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语言朋友(2)2019-2020年高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时作业:语言朋友(2)(xx新课标全国卷)Where do you go when you want to learn something? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all _1_ places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want _2_ somewhere else instead.I had the _3_of seeing this first hand on a _4_My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.They did well this season and so _5_ a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led to some _6_ experiences on Saturday as they played against teams _7_ trained.Through the first two games, her _8_ did not get one serious shot on goal.As a parent, I _9_ seeing my daughter playing her best, _10_ still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the _11_ between Saturday and Sunday.When they _12_ for their Sunday game, they were _13_ different.They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had _14_ the day before into their _15_They played aggressively and _16_ scored a goal.It _17_ me that playing against the other team was a great _18_ moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a general principle._19_ is the best teacher.The lessons they learned may not be _20_ what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.解题导语:本文通过看女儿参加的一场足球锦标赛,给我们启发,学校里的学习很重要,但是亲身经历和实践是更好的学习和老师。1A.public BtraditionalCofficial Dspecial解析:根据常识可知,这里提到的应该是传统教育方式。故选B。答案:B2A.passes BworksClies Dends解析:本句应该分析句子结构:the learning 后是定语从句you really want, 所以这里所填的做谓语动词。真正想要的学习却不在上述的这些地方,在其他地方。故选C。答案:C3. Adream BideaChabit Dchance解析:根据下文的故事可知,我女儿的经历让我有机会看到了这样的学习。故选D。答案:D4A.trip BholidayCweekend Dsquare解析:从下文的周六的比赛会很艰苦和It seemed that something clicked with the.between Saturday and sunday 可知,是周末发生的事。故选C。答案:C5. Awon BenteredCorganized Dwatched解析:从下文可知,女儿所在的足球队打得好所以进入了锦标赛。故选B。答案:B6. Apainful BstrangeCmon Dpractical解析:由语境可知,对手比坐着女儿的队better trained,可以推断这将是一场痛苦的比赛。故选A。答案:A7A.less BpoorlyCnewly Dbetter解析:根据尝试可知,进入锦标赛的一般都是训练更好的队伍。故选D。答案:D8A.fans Btutors Cclass Dteam解析:根据上下文可知,是女人所在的足球队没进球得分。故选D。答案:D9A.imagined Bhated Cavoided Dmissed解析:作为家长,一般都不会喜欢看自己的孩子尽力了,又要输。故选B。答案:B10. Aif Bor Cbut Das解析:根据上文可知,没进球,自己的孩子尽力了却要输,这是作为家长不愿意看到的,表转折,故选C。答案:C11A.girls BparentsCcoaches Dviewers解析:本文已知在说女儿,当然应该是说女孩子们的变化。故选A。答案:A12. Adressed Bshowed upCmade up Dplanned解析:从下文可知,周日和周六的表现完全不同。故选B。答案:B13. Aslightly BhardlyCbasically Dpletely解析:根据后面文章可知,这些孩子们表现和之前完全不同,pletely符合语境。选D。答案:D14A.seen BknownCheard Dread解析:她们把她们亲眼所看到的球队的打法运用到自己的比赛中。故选A。答案:A15. Astyles BtrainingCgame Drules解析:她们把前一天在赛场上看到的打法和团队精神运用到自己的赛场上。所以才和以前不同。故选C。答案:C16. Aeven BstillCseldom Dagain解析:她们和前一场比,打得有闯劲,甚至还得了一分。故选A。答案:A17A.confused Bstruck Creminded Dwarned解析:It strike sb.是固定句式,意思是让某人突然想到,符合语境。故选B。答案:B18. Atouching BthinkingCencouraging Dlearning解析:和另一个队比赛也是一个很好的学习的机会。和文章的开头相呼应。故选D。答案:D19A.Experience BIndependence CCuriosity DInterest解析:结合全文的意思可知,经历是最好的老师。故选A。答案:A20. Aharmful to Bmixed with Cdifferent from Dapplied to解析:亲身体验得到的东西和在学校里学到的可能不同,但是更有个性有意义。故选C。答案:C语法填空There was once a king who enjoyed music so much that he searched the world for the best musical instrument.One day, a wizard (男巫) offered the king 21._ instrumenta harp (竖琴)The king was very excited and took 22._ to the palace.But when he started playing, the harp was out of tune (走调)Then many other people tried it, and they agreed the harp was useless and 23._ the king had been tricked.The king was very angry and 24._ (throw) the harp away as rubbish.A poor little girl later found the harp, and even though she didnt know 25._ to play it, she decided to have a go.She played and played, the whole day through 26._ months and years, always with the harp out of tune, but the music she played became more and more 27._ (wonder)Then one day, suddenly, the harp started to play the most beautiful music.It was a magic harp, and could only be played well by someone 28._ was willing to put in the necessary interest and effort.29._ (hear) the music from his window, the king called the girl into the great palace.When the king saw the harp, he was filled with joy.At that moment he made the girl his own private 30._ (music), giving her and her family lots of money.解题导语:即使拥有最好的乐器,也得有与之匹配的优秀技艺,才能演奏出最优美的音乐。21解析:此处填不定冠词,表泛指,instrument是以元音音素开头的,故填an。答案:an22解析:此处填代词it,指代上文的harp。答案:it23解析:根据句子结构可知,agreed后接两个宾语从句,前一从句的that省略了,此处填that,不可省略。答案:that24解析:根据上文可知,此处应用一般过去时。答案:threw25解析:根据下文可知,一开始,女孩并不知道“如何”弹奏这架竖琴,故填how。答案:how26解析:此处填介词for,表示动作持续的时间长度。答案:for27解析:此处用形容词wonderful作表语。答案:wonderful28解析:此处填关系代词who,引导定语从句。答案:who29解析:此处用现在分词作状浯,表原因。答案:Hearing30解析:根据句意可知,此处应填名词musician,意为“乐师”。答案:musician

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