2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Friendship单元测试1 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Friendship单元测试1 新人教版必修1笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. Yesterday is _ history,tomorrow is a mystery,but today is a gift. That is why it is called present. A. an; /B. a; theC. a; /D. an; the2. The engine of the car was out of order and the heavy rain _ the helplessness of the couple. A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up3. Hearing the news about the crash of Air France Flight 447, he became very concerned _ his daughter on board. A. in B. with C. about D. at4. In a way I can see what you mean, even though I dont _ your point of view. A. permit B. recognize C. agree D. share5. The continuous rain _ the harvesting of the wheat by three weeks. A. set back B. set off C. set out D. set aside6. When he borrowed the car last time, he broke it and I had to pay to get it _ .A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired7. This kind of flower needs special care _ it can live through winter. A. because B. so that C. even if D. as8. Linda had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home. A. much too heavy B. too much heavyC. heavy too much D. too heavy much9. I _ him to give up playing video games. Did he agree to? No result. A. advised B. persuaded C. suggested D. heard10. Mr Green is bright and hard working. Its no _ he has succeeded in doing his research. A. wonder B. question C. problem D. doubt11. Simon thought his i-Phone was broken _ his little sister pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. A. because B. unless C. after D. until12. Seeing their team beat Netherlands 10 during extra-time in xx World Cup Final, the whole Spain was unable to keep _ . A. quiet B. silent C. calm D. still13. Tom said he would _ be friends with Jack. A. no more B. no longer C. any longer D. any more14. Can you tell me _ the railway station?A. how I can get toB. how can I get to C. where I can get to D. where can I get to 15. Did she break the vase _ ? No. Quite by accident. A. on purpose B. with purpose C. for purposeD. at purpose. 将直接引语转化为间接引语1. Susan said to her sister, “I will turn on the light for you.” Susan told her sister _. 2. He said to me, “I am going to have my hair cut today.” He told me _.3. Her husband asked her, “Does the dress fit?” Her husband asked her _ . 4. Mr Liu said to the students, “The earth goes around the sun.”Mr Liu told the students_ .5. She asked, “What did you do yesterday?”She asked _ . . 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语 1. 我发现要学好英语真的不容易。(find) _ 2. 这钻戒比我料想的要昂贵的多。(far) _ 3. 这儿他很熟,所以毫不费力就找到了她的住址。(trouble) _ 4. 这是奥巴马总统第一次在上海复旦大学进行演讲。(time) _ 5. 事实是,进步越大,你越有信心。(more more) . 完形填空“She is a 1 .” My heart ached when my best friend said that. How could she? My best friend, Cathy. I ran down the hall, not wanting to look 2 . I wanted to forget everything. The next day, I faced my best friend. “Why did you say that yesterday?” she looked at me 3 . “What are you talking about? If it was about yesterday, I was just joking!” she replied. I believed what she had said. A few days after that, I fell ill. I 4 on the bed, staring at the phone. Ring! Yes! She finally called! “Hello? Cathy?” I shouted into the phone. A soft voice called out. “Ermm No. Its me, Cindy.” Great disappointment 5 me. We talked a few minutes and she hung up. The next day, I was 6 again. I went round the whole school looking for Cathy. “Can you believe it? She thought that I would really be her friend.” Cathys voice rose louder with each word. I was 7 that she would burst out laughing, saying she was joking. She did. But she was not 8 . She was laughing at me for being a fool. “Am I really a failure?” I felt 9 . “Are you okay?” That familiar soft voice was 10 . I looked up. Cindys eyes only showed concern. I nodded my head and waved my hand, 11 her to leave. A month passed by. I smiled and walked through the crowd 12 a desk that I passed by often. “Ready to go shopping?” I asked. “Sure!” The 13 was not Cathys but Cindys. Together, we walked down the hallway and out of the door. I have woken up from a dream. Choose friends for 14 they are. Friendship after all is the 15 that brings warmth to the heart. 1. A. friend B. success C. failure D. talent2. A. back B. forward C. up D. down3. A. only B. simply C. shameful D. mindful4. A. lied B. lay C. lain D. laid5. A. ran down B. ran out C. ran through D. ran over6. A. ill B. sick C. well D. health7. A. worried B. eager C. long D. anxious8. A. laughing B. joking C. saying D. stopping9. A. worthy B. worthwhile C. worth D. worthless10. A. upsetting B. surprisingC. forting D. discouraging11. A. calling B. called C. telling D. told12. A. across B. towards C. at D. from13. A. girl B. desk C. voice D. sound14. A. who B. that C. which D. what15. A. bridge B. garden C. rainbow D. wine. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案AAn African proverb says that a single hand cannot tie a bundle. Everyone needs panions to help them sail through the rough seas of life. Even the strongest and richest person still needs friends. Our money and strength would have no value if we had no friends to share with us. The best friendship is a give-and-take relationship. We need the support of our family, friends and the munity. In turn we also give support to the society, our friends and our family. The word “friend” has many meanings. It could be the bus driver who takes you to and from work every day. It could be a parent, a colleague, a wife or husband, a brother or sister, or even the unknown person who helped you just once when you could not find your way. Real friends share not only our happiness but our sorrows as well. This may explain why we have the expression “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. Friendship is like the sunshine that keeps us warm. It is like the refreshing raindrops on the fields that give the farmers hope of a good planting season. Without friends our life would be like a desert where our only friend would be loneliness and sadness. The most fortunate person is the one who has friends from all levels in the society. A driver might find friends not only among his colleagues but among farmers, bankers, traders, students, politicians or teachers. We should never forget our old friends when we make new ones. We should treasure each of our friends whether poor or rich, beautiful or not. Each friend is unique in his or her own way. And all together, they enrich life and make it very colourful. 1. What is the main topic of the passage?A. How to sail through the sea of life. B. Friends and friendship. C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. Never forget old friends when making new ones. 2. What is the correct understanding of friends according to the writer?A. Friends who share our happiness are not real friends. B. Friends will take us through rough seas. C. Friends never expect anything from others. D. Friends can be different people around us. 3. An unknown person can be a friend as well when _ .A. he helps you with what you need B. he is told how to find his wayC. he bees one of your family D. he is a driver taking you from and to work4. The underlined word “unique” in the last paragraph most probably means “_”.A. rich B. poor C. special D. valuable5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. We need to help our friends because it is our duty to support others. B. Best friends need to share only their sorrows and disforts. C. We make friends with farmers because theyre like the sunshine to keep us warm. D. We should forget the old friends when making new ones. BOne of the most famous nursery rhymes(摇篮曲) in the English language is Mary Had a Little Lamb. It has touched many children who have read it. It is about the deep love between a young girl and her pet lamb. The poem is from a true story that happened in the early part of the 19th century in the town of Sterling, Massachusetts, in the USA. Mary Sawyer (18061889) lived on a farm with her family. One day, when she was about nine years old, she saw a little lamb that had just been born and left behind by its mother. It was very weak and looked as if it would die that very moment. Mary took pity on the lamb and spent the whole night looking after it. Eventually, it grew strong and became a very close friend with Mary, following her everywhere she went. One day, the lamb even followed Mary to school. At first she wanted to turn it back but her brother suggested that it would be fun to take the lamb to school. During the class, she hid the lamb under her desk. But when she was called to go to the front of the class, to her shock, the lamb followed her. Though the students and the teacher thought it was funny to see a lamb at school, the teacher had to ask Mary to keep the lamb outside of the school. That very day, a young man called John Roulstone was visiting Marys school. He was so moved by the love between the child and her little pet lamb that he wrote a poem which he handed to Mary the next day. His poem contained twelve lines. Mary had a little lamb,Its fleece was as white as snow,And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.It followed her to school one day;That was against the rule.It made the children laugh and playTo see the lamb at school.And so the teacher turned it out,but still it lingered nearAnd waited patiently aboutTill Mary did appear.Later, Sara Josepha Hale added another twelve lines to the poem and published it in 1930 under the title “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. The poem has bee a classic, loved by children all over the world. The appeal of the poem lies not only in the funny idea of a sheep going to school but also in the true love between the little girl and her pet. The town of Sterling has honoured Marys lamb by building a statue of the lamb with Mr Roulstones poem below the statue. 6. What is the best title for the passage?A. Mary Had a Little Lamb B. The Life of Mary SawyerC. The Origin of a Poem D. An Animal Friend7. The underlined word “eventually” in the second paragraph most probably means _.A. fortunatelyB. gradually C. finally D. kindly8. Why did the poem bee a classic?A. It had another twelve lines added. B. It was written by a young man. C. It describes the true love between a little girl and her pet. D. A statue of lamb was built in the town of Sterling. 9. Which could be the right order of the following events according to the passage?a. The nursery rhyme Mary Had a Little Lamb became popular. b. Marys brother suggested that she take the lamb to school. c. People built a statue to honour the lamb. d. Mary found a little lamb. e. A young man was moved by the story and wrote a poem. A. d. b. e. c. a B. d. b. e. a. c C. d. e. b. c. a D. d. e. b. a. c10. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A. Marys mother was also fond of the little lamb. B. Mary and the little lamb developed a very close friendship. C. Mary wrote to John Roulstone and asked him to write the poem.D. All children were allowed to take their pets to school in America. . 书面表达 Suppose your name is Li Ming. Youre studying at a boarding school. Youre going to tell your parents something about your school life. Please write a letter to them using the clues given below. 要点:1. 校园生活多彩;2. 课外活动丰富;3. 同学和睦相处;4. 老师关心爱护; 5. 学习进展顺利;6. 厌倦学校饭菜;7. 有时出外用餐;8. 父母不必挂念。要求:1. 不要逐字逐句翻译,可适当增加情节;2. 词数100个左右,不含已给出的。Dear Dad and Mom,How are you? I hope you are all well. It has been three weeks since I left home. Now Im writing to tell you something about our school life. _ Write soon. Yours, Li Ming参考答案单项选择1. C解析:句义是“昨天已是历史,明日依然是谜,今天是珍贵的礼物。那就是它为什么被称作当下的原因”。2. A 解析:add to增加;增添;result from由于;turn out结果是;make up构成;根据句义选A。3. C 解析:be concerned about/for sth 为担心;挂念;be concerned with与有关。句义为“听到法航447坠机的消息,他十分担心在机上的女儿”。4. D 解析:share ones point of view与某人有共同观念。句义为“尽管我与你没有共同观点, 但在某种意义上我还是能理解你的意思”。 5. A解析:set back 阻碍;set off 开始(旅行等);set out从某地出发上路;set aside 把某物放在一旁。句义为“持续的大雨使小麦的收割推迟了三周”。故选A。6. D 解析:get sth done = have/let/make sth done使(某事)被做;使某人遭遇(某事)。车是被修理,故D为正确答案。7. B 解析:because 因为;so that为的是,以便;even if 即使;as 因为;根据句义只有B符合题意。8. A 解析:too much 可独立作为主语、宾语或表语、状语,又可作定语,修饰或代替不可数名词。 much too结构中,much 用来修饰too,可用来修饰形容词或副词。这里的heavy为形容词,应用much too进行修饰。 9. A 解析:suggest不能接不定式作宾补;hear接不定式作宾补时,不定式不带to;persuade sb to do表示“(成功)劝说某人做某事”。从后文看,没有劝说成功,所以选A。advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事。10. A 解析:句义为“格林先生既聪明又能干,难怪他取得了研究的成功”。Its no wonder that 难怪;There is no doubt that 毫无疑问。11. D 解析:句义为“西蒙一直以为自己的i-Phone 手机坏了,直到他妹妹指出他忘记开机了”。until直到才;unless除非。12. C 解析:句义为“看到西班牙队在世界杯决赛加时赛以1比0战胜了荷兰队,整个西班牙都沸腾了”。quiet安静的;silent寂寞的;calm平静的;still寂静的。根据句义选C。13. B 解析:any longer/more用于否定句,no more用于肯定句置于句末。no longer不再。14. A 解析:当疑问句改为间接引语时,要用陈述句语序。15. A 解析:on purpose故意,蓄意;for/with the purpose of为了目的。根据句义选A。. 将直接引语转化为间接引语1. that she would turn on the light for her2. that he was going to have his hair cut that day3. whether/if the dress fitted4. that the earth goes around the sun5. what I had done the day before. 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语1. I find it really not so easy to learn English well. 2. The diamond ring is far more expensive than I expected. 3. He was very familiar with this place, so he had no trouble in finding her address. 4. This is the first time that President Obama has given a speech in Fudan University. 5. Actually, the more progress you make, the more confident youll be. . 完形填空1. C 解析:从下文 “Am I really a failure?” 可知应选C。2. A解析:被自己的好朋友说成失败者,“我”十分伤心,头也不回地跑开了。3. B 解析:当“我”质问好友时,她十分坦然地说那只是她的玩笑。4. B解析:lie (lied, lied)说谎;lie (lay, lain) vi. 平躺;lay (laid, laid) vt. 搁置,平放。这里是说“躺在床上”,故选B。5. C解析:run down撞到;run out用完;run through传遍,贯穿;run over碾过,压过。根据句义选C。6. C解析:上文提到“我”生病了,过了一天后,“我”的病好了又回到了学校。7. D 解析:这里描述了“我”的心理活动,焦急的期望着好友能笑着说那是个玩笑。8. B解析:联系上一句,好友所说的不是个玩笑,而是真的在嘲笑“我”。9. D解析:好友的话伤了“我”的心,“我”开始怀疑自己是否真是那么失败,感觉到了这段友情很没有价值。10. C解析:正当“我”难过的时候,Cindy过来安慰“我”了。11. A解析:分词作状语,意思是“唤上她和我一起离开”。12. B解析:穿过人群,走向那张桌子。13. C解析:指人的嗓音用voice。这里说传来的是Cindy的声音。14. D解析:“我”从这次事件中吸取的教训是,择友应选择她们的本质。15. C 解析:友谊如虹,温暖彼此的心灵。. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案1. B解析:主旨大意理解题。A、C和D三项为片面的信息,只有B项可以概括全文。2. D解析:理解题。根据第二段内容可知正确答案是D。3. A解析:细节题。由第二段第二句和第三句可知A为正确答案。4. C解析:应用题。根据上下文可知应选C。5. A解析:细节题。由第一段最后两句可知A为正确答案。6. A 解析:主旨大意题。B项和C项信息覆盖面过大,D项信息过于片面。7. C 解析:根据上下文的提示 “It was very weak and looked as if it would die that very moment. Eventually, it grew strong.” 可知小羊先前很虚弱,在Mary的照顾下最终变强壮了。8. C解析:理解题。由文章最后一段中 “The appeal of the poem lies not only in the funny idea of a sheep going to school but also in the true love between the little girl and her pet.” 可知正确答案为C。 9. B解析:通读全文,可知正确顺序为B项。10. B解析:推断题。A、C选项为毫无根据的臆测,D选项与事实相反,学校不允许学生带宠物进校。故正确答案是B。. 书面表达参考范文:Dear Dad and Mom,How are you? I hope you are all well. It has been three weeks since I left home. Now Im writing to tell you something about our school life. Our school life, with a lot of afterschool activities, is very colourful. We classmates are getting along well with each other, and our teachers are very concerned about us. Now I study very hard and have made great progress. But the food in our school is not that good and I am really tired of it. So quite often I have to dinner outside. Dont worry about me. Ill take good care of myself. Write soon. Yours, Li Ming


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