2019-2020年高二暑期作业反馈性检测(开学考试)英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二暑期作业反馈性检测(开学考试)英语试题 含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高二暑期作业反馈性检测(开学考试)英语试题 含答案 说明:本试卷满分150分。选择题答案请用2B铅笔填涂到答题卡规定位置上,本次考试时间为90分钟。选择题答案请用2B铅笔填涂到答题卡规定位置上。第一部分 听力第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What are the speakers talking about?A. Having a birthday party.B. Doing some exercise.C. Getting Lydia a gift2.What is the woman going to do?A. Help the man. B. Take a bus.C. Get a camera3.What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Tell Kate to stop.B. Call Kate s friends.C. Stay away from Kate.4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a wine shop.B. In a supermarket.C. In a restaurant.5.What does the woman mean?A. Keep the window closed.B. Go out for fresh air.C. Turn on the fan.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What is the man going to do this summer?A. Teach a course.B. Repair his house.C. Work at a hotel.7.How will the man use the money?A. To hire a gardener.B. To buy books.C. To pay for a boat trip.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Schoolmates. B. Colleagues. C. Roommates.9.What does Frank plan to do right after graduation?A. Work as a programmer.B. Travel around the world.C. Start his own business.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10.Why does the woman make the call?A. To book a hotel room.B. To ask about the room serviceC. To make changes to a reservation11.When will the women arrive at the hotel?A. On September 15B. On September 16C. On September 2312.How much will the woman pay her room per night?A. $179 B.$199 C. $219听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What is the womans plan for Saturday?A.Going shopping B.Going camping C.Going boating14.Where will the woman stay in Keswick?A.In a country inn B. In a five-star hotel C. In her aunts home15.What will Gordon do over the weekend?A.Visit his friends B.Watch DVDs C.Join the woman16.What does the woman think of Gordons ing weekend?A.Relaxed B.Boring C.Busy.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17.Who is Wang Ming?A.A student B. An employer C .An engineer18.What does the speaker say about the college job market this year?A.Its unpredictable B. Its quite stable C.Its not optimistic19.What percentage of student job seekers have found a job by now?A.20% B. 22% C. 50%20.Why are engineering graduates more likely to accept a job?A.They need more work experienceB.The salary is usually goodC.Their choice is limited.第二部分 单项选择(共40小题;21-40每题1分,41-55每题2分,共50分。)从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。21. -Whats the matter with you ,Sarah? -Im _a bad cold. I think I am dying.A. recovering from B. suffering from C. tired from D. away from22. I was so nervous because it was the first time that I _by air.A. have traveled B. had traveled C. traveled D. was traveling 23. Was it because you are not rich _ your wife left you? A. why B. whenC. that D. what24. With the kind boy _ the way, we found the park soon.A. leadsB. to leadC. ledD. leading 25. _ the students who took part in the military training is 450.A. A number of B. A lot of C. The number ofD. Lots of26. This machine is very easy _. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.A. operating B. to be operatingC. operatedD. to operate27. Marys always _ in reading and studying. No wonder she always got the first place in any examination.A. buried B. scheduledC. burst D. shocked28. You can never be _ careful, the road is icy and slippery.A. veryB. too C. quiteD. rather29. Only when I reached the bank _ that I had left my ID card at home. A. I realizedB. did I realizeC. I had realizedD. had I realized30. There is some doubt_he is the best man for the job.A. whether B. when C. which D. that 31. Last year John earned _his brother did, who has a better position in a bigger pany.A. twice as many as B. twice as much as C. twice as more as D. twice much as 32. All the children _the nurse are taken good care of .A. taking charge of B. in charge of C. in the charge of D. under charge of 33. They used specially trained dogs to _their sheep at night.A. take care B. get along with C. watch over D. turn to 34. The shy man knows _to deal with men but when he meets women, he doesnt know _to do.A. what; how B. what ; what C. how; what D. how; how 35. I would appreciate _if you could give me a life.A. you B. that C. one D. it36. When his mother came in, the boy pretended _.A. reading B. being read C. to read D. to be reading 37. _the zoo, there are many other interesting places that you can go to visit in this city.A. In addition B. As well C. In addition to D. Such as 38. You are working too hard. Youd better keep a _between work and relaxation.A. promise B. lead C. balance D. diary 39. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit people _harm them.A. more than B. rather than C. other than D. less than 40. Since we are not wealthy now, wed better take our daily expenses into _.A. thought B. account C. position D. effect 41. A modern city has been set up in _ was a wasteland a few years ago.A. which B. what C. that D. where42. _ from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.A. ViewingB. To be viewedC. ViewedD. To be viewing43. Whom would you ratherhave_ with you? A. to go B. go C. gone D. going44. The reason _he was late was _he had taken a wrong bus.A. why; because B. for ; because of C. why; that D. for; that 45. Jerry was so angry at all _I was doing _she walked out without a word.A. that ; which B. which; that C. what; that D. that; that46. At this time tomorrow_over the Atlantic.A. were going to fly B. we will be flying C. we will fly D. were to fly 47. It is uncertain _side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. what C. how D. whether 48. -Excuse me, but I want to use your puter to type a report. -You_have my puter if you dont take care of it. A. might not B. neednt C. shouldnt D. shall not 49. I was really anxious about you. You _home without a word.A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave50. The road is covered with snow. I cant understand _they insist on going by motorbike.A. why B. whether C. when D. how 51. Word came _Chinas second manned spacecraft Shenzhou blasted off into the sky on Wednesday morning October 12, xx.A. which B. what C./ D. that 52. When and where to build the new factory_yet.A. has not been decided B. are not decided C. has bot decided D. have not decided 53. They each_a new dictionary.A. has B. have C. is D. are54. When it es to _in public, no one can match him.A. speaking B. speak C. being spoken D. be spoken 55. _in the countryside made Mr. Wilson very hard-working when he was very young.A. Bring up B. Having brought up C. Being brought up D. Brought up 第三部分 完型填空(共20 小题;每题1分,共20 分)A Pioneer for All PeopleAlthough he is one of Chinas most famous scientists, Yuan Longping 56 himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, 57 whom he has struggled for the past five decades. Dr Yuan Longping grows 58 is called super hybrid rice. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world 59 rice that has a high output. This special strain of rice makes60 possible to produce one-third more of the crop in 61 fields. Now more than 60% of the rice 62 in China each year is from this hybrid strain.Born into a poor farmers family in 1930, Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways 63 more rice has been his life goal. As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output. At that time, hunger was a 64 problem in many parts of the countryside. Dr Yuan 65 a way to increase rice harvests without 66 the area of the fields. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce only fifty million tons of rice. In a recent harvest, however, nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produced. These increased harvests mean that 22% of the worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China. Dr Yuan is now 67 his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests. 68 his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to 69 the world of hunger. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.Dr Yuan is quite 70 with his life. However, he doesnt 71 being famous. He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. He would much rather keep time for his hobbles. He enjoys listening to violin music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. Spending money on himself or 72 a fortable life also means very little to him. Indeed, he believes that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. He 73 gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. Long ago Dr yuan had a dream about rice plants as tall as sorghum. Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. Dr Yuan 74 from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people. Now, many years later, Dr Yuan has another dream: to export his rice so that it can be grown around the globe. One dream is not always enough, 75 for a person who loves and cares for his people.56. A. observes B. regards C. considers D. thinks57. A. with B. against C. for D. to 58. A. which B. what C. that D. it 59. A. to grow B. growing C. grew D. have grown 60. A. what B. this C. that D. it 61. A. smaller B. bigger C. the same D. richer62. A. produced B. producing C. being produced D. is produced 63. A. grew B. grow C. to growing D. to grow 64. A. amazing B. disturbing C. disappointing D. exciting 65. A. in search of B. searching C. searched for D. searched 66. A. expanding B. extending C. expending D. exposing 67. A. showing B. explaining C. circulating D. learning 68. A. As a result B. Owing for C. Because D. Thanks to 69. A. rid B. inform C. remind D. rob70. A. convinced B. content C. continuous D. confirmed 71. A. care for B. care about C. take care of D. take care 72. A. to lead B. lead C. led D. leading 73. A. therefore B. however C. though D. while 74. A. escaped B. awoke C. prevented D. protected 75. A. specially B. especial C. special D. especially第四部分 阅读理解(共25 小题;每题2分,共50 分)AMost of the time, people wear hats to protect themselves from harsh weather conditions. Hats are also worn to show politeness and as signs of social position. But nowadays, hats, especially womens hats, are much more than that. More exactly, hats have changed into fashion and style symbols by many movie stars. Whats more, people now consider many different features (特点)when choosing even a simple hat. Many designers point out that, when choosing the right hat, its important to consider the color of your skin as well as your hair, your height, and the shape of your face.First of all, the color of the hat should match the color of your skin and hair. For instance, black hats should be avoided if you are dark skinned. If a purple hat is placed on top of red hair, one will look as attractive as a summer flower. Second, the height of the hat is also an important point. Tall women should not go for hats with tall crowns, just as short women should choose hats with upturned brims to give the look of height. Third, and most importantly, the shape of the face decides the kind of hat one should pick. A small, gentle hat that fits the head looks good on a small face. However, women with big, round faces should choose a different style.As the saying goes, “Fine feathers make fine birds.” A good hat can not only help your dress but also support your features, so why not choose the best possible one next time you want to be in public?76. What does the underlined word “harsh” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A. good B. strange C. poor D. different77.Which is the main function of womens hats recently? A. to show politenessB. to keep warmC. as a sign of social position D. as a sign of fashion and style78. According to the article, which of the following women would look most attractive?A. A big-faced woman who wears a small, nice hat.B. A short red-haired woman who wears a purple hat.C. A tall woman who wears a hat with a huge upturned brim.D. A small dark-skinned woman who wears a black hat with a tall crown.79. What does the last paragraph suggest?A. Hats are worn on the head to keep warm. B. Hats can help you look better in public.C. Hats are not as important as character. D. Hats can make you look much taller.80. What is the best title for the article?A. How to Show Your Social Position B. How to Improve Your FeaturesC. How to Choose a Proper Hat D. How to Design a Nice HatBMy husband, my four-month-old daughter and I set out on a five-day driving journey from California to Washington. We had to stop frequently because our little child needed to stretch from the car seat.One of our stops, once we crossed the Oregon border, was at a Black Bear Diner. Walking towards the front door we noticed a gentleman standing at one side. He was clearly untidy, without shoes and wearing worn clothing. We passed right by him and opened the restaurant door. Then something told me to go back.Holding my daughter, I turned around and said to the gentleman, “Sir. Are you hungry?” He said, “Yes.” I then asked, “May we buy you something to eat?” He responded with, “Sure, I can order something myself.”My husband opened the door and the gentleman went straight to the counter. I told him to order whatever he wanted. The manager of the restaurant came over quite quickly and looked frightened. I spoke before he had an opportunity to. “This gentleman will have lunch with us today,” I said. “Please add his order to our bill.” The manager said with a frown(皱眉), “Okay.” We turned to our table and the gentleman said, loudly and quickly, “Thank You!” We were seated and upon pleting our meal we were handed our bill. I asked my husband what the gentleman had ordered. One fresh orange juice, one coffee, one breakfast bination with a side of hash browns.When we left the restaurant I looked for the gentleman but didnt see him, but that very small act just made my day. I hope in some small way we were able to add some joy to his life, even if only for a few minutes.81. Why they had to stop frequently during their journey?A. They wanted to visit as many place as they can B. They stopped to help the gentlemanC. Their little child wanted to eat some food.D. Their child needed to stretch from the car seat.82. From the appearance of the gentleman, we can guess he was probably a(n) _.A. waiter B. actor C. beggar D. worker83. The manager of the restaurant looked frightened because _. A. the man was not friendly B. the man had stolen something from the restaurant C. he had fired the man before D. he was afraid the man wouldnt afford to pay the food84. From the passage, we can infer the man _. A. was thankful for their kind act B. felt ashamed and slipped away C. was hungry and ate a lot of food D. was too proud to accept their offer85. The phrase “made my day” in the last paragraph probably means _. A. wasted my money B. made me very happy C. made me feel sorry D. moved me deeply CIn her outstanding book, “Choose the Happiness Habit”, Pam Golden wrote, “Take the story of two twin brothers for example. One grew up and became an alcoholic (酒鬼), while the other became a successful businessman. When asked why he became an alcoholic, the alcoholic replied, “Because my father was a drunk.” However, the successful businessmans answer was also “Because my father was a drunk.” when asked why he succeeded. The same background. The same upbringing (培养). However, the results were quite different. Why? The reason is that they had different choices. The brothers chose different thoughts which formed the situations they found themselves in at last, so they had different experiences.There was a time in my life when I thought difficulty was due to “bad luck”. Have you ever heard the saying “When it rains, it pours”? That was my answer when others asked me how things were going on when I was in trouble. So what do you think I got? “RAIN”. More and more “RAIN”. I couldnt understand why bad luck was always with me.Pam Golden says, “Youre either living in the problem or youre living in the solution.” Now, when Im faced with what I used to think was a negative situation, I use a different way to think about it. I force myself to replace those negative thoughts that make me lose heart in my mind with positive thoughts which encourage me to fight against the difficulty bravely. Sometimes I write down some ideas that may be a solution, which I bine with the lessons I have learned from the bad situations and the difficulties that troubled me in the past, and often, I find a solution to the problem soon. It seems that I should thank the difficulty I met with. The RAIN that poured in my world has bee great experiences that provide me with valuable experience, from which I can benefit.Now, it doesnt “rain” as much in my life as it used to. In fact, most days are beautiful, cloudless and sunny! Sometimes I do get a rain, but I think it makes me stronger just like the rain helps plants grow up. 86. The example of the twin brothers shows that _.A. making good choices is the most important B. education decides a persons futureC. upbringing makes a big difference D. it is luck that leads to success87. What does “RAIN” mentioned in the second paragraph refer to?A. Water.B. Good luck. C. Success.D. Difficulty.88. What is talked about in the third paragraph?A. How the author collects useful experience. B. How the author deals with difficulty now.C. How the author gets help from others. D. How the author lives in the problem.89. Now, the authors attitude towards “RAIN” is _.A. negativeB. unclearC. positiveD. unknown90. Which of the following agrees with the authors attitude in the text?A. All things are difficult before they are easy. B. Meeting with difficulty is not a bad thing.C. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. D. Things at the worst will mend. DNewcastle, one of the fastest developing cities in the United Kingdom, is beginning to dr

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