2019-2020年高中英语 本册综合技能测试 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 本册综合技能测试 新人教版选修7第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What are the two speakers talking about?AA method.BA theory. CA rule.2What does the woman mean?AShe agrees with the man.BLife cannot exist without sunlight.CAir is fundamental to all living things.3Why does the woman mention her dinner guests?ATo invite the man to join them.BTo ask the man to help cook.CTo suggest politely that the man leave.4Whats the two speakers opinion about the solar energy ?AIts useful but costs a lot.BIts convenient and inexpensive.CIts green and can help save money.5What can we learn from the conversation?AThe man is not interested in astronomy.BThe two speakers are reading a book.CThe woman is studying astronomy.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Where did the woman spend her weekend?AIn the mountains.BAt the beach.CIn the forest.7Why does the woman e back already?ATo do her homework.BTo see her parents.CTo meet her friends.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8How often does the woman drive her car now?AEvery day.BFour times a week.CTwice a week.9Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?ANeighbors.BFriends.CCouple.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What was the man doing when his puter broke down?APlaying games.BWatching a movie.CDoing his homework.11Whats the panys phone number?A8036945.B8037245.C8062435.12What do we know about the woman?AShe is a great help to the man.BShe is the owner of the pany.CShe hasnt run into the same trouble ever.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Why did the woman go to Hong Kong?ATo do business.BTo see her husband.CTo have a short holiday.14What does the woman think of Hong Kong?ACrowded.BLovely.CFashionable.15When will the woman bring photos to the man?ATomorrow morning.BThis afternoon.CThe day after tomorrow.16What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman likes fishes.BThe two speakers are former colleagues.CThe man has been to Hong Kong before.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What does the man ask the woman to do?APick up his cousin.BHelp his cousin study.CTake care of his cousin.18What will the man do on Saturday?AFinish his paper.BGo to work.CPerform on a music festival.19What will the weather be like this weekend according to the weather prediction?ASnowy.BCloudy.CFine.20What do we know about the mans cousin?AShe is shy around strangers.BShe is very independent.CShe is younger than the man.答案:15 BACCA610 BACBC1115 AACBA1620 ACBAC听力材料:Text 1W:Do you know what the Big Bang is?M:Yes, its a theory that explains how the universe started.Text 2M:Water is very fundamental to the development of life on the earth.W:Life certainly cannot exist without water.Text 3W:Well,Jack, I would offer you another drink, but I have guests ing and I havent even begun to prepare dinner. Thanks for stopping by.M:Thanks for the drink. It has been nice seeing you too.Text 4W:James,whats your opinion about the solar energy thats so widelyused today?M:Well, its green,causing little pollution.W:Yes, and it can also help save a lot of money.M:True. After all, there is easily enough sunlight available.Text 5W:Today most astronomers accept the idea that groups of stars are all moving further and further away from each other.M:Really? I thought the size of the universe had remained the same since its creation.W:Actually I just read it this morning; its news for me as well.M:Im just not into astronomy.Text 6M:Hey, Karen, looks like you got some sun this weekend.W:Yeah, I guess so. I spent the weekend at the beach.M:Thats great. Where did you stay?W:Some friends of my parents live out there and they invited me for as long as I wanted to stay.M:So what are you doing back here already?W:Oh,I have a paper to do. I couldnt do any serious studying at the beach, you know.Text 7W:Have you paid any attention to the news about the climate change these days?M:Yes. The reports say that we put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping into space.W:Right! So our planet is getting warmer and less suitable for us to live on. But you know theres not only the climate changethere are also other problems threatening the earth.M:The earth is like our mother. We really must protect it.W:I agree. For me, Ive started to save water and electricity, and now I drive my car only twice a week.M:Well,just one person doing that isnt enoughyoud better persuade all your friends to do so too.W:I agree! So will you?Text 8M:Hello,is that Jane?W:Speaking.M:Hi,Jane,this is Chris here. Listen,Im in real trouble. I was doing my homework and suddenly my puter broke down.W:Oh,no. Bad luck.M:Yeah, I cant believe it! What do you think I should do?W:I think I can help you, Chris, so calm down. It happened to me last year. I took it to a small pany and they fixed it in an hour!M:Thank goodness! Can you give me their phone number?W:Sure, call 8036945. You can mention my name too! That might help.M:OK. Ill call right now. And thanks a million!W:My pleasure. Good luck.Text 9M:Sarah! I havent seen you for ages! Where have you been these days?W:I was in Hong Kong for several days.M:Oh,were you there on business?W:No, I went there for a break with my husband.M:Great! You must have had a wonderful time.W:Yes, we had a good time. Hong Kong is such a lovely city with so much to see and do.M:What was the first thing on your list?W:Ocean Park ! We saw a lot of beautiful fish there. You know I have been keeping fish at home for many years.M:Did you take any photos?W:Yes, of course. We took a lot of photos.M:Could I see them sometime?W:Sure,Id love to show you. I can bring the photos to your office tomorrow morning.M:Terrific ! Thank you.W:Youre wele. See you tomorrow!Text 10M:Susan, I could really use your help this weekend.W:What is it,John? Another term paper?M:No, no. This is easy pared to that. My cousin is ing on Thursday. She has an interview at the college and I promised my aunt Id look after her. We are going to the game on Friday, but Saturday Im on duty at the library all day and I cant get out of it. Uh, I was wondering if you could show her around during the day and maybe we can all meet for dinner later.W:Sure. I dont have any plans. What kind of things does she like to do?M:Actually I havent seen her for three years. She lives so far away. But this will be her first time at a college. She is still in high school, so she probably would enjoy anything about college.W:Well,there is a music festival on the playground. Shell like it. Only I hope it doesnt snow. They are predicting 6 to 8 inches for the weekend. Everything will be closed down then.M:Well,Ill drop her off at your place on the way to work, around 1100. But if it snows, Ill give you a call and see if we can find something else to do.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(xx湖北卷C)Hilversum is a mediumsized city between the major cities of Amsterdam and Utrecht in the Gooi area of North Holland, the Netherlands. Unlike most of the Netherlands,Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of sand.Once called the Garden of Amsterdam,it still attracts travelers to e over to cycle and walk through the surrounding forests. They visit it for a relaxing day off from the urban madness.For Dutch people, Hilversum is all about textile(纺织) and media industries,and modern architecture. In history, Hilversum was largely an agricultural area.Daily life was marked by farming, sheep raising and wool production.A railway link to Amsterdam in 1874 attracted rich traders from Amsterdam to Hilversum.They built themselves large villas(别墅)in the wooded surroundings of the town.One of the families moving in was the Brenninkmeijers,currently the wealthiest family of the Netherlands.They moved in after big success in the textile industry and aided a substantial textile industry in Hilversum.But the textile boom lasted only several decades.The last factory closed in the 1960s. The change to a media economy started in 1920,when the Nederlandse Seintoestellen Fabriek(NSF) established a radio factory in Hilversum.Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town.Television gave another push to the local economy.Hilversum became the media capital of the Netherlands,and Dutch television stars moved into the leafy neighborhoods surrounding the town.In the early 1900s,modern architects WM.Dudok and JDuiker placed hundreds of remarkable buildings in Hilversum.These modern architectural masterpieces(杰作) are so many that Hilversum almost feels like an open air museum.Dudok alone shaped most of 20th century Hilversum and approximately 75 buildings still bear his unique characteristies.His masterpiece.Hilversum Town Hall,was built in 19281931.It has wide international fame and is included in many architecture textbooks.The building has a remarkable shape and looks like a bination of “blocks”Actually,one may start his journey of modern architecture by walking or biking the WM.Dudok Architectural Route in Hilversum.文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了荷兰Hilversum这一地区的地貌特征、工业发展和现代建筑。21Hilversurn is different from most of the Netherlands in that _.Ait has a large populationBit is cut off from big citiesCit has many beautiful gardensDit is in a hilly area with sandy soil答案:D细节理解题。根据首段第二句“Unlike most of the Netherlands,Hilversum is actually in a hilly area.”可知Hilversum不同于荷兰其他地方之处在于它属于沙土丘陵地带。故选D项。22What was the greatest contribution of the Brenninkmeijers to Hilversum?ABuilding a railway link to Amsterdam.BHelping its textile industry to develop.CConstructing large villas for the poor.DAssisting its agricultural industry.答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第三句“They moved in after big success in the textile industry and aided a substantial textile industry in Hilversum.”可知Brennikmeijers为Hilversum的纺织业做出了巨大的贡献。故选B项。23The beginning of the media industry in Hilversum was marked by the establishment of _.Aa radio factoryBthe media capitalCa radio stationDa TV station答案:A细节理解题。根据第三段首句“The change to a media economy started in 1920.established a radio factory in Hilversum.”可知Hilversum传媒业的兴起是以一家无线电厂的建立为标志的。故选A项。24What is known about WM.Dudoks Hilversum Town Hall?AIt consists of approximately 75 buildings.BIt looks like an open air museum in the city.CIt is a classic example in architecture textbooks.DIt has shaped most of 20th century Hilversum.答案:C推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第三、四句“His masterpiece.It has wide international fame and is included in many architecture textbooks.”可知W.M.Dudoks Hilversum Town Hall是建筑教科书中的一个典范。故选C项。BWhile Jennifer was at home taking an online exam for her business law class, a monitor(监控器) a few hundred miles away was watching her every move.Using a web camera equipped in Jennifers Los Angeles apartment, the monitor in Phoenix tracked how frequently her eyes moved from the puter screen and listened for the secret sounds of a possible helper in the room. Her Internet access was lockedremotelyto prevent Internet searches, and her typing style was analyzed to make sure she was who she said she was:Did she enter her student number at the same speed as she had in the past? Or was she slowing down?In the battle against cheating, this is the cutting_edge and a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education. The technology gives trust to the entire system, to the institution and to online education in general. Only with solid measures against cheating, experts say, can Internet universities show that their exams and diplomas are validthat students havent just searched the Internet to get the right answers.Although online classes have existed for more than a decade, the concern over cheating has bee sharper in the last year with the growth of “open online courses”. Private colleges, public universities and corporations are jumping into the online education field, spending millions of dollars to attract potential students, while also taking steps to help guarantee honesty at a distance. Aside from the web cameras, a number of other hightech methods are being increasingly popular. Among them are programs that check students identities using personal information, such as the telephone numbers they once used. Other programs can produce unique exams by drawing on a large list of questions and can recognize possible cheaters by analyzing whether difficult test questions are answered at the same speed as easy ones. As in many university classes, term papers are scanned against some large Internet data banks for cheating. 文章大意:本文为说明文,题材属于科普知识类。本文通过Jennifer在家考试受监控的具体描述,介绍了几种防止远程教育的学生作弊的高科技方法。只有采取可信赖的反作弊措施,才能防止接受网上教育的学生利用互联网搜索答案作弊,才能证明他们的考试和文凭的有效性。25Why was Jennifer watched in an online exam? ATo correct her typing mistakes.BTo find her secrets in the room.CTo prevent her from slowing down.DTo keep her from dishonest behaviors.答案:D推理判断题。由第二段内容和第三段第一句“In the battle against cheating,this is the “cutting edge” and a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education.”可知,Jennifer在家中考试受监控器的监控是为了防止(她)作弊,应选D。26The underlined expression “cutting edge” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_.Aadvanced technique Bsharpening toolCeffective rule Ddividing line答案:A词义猜测题。从第二段的具体描述来看,这是防止作弊的先进技术,另外,由后一句“The technology gives trust to the entire system,to the institution and to online education in general”可知,上一句画线的“cutting edge”和后一句的“The technology”指代的是同一内容,故应选A。27Some programs can find out possible cheaters by_.Achecking the question answering speedBproducing a large number of questionsCscanning the Internet test questionsDgiving difficult test questions答案:A细节理解题。由最后一段第一句“Other programs can produce unique exams by drawing on a large list of questions and can recognize possible cheaters by analyzing whether difficult test questions are answered at the same speed as easy ones.”可知,是通过分析答题的速度来判断是否作弊,故选A。28Which of the following is the best title of this passage?AThe Advantages of Online ExamsBThe Hightech Methods in Online CoursesCThe Fight against Cheating in Online EducationDThe War against the Booming of Online Education答案:C主旨大意题。由全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了在打击网上教育考试作弊的斗争中,目前采取的几种有效防止远程教育学生作弊的高科技方法。CAs is known, healthy foods can help save your life. Now, here is a list of healthy foods that can save your memory. It is best that every person knows what he eats, as he takes in, can make or break himself, in terms of health.Fish is helpful in regaining back the kind of memory that a person once has. Eating fish can help you save the trouble of forgetfulness. Vegetables rich in fiber and other green leafy kinds are very suitable for people who want to avoid mental blocks. These foods contain high units of vitamin E.Another food that is considered having different effects on preventing this brain weakness is avocado(鳄梨), which is also rich in vitamins E and C. It is really good to know these healthy foods that can save your memory are always at hand so as to help you in your fight against diseases. Sunflower seeds are regarded as vitamin Cpowered seeds and also give you enough energy.As for red wine, do not overconsume it, as it is said to have to be taken in moderate amounts in order to help the body. Overdrinking can cause illness. This is considered as one of the healthy foods that can save your memory, but alcohol can otherwise lose it.It is better to consume food made of grains such as bread and rice to get the best out of fiber. These foods can lower the bodys risk of being infected with Alzheimers disease(早老性痴呆病)Knowing the healthy foods that can save your memory is living the life that you have longed and desired. Among the others, the best, of course, is exercise. Taking in different kinds of exercises, physical activities or sports can keep both your body and mind healthy.文章大意:本文主要向读者介绍了对恢复大脑记忆有帮助的一些食物。作者还建议多进行各种运动,以保持身心健康。29If you suffer from loss of memory, you_.A. should eat tomatoes and cabbagesB. may as well take more vitamin CC. can take in fish in your mealsD. should not drink wine答案:C推理判断题。文章讲述了能使记忆恢复的食物,有鱼、绿叶蔬菜、鳄梨和红酒等,因此C项符合题意。30If you want to prevent mental diseases from happening,_.Ayou are advised to take avocadosBit is best to eat vegetables high in fiberCit is better to have more sunflower seedsDred wine is the first and best choice答案:B细节理解题。由第二段第三句可知,含粗纤维的蔬菜和其他的绿叶蔬菜对避免精神障碍有帮助。31What does the author stress in the last paragraph?AThe best form of exercise.BThe way of keeping healthy.CThe importance of healthy foods.DThe importance of exercise.答案:D细节理解题。最后一段讲述,除了食物之外,运动也有益身心健康,强调了运动的重要性,故选D项。32Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?(Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3, Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5, Paragraph 6)A. B.C. D.答案:A篇章结构题。本文第一段总述文章主题,第二段到第五段进行了详细说明,最后一段进行总结,全文是总分总结构,所以选择A项。DBelieve it or not, but studies have shown that around 85% of people applying for a job exclude themselves in a basic way. They apply for the wrong job, have typos (打字错误) in their resumes, use generic cover letters, show up late for the interview, and more. This fact is actually good news for you! Youd only be peting against the 15% that do things right. It takes nothing more than a little. Research: Conduct intensive research about any pany in which you have an interest before attending an interview.Read past press coverage. Learn about its products and/or services.Get some basic knowledge about the industry and learn its trend.Read customer feedback(反馈)on its products, and learn about its strengths and weaknesses.Edit: Have your resume and cover letters triplechecked. Nothing is more unprofessional than a misspelt word, or a grammatical error on your application.Rehearse: Before an interview, think about what you are going to say.Grab a friend and have him or her play the role of the interviewer.Rehearse and practice your answers. Dress: Always dress to impress! You always want to look, at least, 10% better than the person who is interviewing you, regardless of the position for which you are applying.Post Interview Followup: Always send a thankyou email or letter after an interview.With a little bit of preparation and followup, you will be better off than the 15% of your petition!文章大意:本文主要介绍了如何进行准备才能快速找到自己想要的工作。33Why does the writer say that it is good news that many applicants make mistakes when applying for a job?ABecause there will be fewer petitors.BBecause the pany needs more applicants.CBecause other applicants will be refused too.DBecause less work will be needed.答案:A推理判断题。根据第一段倒数第二句可知,由于很多人被淘汰,所以剩下的竞争者就少了。34If the employer finds a misspelt word on your application, he may think you are_.Anot confident about anythingBtoo busy to prepare for itClacking in professional spiritDstupid enough to make such a mistake答案:C细节理解题。根据黑体字Edit所在的段落可知,没有比在申请中出现拼写或语法错误更显得不专业的了。因此,如果出现此类错误的话,雇主会认为申请人缺乏职业精神。35Which is the best title of the passage?AFinding Perfect Jobs QuicklyBHow to Research Into a panyCWhy You Have Fewer petitorsDHow to Behave Yourself in an Interview答案:A标题概括题。本文主要介绍了如何快速找到理想的工作,因此A项是最佳标题。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A popular saying goes, “Sticks an

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