2019-2020年高中英语 完型填空周周练Test17 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 完型填空周周练Test17 新人教版必修2Some air panies give small presents to their passengers.One day a businessman was _1_ in an aeroplane,_2_ he remembered that he had _3_ to get some toy wings (飞机驾驶合格胸章),like the ones which _4_ wear,for his children.When the airhostess (空中小姐) came round to ask each passenger whether he wanted something to _5_ before supper,the businessman asked whether she had _6_ of the toy wings.“_7_,sir,” she answered.“Im going to bring the passengers their supper soon,but after that,Ill bring you the wings.”Although it was a stormy day,the businessman _8_ his supper,but he noticed the man in the _9_ in front of him was feeling ill and that he didnt eat any of his supper.The businessman felt _10_ for him.After the passengers had _11_,the airhostess came and took their trays (盘子) _12_ and then she _13_ the wings for the businessmans children,so she went to the box which the presents were _14_ in and took some out.But she had forgotten _15_ passenger had asked for the wings.She knew in which _16_ of the plane he was,but she thought that _17_ was the man in front of the businessman,the _18_ man who was feeling sick.The airhostess now arrived at the mans seat and asked him whether he was the gentleman who had wanted the wings.The man looked up at her with _19_ eyes.Then he looked out of the window at the threatening clouds which _20_ the aeroplane and said,“No,I did not ask for wings.Are you going to need them?”1A.servingBthinkingCtravellingDreading2A.suddenlyBthenCfinallyDwhen3A.allowedBpromisedCsaidDreplied4A.pilotsBairhostessCdriversDastronauts5A.eatBintroduceCdrinkDchoose6A.someBfewCmanyDany7A.NoBYesCOhDPardon8A.enjoyedBcooledCboughtDprepared9A.stoolBsofaCbenchDseat10A.strangeBsorryCworriedDpuzzled11A.finishedBpletedCsolvedDpassed12A.awayBoutCoffDaside13A.forgotBbroughtCrememberedDthought14A.hidBkeptCpiledDheld15A.whatBwhichCwhoseDwhere16A.bedsBseatCbodyDpart17A.itBthatCheDthis18A.poorBillCbadDshy19A.kindBfunnyCsatisfiedDfrightened20A.coveredBpreventedCsurroundedDdelayedSometimes I really doubted whether there was any love between my parents.Every day they were very busy trying to earn enough money in order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me.They didnt act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I saw on TV.Not only that,but my father had a short temper (急性子)When he came home very tired from work,it was easy for him to lose his temper.One day,my mother was sewing a quilt (被子) and I silently sat down beside her and looked at her.“Mom,is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice.She didnt answer and continued her work.I thought I had hurt her and didnt know what to do,but after a while,she said the following to me:“Susan,look at this thread (线)Sometimes it appears,but most of it disappears in the quilt.The thread is what makes the quilt strong and durable (耐久的)If life is a quilt,then love should be the thread.It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,but its really there.Love is inside.”I listened carefully but I couldnt understand her until the next spring.At that time,my father suddenly became very seriously ill.My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.When they returned from the hospital,they both looked very pale.It seemed both of them had had a serious illness.After they both came back,my mother helped my father walk slowly on the road every morning to help him recover quickly.My father had never been so gentle.It seemed they were the most harmonious couple.Reading their eyes,I knew they loved each other deeply.Once I thought love meant flowers,gifts and sweet kisses,but from this experience,I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of life.Love is inside,making life strong and warm.1Susan doubted whether there was any love between her parents because _.Aher parents didnt act in romantic waysBher father had a bad temperCher parents didnt care about the familyDher parents were very busy every day2Susans mother pared love to a thread in a quilt because _.Athey are both very important in daily lifeBthey are both one part of peoples lifeClove is hidden inside in most casesDlove is very small and cannot be seen3The underlined word “harmonious” in Paragraph 7 has the closest meaning to “_”Amatching Bquiet Clovable Dpeaceful4According to the passage,we know that _.ASusans father loved her mother more after he was illBSusans parents didnt show much love to their childrenCthere are various ways to show ones love to othersDSusan doesnt know how to love others5The best title for this passage should be _.ALove Is Just a ThreadBLove Is Too LuxuriousCThe True Love in LifeDReal Love in a Couple1.“No,I did not ask for wings.”(完形填空第二段最后一句)“不,我不要翅膀”。(1)Might I ask you for a photo of Mr.Black?你能给我一张史密斯先生的照片吗?(2)She asked me for my advice.她向我寻求建议。2Sometimes I really doubted whether there was any love between my parents.(阅读理解第一段第一句)有时候,我真的怀疑我父母之间是否有爱情。(1)I dont doubt that you are honest.我相信你是诚实的。(2)Do you doubt that he will get first?你怀疑他会得第一吗?(3)I doubt whether/if he can pass the exam.我怀疑他能否通过考试。3Once I thought love meant flowers,gifts and sweet kisses.(阅读理解最后一段第一句)曾经我认为爱意味着鲜花,礼物和甜美的吻。(1)I had meant to have helped you,but I was busy then.我原打算帮助你,但我那时太忙了。(2)His absence means losing the chance.他的缺席意味着失去机会。(3)What do you mean by saying that?你说那话是什么意思?答案.1.C文章第一句中“give small presents to their passengers”为故事作好了铺垫。a businessman坐飞机旅行。2DA项有较大干扰性,从文章的结构看,D项连词when连接了前后两个句子,应为最佳答案。3B其他三个都有较大干扰性,但从后文the businessman向空姐要toy wings给他的孩子们,我们得知,出门前他曾承诺过此事。4A飞机驾驶合格胸章是飞行员佩戴的标志。5CD项有较大的干扰性。在此,空姐是问乘客是否在吃饭前喝点什么。6AD项有较大干扰性。此处指the businessman询问空姐是否有“一些”飞机驾驶合格的胸章。any任何的,不符合语境,故some为最佳答案。7B从后文“.,Ill bring you the wings.”可得知空姐的答案是肯定的。8A由although可知分句与前句为转折关系,stormy day并没有影响他的胃口。9D飞机上的座位为seat。10B看到前面的人不舒服,the businessman起同情之心feel sorry for sb.为某人感到可惜。11A吃完饭。B有较大的干扰性。finish与plete的区别为:前者可作及物和不及物动词,而后者只作及物动词,后面需要加宾语。12A大家都已吃完饭,空姐来将盘子端走,take sth.away为固定搭配。13C这时她记起了“.the wings for the businessmans children.”。14Bkept意为“保存”。15B她忘了哪一位乘客要toy wings了。16DB项干扰较大,空姐只记得那位要boy wings的人的大概位置,而不知道是哪一位,故排除B。17A因空姐忘记哪位乘客要toy wings,也不清楚那位乘客的性别,所以用it在此指人,指代那位要toy wings的人。18AB项干扰较大,ill作“生病、不舒服”解时,不可作定语。19D此答案较难选出,只有在充分理解了全文意思之后我们才可以得出此答案。当时气候非常恶劣(stormy day),当空姐问他是否要wings时,此人误以为是飞机失事前,空姐让乘客用翅膀(wings)自救。因而这位乘客frightened。20Cthe threatening clouds围绕着飞机。A有较大干扰性,cover覆盖,与题意不符。.1.A细节理解题。从短文第一段可知爸爸妈妈从来不像“我”在书上或电视上看到的那样,有浪漫的生活。这让“我”怀疑他们之间是否存在真爱。2C细节理解题。妈妈用被子里的线比喻爱,正说明她要表达的一句话“Love is inside”。3D词义猜测题。根据下句“Reading their eyes,I knew they loved each other deeply.”可知父母之间的感情很深,故而生活和谐。选项中只有D最贴近,所以选D。4C细节理解题。爱在内心,爱不一定非得像书中或电视剧中那样浪漫,它包括各种形式。5A细节理解题。本文主要借一比喻,说明爱就像缝被子的线,存在于人们的内心深处。

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