2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2单元检测 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2单元检测 新人教版必修1第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Whats the weather like?AWindy and rainy. BWindy and snowy.CWindy and cloudy.2How did the man know about the fire?AHe saw it.BHe heard it over the radio.CHe watched it on TV.3Why is the man sad?AHe is out of work. BHe is in poor health.CHis son is ill.4What happened to the mans son?AHe got hurt in an accident.BHe fell into a river.CHe lost his bike.5What might be the mans problem?AHe has caught a bad cold.BHe has heart trouble.CHis stomach aches.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What did the man lose?AHis credit card. BHis ID card.C100 dollars.7Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?AFriends.BLoser and policeman.CCustomer and salesgirl.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What happened to the couple?AThey met with a storm and their boat was broken into pieces.BTheir boat ran into a whale and sank.CTheir boat hit a rock and sank.9Where was the robber caught?AIn the revolving door.BIn the bank.CIn the chimney.10Why did the man climb into the chimney?AHe wanted to stay away from the police.BHe wanted to get out of the house.CHe wanted to get into the house.听第8段材料,回答第11至12题。11How many people were killed by the hurricane?ALess than 20. BAt least 20.CAt most 20.12Who has gone to the stricken area?ASoldiers. BWorkers.CFarmers.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What time does the man leave home?AAt 7:00. BAt 8:00.CAt 7:15.14How does the man go to work?AHe drives his car.BHe takes the underground.CHe takes a taxi.15What does the man do at one oclock?AHe has a talk. BHe has lunch.CHe takes a walk.16Where does the man work?AIn a bank. BIn a shop.CIn a school.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where did the speaker see snow for the first time?AIn Hong Kong. BIn the USA.CIn Canada.18Why was the speaker very happy one evening?AHe didnt need to go to school.BIt was beginning to snow.CHe could put on warm clothes.19What news did the speaker hear over the radio?AThey didnt have to go to school that day.BIt snowed heavily all over the country.CHelp would e from all over the country.20What did the speaker do the next morning?AHe went to school.BHe went fishing in the river.CHe played in the snow.听力材料Text 1W:When the lights went out, nothing could be seen. Then the wind started up, and all the windows started to shake so hard that I thought the house was going to fall down.M:Then what happened?W:I looked out of the window and saw the sky covered with dangerous, dark clouds.Text 2W:There was a big fire in my neighborhood last night. Two people were injured and three houses were burned down.M:I know. I tried to call you up after I heard it on the radio.Text 3W:Why are you so sad these days?M:I have been out of work for three months, but still I havent found a job.W:Let me help you find one. I have many friends in this city. I think they can help you.M:I would appreciate it if you could help me.Text 4W:I hear your son fell into a river yesterday afternoon. Is that so?M:Thats true. But soon afterwards, he was saved by a Mr. Li. He is all right now.W:Have you spoken to Mr. Li?M:Not yet. But I must try to find him and say thanks to him.Text 5M:Whats happening?W:Hes lying on the ground.M:What colour is his face?W:Its blue and he says his chest hurts.Text 6M:Someone stole my wallet last night.W:Oh, no! What happened?M:Well, I was working out, and I had put my stuff in my locker, just like I always do. When I came back, someone had stolen my wallet. I guess I forgot to lock the locker.W:Im sorry. Thats terrible! Did you lose much money?M:Only about $20. But I lost my credit card. What a pain!Text 7M:What a terrible story! A couple were sailing from Hawaii to Mexico. While they were crossing the Pacific, their boat hit a whale and sank.W:Is that true? What happened to the whale?M:It doesnt say. Oh, and here is another one. A man in Los Angeles was robbing a bank. But as he was escaping, he got caught in the revolving door.W:I guess it was his first bank robbery.M:Yeah. Oh, listen to this. Someone got locked out of his house, so he tried to get in through the chimney.W:Dont tell me! He got stuck in the chimney!M:Exactly. And he was still trying to get out two days later when the police saved him.Text 8M:Surprising news!W:Whats the matter, John?M:Last night a hurricane struck the southeast of our country.W:Really? How is it there?M:It has been reported that the supply of water, gas and electricity has been cut off and a lot of houses damaged.W:How many people were killed?M:Not exactly, but at least a score died and another score has ended their suffering in hospital.W:Im feeling very sorry. And an immediate measure should be taken.M:Yes. The army has been called in to help.Text 9M:I get up around seven oclock and have breakfast. Then I have to leave home at about eight, I guess. It takes me about fifteen minutes to take the underground to start work.W:Do you like your job?M:Its OK. Some days its fine, some days you get some really tricky customers.W:Do you get time off for lunch?M:Sure. I stop around twelvethirty, and then at one oclock, I take a walk in the parkjust to get some fresh air, you know. If the weathers OK, Ill have a sandwich or something there.W:Mmm. Does it get busy in the afternoon?M:No more than in the morning, I guess. When the banks open, people call at all times.W:So when do you leave work?M:I leave work at about six fifteen in the evening, and at six thirty I take the underground back home. I dont do much when I get home, except watch TV. I guess I go to bed at around eleven thirty.Text 10Our first winter in Canada was the happiest one we have ever experienced. We were living in the countryside then and had just arrived from Hong Kong that autumn. One evening in midDecember snow began to fall. When we looked out of the window and saw that it was snowing, we all felt very happy. It was the first snow we had ever seen and we were excited. Next morning when we woke up, it was still snowing. We turned on the radio and learned that more than ten inches of snow had fallen during the night and that since there was too much snow on the roads there would be no school that day. We jumped up and down with joy and asked Mother to let us go outside to play in the snow. She said we could go out after breakfast if we dressed ourselves warmly and promised to e back as soon as we felt cold. When we went out, the snow had almost stopped. The roads, paths, gardens, and playgrounds were all hidden under soft white snow. It was the most beautiful sight we had ever seen.答案:15CBABB610AABAC1115BABBC1620ACBAC第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMore than 30 million kids buy school lunch each day. This year, many schools have raised lunch prices to fight rising costs. Students pay about $ 2 a meal now. That is 27 cents more than last year. But they still get a good deal. The average cost for schools to produce one meal has gone up 30 cents, and is now $3.So, how do schools neither make money nor lose money? To start, the government pays for a small part of the difference. Schools have to make up the rest. Peggy Eller, a leader of school nutrition (营养) services in Hudson, Wisconsin, said her area is cutting costs by using fewer paper products and serving smaller portions (份). Well, portion control is one key to healthy eating!The push for more healthy food has grown in recent years. One in five kids aged 6 to 19 is overweight. Being overweight can cause health problems. Many states have passed laws that require schools to serve nutritious meals.Recently, more than 90% of all US schools have taken the fat away from lunches. Foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar have been replaced by lowfat milk, fresh fruit and vegetables. These new portions on lunch menus have encouraged kids to change their eating habits. “It makes it easier to try new things at home,” said Savanna Mackey, a Florida fifthgrader.Students need healthy meals to grow strong and do well in school. The soaring food prices wont stand in the way, says school nutritionist Janey Thornton. “Well just be more clever in how we do things.”21What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us?AThe average price of school lunch foods.BThe schools ways to deal with school lunch.CThe large number of kids buying school lunch.DThe fact that school lunch is getting more expensive.22Many schools raise lunch prices because _.Athe cost of food has gone upBthey are serving larger portionsCthey want to make more moneyDthere is more healthy food included23What Savanna Mackey said in Paragraph 4 shows that _.Ashe prefers eating at school to eating at homeBshe doesnt like the new portions on lunch menusCshe bees interested in eating healthy food at homeDshe always enjoys food like fresh fruit and vegetables24The underlined word “soaring” in the last paragraph means _.Afixed Brising quicklyCchanging Dfalling quickly答案与解析:尽管物价飞涨,但美国学校还是想尽办法保证为学生提供健康的营养午餐。21解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段中所列举的数字可知,该段主要介绍了学校提高午餐价格这一事实。答案:D22解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句中的to fight rising costs以及该段最后一句可知,许多学校提高午餐价格的原因是物价的上涨。答案:A23解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第三句可知,午餐新食谱改变了孩子们的饮食习惯。该段第四句中举Savanna Mackey为例是为了进一步说明这一点。结合她所说的话可推知,新食谱对孩子们饮食习惯的影响使她更想在家吃健康食品了。她所说的new things指的就是健康食品。答案:C24解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句中的rising costs可知,物价不断上涨导致许多学校提高午餐价格。画线词修饰food prices,故其意义与rising一致。答案:BBJack threw the papers on my desk and looked at me angrily.“Whats wrong?” I asked.“Next time you want to change anything, ask me first,” he shouted.“How dare he treat me like that?” I thought. Id changed one long sentence, and corrected grammarsomething I thought I was paid to do.In fact Id been warned. One workmate took me aside the first day and reminded me of his temper (脾气). One day, another thing left me in tears so I stormed into his office angrily.“What?” he asked.Suddenly I knew what I must do. After all, he earned it. “Jack, the way youve been treating me is wrong,” I said. Jack seemed nervous.“I make you a promise. Ill be a friend. Ill treat you as you should be treated, with respect and kindness,” he said. With these words, I left.Jack avoided me the rest of the week. Another day I left a note on his desk, reading “Hope your day is going great.” Over the next few weeks, Jack reappeared, but nothing unhappy happened again.One year later, I had breast cancer. The last day of my hospital stay, Jack came. He placed some flowers beside me, saying, “Tulips.”I smiled, not understanding. He cleared his throat. “If you plant them when you get home, theyll e up next spring.” Tears clouded my eyes and I whispered, “Thank you.”Jack held my hand firmly, saying, “Youre wele. You cant see it now, but next spring youll see the colors I picked out for you.”Ive seen those beautiful tulips push through the soil every spring for ten years now. Ill never forget Jack. After all, thats what friends do.25Jack was angry with the author because _.Ashe pointed out his mistakes in publicBshe changed the contents of the papersCshe read the papers without his permissionDshe corrected the papers without telling him26The author entered Jacks office with the purpose of _.Atelling him about the mistake he had madeBforting him for the mistake he had madeCsaying sorry to him for their misunderstandingDtelling him she wanted to make friends with him27Why did the author cry on the last day of her hospital stay?AShe was afraid that she would die soon.BShe was moved by Jacks flowers and words.CShe was pleased that Jack became a good man.DShe was angry with Jack for what he did to her.答案与解析:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者和同事Jack之间的故事。Jack的无礼曾经使作者难堪,但后来作者的做法感动了Jack,他们两人成了朋友。正是这位朋友的鼓励帮助作者战胜了病魔。25解析:细节理解题。根据第三、四段可知,Jack朝作者发火是因为作者没有跟他说一声就修改了他文件中的错误。答案:D26解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,作者是气冲冲地走进Jack的办公室的。结合第七段中作者所说的话可知,作者去他的办公室是为了让他知道他做错了事情。答案:A27解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中Jack所说的话和作者的反应可知,作者是被Jack的话和鲜花感动得哭了。答案:BCA euphemism (from the Greek words euwell and phemespeak) is a word or expression that is used when people want to find a polite or less direct way of talking about difficult or embarrassing topics like death or the bodily functions.Most people, for example, would find it very difficult to say in plain language that they have arranged for their sick old dog to be killed.They would soften the pain by saying:We had Ruby put down or We had Ruby put to sleep.Many people prefer to call someone plain than ugly, or cuddly rather than fat.Euphemisms are an important part of every language, but it seems that English has an evergrowing number of them.The nonnative speaker not only has to make sense of the euphemisms he hears, he also has to learn which euphemisms are appropriate in any particular situation.He might be aware that his American friend needs to use the toilet when she asks where the bathroom (or restroom, or fort station) is, but he is less likely to guess that his English friend has the same need when he says he has to see a man about a dog.He might have learned, for example, that in the family way is a euphemism for pregnant.If, however, he says to his boss, “Congratulations!I hear your wife is in the family way,” he would be using an expression that is too familiar for the circumstances.Schools are full of euphemisms.At Frankfurt International School, for example, the special lessons given to students who are having difficulties in their school subjects are called Study Center (in the middle school) and Academic Workshop (in the high school)Teachers rightly do not want to upset students or parents by being too frank or straightforward, and usually choose a softer word or expression to convey the same message.28According to the passage, people use euphemisms in order to _.A. make themselves understoodB. avoid embarrassmentC. to sound straightforwardD. attract attention29A person who is described as plain and cuddly is in fact _.A. tall and handsome B. pretty and slimC. ugly but tall D. ugly and fat30The main purpose of Paragraph 2 is to _.A. stress that euphemisms are an important part of every languageB. inform readers that English has an evergrowing number of euphemismsC. suggest nonnative speakers use euphemisms as often as possibleD. warn English learners to be careful about the meaning and use of euphemisms31At Frankfurt International School, the students who receive lessons in Study Center _.A. have poor grades in the subjectsB. do well in schoolC. work hard at their lessonsD. prefer to learn more答案与解析:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了委婉语在英语中的广泛应用,并提醒英语学习者,要在沟通中注意委婉语的意思和用法,以免出现尴尬状况。28解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“A euphemism (from the Greek words euwell and phemespeak) is a word or expression that is used when people want to find a polite or less direct way of talking about difficult or embarrassing topics like death or the bodily functions.”可知,答案B“为了避免尴尬”符合文意。答案:B29解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句“Many people prefer to call someone plain than ugly, or cuddly rather than fat.”可知,答案D符合文意。答案:D30解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段第二句“.not only has to make sense of the.also has to learn.in any particular situation.”及对第二段的整体理解可知,列举了英语中应用委婉语的不同情形,从而给英语学习者提醒:要在沟通中注意委婉语的意思和用法,以免出现尴尬状况。答案:D31解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第二句“At Frankfurt International School, for example, the special lessons given to students who are having difficulties in their school subjects are called Study Center (in the middle school) and Academic Workshop (in the high school)”可知,答案A符合文意。答案:ADA goldfish is just a goldfish. Is it right? Wrong, say some experts in China and to prove their point, they organized a pageant (盛会) intended entirely for these tiny beauties. Held on Saturday, September 15, in Fuzhou, a city in Fujian Province, the first International Goldfish Championship attracted 3,000 contestants (选手) from 14 countries ranging from neighboring Indonesia and Malaysia, all the way to Brazil.Unlike normal beauty pageants, contestants were not asked to show themselves in swimsuits and evening clothes, nor asked questions about how they would solve the worlds problems. Instead, they were all shown in the samesize white bowls of water so that they could be judged only by their natural looks.So what were the judges that went around observing each contestant carefully looking for? According to head judge Ye Qichang, five thingsbreed, body shape, color, overall impression and swimming gesture, which normally means how new goldfish introduce themselves to other goldfish. However, in this case since they were swimming alone, only the judges knew what that really meant.And, while looks were important, it was the weight that the judges got most impressed by. The more nicely rounded the contestant was, the better, because that clearly is a sign that it had not suffered any major difficulty or illness during breeding.While the winner of the title of World Goldfish Queen will be made public next Saturday, the judges did say they were inclining (倾向于) toward a rare 3.9pound giant beauty that was seen swimming around its fishbowl with amazing gesture.32What can we learn from Paragraph 1?ANot all the goldfish are very beautiful.BAll the goldfish shown in the pageant were tiny.CSome countries have held similar pageants before.DMany goldfish from different countries attended the pageant.33How did the judges judge contestants?ABy looking at their sizes.BBy asking them questions.CBy looking at their natural looks.DBy examining their abilities to live.34Why did the judges like rounded goldfish?AThey were not affected by illness.BThey had survived difficulties.CThey swam more slowly.DThey were beautiful.35The passage mainly tells us _.Agoldfish are beautiful fishBa goldfish pageant in FuzhouChow to recognize good goldfishDgoldfish are popular in the world答案与解析:在福州举办的一次金鱼展览非常有趣,它吸引了14个国家的选手参赛。32解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,来自不同国家的许多金鱼参加了这一次金鱼展览会。答案:D33解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,裁判是通过观察金鱼天生的外貌来进行评判的。答案:C34解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,裁判偏爱丰满的金鱼是因为它们没有受到疾病的影响。答案:A35解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了在福州举办的一次金鱼展览会。答案:B第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Can you remember the day when you spoke your first word? _36_ Try to imagine what the first few months of your life were like. I am sure you just spent most of your time eating, sleeping and crying.As you grew older, you were awake more of the time. It took your parents more time to play with you and talk to you. _37_ You began to know that people made certain sounds to go with certain things._38_ And step by step you were able to make the right sound for one thing._39_ The secret is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound might be as good as another. But it is no good as a word unless everybody agrees on its meaning. Only when a group of people use the same set of sounds of things can they understand each other. Then, and only then do these people have a “language”After you found the secret of language, you learned words. Some of the words mean things, such as “book”, “chair” and “shoe”. Some words mean doing things, such as “go” and “swim”. And other words describe things, such as “good” and “dirty”. Soon you learned to put words to


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