she took to the streets to do everything she could to 37 money. Many years passed by, her father died , her mother grew 38 , and the daughter became more and more entrenched (固执) in her way of life. No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother, having 39 her daughters whereabouts, went to the poor part of the city in 40 of her daughter . She stopped at each of the rescue missions with a simple 41 . “Would you allow me to 42this picture?” It was a picture of the smiling, gray-haired mother with a handwritten 43 at the bottom : “I love you stille home!” One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal. She sat 44listening to the service, all the while letting her 45wander over to the bulletin board. There she saw the picture and thought, could that be my mother? She couldnt 46until the service was over. She stood and went to look .It was her mother , and there were those words, “I love you stille home !” 47she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too 48 to be true. It was night, but she was so 49by the message that she started walking home. 50 the time she arrived it was early in the morning. She was afraid and 51her way timidly. As she knocked, the door 52 open on its own. She thought someone must have broken into the house. Concerned for her mothers 53, the young woman ran to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said, “Its me ! Its me ! Im home!” The mother couldnt believe her eyes. They fell into each others arms. The daughter said , “I was so worried and 54 someone had broken in.” The mother replied gently, “No, dear . From the day you left, that door has never been 55.”36.A.shabby B.religious C.awfulD.simple37.A.earn B.win C.offer D.approach38.A.lonelier B.slower C.elder D.older39.A.told about B.heard of C.learned from D.informed of40.A.sight B.charge C.search D.want41.A.request B.remark C.question D.speech42.A.bring up B.lay off C.drop out D.put up43.A.record B.advice C.message D.notice44.A.constantlyB.absent-mindedly C.frequently D.carefully45.A.eyes B.hands C.thoughts D.imaginations46.A.help B.evaluate C.wait D.consult47.A.After B.Since C.Until D.As48.A.lucky B.good C.skeptical D.coincidence49.A.astonished B.touched C.blamed D.ashamed50.A.By B.At C.During D.Before51.A.walked B.led C.made D.held52.A.seemed B.blew C.proved D.flew53.A.safety B.anxiety C.danger D.relief54.A.observed B.realized C.found D.thought55.A.adopted B.opened C.locked D.Fixed第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列五篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。ARunning like the wind, roaring (咆哮) like thunder, tigers have long been feared and respected as a king of the animal world. But last week a report said that there are no more than 30 wild tigers left in south China.This was the conclusion of a team of scientists from Chinas State Forestry Administration and the World Nature Fund.The South China tiger, also known as the Chinese tiger, is native to southern China. In the 1950s, there were over 4000 tigers found in mountain forests in the country. But due to the destruction of their natural habitat and uncontrolled hunting, it has been pushed on to the list of the worlds top ten most endangered species.Sixtysix of the big cats can be found in the cages of a dozen zoos around China. But they are nothing like their wild cousins. They have lost their natural skills such as hunting and killing. If they were set free they could not look after themselves. “Breeding has damaged the quality of the species”, said Pei Enle, deputy director of the Shanghai Zoo.To reintroduce the species into the wild, the country started a programme to send five to ten young tigers to South Africa. Four of them have already arrived. Progress has been made as two elder tigers have recovered some of their instincts(本能) and can hunt wild animals by themselves at the African base.“South Africans are very experienced in reintroducing big animals to the wild. The country has very good natural conditions for the tigers to learn in”, said Lu Jun, office director of the National Wildlife Research and Development Center. “We tried in Fujian Province, but it was not successful as there was not a plete ecochain(生物链) and there was a lack of space.”The tigers should return to China in xx when the reservations in Fujian are ready.56.What is the main reason for the South China tiger being one of the worlds top ten most endangered species?A. Because it has lost its natural instincts.B. Because there is not a plete ecochain.C. Because there is no space for it.D .Because uncontrolled hunting has destroyed its natural living conditions.57.How is the programme of sending several tigers to South Africa getting on?A. Its effect still remains to be seen.B. Two tigers can already pete with their wild cousins.C. Some of the tigers are already on the road to recovering their natural skills.D. The tigers should be able to recover their instincts pletely by xx.58.By saying “but they are nothing like their wild cousins”, the writer means that_.A. they are no longer feared by other wild animalsB. they dont know how to hunt or killC. a plete change has resulted in the species because of breedingD. to reintroduce them into the wild has bee an urgent task59.What is the purpose of sending young tigers to South Africa?A. To help the tigers recover their ability to live in the wild.B. To provide them with a better environment.C. To get the tigers to go on a tour.D. To find a plete ecochain for them.BIf you were walking around a supermarket and saw a woman with a shaved head, a ring through her nose, a tattoo(纹身)design on her arm and she has a small child in her shoppingtrolley, what would your opinion be? Do you think this kind of body decoration is attractive or ugly? Different people have different ideas. The following are some examples of body decoration from around the world.In many parts ofAfrica, it is thought that an attractive girl should have really shinny skin.On Bali, a little island inIndonesia, they believe that a beautiful woman or handsome man must have perfectly straight, flat teeth. The Balinese believe that teeth with pointed edges make you look like an ugly wild animal. So when a girl or boy bees a teenager, he or she is taken to a special person in their village who will file off teeth points to make them smooth and flat. There is no anesthetic(麻药)and this tooth filing is really painful. It is a kind of test. If you can stand it without screaming or crying too much, then you are thought ready to bee an adult.InMyanmar, there is a small group of people who are called the “Papaung”. They believe that a woman can only be really beautiful if she has a long neck. I mean a VERY long neck. Now you might think that you are either born with a long or short neck and that theres nothing whatever you can do about it. But you would be wrong! At around the age of 5, a Papaung girl has heavy metal rings fitted around her neck, tightly between the chin and shoulders. Each year more rings are added and very, very slowly their weight pushes the shoulders down, in this way making the neck look longer. A Papaung woman will wear her neck rings all her life, never once taking them off.So now Im sure you will all agree that different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.60. What is mainly talked about in paragraph one?A. Womens design. B. Beautiful body decoration.C. Body decoration. D. Attractive decoration.61. What does the underlined word “trolley” mean?A. schoolbagB. luggageC. basket D. shopping cart62. OnBali, it is believed that _.A. a person with straight, flat teeth looks uglyB. a person with sharp teeth looks uglyC. a teenagers teeth points must be filed off with anestheticD. no one will scream or cry when having his teeth points filed off63. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Many people think that a woman with a ring through nose is neither attractive nor ugly. B. Most African people think that a girl with shinny skin is beautiful.C. It is thought that a beautiful woman should have straight, flat teeth onBali.D. Some people think it beautiful that a woman has a long neck inMyanmar.C Owning a smartphone may not be as smart as you think. It may let you surf the Internet, listen to music and snap photos wherever you arebut it also turns you into a workaholic, it seems. A study suggests that, by giving you access to emails at all times, the all-singing, all-dancing mobilephone adds as much as two hours to your working day. Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles. The study by technology retailer Pixmania reveals the average UK working day is between 9 and 10 hours, but a further two hours is spent responding to or sending work emails, or making work calls. More than 90 percent of office workers have email-enabled phones, with a third accessing them more than 20 times a day. Almost one in ten admits spending up to three hours outside their normal working day checking work emails. Some workers confess they are on call almost 24 hours a day, with nine out of ten saying they make work emails and calls outside their normal working hours. The average time for first checking emails is between 6 am and 7 am, with more than a third checking their first emails in this period, and a quarter checking them between 11 pm and midnight. Ghadi Hobeika, marketing director of Pixmania, said, “The ability to access literally millions of apps, keep in contact via social networks and take photos and video as well as text and call has made smartphones invaluable for many people. However, there are drawbacks. Many panies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and smartphones mean that people literally cannot get away from work. The more constantly in contact we bee , the more is expected of us in a work capacity(容量).”64. What can we conclude from the text? A. All that glitters is not gold B. It never rains but pours C. Every coins has two sides D. Its no good crying over spilt milk 65. The underlined word “accessing” in the third paragraph can be replaced by “_”. A calling B. reaching C. getting D. using66. Which of the following is true according to the text? A. The average UK working time is between nine and twelve hours B. Nine- tenths spent over three hours checking work emails C. One-fourth check their first mail between 11 pm and midnight. D. The average time for first checking emails is between 6 am and 8 am.67. Whats the main idea of the text? A. workaholics like smartphones. B. Smartphones bring about extra work. C. smartphones make our life easier. D. Employers dont like smartphones.DWe would like to wish all our readers a wonderful winter break. Our January magazine is now in the shops and available digitally. Were looking forward to sharing more adventures and discoveries with you in xx, including:At a crossroads in the AtlanticAs the population of Ascension Island rises up to mark the 200th anniversary of British rule, Fred Pearce wonders what the future might have in store for this strange part of land.Photostory: On the road againA selection of images from an exhibition opening this month at the Royal Geographical Society go hand in hand with M Aurel Steins early 20th century photographs of the Silk Road.Dossier: Going undergroundMark Rowe discusses the role that carbon storage can play in the global effort to reduce carbon dioxide emission (排放).Net lossKit Gillet reports from the Gulf of Thailand, whose fisheries (渔场) have been almost destroyed by the mercialization of the Thai fishing industry.And dont forget a round-up of the latest geographical and climate science news; a hot spot focus on Turkey; advice on taking photographs in Antarctica; an interview with Lucien Castaing-Taylor, professor of visual arts at Harvard; plus lots, lots moreBuy your copy now, click here and save up to 35% or call +44 (0)1635 588 496. Geographical is also available in WHSmith and many independent news agents.68. Who took photos of the Silk Road? A. M Aurel Stein. B. Fred Pearce. C. Mark Rowe. D. Lucien Castaing-Taylor.69. If you want to read something about global warming, you can read . A. At a crossroads in the AtlanticB. Photostory: On the road again C. Dossier:

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