2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 Words Expressions练习 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 Words Expressions练习 外研版必修5【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳declare的意思及用法。1. They declared the result of the petition.2. Jenny declared (that) it was the best cake she had ever tasted.3. On striking his sword on the stone, he declared himself (to be) Lord of the City. 4. We declared the beer (to be) delicious. 5. They declared themselves against the plan.6. I declared the meeting closed.【自我归纳】declare是动词,意为“_”,后可接名词(句1)、从句(句2)、复合结构(句3-句6)。【即学即练】翻译下面句子。1. 比尔宣布他不会放弃斗争。_2. 他们宣布卡尔为获胜者。_3. 露西声称她因我的话而伤心了。_advantage【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳advantage的意思及用法。1. For a goalkeeper, its a great advantage to have big hands.2. Tom has an advantage over the children who are not as tall as him.3. It would be to your advantage to prepare questions in advance.4. Peter took advantage of his visit to Paris to improve his French.【自我归纳】advantage是名词,意为“_”(句1)。常用搭配:have an advantage over比有优势(句2);to ones advantage对某人有利(句3);take advantage of利用(句4)。【即学即练】根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。1. 我们应该趁天气暖和,今天下午出去散散步。We should _ _ _ the warm weather to go for a walk this afternoon.2. 获胜的拳击手比他的对手有优势,因为他比对手重四磅。The winning boxer _ _ _ _ his opponent because he was four pounds heavier.guarantee【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳guarantee的意思及用法。1. Bob gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. 2. The television is still under guarantee, so it can be repaired free of charge. 3. We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the money.4. Well do what we can to guarantee the success of the show.5. Will you guarantee us regular employment?6. This insurance guarantees you against loss if theres a fire.7. Mr. Smith guaranteed to pay off my debt within one month. 8. Who can guarantee that the little boys story is true? 【自我归纳】guarantee用作名词时,意为:保证,担保(句1);保修期(常用搭配:under guarantee在保修期内)(句2);抵押品(句3)。guarantee用作动词时,意为“_”(常用搭配:guarantee sth.; guarantee sb. sth.; guarantee sb. against sth.; guarantee to do sth.; guarantee +从句)(句4-句8)。【即学即练】根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。1. 公司为其所有的电子产品提供两年的保修期。The pany _ _ _ _ on all its electrical goods.2. 我不能保证在这里工作超过五年。I cannot _ _ _ here for more than 5 years.3. 如果你马上递交申请表,我保证你会有一次面试的机会。If you send in the application form right away, I can _ _ _ _.symbol【自我归纳】symbol作名词,意为“符号,象征”。如:H2O is the chemical symbol for water.A heart shape is the symbol of love.【辨析】symbol, sign, signal & marksymbol指作为象征或表达某种意义的特殊事物。sign可指具有固定意义的标志或符号,也可指某种情况的征兆。signal指人们通用或事先约定好的信号。mark指人们为易于辨认而做的记号,也可指事物留下的痕迹。【即学即练】用symbol, sign, signal或mark填空。1. Scientists have found no of life on Mars so far.2. All I get is a busy when I dial Georges cell phone number. 3. All the students, please put a by the subjects you are interested in. 4. I frequently use sunflowers as a of strength.quality【语境展示】阅读下面句子,并试着归纳quality的意思及用法。1. The supermarket provides goods of high quality. 2. Miss Liu has all the qualities of a good teacher.3. The quality of iron is hardness.4. Lets do our best to sell quality products with good service.【自我归纳】quality作名词时,意为: (句1);(人的)品质(句2);特点,特性(句3)。quality作形容词时,意为“优质的,高质量的”(句4)。【即学即练】翻译下面句子。1. 勇敢是比尔的优秀品质之一。 _2. 木头的一个特性是可以燃烧。 _3. 这个饭店的服务质量已经有了很大改善。 _参考答案WORDS & EXPRESSIONSdeclare【自我归纳】宣布,声称,声明【即学即练】1. Bill declared that he wouldnt give up the fight. 2. They declared Carl (to be) the winner.3. Lucy declared herself hurt by my words.advantage【自我归纳】优势,长处【即学即练】1. take advantage of 2. had an advantage overguarantee【自我归纳】保证【即学即练】1. offers a two-year guarantee 2. guarantee to work 3. guarantee you an interview symbol【即学即练】1. sign 2. signal 3. mark 4. symbolquality【自我归纳】质量,品质【即学即练】1. Courage is one of Bills good qualities.2. One quality of wood is that it can burn. 3. The quality of service in this restaurant has improved a lot.


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