2019-2020年高中英语 活动单 Projiect 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 活动单 Projiect 新人教版必修1Aims: Help you use English through doing a project; Let the students try to design a poster advertising a new school club.Activity One: Read the two reading materials and then finish the following exercises:Questions:A: 1. Who started the radio club? _ 2. When was the radio club started? _ 3. Why was the radio club started? _ 4. What does the radio club do?B: 1. the name of the school club: _ 2. Who started the school club? _ 3. When do the members of the school club meet? _ 4. What do the members of the school club do? _Task-based Reading:(One word for each blank)Radio Clubl It was (1)_ up two years ago.l Its run by the students for the school.l (2)_ music, it (3)_ the students of the weather, recent news and some special messages from the teachers and events such as outings and school plays.l During the exam time, it tells the students what (4)_ should be made.l At the end of the school year, it helps give (5)_from students to their close friends as well as teachers.l It plays music (6)_the songs sung by students.Poets of the Next(7)_l It was (8)_ by an English teacher Mr. Owen.l Members meet on the last (9)_ of every month to talk about poems and poets.l Members select poems, (10)_them out talk about them.Activity Two: Read the reading materials again and pay attention to the following phrases and sentences.Phrases:1. during break times_2. approve the idea_3. play sons by students_4. inform their parents of events_5. miss the radio club_6. after graduation_7. on the last Friday of every month_8. gather everyone_Sentences:1. Our club is much more than just music. 我们的广播俱乐部现在不只是播放音乐。【解析】more than:1) more than+名词/动名词 表示“不仅仅是” 2) more than+形容词/副词 表示“非常”3) more than+数词 表示“不止,超过”相当于 “over”4) more than 后接含有can的分句时,表示否定概念,意为“不能,超过”。 【Practice】 1)Im sure she is more than glad to help you. _ 2) More than 50 students were in the classroom when the fire broke out. _ 3) The beauty of Mountain Tai is more than I can describe. _ 4) He is more than my father; he is my good friend, too. _2. When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the club. 我第一次参加聚会的时候,被要求写一首诗并当着俱乐部成员进行诵读。【解析】1) attend the first meeting 第一次参加聚会 2)require 需要,要求 require doing= require to be done 要求被 require sb. to do require + 宾语 require +that sb. +(should) +do【Practice】 1) 地板该洗了()。_2) 我需要额外的帮助(). _3) 所有乘客需要出示车票()。_4)他要求我们立刻出发()。_3. It was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. 起初我有点紧张,但人人都那么热情友好,我很快就不再担心了。【解析】这是一个并列复合句。But连接两个分句,在第二个分句中that 引导一个_状语从句。【Practice】1)那个盒子那么重,我无法把它提到楼上去。_2) He is _ a little child that I cant hurt him.参考答案:Questions:Who started the radio club? (Kate Jones, the writer) When was the radio club started? (two years ago)Why was the radio club started? (CD players were not allowed in school; to play music during break time) What does the radio club do? every morning: (tell about the weather, the recent news, special messages the teachers want to broadcast) during exam time: (the special programme telling students what they should and shouldnt do) at the end of the school year: (graduating students giving messages to their friends and teachers) when parents e: (playing songs sung by students, special messages to inform people about events)the name of the school club: (Poets of the Next Generation)Who started the school club? (Mr Owen, the English teacher) When do the members of the school club meet? (the last Friday of every month)What do the members of the school club do? (talk about poems and poets they like, select poems, read out aloud, write poems and read out)Task-based Reading:see; Besides; inform; preparations; messages; including; Generation; started; Friday; readPhrases:1、在休息时间 2、批准这个想法 3、播放学生唱的歌 4、告知家长一些活动5、思念广播俱乐部 6、毕业后 7、在每个月的最后一个星期五 8、 召集大家Sentences:1、more than 非常高兴 超过50个学生 我不能形容 不仅仅是我的爸爸2、require The floor requires washing/ to be washed. I require extra help. All the passengers are required to show their tickets. He requires that we (should) start at once.【Practice】 1) 地板该洗了()。_3、结果状语从句 The box is so heavy that I cant carry it upstairs. such

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