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.高考单词识记思考运用 1.核心词汇,_adj.优秀的,杰出的,出色的 accomplish vt.完成,实现_n.完成;成就,成绩 _vi. &vt.(使)适应;改编_n.适应;改编;改编本,改写本 _adj.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的admire vt.钦佩;赞赏;仰慕_n.钦佩;赞赏;羡慕,_vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随;为伴奏company n.公司;陪伴,做伴 predict vt.预言,预告,预报_n.预言,预测,预告_n.预言者 assist vt.帮助,协助_n.助理,助手 adj.助理的,副的_n.帮助,援助 _ n.动力,动机motivate vt.激励,激发;成为的动机_ adj.积极的,主动的,答案 outstanding accomplishment adapt;adaptation admirable;admiration accompany prediction;predictor assistant;assistance motivation;motivated,2.常考词汇,viewer n._ specialist n._ broadcasting n. _ minimum adj._n._ handy adj._ automatic adj._ maximum adj._n._ mature adj._ vivid adj._,答案 电视观众;观看者 专科医师;专家 (无线电和电视的)节目制作和播放;广播 最少的,最小的 最小值 易使用的;便利的 自动的 最多的,最大的 最大值 成熟的 清晰的,生动的,鲜明的,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.They _ that there would be an earthquake,but their _ didnt come true.(predict) 2.As an _,her job is _ the manager with his duties.(assist) 3.Tom,a _ actor,showed a _ for acting at an early age.(talent) 4._ (direct) the teacher came in,everyone was quiet. 5.The soldiers showed _ (admire) bravery. 6.Three films _(adapt) from her novels were popular with young people.,7.Though the task was difficult,we managed to_it in time.We felt a positive sense of_.(accomplish) 8.Most people think a certain amount of stress is vital to provide_and give purpose to life and it is generally accepted that people are_by success.(motivate) 9.In my opinion,its_that he will succeed one day because he has a great ambition (雄心).However,its surprising that he is_about his ability.Some people say his worries will add to the_of his success.(certain),10.If not taken according to the_on the bottle,this medicine will be a_threat to your body_you take it.(direct) 答案 1.predicted;prediction 2.assistant;to assist 3.talented;talent 4.Directly 5.admirable 6.adapted 7.accomplish;accomplishment 8.motivation;motivated 9.certain;uncertain;uncertainty 10.directions;direct;directly,“支持,拥护”家族 advocate vt.提倡;拥护 back vt.支持 support vt.支持,帮助 in favour of支持,赞同,【联想积累】,聚焦“时间”相关高频词 temporary adj.暂时/一时的 permanent adj.永久/永恒的 instant n.& adj.时刻;紧迫的;即刻的 interval n.间隔,间歇;每隔一定时间 punctual adj.守时的,盘点re-前缀高频词 rearrange v.重新排列 recreate v.使再现 reproduction n.再生产 reconstruction n.重建,复原 reconsider v.重新考虑 retell v.复述 rebuild v.重建,“天赋,智慧”大团圆 talent n.才能;天赋 wisdom n.智慧 brilliant adj.卓越的 gifted adj.有天赋的 intelligent adj.聪明的 mini-前缀名词小结 minimum 最小值 minibus 中巴 miniskirt 迷你裙 minicomputer小型电脑,开心词场核心单词串记,Though suffering a lot of temporary sufferings,she didnt quit struggling.Her courage for independence was admirable.She was always energetic and advocated to assist junior people.In her spare time,she often assisted those who were in sorrow.Her goodwill was also worthy of praise.,.重点短语识记思考运用 1.be/feel过去分词介词 be surrounded _被环绕 be accompanied _伴随有,附有,带有 feel caught _在之间感到左右为难 答案 by by between,2.动词介词/副词 cheer _高兴起来,振作起来 adapt _适应;改编;使适合 go _追求;谋求 head _朝方向(地方)行进,前往 focus_集中(注意力、精力等)于;聚焦于 答案 up to after for on,3.介词短语 _ good spirits心情好 _ ones own独自,单独;独立地 _ ones relief使某人欣慰的是 _ that point在那时,在那个阶段 _ a rush匆忙地,急切地 答案 in on to at in,4.其他 apart _远离,和不在一起;除了 ahead _在前面;早于 assist sb _ sth 帮助某人做某事 答案 from of with,用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 1.He put on his coat and _ the door. 2.Their letters of support made me _ all day long. 3.Hearing that his mother was ill,he went to the hospital _. 4.We should care more about those students who live _ their parents. 5.Many old people find they have great difficulty in _themselves _ the changing times. 6.Once he decided what he wanted,he _ it.,7.We should work on modern agriculture,_water conservancy(水利). 8.I do hope she can _ and accept the challenge of life bravely! 9.I thought I could do it _,but it appears too difficult for me. 10.Much _,all the difficulties were overcome by us through our efforts. 答案 1.headed for 2.in good spirits 3.in a rush 4.apart from 5.adapting;to 6.went after 7.focusing on 8.cheer up 9.on my own 10.to my/our relief,【联想积累】,“除之外”短语家族 except for in addition (to) aside from apart from besides but for,“to ones n.”短语荟萃 to ones surprise/shock 使某人惊奇的是 to ones joy/delight 使某人高兴的是 to ones shame 使某人羞愧的是 to ones disappointment 使某人失望的是 to ones amusement 使某人愉快的是 to ones relief 使某人欣慰的是 to ones embarrassment 使某人难堪的是 to ones puzzlement 使某人疑惑的是,.经典句式识记思考运用 原句背诵感悟 1.If you know of a similar situation where your solution worked,mention it.如果你想到你的解决方法奏效的类似情景,把它提出来 2.Whichever way I look at it,Ill never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.无论我怎样考虑,我都不能真正的擅长于任何事,除非我放弃其他所有的事。,3.While she was injured and in hospital,she amazed the world by the way she remained cheerful. 在她受伤住院期间,世人都为她依然开朗的样子感到惊讶。 4.It feels like allocating adequate time for each is just not practical. 要给每件事分配足够的时间,似乎是不切实际的。,句型公式仿写 1.where引导的定语从句 He got into a situation _to decide what is right and wrong. 他陷入一种难以分辨是非的局面。 2.whichever和unless引导的状语从句 _ one learns,he can not learn it well _he works hard.一个人不管学什么语言,不下苦功是学不好的。 3.while 引导时间状语从句 _ (玛丽写信时),the children were playing outside.,4.feel like的用法 He _ (感觉好像)that he has never been to such a place. 答案 1.where it is hard 2.Whichever language;unless 3.While Mary was writing a letter 4.feels like,【联想积累】,while用法快捷键 while既可作并列连词又可作从属连词,其具体用法如下: (1)表对比,意为“而,然而”; (2)引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”; (3)引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”; (4)引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。,feel like用法全掌握 feel like名词,意为“觉得好像,摸上去像是”;feel likedoing,意为“想做”;feel like从句,意为“觉得好像是”。,单 词 点 睛,1.surround vt.围绕,环绕,用所给词的适当形式填空/单项填空 The _(surround) villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city. My family lives in a beautiful village,_(surround) by many green trees all the year round. The boy grew up in beautiful _(surround) but not in a happy home environment. The baby was playing on the carpet _ by all kinds of toys. A.surrounding B.surrounded C.surrounds D.having surrounded,答案 surrounding surrounded surroundings B 由句子结构可知,此处应使用非谓语动词,故可排除C项;再由the baby与surround之间是被动关系可排除A、D两项;此处是过去分词短语作定语,故选B。,2.adapt vt.& vi.(使)适应;改编,改造;改装,单项填空/写作句式训练 According to Darwins “Survival of the Fittest”, only those species that were able to _ the sudden great changes of their living conditions could survive. A.appeal to B.relate to C.adapt to D.contribute to Tonghuas novel “Bu Bu Jing Xin” has been _ for both television and computer games. A.adopted B.adapted C.accompanied D.annoyed,As time went by,I gradually_.(2011广东,读写任务) 随着时间的推移,我逐渐适应了学校生活。 答案 C 句意:按照达尔文的“适者生存”理论,只有那些能够适应他们生存环境的突然大变化的物种才能够生存下来。adapt to“适应”,故选C。appeal to“呼吁;打动”;relate to“讲述;了解”;contribute to“捐献;促成”。,B 句意:桐华的小说步步惊心被改编成了电视剧和电脑游戏。adopt “采纳,吸收”;adapt “适应;改编”;be adapted for “被改编成”;accompany “陪伴”;annoy “打搅,烦恼”。 adapted myself to the school life,3.accompany vt.陪伴,陪同;伴随;为伴奏,【特别提醒】 accompany是及物动词,不要在其后误加介词with。,单项填空/完成句子 It is common that many parents choose to rent a house near schools to _ their children during their school years. A.accompany B.accumulate C.acknowledge D.alarm Children,_ (当由父母陪同时),are allowed to enter the stadium. With _(没有人陪我) at night,I am afraid I will feel lonely in the theatre.,答案 A 句意:在上学期间很多父母在学校附近租房来陪孩子上学是很常见的。accompany “陪同,伴随”; accumulate “积累”;acknowledge “告知,感谢”;alarm “使惊恐”。根据句意选A。 when accompanied by their parents no one to accompany me,4.instant adj.方便的;立刻的n.瞬间;片刻;某一时刻,单项填空/写作句式训练 Much to my surprise, she _ tears _ she read the letter. A.burst out;instant B.burst into;the instant C.burst out;instantly D.burst into;instant You see the lightning _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. A.the instant B.for an instant C.on the instant D.in an instant,Furthermore,voting on the Internet _.(2016江苏,书面表达) 而且,网上投票使立刻反馈成为可能。 答案 B burst into tears “突然大哭起来”;the instant“一就”,引导时间状语从句。 A 句意:闪电一发生你就能看见它,但过一会儿才听到雷声。the instant “一就”;for an instant “一瞬间”;in an instant “很快,马上”。 makes instant feedback possible,5.directly adv.径直地;直接地 conj.一就,介、副词填空/单项填空 All work was produced by the students _ the direction of John Williams. He drove off _ the direction of Larrys shop. When the police arrived,the crowd scattered _ all directions.,When I was in hospital,my mother made a promise that she would take me to Qingdao _ I was well enough to travel,which _ my recovery. A.direct;contributed to B.directly;contributed to C.directly;attributed to D.direct;attributed to,答案 under in in B directly作连词,表示“一就”;contribute to“有助于”。句意:在我住院的时候,妈妈向我承诺一旦我恢复到可以出行了,就带我去青岛,这有助于我的康复。,6.quit v.停止;离开;辞职;退(学),单项填空 Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people _ smoking. A.quit B.decline C.depart D.reserve He decided to _ the position after quarreling with the manager. A.stop B.block C.loosen D.quit,答案 A quit smoking “戒烟”,符合句意。 D 句意:跟经理吵架之后,他决定辞掉这个职位。quit the position “辞掉职位”。,7.assist vt.帮助;协助;援助,单项填空/完成句子 Teddy came to my _ with a check of $200 to pay my room rate,after I told him that my wallet had been stolen. A.attendance B.assistance C.rescue D.safety Julia was assisting him _(准备他的演讲). Despite his cries _ (没有人来帮助他). The teacher decided _(帮我学英语).,答案 B come to ones assistance“来帮助某人”,符合句意。 to prepare his speech no one came to his assistance to assist me with my English study,短 语 点 拨,1.apart from 远离,和不在一起;除了,除之外(还有);即便不考虑也 Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents,she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.即使她参加训练就意味着离开父母生活,但她还是快乐地投身于体操事业。,单项填空 Rod loves _ clocks.However, he never manages to put them together again. A.taking apart B.giving away C.making up D.turning off _ several parking tickets, the driver was also fined for speeding on the highway, which is likely to contribute to his driving license being cancelled. A.In terms of B.In spite of C.Far from D.Apart from,答案 A A项意为“拆开; 拆卸” ;B项意为“赠送;泄露” ;C项意为“编造;弥补;化妆”;D项意为“关掉”。根据句意可知,罗德喜欢拆卸钟表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。所以选A项。 D 句意:除了几张违规停车罚单之外,那个司机还因在公路上超速驾驶被罚款,这可能是他的驾驶执照被吊销的原因之一。apart from “除以外”,符合句意。in terms of “在方面,从方面来说”;in spite of “不顾,尽管”;far from “远非”。,2.go after 追赶,追求;谋求 Some people advocate going after pleasure in order to find happiness.有些人提倡为了找到幸福就要追逐快乐。,用以上短语填空 There wasnt time for breakfast,I had to_. Lets _all the lessons we have learnt this term before the exam. With time_,I gradually realize the importance of health. Mary left the house in tears so her mother _ her immediately. 答案 go without go over going by went after,1.thankful:grateful 2.temporary:not permanent 3.outstanding:top,excellent 4.adequate:enough 5.go after:chase,follow,句 式 透 析,1.By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games,she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years. 到参加纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,她已经是一名有着十一年经历的体操小将了。,单项填空 I hear you worked very late yesterday. Yes, it had been completely dark by the time I _ the office. A.leave B.left C.have left D.had left Will you join us in the party this Saturday evening? If I were to be free, I would; but I _ for Japan on business by then. A.will have left B.have left C.had left D.would leave,答案 B 根据语境,天几乎黑了发生在“离开”办公室之前,故前面用过去完成时,后面用一般过去时。 A 由时间状语by then可知,by表示的是将来的时间,故主句用将来完成时。,2.All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home. 我要做的事情就是上学,回家后再学习几个小时。 句中and连接的省略to的不定式短语“go to school”和“spend a few hours.”作表语。当主语部分含有动词do的某种形式时,作表语的不定式可以省略不定式符号to。不定式作表语时省略to的常见情况:,单项填空/完成句子 The only thing I want to _ is have a rest. A.say B.do C.have D.hold Dont worry.What you need to do is _(好好睡一觉) and remember to drink water constantly. The first thing that I want to do is _ (感谢我的父母). What we can do now is_(采取立刻行动) to reduce pollution.,答案 B 句中have a rest是省略to的不定式作表语,则主语部分应为带有实义动词do的某种形式。故选B项。 have a good sleep thank my parents take immediate action,

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