2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers知识点讲解 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers知识点讲解 外研版必修1【词条1】hate【点拨】hate 多作动词,意为讨厌,不喜欢。如:I hate that kind of animals with long tails (尾巴).People hate being cheated. 【上层楼】1. hate作动词多用于hate (doing) sth.或hate to do sth.。如:Although my grandfather is old, he hates sitting still and doing nothing.Carrie hated the plan. It made her too tired. 注意:hate后跟动名词时多指习惯性的行为或正在进行的动作;后跟不定式多指一次性的行为或未进行的动作。试比较:The boy hates getting up early every morning. The boy hated to get up early the next day.2. hate 也可作名词,意为仇恨,憎恨。如:She looked at the man with eyes full of hate.3. hateful adj. 可恨的,可恶的。如:The author takes those people as hateful enemies (敌人).【词条2】appreciate【点拨】appreciate 为动词,意为欣赏,赞美。如:The manager appreciated the new workers enthusiasm very much.Her parents dont appreciate her boyfriend. 【上层楼】1. appreciate还可表示感谢,感激,用于appreciate (doing) sth.或appreciate + that从句。如:I really appreciated your ing to my birthday party. It was a big surprise for me.Your early reply would be highly appreciated.您如果能早日回复,我会非常感激的。Id appreciate that someone give me a hand. 如果有人帮忙我会非常感谢的。2. appreciate表示感谢,也常用于固定句式I would appreciate it if .,意为如果我将不胜感激。如:I would appreciate it if you give me the chance.Id appreciate it a lot if you lend me the book. 3. appreciation n.感激,感谢;赏识;appreciative adj.感激的,表示赞赏的。如:The award is given in appreciation of her great contributions (贡献) to the world peace.The girl gave me an appreciative smile in return.【词条3】admit【点拨】admit 为动词,意为承认,认可。如:Lily admitted that she had difficulty in understanding the long article.He was unwilling to admit to his mistakes.【上层楼】1. admit作承认解时常用于admit to (doing) sth.或admit (to sb.) that 从句。如:She admits to being strict with her children. I admit that it is stupid to say such words. 2. admit还可表示允许参加,允许进入。如:Lateers will not be admitted into the hall.Children under six would not be admitted into primary school. 3. admission n.承认;许可;准许进入;admissible adj.可接受的。如:Only quite a few can gain admission to the world-known universities.No admission to the park between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.I think your request is admissible.【词条4】respect【点拨】respect可作动词,意为尊重,尊敬;仰慕,常用于:respect sb. / sth. for (doing) sth.。如:She promised to respect our wishes.I think people will respect you for telling the truth about it.【上层楼】1. respect也可作名词,意为尊敬,尊重;重视,常用于respect for sb. / sth.。如:All the students showed their respect for the headmaster by sending flowers.She has worked hard to earn the respect of her workmates.2. respectable adj.体面的,值得尊敬的;respectful adj.表示尊敬的;尊敬的;respected adj. 受人尊敬的,受人敬重的。如:The Greens continued to live a respectable life.The ladies kept a respectful distance from the leader. This is a highly respected language paper. 经典短语透视【短语1】as a result【点拨】as a result 意为因此,结果是。如:He listens to the radio programs in English every morning. As a result, he has made great progress in English recently.People have different opinions on the plan. As a result, well discuss it in the meeting. 【上层楼】1. as a result和as a result of用法辨析:as a result 表示结果,多作结果状语。as a result of sth.表示原因,多作原因状语,相当于because of。试比较:The big rain lasted for three days. As a result, the football match had to be put off.The football match had to be put off as a result of the heavy rain.2. 与result相关的其他常用短语有:result from意为起因,由于。如:His success resulted from repeated practice.result in意为导致,造成。如:A sudden change in temperature usually results in a heavy storm.【短语2】would rather.than【点拨】would rather than意为比起来,更愿意做,它连接的两个并列项都是动词原形。如:I would rather stay at home than go out in the weekend.She would rather listen to classical music than enjoy popular music. 【上层楼】表示比起来,更喜欢的结构还有prefer doing to doing和prefer to do rather than do。如:I prefer reading books to watching TV.She prefers to walk home everyday rather than go by bus.【短语3】make sure【点拨】make sure意为确信,确保,常用于make sure of sth.或make sure + that从句。如:I must make sure of a seat for the play.Make sure that there is no one left behind.【上层楼】make sure后通常不接不定式。如要接不定式,可用be sure。如:Be sure to give your family my thanks. (正)Make sure to close all the windows before you leave the classroom. (误) 热点语法聚焦V-ing形式的用法 V-ing 形式是动词的一种变化,在句子中可作多种句子成分。本期我们主要介绍一下V-ing形式作动词宾语的情况。 有些动词或动词短语可接V-ing形式作宾语。这类动词或动词短语有:admit, advise, consider, avoid, finish, feel like, put off, keep, keep on等。如:I admit breaking the window.I advised waiting till 8 oclock. The boy felt like laughing hearing the news. 有些动词后既可接V-ing作宾语,也可接to do作宾语,意义差别不大,如:start, plan, love, continue等。而有些动词后面接V-ing或to do作宾语时,意义差别很大,如:forget, remember等。 forget to do sth.表示忘记去做某事,在说话时这件事还没做;forget doing sth.表示忘记已经做过某事,在说话时这件事已经做完。 remember to do sth.表示记着去做某事,在说话时这件事还没做;remember doing sth.表示记着已做过某事,在说话时这件事已经做完。如:I forgot to take the umbrella with me.我忘了带伞了。(没带着伞)I forgot taking the umbrella with me.我忘了我带着伞了。(带着伞)I remember cleaning the table.我记着我擦过桌子了。I remember to clean the table.我没忘记要擦桌子。

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