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2019-2020年高三(理)上学期英语周周清试题第一周自测题含答案第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1. The gentleman _ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. A. who B. about whom C. whom D. with whom2. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again. A. when B. where C. then D. which3. He often asked me the question _ the work was worth doing. A. whether B. where C. that D. when4. The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written5. The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.Oh, dear! She _ a lot of difficulties! A. may go through B. might go through C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through6. Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself. A. neednt do B. neednt have done C. mustnt do D. shouldnt have done7. We need a room for tonight, and Id like to take a chance to check in without reservation. Dont you know about the jammed hotels in this season? _. A. Better play it safe B. Do as you please C. No problem D. Think nothing of it8. Do you have any problems when you _ this job? Well, Im considering the salary and working conditions. A. offered B. will be offered C. are offered D. offer9. How is everything going on with you in the UK? Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, _. A. instead B. though C. either D. too10. Hard work and lack of sleep have _ her beauty and youth in recent years. A. worn out B. tried out C. made out D. sent out11. The official website of Beijing Municipal Education mission has recently published a reform plan to reduce the scores for English to 100 points from the current 150 points, _ that is bound to cause an overwhelming stir across the country. A. one B. which C. this D. it12. The viewers will have _ second chance to watch Voice of China on _ Channel 4 tonight. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. a; /13. The pany has changed some of its working practices _ plaints and criticism from the customers. A. in respect to B. in return for C. in exchange for D. in response to14. Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted, there has been universal doubt _ other food products are safe _. A. that; to eat B. whether; to be eaten C. whether; to eat D. that; to be eaten15. Mark lives in a big pleasant room _ approximately 5 meters by 6 meters. A. measures B. measuring C. to be measured D. having measured16. Are you sure the delegation will e to our school next week? _. The head of it has just emailed me about the departure time of their flight. A. No wonder B. You bet C. Dont mention it D. Definitely not17. Dad, would you please buy some strawberries for me? I love them. Id like to, but they are not _ in winter. A. accustomed B. convenient C. casual D. available18. Half of the worlds population is under the age of 25 and when they are not involved in the decision-making process, they are not aware of _ is taking place. A. what B. whom C. which D. whose19. Wed _ it if youd call Ms Auger and tell her that were on our way up there to see her. A. express B. dismiss C. admire D. appreciate 20. These puters dont work _; they are connected with each other, so everyone can reach his friends puter. A. partly B. briefly C. separately D. automatically 第二节:完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 This is the story of two lovers, who finally got married. Both of them were romantic at first, _21_ on the walk of life, problems, quarrels, profession came into their life. One day, she finally decided I want to break up. Why? he asked. I am _22_. she answered. He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep _23_. finally he asked, What can I do to _24_ your mind? Looking into his eyes she said, Answer my question. If you can _25_ my heart, I will change my mind. Lets say, I want a flower _26_ on the face of a mountain cliff (悬崖), we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your _27_. will you do it for me? He said, I will give you my _28_ tomorrow. She woke up the next morning, found him gone, and saw a piece of paper on her bed, which _29_My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, the _30_ are When you use the puter you always _31_ the software, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my fingers so that I can help to restore the _32_ . You always leave the house keys behind, thus I have to save my _33_ to rush home to open the door for you. You love traveling but always lose your way in a (n) _34_ city. I have to save my eyes to show you the way. You always _35_ at the puter, and that will do nothing good for your eyes. I have to save my eyes _36_ when we grow old, I can help to clip your nails and help to remove those _37_ white hairs. Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves you _38_I do I could not pick that flower yet, and die Thats life, and _39_. flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear on the _40_ of the relationship. Under all this, the pillar of true love stands. 21. A. and B. but C. or D. so22. A. lonely B. shamed C. worried D. tired23. A. space B. shade C. thought D. impression24. A. speak B. blow C. change D. keep25. A. represent B. expand C. convince D. admit26. A. falling B. growing C. living D. waiting27. A. attention B. death C. interest D. satisfaction28. A. answer B. agreement C. announcement D. judgment29. A. goes B. informs C. prints D. writes30. A. meanings B. reasons C. messages D. purposes31. A. turn up B. put up C. mess up D. use up32. A. structures B. balance C. programs D. position33. A. dollars B. patience C. energy D. legs34. A. ancient B. modern C. new D. underground35. A. shout B. jump C. stare D. knock36. A. as if B. so that C. now that D. in case37. A. enjoyable B. annoying C. dusty D. amusing38. A. less than B. more than C. rather than D. other than39. A. determination B. progress C. love D. power40. A. principle B. way C. surface D. nature第二部分:阅读理解第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。A What is funny? The short answer is: Who knows? The joke that causes a burst of laughter from one listener might be met with a puzzled look from another. In general, you should avoid jokes at any business or social gathering where there are more than two people in your conversational group. If there are only two people and they consist of you and your best friend go ahead and tell it. Admittedly, a few people possess a perfect sense of timing, appropriateness, and joke delivery. You are probably not one of them. You might be quite funny and have many great jokes. But theres a place for jokes over dinner with family, hiking with friends, but business or social affairs with colleagues and acquaintances(熟人) are not it. It takes a whole other level of joke-telling ability to put a joke into the more formal conversations. The best jokes e into the conversation so that by the time listeners realize a joke is in progress, the punchline that produces humour is being delivered to their surprise and delight. Jokes dont translate well when youre in a group with mixed backgrounds: those whose first language is not English, those who might not understand a special term or an in expression, young people who wouldnt catch a reference to some bit of culture familiar to older people and vice versa(反之亦然). Never joke about another person in the group about their name, habits, hometown, profession, appearance, or past. Its not a question of whether the joke is cheery or appropriate. No one enjoys being singled out this way. When you are the subject of the joke, the laughter doesnt feel good no matter how hard you try to tell yourself theyre not laughing at you. Because thats what it feels like. What do you say if you realize your joke upset someone? Apologize as briefly and as sincerely as you can, and hope that someone changes the subject. Try saying: Im sorry. I should have known better or Im sorry. I wasnt thinking. What do you do if people dont get your joke or dont appear to find it as funny as you do? First, do not retell it, only louder this time, hoping the point of the joke will be seen. Second, dont try to push people to get it. People do not like people whose jokes they dont understand. They feel stupid and need to blame someone. If you want to leave with the goodwill of your listeners, say something to make them feel less foolish. You could say: I dont know why I tell jokes when Im so poor at it. The world needs laughter, and good humour is a success wherever it goes, so this caveat(告诫) about joke-telling is not meant to dampen high spirits or to advocate dull conversation. If youre a gifted story-teller and you know people love your jokes, go for it. We need your kind. The rest of us will save our jokes for family and close friends.41. According to the passage, it might be appropriate for you to tell a joke at a business or social gathering if _. A. the joke is well chosen B. you have plete confidence in your listeners sense of humor C. only you and your best friend are involved in the conversation D. the audience consists of your colleagues and acquaintances 42. Why do some jokes fail to work? A. Because the punchline is too long to catch. B. Because the joke-teller uses wrong words and expressions. C. Because the joke-teller and listeners dont share the same background knowledge. D. Because the jokes are not properly translated into the listeners native language.43. How will people feel when they are joked about? A. They will feel happy if the joke is a pleasant one. B. They will be upset no matter what kind of joke it is. C. They will enjoy the joke when realizing that people are not laughing at them. D. They will panic because it makes them the center of attention.44. When people do not understand a joke they hear, they tend to _. A. believe its the joke-tellers fault B. get someone to retell the joke C. ask for explanation D. say something foolish45. Which of the following best describes the writers opinion on joke-telling? A. Nobody knows what makes a joke funny. B. We should not tell jokes unless we are asked to do so. C. Joke-telling is a very plex thing. D. Jokes should be told only to friends and family members.B Below are reviews for three books and two book series. Each has been read and loved by students across the country. The Outsiders This book, first published in 1967. has bee a classic for teens across the nation. It focuses on Ponyboy , who has been labeled all his life as a greaser. The greasers opposing group is the socs . kids who have lots of money and can break any rules without getting in trouble. As the novel develops, S. E. Hinton allows the reader to see exactly how these labels affect teens in both the greaser and the soc group. If youve ever watched the movie The Outsiders, this story may sound familiar, as the movie was based on the book . The Outsiders gives teens a look into life in the 50s and 60s, offering timeless lessons that still apply to todays youth. Out of the Dust Any student interested in the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl should read Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse. Hesse is able to capture the mood and spirit of this era through the use of poetry. The main character of the book, Billie Jo, is growing up in Oklahoma, the heart of the Dust Bowl. Through free verse poetry, Billie Jo narrates(讲述) her tale of poverty and survival during this difficult time. Out of the Dust is an excellent lesson in history . Due to the short length and writing style, the book is a quick but worthwhile read. By the end of the book, the reader is eager to start the story over again . Hesse is able to pack a lot of emotions and details into her short book , making the story very real and believable. The Giver The Giver depicts a perfect society in which citizens experience no pain, have never felt fear, and life is pletely under control. However, as the reader progresses through the story, its easy to see that this munity is far from utopia(乌托邦). Instead, through the experiences felt by the main character Jonas, the reader learns there is a missing from life in this world. During the Ceremony of the Twelves, each 12year old is assigned their life long career in the munity . Jonas is chosen to be the Receiver of Memories, a very special job assigned to one person at a time . When Jonas receives his training . he learns many truths about his munity that change how he feels about his life, making him determined to do something to change it . The Giver is a good book for teens who enjoy science fiction and fantasy. The book makes you examine your own life, values, and beliefs, striving to find how you would define the perfect society. Anne of Green Gables This eight-book series depicts the life of Anne Shirley, an orphan that is adopted in Prince Edward Island, Canada . The books are set in the 1800s to the 1900s, the last one taking place during World War I. Anne is a loveable spirit who has many misfortunes and laughable experiences when growing up and going to college. The Anne of Green Gables series is fun to read. creating a strong attachment to the reader and making the last book a bitter sweet experience. Teenage girls who are looking for a female role model will love Anne Shirley. Harry Potter J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter series has sold more copies than any other series in history. The series, which includes seven books in all, fallows a boy wizard named Harry Potter. Harry attends Hogwarts School of Witcheraft and Wizardy. The seven books follow Harry through seven years of wizarding school . During this time , readers experience the wizarding world through Harrys eyes and watch him make friends. Learn magic and fight a wizard. The Harry Potter books are an enchanting read for all ages. No matter who you are. you will find yourself absorbed in the magical world created by J. K. Rowling. 45. The greaser group may refer to those kids _. A. who are poor in their lessons at school B. who are poor and often get into trouble for breaking rules C. who go between the poor and the rich children D. who get along well with the soc group 46. Which of the following is written in a poetic style? A. The Giver. B. The Outsiders. C. Out of the Dust. D. Anne of Green Gables.47. We can learn from The Giver that _. A. everyone in the munity can get a good job B. Jonas is satisfied with his life in the munity C. people in the munity live an imperfect life D. Jonas is loved by all the people in the munity48. According to the passage, _ may be chosen to be an example by teenage girls. A. Harry Potter B . Jonas. C. Billie Jo D. Anne Shirley 49. You would like to Read the Harry Potter series probably because _. A. you are interested in the magical world B. you like watching musical movies C. you admire Harry for his patience D. you enjoy reading the eight-book seriesC A new factory that turns used wine bottles into green sand could revolutionize the recycling industry and help to filter(过滤) the nations drinking water. For the last 100 years special high grade white sand quarried(开采) at Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire has been used to filter tap water to remove bacteria and impuritiesbut this may no longer be necessary. The green sand has already been successfully tested by water panies and is being used in 50 swimming pools in Scotland to keep the water clean. Backed by one million pounds from the European Union and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(Defar), a pany based in Scotland is building a factory to turn beverage bottles back into the sand from which they were made. The idea is not only to avoid using up increasingly scarce sand in Scotland and avoid any further quarrying but also to solve a crisis in the recycles only 750 000 tones of it. Howard Dryden, the scientist and managing director of the pany has spent six years working on what he calls Active Filtration Meadia, or AFM, the recycled glass. He says he needs bottles that have already contained drinkable liquids to be sure that drinking water would not be polluted. The fact is that tests show that AFM does the job better than glass, it is easier to clean and reuse and has all sorts of properties that make it ideal for other applications, he claimed. He also thinks the market will be able to take 250 000 tones of green sand a year. The plan is to build five or six factories in cites in UK where the bottles e from to cut down on transport. The factory will be pleted this month and is expected to go into full production on January 14 next year. Once it is providing a regular product, the governments drinking water inspectorate will be asked to perform tests and approve it for general use by water panies.50. It may no longer be necessary to use high-grade white sand to keep water clean because_. A. the green sand has been used to keep the water clean B. there is no need to keep water clean C. a new factory has been set up D. white sand is being use up51. According to the passage, the new idea can do the following except _. A. avoiding using up increasingly scarce sand B. cutting down the cost on transport C. avoiding further quarrying of white sand D. solving the crisis in the recycling industry52. Tests show that _ in keeping the water clean. A. AFM is more efficient than white sand B. white sand is more efficient than green sand C. glass is more efficient than AFM D. AFM is more efficient than glass53. The underlined word Backed in the third paragraph can best be replaced by _. A. Allowed B. Opposed C. Forbidden D. Supported54. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Revolution in the Recycling for the Industry. B. Modern Technology an New Markets. C. Unlocking the Benefits of Green Sand. D. Revolution in Environmental Protection.D Many of us have heard stories about teachers who can see into a students future. Even if a student is not performing well, they can predict success. We are convinced that this ability, this gift, is evidence that they were called to teach. If the gift of sight is evidence, how greater must be the gift of touch. I have a story. I grew up in the fifties in a poor African American neighborhood in Stockton, California, that had neither sidewalks nor an elementary school. Each day, always in groups at our parents insistence, my friends and I would leave home early enough to walk eight blocks to school and be in our seats when the bell rang. For four blocks, we walked on dusty roads. By the fifth block, we walked on sidewalks that led to lovely homes and to Fair Oaks Elementary School. It was at Fair Oaks, in a sixth grade English class, that I met Ms. Victoria Hunter, a teacher who had a huge influence on my life. During reading periods, she would

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