2019-2020年高考英语 单项选择考前突破(三).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 单项选择考前突破(三)21. When I stayed in the countryside, I enjoyed _ leisurely walk on the country road, and felt _ warmth of the sun on my face.A. /; the B. a; a C. /; a D. a; the22. In it were photos of all the actors of our show, _ signed by each performer.A. frequently B. lonely C. personally D. actually23. Its easy to learn a countrys culture if one is _ with its language and customs.A. similar B. familiar C. sensitive D. flexible24. Bob has gone to California. Oh, can you tell me when he _?has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leave25. The teacher doesnt believe his reason for being absent from class _ he was ill, _mad him sad.A. that ; which B. why; which C. why; what D. that ;what26. Its the gases _ natural gas and the burning of coal give off _ add to the overheating of the earth.A. that; what B. that; that C. which; which D. that; which27. When he made a speech, the gathering _ thunderous applause.A. burst into B. burst out C. made out D. cried out 28. The employee you have been thinking highly of _ reliable.A. proves B. proving C. to prove D. being proved29.How do you like the movie Kung Fu Panda?Its so touching. I have never have seen _ one.A. a wonderful B. a more wonderful C. a most wonderful D. the most wonderful30. I insisted he _ back the wallet to the lady, but he insisted he _it. A. handed; didnt steal B. hand; hadnt stolenC. hand; not steal C. handed; hadnt stolen31.It is widely accepted that your babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to_.A. awards B. prizes C. rewards D. results32.The team has more famous players, so it deserves_ the game.A. winning B. to win C. to defeat D. defeating33.Who do you _ we send to cover the bank robbery. A. know B. suggest C. think D. suppose34. Im sorry to tell you it is nearly five months _ smith got injured in the leg, but I think it wont be long _ he pletely recovers.A. after; when B. before; since C. that; when D. since; before35. , Lily? You look pale. I had a sleepless night. A. Whats up B. What do you do How about you D. What are you dong十、21. - Mr. Johnson , can I have a day off tomorrow ? -_ . I can manage without you . A. Forget it B. Im afraid not C. It depends D. By all means22. Yesterday morning it was raining cats and dogs, but Jane managed to make _ to the university just in time for her class . A. this B. that C. herself D. it23. -Tony , e down and help me with the heavy box ! - e on ! I _ all day long . Get Peter to do that ! A. was working B. had been working C. have been working D. work 24. -What does this modern-day dinosaur look like ? -The tongue of this animal can be extended _ of its body . A. more twice than the length B. more than twice the length C. twice more than the length D. more than the length twice 25. _ to work overtime that evening , I missed a wonderful film. A. Having been asked B. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked26. _, the workers had to work day and night because the deadline of the project was drawing near . A. Hot as was the weather B. Hot as the weather was C. As the weather was hot D. As hot the weather was 27. Still working on your paper? Time is_. Mr. Smith will e to collect it in a few minutes. A. going out B. losing out C. giving out D. running out 28. The half smile on his face suggested that he _ happy to give his life to the country . A. was B. be C. had been D. has been 29. Zheng Hes first stop was in _ is today a part of Vietnam . A. which b. that C. what D. where30. The badminton coach as well as his team_ interviewed shortly after they won the gold medal . A. are B. were C. is D. was31. _straight on and youll see a church . You wont miss it . A. Go B. Going C. If you go D. When going32. The water _ terribly cold when I accidently fell into the river . A. was felt B. felt C. is felt D. feels33. _good location , the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional delicious dishes , which attract a lot of customers. A. Far from B. Apart from C. Besides of D. Regardless of34. No matter how bright a talker you are , there are times when its better _ silent. A. remain B. be remaining C. having remained D. to remain35. I have made a promise to myself _ this year , my last year in senior high school , will be different . A. whether B. what C. that D. how 十一、21Lets go to the school library to borrow some books,shall we? Theyve just bought some new booksANever mind BWhy not? CWhat for? DNot at all22Who did you stay with when studying in London? AThe Whites BMr. Whites CWhites DThe Mr. Whites23Think everything might stand in your way,and then decide you can do about each obstacleAwhich;that Bthat;that Cwhich;what Dthat;what24. students in our grade are almost of ageAThe;an B不填;the C不填;不填 DThe;the25What a nice smell! What in the kitchen,Mom?Ais cooking Bcooks Cis being cooked Dcooked26President Obama has said his government is issuing new guidelines to make easier for Iranians to get access to the InternetAthat Bit Cthis Dwhich27He is very cautiousUnder no circumstances his money to othersAdoes he lend Bhe lends C1ends he Dhe does lend28He for so many years that his teeth are permanently stained yellowAhas smoked Bsmoked Chad smoked DSmokes29We were studying quietly in the classroom when the lights suddenly .Aput out Bturned off Cwent out Dgot out30Drinking water can be in every office and classroomAacceptable Brelative Csensitive Daccessible31In teachers opinion, most parents,though from different backgrounds,are pleasant to deal withAcame Be Cing Dare ing32To get a good mark,you be too careful when answering all the questions in the exam papersAshouldnt Bcant Cneednt Dmustnt33This time shes leaving ,that is, she will never returnAfor nothing Bfor good Cfor no reason Dfor free34 that we are taking next exam? On June 7AIt is when BWhen it is CIs it when DWhen is it35The young man ran away the old woman could say“Thank you”Aunless Buntil Cbefore Dafter十二21. This area experienced _ heaviest rainfall in _ month of May.A. a; a B. a; theC. the; theD. the; a22. Our house on the hillside _ a beautiful view of the port.A. overlooksB. witnesses C. classifies D. betrays23. It wont be easy, but well get across the river _.A. somewhat B. somewhereC. somehowD. sometimes24. The house is finished at last. All their hard work has _.A. paid backB. paid offC. paid up D. paid for 25. The engine of the bus was _,and the bad weather added to the worries of the passengers.A. in vainB. in good conditionC. out of workD. out of order26. We promise _ attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever27. Why, David, you look so tired! Well, I _ a report for the whole day and I must finish it tomorrow.A. was writing B. will be writing C. have written D. have been writing28. If you _ with your classmates, you will surely get the same work done far better.A. team up B. catch upC. get alongD. put up29. All of the students were _ by the _speech given by the headmaster.A. inspiring; inspiredB. inspiring; inspiring C. inspired; inspired D. inspired; inspiring 30. The examination results _ in the speech of our headmaster delighted all of us.A. refer to B. referring to C. was referred to D. referred to31. I have no _ to the plan, so long as it will not cost too much.A. refusal B. ment C. idea D. objection32. Having pared with the other design, I found this one was _ that one.A. more superior to B. far superior to C. far superior than D. more superior than33. It surprised us all _ good manners the monitor had. A. that B. which C. what D. how34. I often visit my parents, who live in the countryside whenever _.A. I am convenient B. it will be convenient to me C. I will be convenient D. it is convenient to me 35. -We dont think well be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. -_ the weather turns out fine?A. How eB. What if C. How aboutD. Why not参考答案:九 21 25 DCBBA 26 30 BAABB 31 35 CBBDA十、 21 25 DDCBA 26 30 BDACD 31 35 ABBDC十一、2125 BADAC 2630 BAACD 3135 CBBDC十二 2125 CACBD 2630 CDADD 3135 DBCDB


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