2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Pygmalion对点练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Pygmalion对点练习 新人教版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Pygmalion对点练习 新人教版选修8.单词拼写1After an immediate_(犹豫),I decided to tell her the truth.2They made rude_(评论)about her appearance.3The books in the library are_(分类)by subject.4The mayor was strongly_(谴责) by the public for the citys high crime rate.5His position is far_(优秀) to mine.6He did not_(妥协)in the least on this matter.7The government should take measures_(有效地)to stop water from being polluted.8These two brothers decided to go to America to try their_(运气)答案:1.hesitation2.remarks3.classified4.condemned5superior6promise7.effectively8.fortunes.短语填空in terms of,generally speaking,in need of,rob.of,once more,fade out1_,there are two factors contributing to my decision.2The two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time,so today they will sit down_to have a discussion.3As the program ended,the music slowly_and someone began to speak.4_quality and quantity,the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year.5If you are_anything,e here for help.6They threatened to shoot him and_him_all his possessions.答案:1.Generally speaking2.once more3.faded out4In terms of5.in need of6.robbed;of.完成句子1The Mullers didnt_(毫不犹豫地) give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.2She knew that the society_(谴责她) for leaving her child alone.3Where did you_(与他相识)?4_(一般来说),older people are less able to speak up for their rights.5_(说到) consumer satisfaction,the policy cant be criticized.6_(如果) I fail again?答案:1.hesitate to2.would condemn her3.make his acquaintance4.Generally speaking5.In terms of6What if.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1皮格马利翁(Pygmalion)创造了一尊漂亮女雕塑(a stone statue of a beautiful woman)。_2它将注定(condemn)使他一生独自生活。_3他逐渐意识到自己爱上了她。_4他向希腊女神(the Greek Goddess)求助,使她复活。_5女神犹豫(hesitate)了一会儿,(before)答应了。_6根据(in terms of)他们的约定(agreement),他要冒充成(pass.off as.)一位公爵,不要暴露(betray)自己。_7皮格马利翁忽视(overlook)了这个约定。_8这个漂亮的女人再次成为雕塑。_(二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇_答案:(一)1.Pygmalion made a stone statue of a beautiful woman.2It would condemn him to live alone.3He came to realize that he fell in love with her.4He turned to the Greek Goddess to bring her to life.5The Goddess hesitated for a moment before she agreed.6In terms of their agreement,he should pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himself.7Pygmalion overlooked the agreement.8The beautiful woman became a stone statue once more.(二)参考范文:Pygmalion made a stone statue of a beautiful woman,which would condemn him to live alone.He came to realize that he fell in love with her.So he turned to the Greek Goddess to bring her to life.However,the Goddess hesitated for a moment before she agreed.In terms of their agreement,he should pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himself.Unfortunately,Pygmalion overlooked the agreement;as a result,the beautiful woman became a stone statue once more.

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