2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Lessons3-4 Words Expressions练习 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Lessons3-4 Words Expressions练习 北师大版必修2view【归纳】view作动词时,意为:把视为,以看待(常用搭配:view sb. / sth. as sth.);查看,察看;观看,仔细察看。如:She is viewed as a strong candidate for the job.We will go and view the house before we buy it.The police viewed the scene of the crime.view作名词时,意为:方式,方法;看法,意见,见解(常用搭配:view about / on sth.);视域,视野;风景。如:This traditional view was that marriage was meant to last. What are your views on the subject? If you stand up youll get a better view.The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.【拓展】e into view 进入视野。如:One or two birds came into view.in view of sth. 鉴于,考虑到,由于。如:In view of the weather, we will cancel the outing.have sth. in view 头脑中对某事物有清楚的概念打算计划等。如:What the President has in view is a world without nuclear weapons.in ones view据某人看来。如:In my view it was a waste of time. 【即学即练】根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。1. From the top you get a(n) _ _ _ _ _ (这座城市极好的风景).2. Could you tell us your _ _ _ _ (对全球变暖的看法)?3. _ _ _ (在我看来), the country needs a change of government.4. People came from all over the world to _ _ _ (欣赏她的作品). 含known的常用短语【归纳】be known as意为“被称为;作为而出名;大家公认”;be known for意为“因而出名/著称”;be known to意为 “所熟知”。如:Professor Smith was known as the most popular teacher in that university. Hes known for his readiness to help others.Hes known to the police as a thief.【即学即练】用适当的介词填空。1. She is best known _ her work on the human brain.2. The tiger is known _ the king of the forest.3. Its known _ us that the moon goes round the earth.regular【归纳】regular作形容词,意为:规则的,定时的;经常的,习惯性的;平常的,通常的,惯常的;匀称的,均匀的,整齐的;持久的,稳定的,固定的。如:We hold regular monthly meetings.Jason was a regular customer in the store.On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties.David was very handsome, with strong regular features.Sue couldnt find any regular employment.【拓展】regularly adv. 意为:有规律地,间隙均匀地;经常地;匀称地,均匀地。如:We meet regularly, once a month.Nicole goes there quite regularly.The trees are regularly planted.【即学即练】根据括号内的汉语意思补全下面句子。1. _ (有规律的锻炼) is essential for your health.2. Richie _ (经常去巴黎旅行).3. Nina _ (有固定的工作时间).4. The chairs _ (等距摆放着).pack【语境展示】仔细观察下面各句,归纳句中pack的含义。1. Have you packed your suitcase yet?2. Dont forget to pack your toothbrush after using it!3. The plates were still packed in newspaper.4. Richard carried his belongs in a pack on his back.5. Father asked me to buy him a pack of cigarettes when I came back.【归纳】1. pack作动词时,意为“收拾(行李),装箱(如例句1-2);包装(如例句3)”;2. pack作名词时,意为“包裹,纸盒,大背包(如例句4-5)”。【拓展】pack in意为“停止,结束”。如:Smoking is bad for you; you ought to pack it in.【即学即练】翻译下面句子。1. 所有这些书都要被装进箱子里。_2. 妈妈通常在鞋外面包层纸来保护它们。_3. 士兵们不得不背着沉重的包裹穿过好几英里高低不平的路面。 _4. 马克已经辞掉工作周游世界去了。 _guide【归纳】guide既可作名词也可作动词。作名词时,意为:指南,手册;导游,向导;指导者,指引者;有指导意义的事物。如:Follow our step-by-step guide.We found a guide to take us up into the mountains.She is my spiritual guide.I let my feelings be my guide.作动词时,意为:给某人领路(或导游),指引(常用搭配:guide sb. to / through / around sth.);指导,影响(某人的行为);搀扶(某人朝方向)走,(朝方向)移动(某物)。如:He guided us around the gallery, pointing out the most famous paintings in the collection.She guided us through the busy streets to the park. Teenagers need adults to guide them.He took my arm and guided me to the bar.【即学即练】用适当的介词填空。1. The government will guide the country _ the difficulties ahead.2. Teachers should guide students _ a better mastery of the art of writing.3. You must not be guided _ your feelings.settle【归纳】settle即可做及物动词,又可作不及物动词。 作及物动词时,意为:解决,处理;决定,安排;安顿;使定居等。如:1. I must settle all my affairs before going abroad. 2. To my surprise, they havent settled the date for the next meeting. 3. He settled his father in a corner of the waiting room. 4. At last, he decided to settle his family in the country. 作不及物动词时,意为“定居”,常与介词in连用,settle还可意为“停留”。如:5. After he came back from abroad, he decided to settle in his hometown. 6. A bird had settled on a tree close to where I was standing. 【拓展】settle down安稳坐下来,定居,使平静;settle down to 安下心来做某事;settle in(使)习惯新工作、环境等;settle on / upon就达成协议【即学即练】翻译下面句子。1. 我该开始这项工作了。_2. 我们已经决定下周去北京。_3. 解决所有这些分歧需要时间。_average【语境展示】阅读下面句子,注意average的意思及用法。1. The average temperature in Oxford last month was 18.2. Rainfall is about average for the time of year.3. The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.4. We fail one student per year on average.5. These marks are well above / below average.6. My mail averages 20 letters a week.7. If you average 7, 14 and 6, you get 9.【归纳】average可做形容词,也可作名词,还可作动词。作形容词时,意为:平均的(句1);普通的,平常的,一般的(句2)。作名词时,意为:平均数(句3);平均水平,一般水准(句4、句5)。常用短语:onaverage平均;above / below average 在平均水平以上 / 以下。作动词时,意为:平均为(句6);计算出的平均数(句7)。【即学即练】翻译下列句子。1. 拍一部电影的平均成本提高了百分之十五。_2. 这个机场平均每月有一千次航班。_3. 去年冬天比平常冷。_KEY:WORDS & EXPRESSIONSview 【即学即练】1. wonderful view of the city 2. views about / on global warming 3. In my view 4. view her work(s)含known的常用短语【即学即练】1. for2. as3. toregular【即学即练】1. Regular exercise 2. travels to Paris regularly 3. has regular working hours 4. were placed at regular distancespack【即学即练】1. All these books need to be packed into boxes.2. Mother usually packs paper round the shoes to protect them. 3. Soldiers had to carry their heavy packs for miles across rough ground.4. Mark has packed his job in, and gone off round the world.guide【即学即练】1. through 2. to 3. by settle:【即学即练】1. Its time for me to settle down to this work.2. We have settled that we will go to Beijing next week.3. To settle all these differences will take time.average【即学即练】1. The average cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.2. The airport averages a thousand flights a month.3. Last winter was colder than average.


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