2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning Reading quiz II练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning Reading quiz II练习 新人教版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning Reading quiz II练习 新人教版选修8 II. Task-based reading.Cloning humans: right or wrong? 1 When a person or animal is cloned, a carbon copy of them is essentially made. There has been a great amount of debate in this area concerning whether cloning humans is right or wrong. 2 For example, we could essentially wipe out many diseases. If a person develops cancer, healthy cells could be taken from the clone to cure it. It is even said that this scientific process could be used to replace a child who has died and the science can also be used to prevent animals from being extinct, and even to bring back some animals that are already extinct. 3 And it could violate1 the most basic rights of those individuals who happen to be the clones. Many people will clone themselves or loved ones for the sole purpose of having spare body parts, and this is highly unethical2 Nowadays DNA is used so widely to solve crimes. Human cloning could stop that effort, since DNA would no longer be unique to each person.Human cloning, or genetic engineering, is not regulated or banned in any country in the world. 4 When you consider whether you agree with human cloning, you must strongly consider the rights and consequences for the resulting clone.Notes1. violate v. 违背2. unethical adj. 不道德的Taskplete the passage with the right sentences from the box below.A. Humans are cloned by taking a sample of their DNA.B. This lack of regulation could also result in disaster.C. There are many arguments for cloning humans that are quite reasonable.D. Cloning humans could be dangerous.E. You must have heard of Dolly the sheep that was the first successful attempt at cloning.

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