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2019-2020年高三6月初模拟考试 xx.6.1 本试卷共150分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上。答在试题卷上无效。 3.考试结束,监考人员将本试题卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the man probably get to Hong Kong?A. At 3:30 p.m. B. At 12:13 p.m. C. At 1:30 p.m.2. What is the womans opinion about the dresses?A. They are good but the price is high. B. They are good and the price is low. C. They are not good and the price is high.3. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a stadium.B. At an airport.C. At a railway station.4. How will the man go to his office?A. By bus. B. By bicycle C. On foot.5. What does the man want to do?A. Change the MP4 for another one. B. Get another MP4 player for his birthday. C. By another MP4 player for his children. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What do we know about the woman?A. She goes sailing every year. B. She had wanted to go to Sweden last year, but failed. C. She likes camping in the mountains.7. How will the woman pay for her trip?A. By cheque.B. In cash. C. By credit card.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. Where did the man go? A. To the library. B. To the chemistry lab. C. To the post office.9. What was left on the desk to the man? A. Only ten dollars. B. Ten dollars and a note. C. A note and an ink bottle.10. Why cant the woman go there herself?A. She is busy with the chemical experiments. B. She is busy preparing for the physics. C. She failed in the English exam and she is sad.听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。11. What are the man and the woman doing while talking?A. Attending a party. B. Visiting an art exhibition. C. Having a picnic.12. Where does Tony e from? A. Hes a German. B. He es from New York. C. Hes a native of Portland.13. What does Susan do?A. She is an art teacher at the Art College. B. She teaches art in a high school. C. She is a waitress in a restaurant.14. What does Tony ask Susan to do next week? A. e to his art exhibition. B. Attend his graduation ceremony. C. Be his model at the Art College.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What do we know about the wristwatches with leather belts?A. They keep better time that the ones with metal belts.B. They cost less that the ones with metal belts.C. They are usually not included in the famous brands.16. Which type of wristwatch does the man choose to buy?A. A round one with a leather belt.B. A square one with a metal belt.C. A square one with a leather belt.17. How much does the man pay? A. 16 dollars. B. 18 dollars. C. 78 dollars.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What does the speaker mainly tell us?A. How to municate politely. B. How to help. C. How to say no politely.19. What will happen if we say yes to every request?A. It will lead to bad results. B. It will always benefit both. C. It will make you feel no regret for ever.20. What should a true friend do according to the speaker?A. Satisfy every request from others. B. Tell the truth that he cant offer help. C. Understand when his request is refused.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. If you re planning a trip to Tibet this summer, do count me _. A. on B. down C. inside D. in22. Lincoln had just gone out of his carriage,and _ to the entrance of the theatre when a loud call came from behindHe turned and was shotA. was walkingB. had walkedC. walkedD. had been walking23. We all tried our best to persuade her not to _ more work because of her poor healthA. turn onB. e onC. insist onD. take on24. In industrialization it is important to prevent pollution. _ important is to take measures to check the rise in price.A. Equally B. Generally C. Similarly D. Namely25. Excuse me,is the umbrella _ you have been looking for?A. oneB. itC. whatD. that26. Did you see the film last night?I hope _ itBut I was quite busy yesterday eveningA. to seeB. seeingC. to have seenD. having seen27. Each question should take 20 minutes, so _ your time accordingly. A. save B. budget C. control D. spend28. Well meet again in the morning and we can _ where we left off.A. look up B. back up C. check up D. pick up29. The car ran down the hill,and the driver _ ,according to the local newspaper, to have been killed in the accidentA. reportedB. had reportedC. was reportedD. Was reporting30. The girl is an excellent student but not once in these years _ caught being lateA. has she gotB. she has beenC. was sheD. she got31. Has George returned from Japan yet? Id like to meet him. Im terribly sorry, but he _ back here only for last weekend.A. has beenB. would beC. had beenD. was32. The driver was at _ loss when _ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.A. a; 不填B. a; theC. the; theD. 不填;不填33. Why do you look so upset? There are so many troublesome problems A. remaining to settle B. remained settled C. remaining to be settled D. remained to be settled34. It made all the Chinese happy _ China succeeded in sending up the first manned spaceship.A. when B. because C. that D. if35. At the beginning of the party,_ of the guests was given a piece of paper.A. everyone B. each C. every D. all第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home along the road . 36 she found she got a flat . The 22-year-old student 37 to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk . No 38 tire .At this time , a car 39 . Paul and Diane told Clay to 40 them to a service station near their 41 . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to 42 with her car . “Follow us home,” said Paul .The couple called around to find a tire , No 43 . They decided to let her use their own car . “Here ,” Paul said , handing Clay a 44 of keys , “Take our car . We 45 be using it over the holiday .”Clay was 46 . “But Im going all the way to South Carolina , and Ill be gone for two weeks ,” she 47 them .“We know,” Paul said . “Well be 48 when you get back . Heres our number if you need to 49 us .”Unable to believe her eyes , Clay watched as the 50 put her luggage into their car and then 51 her off . Two weeks later she 52 to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio 53 .“Thank you so much ,” she said . “How much do I 54 you ?” “Oh, no,” Paul said , “we dont want any money . Its our 55 .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure , it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit .36ASuddenly BFinally CImmediately DFortunately 37Aafforded Bwanted Callowed Dmanaged 38Aspare Bfree Cfull Dempty 39Apassed Bstopped Cpaused Dstarted 40Ahelp Bpush Ctake Dfollow 41Agarage Bhouse Cshop Dhotel 42Aagree Bmatch Cgo Ddeal 43AwayBmessage Csuccess Dluck 44Aset Bnumber Cpair Dchain 45Acant Bshouldnt Cmustnt Dwont 46Asatisfied Bworried Castonished Ddisturbed 47Apersuaded Badvised Creminded Dpromised 48Ahappy Bhere Caway Dbusy 49Aget in touch with Bkeep in touch with Cbe in touch with Dput in touch with 50Arepairmen Bcleaners Cfriends Dcouple 51Asent Bshook Cwatched Ddrove 52Ashocked Bhappened Creturned Dcame 53Aloaded Bfixed Ctied Drebuilt 54Aowe Blend Cgive Doffer 55Awish Bjob Cduty Dpleasure 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题短文所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADoctors and scientists have been doing the research for several years and they have found that men and women are exposed differently to environmental risk, and their bodies may respond differently even to the same threats. For instance, the incidence of respiratory (呼吸) illness is considerably higher among women and children, who are constantly exposed to indoor air pollution, than among men.There are varieties of threats against both men and women. One of the latest threats to health and social welfare is the spread of HIV/AIDS. Both sexes are affected, but to different extents in different parts of the world. Globally, men account for 52 percent of infected adults. Lack of information among women on how the disease is transmitted makes people confused on the problem in many regions. In sub-Saharan Africa, 55 percent of those infected are women. In this region, women grow most of the food, and women s agricultural labour often shows the first signs of wider munity disruption(破坏) by HIV/AIDS. For example, in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe where women are responsible for most food production, there has been a progressive shift from maize(玉米) production to less labour-intensive, and less nutritious, cassava(木薯) production to pensate for the labour lost through HIV/AIDS. Why more women than men in this regions have got infected?56. Respiratory illnesses among women are higher than among men mainly because _.A. women are weaker B. women grow most productsC. women stay in houses more often D. women always stay with children57. According to this passage, on an average in the world, _.A. more men get infected with HIV/AIDS than womenB. more women get infected with HIV/AIDS than menC. more children get infected with HIV/AIDS than adultsD. more women and children get infected with HIV/AIDS than men58. We can infer from the text that, in sub-Saharan Africa, _. A. people are living happilyB. men dont work at all C. there are fewer men than womenD. labourers are mainly women59. The underlined word shift probably means _. A. raise B. change C. growth D. liftBPerhaps the best example of sportsmanlike behavior by the Brazilian public was the reaction of the 220,000 football fans who were crowding Maracan Stadium to watch Brazil play the final game of the World Cup against Uruguay. A tie would have given the home team the Jules Rimet Cup. Brazil scored first, but the Uruguayan team fought courageously to tie the game and then went on to score again and became the world champion. Brazilian fans were understandably heartbroken, but there were never any sign of disrespect towards the winners or, perhaps more important, towards the losers.Brazils national team is the only one that has taken part in the final round of all the World Cups up to now, and has managed to win it four times, always abroad. Even when they lose, returning players are weled with honor back home, and their efforts, though unsuccessful, are fully recognized by the public. The most recent World Cup petition is a case in point: although deeply disappointed by the performance of their team in the match against France, Brazilians cheered their players. After all, the Brazilian athletes had been able to beat powerful opponents(对手) and win for the sixth time the right to pete in the World Cup final. I can only hope we have better luck next, time around, but whatever happens, the team will be warmly supported by all Brazilians. And if China, a rising force in soccer, is not in the final game, we count again on the support of Chinese fans as well.60. In World Cups ever since, Brazil has _.A. reached the final 10 timesB. peted in the final 4 timesC. won the finals 6 timesD. won the 2nd place twice61. What was the score between Brazil and Uruguay in the World Cup final this time? A. 1:1. B. 0:1. C. 1:2. D. 1:3.62. We can infer from the text that _. A. most Brazilian fans have good manners B. Brazilians attitude towards their soccer team is incorrect C. Brazilian athletes are the best D. Uruguayan players are weled no matter how they perform63. The author hopes that _. A. all Brazilians would support their team B. Chinese fans will support Brazilian team if it wins C. Chinese team will have better luck in the World Cup D. Chinese fans will support Brazilian teamCThe classical study of family size and IQ was conducted in the Netherlands. It was based on the military(军事) examinations of more than 386,000 Dutchmen. Researchers found that the brightest subjects came from the smallest families and had few, if any, brothers and sisters when they were born. Thus the firstborn child in a family of two was usually brighter than the last child in a family.The effects of family size on intelligence may be explained by what a house full of children does to the home environment. It increases the amount of time a child spends with other children and decreases the amount of parental attention he or she receives. For example, a parent with one restless child is likely to sit and play with the child. The same parent with two or three restless children is more likely to ask them to play with each other. Some psychologists say that when a child interacts(交往) with an adult alone, the child learns more and therefore intelligence is increased. Researchers have also found that parents often expect more from their first-born, which motivates such children to seek a higher standard.Not all psychologists agree that firstborns tend to be more intelligent. They say that the data need to be examined more closely for other possible explanations. For example, in industrialized nations most large families e from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Thus environment, not family size or birth order, may be influencing intelligence. On the other hand, there may be genetic variations(基因突变) within families that also explain the cause of differences.If firstborns have advantages in the area of intelligence, research has also shown that they may be more conforming(墨守陈规) and have poorer social skills than their younger siblings (brothers and/or sisters). Although more research needs to be done in this area, it is clear that such factors as birth order, the order in which boys and girls are born into a family, the number of years that separate siblings probably have an effect on the development of intelligence, personality, and social relationships.64. The underlined word subjects in the 1st paragraph means _.A. branches of knowledgeB. persons chosen to be studied in experimentsC. citizens of a countryD. things talked about in a conversation, discussion or book65. According to the research, usually the elder in a two-child family is _.A. cleverer than the younger B. no cleverer than the youngerC. less clever than the youngerD. as clever as the younger66. Why are firstborns encouraged to seek a higher standard?A. They are more likely to obey others.B. Their parents spend less time with other children. C. They are more conforming.D. Their parents expect more from them.67. The best title for this passage would be _. A. Family Size and IQB. Boys Cleverer Than Girls? C. The Development of IntelligenceD. Factors Influencing IQDIf you walk slowly through downtown Helsinki(赫尔辛基)during the day, taking in the splendid 19th century buildings, white boats and noise of passing trams(有轨电车), you will start to understand why it is called a city of two colors: white and blue.The sea is always present in Helsinki. When you take a walk over the great open space of the central square, you will hear seabirds screaming. When you take the tram, suddenly and unexpectedly, you are faced with a calm, shining blue sea. You may notice that people in Helsinki do not rush about as in other cities. Instead, they walk along the roads, politely letting other people by.A usual way to see Helsinki for the first time is to start out by the boats. You will walk by the elderly women selling fish and vegetables in the market square and find yourself in front of a beautiful park. You may enjoy a pleasant walk in the park for a few hours and then take the tram. Trams are the perfect way to get around in Helsinki. Watching the old houses, parks, theatres, churches, shops, restaurants and people in the streets, you may have a slightly sad film feeling to it.The pale summer nights are another wonder in the city. Following the waterfront(滨水区)of the city after sunset, you couldnt help stopping and listening to the sweet silence, interrupted only by the screaming seabirds and leaving fishing boats.However, in some way. Helsinki is also the most modern city in northern Europe. You will surely want to visit the white Glass Palace, the modern art museum, and all those extremely popular cafes and design stores.68Helsinki is called a city of two colors mainly because of the colors of its _.A19th century buildings, boats and parksB19th century buildings, boats and seabirdsCold houses, parks and tramsDold buildings, boats and the sea69The best way to see most of Helsinki is to go _.Aby boatBby busCby tramDon foot70The 19th century buildings, the white Glass Palace, popular cafes and design shops in Helsinki all show that Helsinki is _.Aboth splendid and traditionalBboth quiet and noisyCboth historical and modernDboth old and new71This passage is most likely to be found in _.Aa story-bookBa geography textbookCa research reportDa travel magazineEThinking is something you choose to do as a fish chooses to live in water. To be human is to think. But thinking may e naturally without your knowing how you do it. Thinking about drinking is the key to critical(判断性的)thinking. When you think critically, you take control of your thinking processes(过程). Otherwise, you might be controlled by the ideas of others. Indeed, critical thinking is at the heart of education.The word “critical” here has a special meaning. It does not mean taking one view against another view, as when someone criticizes another person for doing something wrong. The nature of critical thinking is thinking beyond the easily seen-beyond the pictures on TV, the untrue reports in the newspapers, and the faulty reasoning.Critical thinking is an attitude as much as an activity. If you are curious about life and desire to dig deeper into it, you are a critical thinker. If you find pleasure in deep thinking about different ideas, characters, and facts, you are a critical thinker.Activities of the mind and high

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