2019-2020年高考英语 词汇模块记忆法 第四周.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 词汇模块记忆法 第四周第4周 第1天4联想记忆151城堡4联想记忆152抓住4联想记忆153爬山5联想记忆154房屋5联想记忆155庆祝6联想记忆156金钱7联想记忆157中心7联想记忆158量词8联想记忆159教具8联想记忆160竞争9第4周 第2天10联想记忆161特点10联想记忆162交谈10联想记忆163首领11联想记忆164选择12联想记忆165节日12联想记忆166抽烟13联想记忆167环绕13联想记忆168身份14联想记忆169学校15联想记忆170学业15第4周 第3天16联想记忆171医疗16联想记忆172天气16联想记忆173矿藏17联想记忆174岸边18联想记忆175收集18联想记忆176大学19联想记忆177联系19联想记忆178来自20联想记忆179评论21联想记忆180平常21第4周 第4天22联想记忆181社会22联想记忆182陪伴22联想记忆183简繁23联想记忆184指导24联想记忆185看作24联想记忆186包含25联想记忆187管理25联想记忆188方便26联想记忆189掩盖27联想记忆190发狂27第4周 第5天28联想记忆191创新28联想记忆192五谷29联想记忆193 交通29联想记忆194 习俗30联想记忆195 危害30联想记忆196 潮湿31联想记忆197 危险31联想记忆198 时光32联想记忆199 早晚33联想记忆200 大量33周末回头看35“周末回头看”答案37第4周 第1天联想记忆151城堡castle n.城堡 kingdom n.王国 palace n.宫殿king 国王;巨头an oil king石油大王queen 王后,女王(蜜蜂等的)女王,蜂王emperor皇帝empress 皇后,女皇 slave n.奴隶slavery n. 奴隶制度do away with the slavery 废除奴隶制度prince n.王子;巨头a merchant prince商业巨子princess n.公主高考模拟1. A castle is a strong building _ was built to protect some important people against attack. A. which B. where C. it D. 不填 2. Slaves are persons who _owned by others like things.A. has B. have C. is D. are3. This was the king _kingdom was destroyed by his wife, the queen. A. his B. whose C. her D. who豁然开朗1. 答案A。关系代词引导定语从句作主语。2. 答案D。被动语态,定语从句的谓语应看persons。3. 答案B。whose代表the Kings,引导定语从句。一言巧记The king and queen had a palace built in a castle by all the slaves in their kingdom.那个国王和王后让王国所有的奴隶在城堡里边建造一个宫殿。联想记忆152抓住catch-caught-caught v.接住;捉住;赶上;染上(疾病)catch hold of抓住 catch up with (keep up with)赶上(跟上)be/get caught in碰上(雨等)catch sb doing碰上,撞上(某人干什么) catch fire (be on fire)着火 catch a cold患感冒 catch the train赶火车grasp vt. 抓住;领会to grasp ones meaning 明白某人的意思zeize vt.抓紧;夺取;(疾病等)侵袭;领会to catch the chance抓住机会高考模拟1. The fish jumped out of the water to avoid _.A. catching B. to be caught C. caught D. being caught2. Last night I _ a traffic jam on my way home.A. was caught by B. caught C. got caught in D. was caught3. The other day a thief _ money on the bus and taken away by the policeman. A. caught stealing B. caught to steal C. was caught steal D. was caught stealing 4. Dry wood _ easily. A. catches fire B. is caught fire C. catch fire D. is on fire 豁然开朗1. 答案D。avoid后接v-ing作宾语,与句子主语是被动关系。2. 答案选C。get caught in a traffic jam遇上塞车(被车堵住),表被动动作。3. 答案D。catch sb doing的被动形式为(sb)be caught doing 做某事被现场抓住。4. 答案A。catch fire着火,表动作,只用主动语态。一句多译我患感冒三天了。1. I caught a cold three days ago.2. I have had a cold for three days.3. It is three days since I caught a cold.联想记忆153爬山climb v.攀登,爬climb up the hill爬山 ladder n.梯子rock n.岩石,石头 jump n.跳跃;猛增v.跳跃,跳过 steep a.陡峭的cave n.洞穴,岩洞;地窖 hill n.小山,丘陵 mountain n.山,山脉mountainous a.多山的fountain n.泉水,喷泉 valley n.山谷,溪谷 plain n.平原a. 清楚的,明显的;朴素的,简单的 hole n. 洞,坑 well n.水井a.健康的ad.好,顺利tunnel n.地下通道,隧道channel n.海峡,沟渠;频道 高考模拟1. This is the tunnel _ we can get to the beautiful mountain.A. in which B. through which C. by which D. across which2. With the key lost, I had no choice but _ into my room through the window.A. climbed B. climb C. to climb D. climbing3. It is very difficult to climb _mountain.A. so high a B. so high C. such high D. a such 豁然开朗1. 答案B。通过隧道应用through。2. 答案C。have no choice but to do=cannot choose but do为固定句型,注意这两个词组的搭配。3. 答案选A。so high a mountain=such a high mountain。译译看:A path winds its way over the hill, through the valley, across the plain till at last leads to the fountain at the foot of the mountain.一条小道蜿蜒伸展,越过山岗,穿过山谷,跨过平地,最后通向山脚下的美丽喷泉。联想记忆154房屋ceiling n.天花板 roof n. 屋顶chimney n.烟囱,烟道 wall n.墙floor n.地板,地面;耧层stair n.(pl.)楼梯downstairs a.楼下的ad.在楼下upstairs a.楼上的ad.在(往)楼上room n.房间;空间;余地 make room for给让地方 corner n.角,角落;拐角处toilet n.厕所,盥洗室storey n.楼层 a three-storied house一栋三层楼的房屋apartment n.(美)公寓套房,房间 flat n.公寓(英)a.平的,平坦的;扁平的 window n.窗户,窗口lock n.锁v.锁,锁上 key n.钥齿;按键;关键,方法;答案 courtyard n.庭院,院子 court n.法庭,法院;宫廷 ground n.(室外)地面 floor (室内)地面land n.陆地;土地v.登陆;降落 garage n.汽车间(库)garden n.花园,果园,菜园 park n.公园;停车场 v.停放(车辆)foundation n.地基,房基;基础 surface n.表面 shelter n. 掩蔽处,庇护所v.掩蔽temple n.庙,寺院cottage n.村舍,小屋museum n.博物馆 building n.建筑物高考模拟1. Move along and make _ for me!A. a room B. rooms C. room D. some rooms2. All the afternoon he studied with the door _.A. was locked B. be locked C. locking D. locked3. The door of my bedroom _.A. locks easily B. is locked easily C. locks easy D. is locked well4. The rain was quite heavy and he took _in a doorway.A. protection B. shelter C. space D. cover豁然开朗1. 答案选B。make room for给让地方,room当“空间”讲,为不可数名词。2. 答案选D。locked与with的宾语the door是被动关系。3. 答案选A。说明主语的属性要用不及物动词的一般现在时。4. 答案选B。took shelter 避雨。经典搭配hang from the ceiling吊在天花板上 against the wall靠在墙上 around the corner转过弯 out of the window朝窗外go upstairs(downstairs)上(下)楼 the key to success成功的关键 the key to the door门的钥匙 door to door 挨家挨户 联想记忆155庆祝celebrate v.庆祝celebration n.庆祝会 in celebration of为了庆祝hold a celebration举行庆祝ceremony n.典礼,仪式 festival n.节日,喜庆日march n.行军,进军;进展Long March(中国红军的)长征 vi. 行军,进军 congratulate vt. 庆祝 congratulate sb on sth 庆贺某人的某事congratulation n. 庆祝,祝贺词(常用复数)Congratulations! 庆贺!in honor of为纪念(庆祝)高考模拟1. We had a party _ our victory yesterday afternoon.A. to congratulate B. to celebrate C. celebrated D. congratulated2. We sent them a telegram, _their success.A. celebrated B. to congratulate C. celebrating for D. congratulating them on3. The soldiers were marching rapidly through a forest _a plane passed overhead.A. suddenly B. when C. while D. at this time豁然开朗1. 答案选B。庆祝应为celebrate sth。. 答案选D。祝贺应为congratulate sb on sth。3. 答案选B。when=and at that time是连词,意为“这时,突然”之意。Suddenly是副词,不能连接句子。while不能和短暂性动词连用。译译看:On the twentieth Teachers Day we held a celebration in honor of all the teachers of our school, whose opening ceremony was very magnificent.在第二十个教师节,为了向学校所有老师表示敬意,我们举行了一个庆祝会,会议的开幕式非常壮观。联想记忆156金钱cent n.美分 dollar n.美元franc n.法郎 pound n.英镑 penny n. 便士pence n.(pl)便士 money n.钱 pocket money零花钱lucky money 压岁钱change零钱cash n.现金,现钞 v.兑现支票 wallet n.钱包,皮夹 purse n.钱包 (女式) sum n.金额,款项 a large sum of money一大笔钱 sum up=in a word总结,概括 earn money=make money赚钱 earn a living=make a living谋生 owe .to.欠(帐);欠(情);归功于 pay off the debts还清(债务)budget n. vi. 预算高考模拟1. One hundred dollars _a large sum of money.A. are B. is C. has D. have2. He makes _ money that he hardly makes ends meet.A. such little B. so little C. so much D. such many3. If I have made any progress, I should _ it all to you.A. give B. offer C. owe D. devote豁然开朗1. 答案B。此题考查主谓一致,把主语看作一笔钱。英语中表示金钱、距离、时间和重量的词组谓语一般用单数第三人称。2. 答案选B。so many, so few修饰可数名词,so much , so few修饰不可数名词。3. 答案选C。oweto归功于或欠某人多少钱。一言巧记The teenager decided to earn his own living in order to make as much money as possible to help pay off the familys debts earlier.为了挣足够多的钱帮助早日还清家庭债务,这个十几岁的小伙子决定自食其力。联想记忆157中心center/center n.中心,中央 central a.中心的 中央的;主要的 middle n.中间,当中 a.中级的 in the middle=in the centre在中间 midnight n.午夜 middle-aged中年的 midday n.中午;正午political centre 政治中心 political a.政治的politics n. 政治politician n. 政治家cultural centre文化中心culture n.文化 finance n. 财政;财务;金融 financial a. 财政的;财务的;金融的financial centre金融中心高考模拟1. It was midnight _ the patient was rushed to the nearest hospital.A. when B. that C. until D. after2. A capital is usually a city _ is the political and cultural center of the country.A. where B. in which C. that D. of which3. It is good, I think, for a teacher to make his students the_ in his classesA. middle B. center C. ones D. key豁然开朗1. 答案选A。此题是考查时间状语从句,若换成强调句型应为:It was at midnight that the patient was rushed to the nearest hospital. 2. 答案选C。关系代词在定语从句中作主语。3. 答案选B。事物或活动的“中心”,要用center。经典搭配mercial center 商业中心 financial center 金融中心senior middle school 高级中学 in the center/middle of 在中心,中央at midday(midnight) 在正午(午夜) middle-sized 中等个子的联想记忆158量词chain n.链,链条 a chain of一系列,一连串 a bunch of 一串,一束a series of一系列,一连串a pile of一堆a mass of大量,许多;一群,一堆a piece of一幅,一片,一首,一支,一件 a cake of一块 a sheet of一张 a block of一大块,一叠, a pair of一对,一双a couple of一对,一双 a score of二十个 a dozen of 一打a copy of 一册,一份 a drop of一滴a grain of一粒a pack of 一包a basket of一篮子a group of 一群a glass of一杯a bowel of一碗a box of一盒高考模拟1. -What can I do for you? -Id like to have a _ of China Daily.A. piece B. sheet C. block D. copy2. There were _ people in the hall.A. two scores of B. scores of C. two scores D. a score3. These trousers are too short for me. Please show me another _.A. one B. couple C. piece D. pair豁然开朗1. 答案选D。一份报纸,而不是一张纸。2. 答案选B。二十个人要表达为two score of,而scores of表示许多。英语的score, dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion等词和具体数字连用时不能用复数。但可以说:hundreds of 几百thousands of几千等。3. 答案选D。由两部分组成而不能分开使用的东西要用量词pair。如:a pair of gloves一副手套。译译看:It wont take a couple of days before he creates a new piece of music to satisfy a mass of funs.要不了几天他就会创作出一首新曲子来满足许多歌迷的要求。联想记忆159教具chalk n.粉笔blackboard n.黑板platform n.讲台;(车站的)月台pass n.罗盘,指南针;圆规a pair of passes 一副圆规triangle n.三角形,三角板 teaching aid教具 tape n. 磁带vt. 录音tape-recording n.磁带录音 record v.记录;录音n. 最高纪录,唱片recorder n. 录音机cassette n. 盒式磁带;盒子高考模拟1. -Would you please fetch me some chalk? -Sorry. But there is_ left in the box.A. nothing B. none C. some D. a little2. -I wonder if it is possible to have the talk _. - No problem.A. to record B. be recorded C. record D. recorded 3. Our teachers perform their teaching with many teaching aids, _.A. the multimedia including B. included the multimedia C. include the multimedia D. the multimedia included.豁然开朗1答案选B。指代具体的东西或人,表示“没有”要用none。nothing是泛指“什么也没有”。2. 答案选D。此题是have sth done结构,the talk与record是被动关系,应用过去分词作宾补。3. 答案选D。including sth = sth included, the multimedia 多媒体一言巧记A math teacher often uses a pass and a triangle, an English teacher uses tapes and a recorder, but all teachers use chalk and blackboards.数学老师常用圆规和三角板,英语老师常用磁带和录音机,而所有的老师都用粉笔和黑板。联想记忆160竞争challenge n.挑战vt.向(某人)挑战 challenge sb to sth or challenge sb to do sth 向某人挑战干某事chance n.机会可能性by chance=by accident偶然,碰巧defeat n.占胜,击败,失败vt.战胜,击败beat n. 敲打,敲击声;(心脏等的)跳动;节拍v.连敲,连打,打败(心,脉)跳动lose vt. 丢失,迷失;错过,漏掉;输,失利vi.受损失,失败;(钟,表)走慢win n. 胜v.赢得,获胜;打赢,打胜;争取,说服win a game赢得一场比赛 win sb赢某人(某队)pare vt.比较,;比作,对照;比作 vi. 相比parison n.比较pete vi.竟争;对抗;参加比赛petition n.竟争;比赛match n.比赛;火柴vt.使相配高考模拟1. We hadnt expected to meet at the party. We met_chance.A. for B. in C. of D. by2. _ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lost B. Lost C. Be lost D. Losing3. I felt my heart_ wildly when it was my turn to speak at the meeting.A. jumping B. hitting C. striking D. beating4. London is large, _ Paris.A. paring with B. pared with C. paring to D. pared as豁然开朗1 .答案选D。 by chance为固定搭配,见方框注释。2. 答案选B。过去分词短语作状语,表状态。3. 答案选D。心脏的跳动用beat,时钟敲打用strike, 敲门用knock。4. 答案选B。与相比应用pared to (with)作状语,而“把比作”用pareto结构。绕口令:paring is petitions twin and self-confidence is everything. With it, you will win; without it, you will be beaten.有比较就有竞争,最重要的是自信;有了它,你就赢,没有它,就不会胜第4周 第2天联想记忆161特点character n. (事物的)特性, (人的)品质;人物characteristic a.典型的,独特的n.特征,特点nature n.自然,自然界;本性,天性 by nature生来(就)temper n. 脾气,易怒的性情;怒气;情绪especial a.格外的,特别的 especially ad.尤其,特别,格外special a. 特别的,专门的n. 专车;专刊specially ad.特别地,专门地 specific n. 特效药a. 具体的,特有的particular a.特殊的,个别的particularly ad. 特别, 尤其extraordinary a.非凡的,不一般的 extra a. 额外的extra charge额外费用n. 外加费用高考模拟1. He is proud_, as everybody knows. A. by nature B. in nature C. for nature D. with nature2. According to the recent survey, caner is the leading cause of death among young adults in this area, _ woman.A. specially B. especially C. exactly D. probably3. She lost her_ with a customer and shouted at him.A. words B. temper C. action D. mind4. -Why did you e here alone? -I came here _to ask you a question not to do anything else. A. Especially B. Particularly C. Specially D. Special 豁然开朗1. 答案选A。by nature为固定搭配,意为“天生的”。2. 答案选B。especially意为“特别地,特别是,尤其是”。3. 答案选B。lose ones temper为固定结构,意为“发脾气”。4. 答案C,specially 是“专门地,特别地”的意思,especially强调“尤其是,特别是”,particularly侧重“格外地,特别地”意思。译译看:In order to do his work well, he always shows extraordinary energy, spends extra time and works especially hard, which is his specific character.为了把工作做好,他总是精力旺盛,加班加点,埋头苦干,这就是他的特点。联想记忆162交谈chat n.& vi.闲谈,聊天chat on Internet在网上聊天talk n.& vi.谈话,讲话,交谈;演讲talk over详细讨论,详谈have a talk with sb=have a word with sb与某人谈话,说话have words with sb=quarrel with sb与某人吵架conversation n.谈话,交谈 dialogue n.对话 municate with sb v.与某人交际,交流;通讯,传达(消息,感情等)munication n.交际;交往;通讯munication technology通讯技术高考模拟1. We often keep in touch _chatting on the Internet.A. through B. in C. by D. for 2. I_with my classmate abroad on the phone for at least half an hour last night.A. municated B. have talked C. met D. got in touch3. -Why is the manager so busy at the moment? -He has many workers to_.A. talk B. talk with C. be talked to D. chat豁然开朗1. 答案选C。by doing sth.表行为方式。2. 答案选A。municate意为“交流”,是延续性动词,根据用一般过去时。3. 答案选B。不定式做定语用主动形式,talk是不及物动词,与某人交谈是talk with sb和talk to sb, 谈论某事是talk about。绕口令:Good friends need munication; chatting and talking is everything.好朋友要交流,聊天谈心定要有。联想记忆163首领chief n.首领;a. 主要的 (thief n.小偷) handkerchief n.手帕,头巾,围巾president n.总统,主席;校长 minister n.部长,大臣 premier n.首相,总理ambassador n. 大使ambassadress n. 女大使;大使夫人embassy n.大使馆ruler n.统治者;直尺organize vt. 组织organizer n.组织者gentleman n.(有身份的)先生,绅士lady n.女士,小姐noble n. 贵族a.贵族的,显贵的;高尚的noble birth贵族出身a noble spirit崇高的精神高考模拟1. The old minister was careful enough_the truth. A. not to tell B. to not speak C. to not tell D. as to speak 2. It is the third time that he has been elected_.A. the president B. a president C. president D. presidents3. Our class meeting is better organized than _.A. it is B. it was C. it had been D. it has been豁然开朗1. 答案选A。此题考查不定式的否定形式,另外tell the truth意为“说实话,道出真相”。2. 答案选C。表示官衔、职位的名词做补足语时不需要冠词。3. 答案选B。根据题意,是会议组织的情况与过去相比较。绕口令:It is beyond belief that the thief stole the handkerchief from the chief safely.那个小偷轻而易举地偷了首领的手帕,这真是令人难以置信。联想记忆164选择choice n.选择,抉择;入选者,被选中的东西 have no choice but to do= cannot choose but do=can do nothing but do只有干,只好干 pick out选择,挑选 choose-chose-chosen v. 选择;推选make-made-made v. 使成为,成为make a teacher=bee a teacher成为教师 select vt选择,精选elect vt. 选举;选择高考模拟1. -Can you tell me what your_is? Staying in the city or going to the west? -Going to the west.A. choice B. thought C. aim D. idea 2. With the electricity off, I had nothing to do but_down and sleep.A. to lie B. lying C. lie D. lied3. Girls can_ their favorite styles from different clothes.A. select B. elect C. collect D. pick out豁然开朗1. 答案选A。choice意为“选择” 2. 答案选C。have nothing to do but do为固定结构,意为“只好干”,当but前有实义动词do时,后面接动词原形。3. 答案选A。select表示从多种东西中“精挑细选”。译译看:-Who do you think is the best choice of this position?-It is hard to say. Here are three persons for you to choose from.你认为谁是最佳人选?很难说。有三个人供你选择。联想记忆165节日Christmas n.圣诞节,圣诞节期间Christmas Eve圣诞节前一天;圣诞夜,平安夜 at Christmas (on Christmas Day)在圣诞节 church n.教堂;(宗)礼拜;教会god n.神;(大写)上帝pray vi.祈祷,祈求bless vt.保佑,降福chant n.圣歌festival n.喜庆日,节日the spring festival春节Mothers Day母亲节New Years Day元旦Labor Day劳动节holiday n.假日 vacation n.假期,休假leave n. 请假,休假高考模拟1. -How often do you go to_? -Once a week.A. church B. a church C. the church D. churches 2. _Christmas Eve, I received a Christmas card which _Happy Christmas.A. On; spoke B. On; read C. At; said D. At; told3. It was Mothers Day_I returned to my motherland and got together with my family.A. that B. when C. in which D. which4. Im not feeling well today. Can I ask for a sick_ this afternoon? A. leave B. vacation C. holiday D. day豁然开朗1. 答案A。go to church为惯用法,意为“去做礼拜”。2. 答案B。在圣诞前夕应用介词on,read意为“上面写着”3. 答案B。此句为when引导的时间状语从句,而不是强调句。4. 答案A。ask for a three-day sick leave请三天病假 ask for three days business leave 请三天事假。一言巧记:I went to my grandparents in the countryside for summer vacation while my sister was abroad for winter holiday.我到乡下爷爷奶奶家过暑假,而我的妹妹在国外度寒假。联想记忆166抽烟cigar n.雪茄烟 cigarette n.香烟,纸烟light a cigarette 点一只烟smoke n.烟;抽烟v抽烟;冒烟 smoker n.吸烟者a heavy smoker抽烟有瘾者nonsmoker n.不抽烟者stop/give up smoking戒烟a lung cancer肺癌 poison n.毒药,毒物,毒害 poisonous a.有毒的,有害的harm n.伤害,损害vt.伤害,损害,危害do harm to 对有害be harmful to对有害disease n.疾病illness/sickness n.病高考模拟1. Why not have a try? Smoked meat_delicious.A. smells B. is smelt C. smelt D. was smelt 2. With more and more plants dead, harm seems_to the environment.A. to do B. to have done C. to have been done D. to be done3. Poisonous gases_into the air every day, making the sky getting darker and darker. .A. are sending out. B. are being sent out C. send out D. are send out豁然开朗:1. 答案A。smell为系动词,意为“闻起来”。2. 答案C。不定式的完成式表示动作已经发生,且与主语harm形成被动关系。3. 答案B。根据题意,应用进行时的被动语态。一句多译他戒烟三年了。It is three years since he smoked.It is three years since he stopped smoking. He gave up smoking three years ago.He got rid of smoking three years ago.It was three years ago that he smoked.联想记忆167环绕circle n.圆,圆周,环状物v.环绕,盘旋 recycle vt.回收利用,使再循环square n.正方形;广场a.平方的;方形的wind v. 绕, 缠, 上发条;蜿延前进 surround vt.环绕,包围surrounding n. 环境(用复数)a. 周围的round a.圆的,球形的 n.圆形物,球形物;轮prep. 在周围ad. 在周围,环绕vt. 绕行around prep.环绕,大约 ad.四周,旋转line n.线;行列;路线v.画线;沿排列spot n.场所,地点turn right=turn to the right向右拐turn left=turn to the keft向左拐高考模拟1. The Great Wall_ its way from west to east until at last it reaches the sea.A. winds B. makes C. has D. find 2. Look_before crossing the street.A. down B. up C. around D. out3. When you are walking in the street you can see it_many tall trees.A. line with B. lined with C. lined by D. line in豁然开朗1. 答案A 。wind its way意为“蜿蜒伸展”。2. 答案C。过街前应该是环顾四周,用look around。 3. 答案B。lined with用作宾语补足语,表被动,意为“排列着”。一言巧记The thief with a round cap and a big pair of sun glasses rounded the dog to the door of the house, looked around to make sure nobody was around, and then slipped in to find something valuable. 带着一顶圆帽子和一副大大的太阳镜的那个小偷绕过看门狗,环顾四周确信周围无人,于是溜进房子去找值钱的东西。联想记忆168身份citizen n.公民,


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