2019-2020年高中英语 unit3 section3 Using Language练习 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit3 section3 Using Language练习 新人教版必修2.单词拼写1They are talking about the problems which_(出现)from the lack of munication.2The firm is Britains main producer of_(电子的)equipment.3Everyone admires her strength of_(性格)and determination.4What do you charge for this_(类型)of camera?5Did you_(发信号)before you turned right?答案:1arose他们正在讨论缺乏沟通所引起的问题。2electronic这家公司是英国电子器材的主要生产商。3character所有人都很欣赏她的性格和意志力。4type这种型号的照相机你卖多少钱?5signal右转弯前你是否发出了信号?.句型转换1What did you do with the letter?_did you_ _the letter?2With my teacher helping me, I made great progress in English._ _ _ _my teacher, I made great progress in English.3With time passing, he became more and more intelligent._time_ _,he became more and more intelligent.4In my view, he is clever and diligent._ _ _, he is clever and diligent.5Like many people, he prefers pop music to classical music._ _ _many people, he prefers pop music to classical music.答案:1.How; deal with2.With the help of3.As; went by4In my opinion5.In mon with.单句语法填空1He found it increasingly difficult to read,_his eyesight was beginning to fail.答案:for考查连词用法。句意:由于他的视力开始下降,他明显感到读书有困难。本题句子前后是因果关系,for的意思是“由于、因为”。2Misunderstanding is likely _(arise) if people fail to municate with each other.答案:to arise句意:如果人们彼此之间的交流失败,误解很可能就会出现。be likely to do.“可能”。3Last summer I took a course on how_(deal) with poisonous gases.答案:to deal句意:去年夏天我参加了如何防治有毒气体的培训。在“疑问句不定式”结构中,不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。4How are you going to deal _ such problems?答案:with句意:你将如何处理这样的问题啊?deal with处理。5If the chance _(arise), Id love to go abroad.答案:arose句意:如果有机会的话,我愿意出国。6_a way he didnt help me with my work. Instead, just_my way.答案:In;in句意:在某种程度上他对我的工作没有帮助,相反地,他还妨碍了我的工作。in a way“在某种程度上”;in ones way“挡道;挡路”,均为固定搭配。7_the help of force from a black hole, they flew back to the earth.答案:Withwith the help of是固定短语,意为“在的帮助下”,注意在此结构中with不能用under替换。8My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; as _result, he could neither eat nor sleep.答案:a句意:我的朋友马丁患了一种奇怪的热病,结果既不能吃也不能睡。as a result意为“结果”,在句中充当状语。.阅读理解(xx淮安市涟水中学高一段测)If youve been joining in chat room conversations, or trading email with net pals(网友), you have bee one of the millions who write in a special, short form of English.Throughout the world, every night children and their elders are “talking” onlinemany of them are talking at the same time.Its fast: trying talking to six people once. Its convenient: three or four words per exchange. It takes cleverness, concentration and quick fingers.And it requires very simple language. Theres neither time nor space for explanations. Why waste valuable time telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB (be right back) will do?Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI (pardon me for jumping in)Interested in whom youre talking to? Type A/S/L, the mon request to know your pals age, sex and location. You may get 15/M/NY as a reply from your pal. If something makes you laugh, say youre OTF (on the floor), or LOL (laughing out loud), or join the two into ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing). And when its time to get back to work or go to bed, you type GTG (got to go) or TTYL (talk to you later)People want to write as fast as possible, and they want to get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing feeling, as it takes more time to hold down the “shift” key and use capitals. Punctuation (标点) is going too.文章大意:文章介绍了在网上聊天的时候,同时和很多人聊天,需要简单的表达方式,作者举了很多例子说明如何运用缩写的方式表达一定的含义。1When people are online, they talk by _.Ausing body languageBdrawing some strange pictures Cmaking phone callsDmaking use of an especially short form of English答案:D细节理解题。从第一段you have bee one of the millions who write in a special, short form of English.可知在网上交流的人,经常用简单的方式表达。可知选D。2The sentence “Theres neither time nor space for explanations” means that _.Apeople should use words properly Bpeople should know what time it is when they are talking Cpeople online have to express themselves in a simple way Dpeople should municate in a funny way 答案:C细节理解题。从第四段的句子:And it requires very simple language.可知在网上聊天需要简单的方式,选C。3If you get 17/F/NY as an answer to your A/S/L, it means _.Athe person on the other end is 17 from New York and he is fineByou are talking to a girl who is 17 and lives in New YorkCyou are talking to 17 girls who are from New YorkDthe person you are talking to is a 17foot tall New York girl答案:B细节理解题。从本句“Type A/S/L, the mon request to know your pals age, sex and location.”的缩写。可知这是住在纽约的一个17岁的女孩。选B。4Which of the following is a way to save online time?APeople seldom use capital letters or punctuation marks. BMany people draw pictures.CPeople only use the mouse instead of the keyboard. DPeople never use the “shift” key. 答案:A细节理解题。最后一段Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing feeling, as it takes more time to hold down the “shift” key and use capitals. Punctuation (标点) is going too.按下“shift”键键入大写字母太费时间,因此聊友常常不使用大写字母,标点符号也省掉了。选A。.七选五(xx衡水中学一调)Its natural to greet friends with a smile and a wave. _1_ But what happens if your face and body send mixed messages? Would someone be more likely to believe the look on your face or the way you hold your body?Scientists have recently tackled these questions. They found that when a person is looking at your face, she might not believe what she sees of your body language doesnt match the feeling that your face shows. _2_ Previously, they had found that the tone of a persons voice can be more important than the words that are spoken. For example, most people tend not to believe a person who says in a flat voice, “Im so excited.”When it came to emotions conveyed by facial expressions and body language, most scientists suspected that the face was more important. To test if this was true, psychologists from the Netherlands and Boston showed people a number of pictures of isolated faces and isolated bodies(with faces blurred out)that showed anger or fear. _3_An angry face had low eyebrows and tight lips. A scared face had high eyebrow and a slightly open mouth. _4_ A scared body had arms forward and shoulders square, as if ready to defend.These results told the researchers that mixed signals can confuse people. Even when people pay attention to the face, body language subtly influences which emotion they read._5_ And if you want to be understood, it helps to avoid sending mixed messages.AStudying such mixed messages is nothing new for scientists.BSo, your body language is important for telling people how you feel.CScientists feel new to study the mixed message that confuses people.DAn angry body had arms back and shoulders at an angle, as if ready to fight.EBody language can sometimes be misunderstood in different culture backgrounds.FWhen you do this, your face and body work together to show your friends that youre happy to see them.GThey also showed pictures in which angry or scared faces were paired with angry or scared bodies.答案:15 FAGDB.完形填空(xx北京市西城区高一期末)I always knew that I depended too much on my phone. _1_ I didnt know how much, so I decided to do this challenge to find out.Every morning since I got a smart phone, Ive used The Weather Channel App to find out what to _2_. On the first morning I had to dress without guidance, but _3_ I was able to guess that the day would be cold and foggy by looking out of my window.I couldnt tell what time it was. I havent worn a _4_ for more than a year, because my phone showed the time. So I was late for _5_ friends who had been on the bus for two hours from Santa Monica to Palos Verdes. I was also late for my parttime job. And _6_, I couldnt call people to tell them that I was running late.Getting places was harder, too. I got _7_ because I couldnt use the GPS (汽车导航系统) on my phone. My driving, though, got a lot _8_ because I no longer had my phone in one hand checking directions while _9_ with the other.But the number one trouble was not having my contact list (联络簿). I forgot to write down my friends and family members phone numbers before I _10_ the challenge. It was sad to realize that I couldnt _11_ my brothers and my moms cell phone numbers. Oh, how I wished to turn on the phone for just a second to look up phone numbers!Even with all the problems, however, I found _12_ not worrying about missing a text message or an email.This _13_ was a great learning experience. It surprised me how Id taken no notice of even the _14_ things like remembering phone numbers. We all should take some time to think about how we can depend _15_ on our cell phones.文章大意:作者想知道自己多么依赖手机,通过自己的体验,建议我们需要花时间思考怎么才能少使用我们的手机。1ABut BAnd CThen DStill答案:A考查连词辨析。ABut但是;BAnd并且;CThen然后;DStill仍然。这里前后句之间为转折关系,故用转折连词but。但我不知道是多么的依赖(手机)。故选A。2Acarry Btake Cwear Dsee答案:C上下文连串。根据下文On the first morning I had to dress without guidance的提示可知,这里用动词wear。我使用应用程序天气频道来找到我穿什么。故选C。3Ahopefully Bthankfully Cstrangely Dsurprisingly答案:B考查副词辨析。Ahopefully希望地;Bthankfully感谢地;Cstrangely奇怪地;Dsurprisingly惊讶地。但多亏了我猜到天气会可能非常的冷。故选B。4Aring Bhat Csuit Dwatch答案:D上下文连串。根据后面的because my phone showed the time可以推测出这里用wear a watch戴手表。我超过一年不戴手表了。故选D。5Apicking up Bbringing up Ccalling out Dmaking out答案:A短语辨析。Apicking up接某人;Bbringing up抚养;Ccalling out召集;Dmaking out辨别。这里指作者去接朋友的时候迟到。故选A。6Aeven so Bafter all Cin all Deven worse答案:D考查短语辨析。Aeven so即使如此;Bafter all毕竟;Cin all总共;Deven worse更糟的是。更糟糕的是,我不能打电话告诉他们我迟到。故选D。7Acaught Blost Cchanged Dhurt答案:B考查短语固定搭配。这里考查get lost,表示“迷路”。由于我不能够使用手机里的GPS导航,所以我迷路了。故选B。8Ahappier Bslower Csafer Dquieter答案:C考查形容词比较级。Ahappier更快乐;Bslower更慢;Csafer更安全;Dquieter更安静。尽管我的驾驶得到了更大的安全。故选C。9Amoving Bchatting Cwriting Ddriving答案:D上下文连串。根据上文中的My driving可以知道这里指的作者开车的时候。用另一只手开车。故选D。10Astarted Bforgot Csupported Dreported答案:A考查动词辨析。Astarted开始;Bforgot忘记;Csupported支持;Dreported报道。在我开始挑战之前,我忘记写下我朋友和家人的电话号码。故选A。11Acollect Bcopy Cread Dremember答案:D上下文连串。根据前句中I forgot to write down my friends and family members phone numbers可知这里指作者忘记电话号码。我不能记得我哥哥和我妈妈的电话号码。故选D。12Asilence Bpeace Cpatience Dconfidence答案:B考查名词辨析。Asilence沉默;Bpeace安宁;Cpatience耐心;Dconfidence自信。我发现了不用担心错过短信和电子邮件的平静。故选B。13Awork Blesson Cchallenge Dproject答案:C上下文连串。根据文章中第一段最后一句so I decided to do this challenge to find out.可以知道答案,这个挑战是一个很好的学习经历。故选C。14Ahardest Bsimplest Cnicest Dclearest答案:B考查形容词辨析。Ahardest最难的;Bsimplest最简单的;Cnicest最好的;Dclearest最清晰的。让我吃惊的是,即使是象记电话号码这样最简单的事情都没有注意到。故选B。15Aless Bmore Clittle Dmuch答案:A上下文连串。这里是文章作者作的一个总结。根据句意可知作者建议我们需要花时间思考怎么才能少使用我们的手机。故选A。

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