2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module3 The Violence of Nature考点规范练15(含解析)外研版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module3 The Violence of Nature考点规范练15(含解析)外研版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module3 The Violence of Nature考点规范练15(含解析)外研版必修3.阅读理解Ice is melting so fast in the Arctic that the North Pole will be in the open sea in 30 years,according to scientists.Ships will be able to sail over the top of the world and tourists will be able to visit what was,until climate change,one of the planets most inaccessible(难以到达的)landscapes.Some ice would still be found on coastlines(海岸线),especially Greenland and Ellesmere Island,but the rest of the Arctic Ocean,including the pole,would be open water.Some leading climatologists(气候学家)said that the ice melting is likely to remain fairly constant until 2024 when there will be a sudden speeding up of the process.In 30 to 50 years,they concluded,summer sea ice will have disappeared around the entire Arctic region.Their forecast may,however,already be out of date and over-optimistic,said Professor Chris Rapley,head of the British Antarctic Survey.He said a recent study by the Global Carbon Project suggested that emissions(排放物)were rising more than twice as fast as in xx,which was likely to speed up ice-loss even further.He described what he said as “worrying” but said it inosculated recent findings based on satellite observations of the speed at which ice was melting.Over the past 25 years,Arctic ice has been reduced by 25 percent,which is faster than before.And disappearing ice is already causing problems for the polar bear.Other wildlife,including seals(海豹),are also likely to suffer.“We have already witnessed major losses in sea ice,but our research suggests that the decrease over the next few decades could be far more terrible,”said Professor Chris Rapley.1.According to the text,the ice is melting so fast that in 30 years .A.no ice could be found on coastlinesB.the Arctic Ocean will be open water pletelyC.the North Pole will bee the most popular tourist holiday zoneD.more people will probably visit the North Pole2.Some leading climatologists forecasted that the process of the ice melting .A.may stop speeding up in 2024B.will always keep constantC.will suffer an unexpected change somedayD.may change all the time3.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that .A.what the climatologists said was not science-basedB.increasing emissions may speed up ice-lossC.the ice melting will take a longer time than predictedD.people should be positive towards the results of study4.What is the main idea of this text?A.The threat to the polar bear is ing near.B.Greenlands and Ellesmere Islands ice will disappear in 30 years.C.The ice in North Pole might wholly melt in several decades.D.The emissions of carbon dioxide cause serious problems.完形填空Having said goodbye to his parents,Alvin,with his wife and one-year-old son,set off back home.1excited,Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily.And even little Alex 2 from time to time.The family were 3themselves.But about three hours later things began to 4.It was starting to snow.Alvin sped up the car,5 to arrive home before dark.But it was too dangerous to drive fast now with the heavy snow.So Alvin had to 6.The snow on the 7 was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to 8 on it.Their car slipped off the way and got stuck in the deep snow 9 the engine refused to start again.“The snow doesnt seem to 10.Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?”Alvin asked.Clare said she would like to 11.So they got out of the car with their son and began walking.But 12was to e.Soon they lost their 13 and had to walk aimlessly on and on.Night came.They were not afraid of the dark.But they were 14that poor Alex would die of cold.However,their determination to keep Alex 15 filled them with courage,warmth and strength.They 16and rested in turn and then continued their walk.They had countless falls but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their 17again.Seven days passed.On the eighth day,18at last came from Alvins parents,the police and local people.But the young 19 had to have their feet cut off because of bad frostbite(冻伤).20,there was nothing seriously wrong with little Alex.1.A.StillB.LessC.NotD.More2.A.criedB.jumpedC.readD.smiled3.A.takingB.havingC.enjoyingD.forgetting4.A.workB.changeCeD.move5.A.agreeingB.decidingC.thinkingD.hoping6.A.get offB.slow downC.go upD.look around7.A.highwayB.carC.fieldD.floor8.A.carryB.sitC.stayD.rely9.A.andB.butC.orD.for10.A.fallB.endC.continueD.melt11.A.walkB.waitC.restD.stop12.A.fortuneB.newsC.hurricaneD.worse13.A.patienceB.luckC.wayD.money14.A.annoyedB.worriedC.sorryD.sure15.A.happyB.silentC.aliveD.awake16.A.sleptB.walkedC.watchedD.travelled17.A.headsB.eyesC.handsD.feet18.A.dangerB.helpC.luckD.attention19.A.husbandB.wifeC.coupleD.baby20.A.EspeciallyB.SecretlyC.StrangelyD.Fortunately.语法填空Mike:Where did you go this summer?Jane:I went to Miami Beach,Florida,1. I stayed for two weeks.Mike:How did you get there?Jane:My friend John and I 2.(fly) to Miami from New York.3.took us three hours to get there.It was the first time for us to travel by air.We settled back in deep armchairs and enjoyed an 4.(usual) and breathtaking view of the world.Mike:Why did you choose 5.(go) there?Jane:We went there because the cost was 6.(low) out of season.It was very good every day,and the two weeks went by too quickly.We were very sorry when we had to leave.Mike:7. did you do there?Jane:We stayed at a hotel 8. the beach.We slept late every morning and then had breakfast outdoors near the pool.When the weather was not too hot,we went sightseeing in the morning.We visited the campus of the University of Miami and Everlades.In the afternoon,we went swimming in the ocean 9. the pool,lay in the sun,or went water-skiing.After dinner in the evening,we went dancing in a discotheque to enjoy 10. in the nightclubs.短文改错Like many teenagers in China,most of my spare time was spent doing my homework.As a result,I dont have enough time to do what Im interested in even on weekends or at holiday.The first thing I enjoy it when I have a few spare minutes is to listen to music.Its the best way for me to release stress of my study.When I listen to music,it is like go into another world.Sometimes,the word of the songs seem to express exact how Im feeling.However,Im also interested in fashion and Im always looking for something special can reflect my personality.What I want most is to be giving more free time to develop my interests and hobbies.#.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。科学研究发现,冰川的融化进程将会加快,在未来的30年里北极将会是一片汪洋。1.D细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Ships will be able to sail over the top of the world and tourists will be able to visit.inaccessible(难以到达) landscapes.”可知,随着冰川的融化,船只和游客可以很容易地进入到从前很难靠近的北极,由此可知到北极的游客数量可能会比从前多。2.C细节理解题。由文中第二段的“.the ice melting is likely to remain fairly constant until 2024 when there will be a sudden speeding up of the process.”可知,冰川融化的速度在2024年之前将保持不变,2024年后的某一天会突然加快。3.B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知答案。4.C主旨大意题。通过阅读全文可知,本文主要讲述了北极冰川的融化,所以选C项。.1.A由下文阿尔文和克莱尔一路上愉快地谈笑可以推断,他们在离开父母家后,仍然很兴奋。2.D由文中第一句可知,小亚历克斯只有一岁。在这样愉快的气氛中,他应是时不时地微笑。3.C本句是对上文内容的概括。enjoy oneself意为“过得开心”。4.B由句首的表转折的并列连词but及下文内容可知,一家人陷入了困境,与上文的欢乐气氛形成鲜明对比,故应选择change。5.D因为天开始下雪,阿尔文加速行驶,应是希望在天黑前赶回家。6.B由上一句“下大雪时开快车非常危险”推断阿尔文此时不得不放慢速度。slow down意为“放慢速度”,符合语境。7.A由下文Their car slipped off the way.可知,他们行驶在公路上。8.C由下文汽车滑下公路可知,由于雪越下越大,汽车很难停留在路面上。9.A汽车深陷在积雪中与引擎发动不起来是因果关系。10.B由下文夫妇二人决定向前走,而不是坐以待毙,可推断此时雪一直在下。11.A由下文的“So they got out of the car with their son and began walking.”可知,克莱尔想徒步前行。12.D根据下文他们迷了路可知,情况会变得更糟。worse在此为名词,意为“更坏的事”。13.C由下文他们没有目标地走下去可知,他们迷路了。14.B由文章结尾可知,夫妇二人获救后被截去了双脚,而孩子并无大碍。由此可以推断,他们应担心孩子被冻死。 15.C孩子有死于寒冷的危险,让孩子活着是他们的信念。16.A根据语境,可推断他们轮换着睡觉、休息以保持体力。17.Drise to ones feet意为“站起来”。18.B根据语境,在第八天他们从阿尔文的父母、警察和当地人那里得到的应是救助。19.C由句中的their feet可判断,夫妇二人都被截去了双脚。20.D由小亚历克斯无大碍可知,这应是幸运的。.1.where2.flew3.It4.unusual5.to go6.lower7.What8.on9.or10.ourselves.Like many teenagers in China,most of my spare time was spent doing my homework.As a result,I dont have enough time to do what Im interested in even on weekends or at holiday.The first thing I enjoy it when I have a few spare minutes is to listen to music.Its the best way for me to release stress of my study.When I listen to music,it is like go into another world.Sometimes,the word of the songs seem to express how Im feeling.However,Im also interested in fashion and Im always looking for something special can reflect my personality.What I want most is to be giving more free time to develop my interests and hobbies.


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