2019-2020年高中英语(知能演练轻巧夺冠)Unit 9 Wheels题库练习 北师大版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(知能演练轻巧夺冠)Unit 9 Wheels题库练习 北师大版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语(知能演练轻巧夺冠)Unit 9 Wheels题库练习 北师大版必修3.完形填空The majority of astronauts (宇航员) from America have been men.At the _1_of the space programme there was strong _2_from some people against having women in space.However,some women were very keen to bee astronauts and in the end they were _3_.In 1978,NASA began the first training programme for women astronauts.Judy Resnick and Christa McAuliffe were both astronauts and they were both women,but in many other ways they were very _4_.Both of them were on Flight STS5LL.Judy Resnick was a member of the first group of women _5_for astronaut training in 1978,and in 1984,she became the second woman in space.She was,in many ways,a _6_astronaut whose whole life was _7_ to space travel.Christa McAuliffe was an astronaut almost by _8_.In 1984,NASA decided to find a teacher who could _9_ astronauts into space.They hoped that she would be able to municate with students from space and encourage every one of them to be _10_ in space travel.Christa was a _11_ teacher and she was selected from over 11,000 _12_ to go on Flight STS5LL.Thousands of _13_ in schools and universities all around the country were looking forward to _14_ with Christa in space.Millions of people were watching her _15_ with great interest.【文章大意】本文主要介绍美国宇航局在1978年开始培训女性宇航员,以及Judy Resnick和Christa McAuliffe 两位女性宇航员的一些情况和她们在1984年入选参加太空旅行的过程。1A.startBendCprocess Dperiod解析:选A。由下文and in the end.可知。2A.support BbeliefCthought Dresistance解析:选D。由下文against having women in space可知,不少人抵制、反对妇女参加到太空探索队伍当中。3A.lucky BsorryCsuccessful Danxious解析:选C。由上文some people against having women in space 和后面的In 1978,NASA began the first training programme for women astronauts.可以得知妇女成功地加入到了太空探索行列中。4A.different BsuccessfulChappy Dsimilar解析:选A。由上文.were both astronauts and they were both women,but.之前讲的是相同点,but 转折之后当然是讲不同点。5A.asked BselectedCordered Dfound解析:选B。从上文的the first group of women 当中挑选人来进行培训。6A.amateur BparttimeCprofessional Dfamous解析:选C。由下文的whose whole life和她后来的事业可知,她的工作是全职的。7A.given BsentClost Ddevoted解析:选D。固定搭配devote ones life to.。8A.fortune BaccidentChardwork Deffort解析:选B。由下文可知,她是一名老师,没有刻意要去当航天员,航天局在找合适的教师陪同航天员进入太空时,她有幸被选中了。9A.brought BacpanyCcarry Dfetch解析:选B。由句意可知,教师是陪同航天员进入太空。10A.interested BsatisfiedCsurprised Dcontent解析:选A。由上文的encourage every one of them 以及我们的生活常识,可知政府部门意图使更多的年轻学生对航天事业感兴趣。11A.hardworking BresponsibleCgifted Denthusiastic解析:选C。能从那么多应聘者当中脱颖而出,她当然是“gifted”。12A.teachers BworkersCemployees Dapplicants解析:选D。applicant应聘者。13A.workers BstudentsCteachers Dprofessors解析:选B。由前文的They hoped that she would be able to municate with students.可知。14A.following BtravelingCmunicating Dacpanying解析:选C。同13题解析。15A.flight BappearanceCwalk Dposition解析:选A。由上文的to go on Flight STS5LL得知,她们是在进行太空飞行。 6._small plants began to appear on the surface of the water is the start of change.They helped develop early shellfish and fishes.Green plants grew on land too,which 7._(follow) by land animals.Some of the animals produced young generally by 8._(lay) eggs.9._time going by,mammals rose on the earth.They were different from all life forms in the past,because they gave birth to their baby animals and fed them by producing milk.Finally,some small clever animals appeared,but they didnt take good care of the earth.So 10._life will continue on the earth for millions of years to e is unknown.1解析:考查连词,根据结构空格前后都有一个谓语结构,应用连词。it是形式主语,that引导真正主语。答案:that2解析:考查连词,根据结构空格后有两个谓语结构,应用连词。what引导主语从句并充当从句中的宾语。答案:what3解析:考查副词,修饰exploded。答案:violently4解析:考查介词,be fundamental to the development“的根本;基本”,to表对象。答案:to5解析:考查连词,并列谓语,指which was fundamental.and allowed the.。答案:and6解析:考查连词,引导主语从句,不作成分,用that。答案:That7解析:考查谓语动词,which指Green plants,谓语用复数,且与follow是被动关系。答案:were followed8解析:考查非谓语动词,介词后是分词。答案:laying9解析:考查介词,“随着时间的推移”。答案:With10解析:考查连词,根据结构空格后有两个谓语结构,应用连词,引导主语从句不作成分,根据意思是“是否继续”。答案:whether.阅读理解Most people,when they travel to space,would like to stay in orbit for a few days or more.And this stands to reason,if youre paying D|S20,000 for your trip to orbit! So in order for tourism to reach its full potential theres going to be a need for orbital acmodationor space hotels.What would a space hotel actually be like to visit? Hotels in orbit will offer the services you expect from a hotelprivate rooms,meals,bars.But theyll also offer two unique experiences: impressive viewsof Earth and spaceand the endless entertainment of living in zero gravityincluding sports and other activities that make use of this.The hotels themselves will vary greatlyfrom being quite simple in the early days to huge luxury structures at a later date.Its actually surprising that as later as 1997,very few designs for space hotels were published.This is mainly because those who might be expected to design them havent expected launch costs to e down far enough to make them possible.Lots of people whove been to space have described vividly what its like to live in zero gravity.There are obviously all sorts of possibilities for dancing,gymnastics,and zeroG sports.Luckily,you dont need to sleep much living in zero gravity,so youll have plenty of time for relaxing by hanging out in a bar with a window looking down at the turning Earth below.Of course all good things have e to an end,unfortunately.And so after a few days youll find yourself heading back though youll be much more expert at exercising in zero gravity than you were when you arrived.Youll be thinking how soon you can save up enough to get back up againor maybe you should change jobs to get to work in an orbiting hotel.【文章大意】这是一篇科普说明文,主要介绍了在太空旅行中住宿的地方太空宾馆(space hotels),独特的体验如欣赏太空美景,在失重的状态下的无穷乐趣。读来也许会令你心驰神往。1When traveling in space,most people would like to stay in orbit for a few days because _.Ait is expensive to travel in spaceBthey would find the possible life in other star systemsCthey could enjoy the luxury of space hotelsDthey want to realise the full potential of tourism解析:选A。推理判断题。从第一段第一、二两句“Most people,when they travel to space,would like to stay in orbit for a few days or more.And this stands to reason,if youre paying D|S20,000 for your trip to orbit!”和文章最后一段最后一句可推断出太空旅行因为价格昂贵目前只有少数人才能实现,但是这一切都是值得的,没有理由来了不去住space hotels。2Which of the following is a unique experience that space hotels will offer?AThe gravitational pull.BThe special views.CThe relaxation in a bar. DThe space walk.解析:选B。细节推断题。从第一段最后一句“But theyll also offer two unique experiences:impressive viewsof Earth and spaceand the endless entertainment of living in zero gravity.”可知。A项未提及,C项在第二段最后一句提到过但并非独特体验,D项则未提及。3Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?AWhen was the space traveling made possible?BWhat are the unique experiences that space hotels will offer?CWhy were there not many published designs for space hotels?DHow can the travelers enjoy themselves in space hotels?解析:选A。推理判断题。只有A项从未提及,B项在第一段最后一句提到过,C项在第二段可以找到依据,D项则在第三段进行了详细的介绍。4This passage is mainly about _.Atraveling in spaceBthe ways of living in space hotelsCzero gravity and space hotelsDthe description of space hotels解析:选D。主旨大意题。从全文不难得出文章主要介绍了太空旅馆的情况。A项范围太广,B项以偏概全,C项不恰当,并非介绍两者之间的关系。5The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that _.Ayou should choose to work out of the earthBwork and live in the space,and you can pay for the expensive travellingCyou should change your jobs on the earthDyou can find a better job in the space解析:选B。推理判断题。文章首尾呼应,既然太空旅行“昂贵”,那么只有去那里“打工”才能挣够钱。.读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Are we having more natural disasters? It does seem so.In the past 10 months,we have had the Indian Ocean tsunami,hurricanes Katrina and Stan in the US and Central America,floods in India and China and now the Pakistan earthquake.Watch television,and you would think that the world is hit from one disaster to another.Last year,says the International Red Cross,saw 128 major floods,121 hurricanes and cyclones and 42 earthquakes and tsunamis.Add major avalanches,and forest fires and there were a total of 360 official natural disasters in xx.This was far more than the 239 recorded in 1995.What is happening,says the Red Cross,is that more people are being killed and affected by disasters.Last week it said 901,177 had died in natural disasters from 1995 to xx,pared with 643,418 in the previous decade.You will find that 2.54 billion peoplealmost half the people alive have been through one disaster or another in the past decade,pared with 1.7 billion in the previous 10 years.Worldwide,the Red Cross considers that the number of people affected by disaster has climbed 46% in a decade.【写作内容】1以约30个词概括上文的主要内容;2以约120个词就文中所涉及的观点发表你的看法,包含以下主要内容:(1)描述一次自然灾害及其影响;(2)表明你的观点:在未来,自然灾害会增加还是减少,阐述你的理由。 【写作要求】1在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。_One possible version:This passage shows us many figures about the natural disasters,which happened these years and

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