2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period6 Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism课堂达标训练(含解析)北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period6 Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism课堂达标训练(含解析)北师大版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Period6 Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism课堂达标训练(含解析)北师大版必修2.选词填空1Mother,_ her children,was invited to the dinner party.2This custom _ to the seventeenth century.3The capital of Hainan is Hai Kou City,which _ in the northern part of the island.4Theres _ rain in the southeast while theres little in the northwest.5Chairman Hu Jintao will _ the seven countries in Africa next week.6Her job is to help new foreign students _.完成句子1这里出产的鱼比其他地方的好吃。Fish in this place _ than _. 2马克吐温被称为了解男孩子们的作家。Mark Twain _ a writer who understood boys.3歧视妇女是不被允许的。Discrimination _ is not allowed.4等一下,我很快就可以换好衣服。Just a minute,it wont _ change.5听到乔治突然去世的消息,我感到很吃惊。I _ by the news of Georges sudden death.单项填空1The population of China _ very large,eighty percent of which _ peasants.Aare;is Bis;areCare;are Dis;is2Standing on the top of the tower,youll get a wonderful _ of the whole city.Asight BviewCscene Dcity3Though we take a risk of investing in the project,yet it will _ in the long run.Ago off Bturn upCpay off De up4We _ the details of the plan time and time again to make sure the project went smoothly.Agot through Bgot overCwent through Ddipped into5I hope that _ that Ive been able to do is of some use to you.Aa few Bthe fewCa little Dthe little6Leaving your car unlocked outside is just _ trouble.Aattracting BdrawingCresulting Dinviting7John,I cant play tennis at all.I wonder if you could teach me._.Just name the day.AIt doesnt matterBI agreeCThats rightDWith pleasure8Tom,as well as his little fellows,_ playing basketball.Alike BlikesCis liking Dare liking9It was the beautiful _ through the window that made me decide to buy the house.Avision BlookCpicture Dview10One cannot _ down to reading when he is very angry.Asettle BputCsit Dlie.完形填空A few years ago when my youngest son Matt was eight years old,we were getting things together to take to the Salvation Army (救世军) at Christmas time.The boys would go through their old _1_ and give away what they didnt _2_.I made cookies and got together blankets and clothes.After that Matt and I _3_ the Christmas package to our local Salvation Army.We unloaded _4_ and headed home._5_we took the corner out of the parking lot,Matt_6_that a baseball glove he had put in the bag had_7_ out.He said,“Mom,we forgot my glove.” Just then he saw a little boy and his mom sitting on a bench on the side of a building _8_a small playground was.He said,“Mom,can we _9_ over so that I can give the glove to him?” I said,“_10_.” And we drove to the side of the _11_and went through the gate.Matt handed the boy the glove and said,“Here,Santa _12_me to give it to you.” He was so _13_to get it! His mom _14_and gave Matt a huge hug.Her eyes were full of tears.“It is the best _15_he could get,” she looked at us and said, “because the _16_ thing I could get him this year was a baseball.”When we got back in the car,Matt said to me,“Mom,God must have made me _17_the baseball glove inside so the little boy could have itit was _18_to be!”That moment proved my _19_that everything happens for a _20_and I have tried my best to get people to see that ever since!1A.friendsBideasCtoysDdays2A.buyBeatCensureDneed3A.threwBdeliveredCpostedDoffered4A.everythingBanythingCsomethingDnothing5A.WhenBThoughCUntilDSince6A.addedBnoticedCannouncedDremembered7A.foundBpointedCmissedDfallen8A.thatBwhichCwhereDwhat9A.lookBclimbCpullDroll10A.ThanksBThats rightCYoure weleDSure11A.boyBroadCbenchDpark12A.wantedBpersuadedCallowedDforced13A.angryBnervousChappyDdisappointed14A.sat downBstood upCwent outDleft behind15A.propertyBgiftCmaterialDinformation16A.firstBworstConlyDcheapest17A.leaveBgetCfindDtake18A.intendedBplannedCdecidedDmeant19A.suggestionBchanceCbeliefDthought20A.causeBreasonCtimeDpersonPeriod 6Lesson 4Virtual Tourism.1.as well as2.goes back3.is located4.plenty of5.make a visit to6.settle down.1.taste better;those anywhere else2.was called3against women4.take me long to5.was amazed.1.B本题考查主谓一致。population作“总人口数”解时,谓语动词用单数形式;表示部分人口解时,谓语动词用复数。所以本题选择B项。2B本题考查名词词义辨析。view表示视野、眼界,常指从某一固定位置看到的景色。句意为:站在塔顶上,你可以看到全城的美景。3C本题考查动词词组的用法。句意为:虽然我们投资这项工程冒极大的风险,但是从长远看还是会盈利的。pay off盈利;go off下来;脱下;turn up出现;e up走进;被提出。根据句意可知选C项。4C本题考查动词词组的辨析。get through到达;打通电话;get over克服,越过; go through经历;反复考虑;dip into把浸在。根据句意“我们反复考虑这项计划的每个细节以保证工程的顺利进展。”可知选C项。5D本题考查代词的用法。a few修饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词,根据句意“我所能做的一些事”为不可数名词且表特指。故选D项。6D本题考查动词的搭配。invite trouble招致麻烦。7Dwith pleasure很乐意,愿意效劳,符合句意。8Bas well as引导的短语在句中作状语时,一般不影响原句主语的人称和数,故用单数,排除A、D两项;又因此句说明一个事实,故用一般现在时,选B项。9D句意为:是窗外美丽的风景使我决定买这所房子。view常指从某一固定位置看到的景色,符合句意。vision视力,看见;look和picture在此处均不可表风景。故选D项。10Asettle down to sth./doing sth.静下心来做某事。.1.C根据语境可知,孩子们要翻一下自己的旧玩具,送给别人。2D根据常识可知,他们送出去的东西一般是自己不再需要的。3B根据后句中的unloaded可以推测,Matt和我把包裹送到当地的救世军组织。4A在那里,我们将带去的所有东西卸下来,然后驱车回家。5A根据后半句内容可知,这里指当我们到达停车场的拐角时,用when。6BMatt注意到车内还有一只棒球手套。7D他装进袋子的棒球手套掉出来了。8C一个小男孩和他的妈妈坐在一栋楼旁边的长凳上,那里有个小操场。where引导定语从句。9CMatt建议我把车停在路边,他好把棒球手套送给那个小男孩。根据后面的“we drove to the side”可以得出答案。pull over驶向路边,向路边停靠。10D我非常赞成Matt的建议,因此爽快地答应了。11B根据后半句内容可知,我们把车开到路边,然后穿过了大门。12AMatt将棒球手套递给那个男孩,说:“这是圣诞老人让我送给你的。”13C男孩获得了一只棒球手套,当然很高兴。14B男孩的妈妈起身,给了Matt一个大大的拥抱。15B男孩的妈妈说,这是男孩得到的最好的礼物。16C因为今年她能给孩子的只有一个棒球。17AMatt认为是上帝让他将棒球手套落在了车里。18DMatt认为这是上帝有意安排的。mean在这里表示“有意”。19C根据that后面的内容可知,这是我的信念,故用belief。20B我相信,任何事情的发生皆有其原因。


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