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2019-2020年高二暑假作业(六)英语一、选择题1. It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area.A. are being built B. were being built C. was being built D. is being built2.- Hi, Torry, can I use your puter for a while this afternoon?- Sorry, _.A. Its repaired B. It has been repaired C. Its being repaired D. It had been repaired 3. Would you please keep silent? The weather report_ and I want to listen.A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast 4. During the period of recent terrorist activities, people _ not to touch any unattended bag.A. had always been warned B. were always being warnedC. are always warning D. always warned 5. -Whats that noise?-Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine_.A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested 6. -Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?-Yes , I have. I guess it_ now.A. has graded B. is graded C is being graded D. is grading 7. I have to go to work by taxi because my car _ at the garage.A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 8. -I dont suppose the police we know who did it.-Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _ now.A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. has questioned 9. Im sorry , sir. Your recorder isnt ready yet. It _ in the factory.A. is being repaired B. is repaired C. has been repaired D. hasnt repaired 10. Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed and they will disappear from the earth in the near future. A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut二、完形填空It was a cool October evening. Excitement and family members _1_ the hall. I was only a 7-year-old girl, but I was the center of _2_. Finally, after weeks of preparation, I would _3_ all my hard work in a dance of performance. Everything would be _4_ so I thought. I waited backstage all _5_ in my black tights with a golden belt. In a loud and clear voice, the master of ceremonies _6_ that my class was next.My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet, facing the _7_. All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box. I really was an _8_ move. I was concentrating so much _9_ the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look _10_ I was going. I missed my partners box altogether and _11_. There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes. I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) ing from the audience, and I felt the _12_ rush to my face. I remembered my dance teacher had told us, “If you make a mistake, keep smiling so the audience will not _13_.” I did my best to follow her _14_ as I continued with the routine.When the curtain dropped, so did my _15_ for the evening. I _16_ bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face. I ran backstage, but no one could _17_ me down. Recently I realized I had been a _18_ that night. I was _19_, but I fought the urge to run off the stage. _20_, I finished the routine with a smile on my face. Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance, I can laugh too.1. A. filled B. visited C. attended D.decorated2. A. pressure B. impression C. debate D. attention3. A. take over B. show off C. look after D. give up4. A. reasonable B. suitable C. obvious D. perfect5. A. dressed up B. folded up C. covered up D. mixed up6. A. suggested B. explained C. announced D.predicted 7. A. music B. audience C. curtain D. stage8. A. easy B. active C. adventurous D. extra9. A. containing B. hiding C. sharing D. keeping10. A. why B. whether C. where D. what11. A. wandered B. slipped C. waved D. skipped12. A. blood B. pleasure C. pride D. tear13. A. leave B. cheer C. believe D. notice14. A. gesture B. example C. advice D. plan15. A. doubts B. hopes C. voice D. patience16. A. argued B. shouted C. begged D. sobbed17. A. turn B. calm C. let D. put18. A. star B. pioneer C. loser D. fool19. A. satisfied B. moved C. embarrassed D. confused20. A. However B. Instead C. In total D. in return三、阅读理解A Young adult filmmakers all hope to show their works in international festivals like Sundance and Toronto. But what about really young filmmakers who arent in film school yet and arent, strictly speaking, even adults? They are at the heart of Wingspan Arts Film Festival tomorrow, in a setting any director might envy: Lincoln center. plete with “red carpet” interviews and various awards, the festival has much in mon with events for more experienced moviemakers, except for the age of the participants: about 8 to 18. “Whats really exciting is that its film for kids by kids,” said Cori Gardner, managing director of Wingspan Arts, a nonprofit organization offering youth arts programs in the New York area. This year the festival will include films not only from Wingspan but also from other city organizations and one from a middle school in Arlington, Virginia. “We want to make this a national event,” Ms. Gardner added. The nine shorts to be shown range from a Claymation biography of B.B. King to a science fiction adventure set in the year 3005. “lot of the material is really mature,” Ms. Gardner said, talking about films by the New York branch of Global Action Project, a media arts and leadership-training group. “The choice is about the history of a family and Master Anti-Smoker is about the dangers of secondhand smoke.” Dream of the Invisibles describes young immigrants (移民) feelings of both belonging and not belonging in their adopted country. The festival will end with an open reception at which other films will be shown. These include a music video and a full-length film whose title is Pressure. 1. Wingspan Arts Kids Film Festival _. A. is organized by a middle school B. is as famous as the Toronto Festival C. shows films made by children D. offers awards to film school students 2. Which of the following is true of Wingspan Arts? A. It helps young filmmakers to make money. B. It provides arts projects for young people. C. Its a media arts and leadership-training group. D. Its a national organization for young people. 3. The underlined word “shorts” in Paragraph 4 refers to _.A. short trousers B. short kids C. short films D. short stories 4. Movies to be shown in the festival _.A. cover different subjects B. focus on kids life C. are produced by Global Action Project D. are directed by Ms. Gardner 5. At the end of this film festival, there will be _.A. various awards B. “red carpet” interviews C. an open reception D. a concert at Lincoln Center B Federal regulators Wednesday approved a plan to create a nationwide emergency alert (警报) system using text messages delivered to cell phones. Text messages have exploded in popularity in recent years, particularly among young people. The wireless industrys trade association, CTIA, estimates (估计) more than 48 billions text messages are sent each month. The plan es from the Warning Alter and Response Network Act, a xx federal law that requires improvement to the nations emergency alter system. The act tasked the Federal munications mission (FCC) with ing up with new ways to alter the public about emergencies. “The ability to deliver accurate and timely warning and alters through cell phone and other mobile services is an important next step in our efforts to help ensure that the American public has the information they need to take action to protect themselves and their families before, and during, disasters and other emergencies,” FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said following approval of the plan. Participation in the alter system by carriers telemunication panies is voluntary, but it has received solid support from the wireless industry. The program would be optional for cell phone users. They also may not be charged for receiving alters. There would be three types of messages, according to the rules. The first would be a national alter from the president, likely involving a terrorist attack or natural disaster. The second would involve “approaching threats,” which could include natural disasters like hurricanes or storms or even university shootings. The third would be reserved for child abduction (绑架)emergencies, or so-called Amber Alerts. The service could be in place by xx. 6. What is the purpose of the approval plan? A. To warn people of emergencies via message. B. To popularize the use of cell phone. C. To estimate the monthly number of messages. D. To promote the wireless industry. 7. The improvement to the present system is in the charge of _. A. CTLA B. the Warning Alert and Response Network C. FCC D. federal regulators 8. The carriers participation in the system is determined by _.A. the US federal government B. mobile phone users C. the carriers themselves D. the law of the United States 9. Which of the following is true of cell phone users? A.They must accept the alert service. B. They may enjoy the alert service for free. C. They must send the alerts to others. D. They may choose the types of messages. 10. An alert message will NOT be sent if _.A. a child loses his way B. a university shooting happens C. a natural disaster happens D. a terrorist attack occurs 四. 阅读表达 1Hello. Its one of the first words we learn as babies, yet its one of the last ones we think to use as adults. Thats unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying hello- it is recognition of anothers worth. How might the world change how might we change- if we mastered this word? To find out, I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Heres what Ive learned. 2It can boost (促进) productivity. In one of the few studies ever done on this subject, Allan Allday, an assistant professor of special education at Oklahoma State University, had middle school teachers greet their students individually each morning. This exchange of greetings raised the kids productivity. School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades. 3En ironments influence friendliness, One study found that people in the city were less likely to shake ones hands with a stranger than those in the countryside.And,researehers say.clear envirouments generally encourage more smiles and hellos than unpleasant ones ,My expenrience was similarl.Whatever the reason,my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural one. Similarly,people in vacation spots, like the Jeros hore,were far friendlier than those hurrying work downtown. 4Its a form of universal health insurance. Its impossible to say hello without smiling.And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. Apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者)。 5So maybe we can make the world a better place by_. After a month of doing it, I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of well-being.1.What does the author say about the adults according to Paragraph 1?(within 8 words) _2.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests._3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(within 5 words) _4.List three effects of smiling on health according to the text.(within 8 words)_5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese._五、写作假定你是李华,在最近一次班会上,你班同学们就“高中学生是否需要吃补品来保持健康”展开讨论。请根据下表所提示的信息用英语来些一篇题为 Do we need tonics? 短文,并谈谈你的看法。60%的同学认为40%的同学认为坚持锻炼,无需吃任何补品高中阶段课业繁重,很多同学感到疲劳过多摄入补品会增加体重,对健康不利补品可以帮助恢复精力价格比较贵没有时间锻炼身体注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 短文开头已写好,不计入总字数; 3. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。参考词汇: 补品tonicDo we need tonics?Weve had a discussion in the recent class meeting about whether senior students should take a lot of tonics to keep fit. xx高二英语暑假作业(六)参考答案一、选择题1-10 DCBBC CCBAC二、完形填空1-5ADBDA 6-10CBADC 11-15 BADCB 16-10DBACB 三.阅读理解15 CBCAC 610 ACCBA 四、阅读表达1. Adults seldom say hello./ Adults are not willing to say hello.2.School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades.3. Saying hello to each other/ greeting each other/ saying hello4.lowering blood pressure relieving stress boosting happiness 5. 不管出于什么原因,我在城里打招呼得到回应比在乡村少得多。五、书写Opinions are divided on the topic. Sixty percent of the students think it unnecessary to take any tonics, if the students can exercise to keep energetic. They hold the opinion that taking tonics will cause them to put on weight, which is bad for their health. Whats more the price of tonics is high.However, forty percent of the students point out that senior students have a lot of homework to do everyday. So many students get tired and tonics can help them to refresh themselves. In addition, they cant afford time to have sports. Personally, having the right food is more important. The best way to stay healthy is to take exercise regularly.


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