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.高考单词识记思考运用 1.核心词汇,_ n.到达,抵达;到达者 _ vt.&vi.减少,降低 n.减少,降低 _ n.措施,方法;尺度 vt.测量;估量,判定 _ n.范围;一系列;山脉 vi.(在一定范围内)变化;包括 _ n.产量;生产produce v.生产,制造 n.农产品_ n.产品;产物,_ n.责任,职责responsible adj.有责任的,负责的 _ adj.环境的environment n.环境 operate vt.&vi.经营;动手术_ n.操作;运转;手术 willing adj.愿意的,乐意的_ adj.不情愿,不愿意 _ adj.违法的,非法的_ adv.违法地,非法地legal adj.法律许可的,合法的_ adv.法律上,合法地 appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会_ n.感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估,consume vt.消耗,耗费;消费_ n.消费者,顾客,用户 absorb vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注_ adj.全神贯注的 答案 arrival decrease measure range production;product responsibility environmental operation unwilling illegal;illegally;legally appreciation consumer absorbed,2.常考词汇,spokeswoman n._ consultant n._ billion n._ businessman n._ clap vt.&vi._ administration n._ satellite n._ vehicle n._ engine n._,plant n._ fuel n._vt.&vi._ oxygen n._ dioxide n._ 答案 女发言人 顾问 十亿 (尤指上层)商界人员;企业家 鼓掌,拍手 管理;管理部门;施行;(美国)政府 人造卫星 交通工具,车辆 发动机,引擎 工厂;发电厂 燃料 提供燃料;加油 氧气 二氧化物,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Upon your _(arrive) in Shanghai,please give me a call. 2.Im afraid youll have to _(operate) on for your heart trouble. 3.Kids should learn to be independent when necessary,and say no to anything that is wrong or_(legal). 4.With the number of animals_(decrease),many people are more concerned about them. 5.Land may not be sold,leased,mortgaged(抵押) or _(legal) transferred by any other means.,6.Be careful you dont take on too much _or if anything goes wrong,they will make you _.(responsible) 7.Thanks ever so much for your help,I really_ it.Your teaching method helps children to develop an _ of poetry and literature.(appreciate) 8.Our company has strong technical force and advanced equipment to _ a large number of _ of good quality,and the increased _ will in turn increase the profits.(produce),9.To raise peoples awareness of _ protection,we should take immediate measures to urge them to live a low-carbon life,which is beneficial to the _.And at the same time,all companies and factories should change their products into those which are _friendly.(environment) 10.Contrary to some traditional policies,which are always encouraging _ to _ as much as they can,sustainability(可持续性) sometimes requires the reduction of _ to achieve the goal of saving energy.(consume),答案 1.arrival 2.be operated 3.illegal 4.decreasing 5.illegally 6.responsibility;responsible 7.appreciate; appreciation 8.produce;products;production 9.environmental;environment;environmentally 10.consumers;consume;consumption,聚焦goods类似词 customs 海关;进口税 remains 残留物;遗迹 works 作品 surroundings 周围的环境 belongings 动产;财物 arms 武器,【联想积累】,盘点re-前缀动词 rebuild 重建 republish 重新出版 recall 回忆 refresh 使恢复活力 review 回顾;复习 recycle 再利用,回收利用 reappear 再出现 retell 复述 rewrite 重写 restart 重新开始,produce家族 produce 生产;创作;农产品 product 产品,作品 production 产量;成果 productive 能生产的;多产的 reproduce 复制,再生,“减少”有多少 decrease 减少 reduce 缩减 lessen 变少,使减轻 cut down 削减,减少 drop 减少 “感谢”用语大团圆 appreciate v.感激appreciation n.感激 thank v.感谢thankful adj.感谢的 grateful adj.感激的gratitude n.感激 acknowledge v.(公开)感谢acknowledgment n.感谢,谢礼,开心词场核心单词串记,In the past few years,people have taken action to decrease the pollution of the environment.We all appreciate the measures for a forest reserve,where particularly illegal cutting is forbidden.People planted more trees,including planting a large number of bushes.These bushes prevent floods from washing away the soil and adjust the climate and absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide that are let off by vehicles and factories.As far as Im concerned,all of us should take the responsibility.,.重点短语识记思考运用 1.动词介词/副词 ask _ 四处打听 blame._ 把归咎于 run _ 用完,耗尽 let _ 排放 clean _ 打扫/清除干净 cut back _ 减少,削减,缩减 use _ 用尽 pick _ 找出,挑选;辨别出,辨认出 答案 around on out off up on up out,2.动词名词(介词) do ones _尽自己的职责 cause/do damage _ 对造成危害 open _ floor自由发言 答案 part to the,3.介词短语 _ way 进行中 _ use在使用中 _ particular尤其,特别 答案 under in in,4.其他 be consistent _ 与一致 put._ danger把置于危险的境地 答案 with in,用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空 1.The food prices are going up,so we will _ the use of some expensive vegetables. 2.Can you _ your friend from that group of people,who are chatting happily over there? 3.We must act quickly because time is _.The manager said we must finish the project on time. 4.I am interested in stories in general,and detective stories _.,5.The design of the new car is well _ and you can expect to have it within a month. 6.We should all _to protect the environment we are living in. 7.This concludes our presentation.Now lets _ for questions. 8.You may also want to _ some steam(过剩的精力) by drawing,writing or anything else that relaxes yourself. 答案 1.cut back on 2.pick out 3.running out 4.in particular 5.under way 6.do our part 7.open the floor 8.let off,【联想积累】,“under名词”短语秀 under construction在建造中 under consideration 在考虑中 under examination 在检查中;在审查中 under control 在的控制之下 under guarantee 在保修期内,“动词out of”短语随手包 keep out of 使不进入,挡住 come out of 从里出来 jump out of 从里跳出来 get out of 从里出来 run out of 从里跑出来;耗尽,用光,“in形容词”短语小结 in brief 简言之 in general 一般地,普遍地 in particular 尤其,特别 in common 共有的,共同的 in short 总之,.经典句式识记思考运用 原句背诵感悟 1.The worlds population has grown by six times what it was in 1800. 目前的世界人口与1800年相比已经增长了6倍。 2.People often have this belief that development is bad for the environment,but this does not have to be true.人们常常认为经济发展对环境有害,但这不一定是正确的。 3.There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. 毫无疑问,世界的气候近年来一直在变化。,句型公式仿写 1.倍数what从句 The citys size has grown by _ in 2012. 该城市的规模与2012年的相比已经增长了三倍。 2.belief后跟同位语从句 We have strong belief _. 我们坚信我们会成功的。 3.There is no doubt that从句 There is no doubt _. 毫无疑问他会来帮助我们的。 答案 1.three times what it was 2.that we will succeed 3.that he will come to our help,【联想积累】,it作形式宾语种种 (1)主语谓语it形容词动词不定式/从句:make/find/feel/consider/think itadj./n.that./to do (2)主语谓语it从句:like/dislike/love/enjoy/hateitwhen.;I would appreciate it if. (3)主语谓语it介词短语从句:I took it for granted that they were not coming.,单 词 点 睛,1.impress vt.压印,盖印;使印象深刻,使牢记 vi.给人留下印象,使人注意,介、副词填空/单项填空 We were all impressed _ the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai. The ceremony of reviewing troops in 2015,Beijing,China made a deep impression _ the audience all over the world. Even so,she impressed the world _ her courage and strong desire to succeed. Miss Green often said,“God helps those who help themselves”,intending to _ on us the significance of being independent. A.base B.impress C.focus D.rely,答案 with/by on/upon with B 句意:格林小姐经常说: “自助者天助” ,意在让我们铭记独立的重要性。base “基于”;impress “给以深刻印象,使铭记”;focus “集中”;rely “依赖,依靠”。impress.on sb “使某人铭记”。,2.measure n.C措施,方法;尺度 vt.测量;估量,判定 linking - v.(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为,【特别提醒】 (1)measure表示“措施”之意时,常用其复数形式measures。 (2)measure表示“量;有长(宽、高等)”时,是系动词,后跟度量的结果,不用被动语态及进行时态;作定语时要用现在分词。,单项填空/写作句式训练 The trees there are extremely tall, some _ over 90 meters. A.measure B.measuring C.to measure D.measured Mr.Smith has earned quite a lot of money in the last two years. A mans success shouldnt only be _ by money. A.measured B.limited C.designed D.planned,The number of them is less than 1,000,so I hope you can_.(2013重庆,书面表达) 他们的数量不到1 000,所以我希望你们能采取有效措施对他们进行保护。 答案 B 句中使用了逗号连接且无连词,因此此处不是并列句,而是独立主格结构作状语;又因measure与其逻辑主语some构成主谓关系,故选B。 A 后句句意:一个人的成功不该只靠金钱衡量。measure “衡量”;limit “限制”;design “设计”;plan “计划”。 take some effective measures to protect them,3.appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会,【特别提醒】 appreciate表示“感激”时,后面跟动词-ing形式作宾语,后面的宾语一般是事情或用it作形式宾语,后不跟sb 作宾语。,单项填空/写作句式训练 Id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. A.it B.you C.one D.this He appreciated _ a chance to make a presentation in the annual seminar on Comparative Literature. A.giving B.to give C.being given D.to be given _if you could help me revise them.(2016全国,书面表达) 如果你能帮我修订一下的话我将很感激。,答案 A Id appreciate it if/when/that.是固定句式,it作形式宾语,故选A。 C appreciate在此处表示“感激”,后接动词ing形式作宾语。根据句意可知,机会是被给的,所以应用being given。 Id appreciate it,4.range n.范围;一系列;山脉 vi.(在一定范围内)变化;包括;排列,排序,单项填空 This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. A.division B.area C.range D.circle Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree? No,its out of _. A.range B.reach C.control D.distance,答案 C 句意:“这家餐馆变得出名是由于它做的各种各样的食物适应各类人群。”a wide range of “各种各样的”,符合题意。 A out of range “超出范围”,符合句意。,5.absorb v.吸收(液体、气体等);吸引全部注意力,使全神贯注;使并入,吞并;理解,掌握,单项填空/同义句改写 Where is Jimmy? Just now I saw him sitting under the tree,_ in his video games. A.absorbed B.absorbing C.to absorb D.absorb He was so absorbed in the book that he didnt hear her.(用分词作状语改写) _,he didnt hear her.,答案 A 句意: “吉米在哪儿?”“我刚才看见他坐在树下,沉醉于视频游戏。”be absorbed in “专心于,沉醉于”。故用过去分词短语作伴随状语。 So absorbed in the book,6.quantity n.数量;量,单项填空/完成句子 Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help _ since the organization was built. A.has offered B.had been offered C.have been offered D.is offered Its a lot cheaper _(如果你大量购买货物). There are _(许多雨) in this area during summer.,答案 C 句中出现了since从句,句子用现在完成时,且quantities of名词作主语时,动词用复数形式,故答案为C。 if you buy goods in quantity large quantities of rain,7.operate vt.经营,管理,操作 vi.动手术;运转;起作用,见效,单项填空 The doctor said that the patient had _ at once, which made us all worried. A.to operate B.to be operated C.operated D.to be operated on They have discussed for two years of drafting a new law to control the pollution but when it will be put _ is still unknown. A.into operation B.in effect C.to use D.to practice,答案 D sb be operated on “某人正在被动手术”,on不能省去。 A 句意:他们为制订控制污染的新法规已讨论了两年,但是何时实施却仍是个未知数。put. into operation “实施;实行”,为固定短语。,短 语 点 拨,1.run out(of)用完,耗尽 What if they run out? 要是它们用完怎么办?,单项填空 OK,Ive had enough of it.I give up. You cant _ your responsibilities. A.run off with B.run up against C.run out of D.run away from Im still working on my project. Oh,youll miss the deadline.Time is _. A.running out B.going out C.giving out D.losing out,答案 D run off with “偷走,与私奔”;run up against “意外地碰到,偶遇”;run out of “用完,耗尽”;ran away from “从逃离,回避”。答语句意:你不能逃脱你自己的责任。 A 句意:“我还在忙着我的项目。”“你快到期了,时间快用完了。”run out “用光,用尽”;go out “熄灭”;give out “分发”;lose out “输掉,失败”。,2.pick out找出;挑选;辨认出;理解,领会 His story was picked out as the best by the judges. 他的小说被评委们评为第一名。,单项填空 It is easy to _ my car from others in the parking lot.It has an advertisement for a car company on its back. A.let out B.give out C.pick out D.run out 答案 C 句意:在停车场认出我的车很容易。它后面有一家汽车公司的广告。let out “释放,发出”;give out “分发,公布”;pick out “挑选出,分辨出”;run out “用完,用光”。,3.cut back on减少,削减,缩减 Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment. 现在有几家大医院正在裁员。,介、副词填空/写作句式训练 How can you cut _ the risk of cancer? He also supplied the north when America cut _ energy aid. He had cut _ the meat before his mother came back. We shall have to cut back _ our spending. Immediate actions should be taken,like stopping_,to better environment.(2013江苏,书面表达) 为了环境更美好,必须马上采取行动,像停止砍树等。 答案 down off up on cutting down trees,1.debate:discuss,discussion 2.decade:ten years 3.cut back on:reduce,decrease 4.run out (of):use up,give out 5.open the floor:speak freely,句 式 透 析,1.There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. 毫无疑问,世界的气候近年来一直在变化。,单项填空/写作句式训练 I never doubt _ he is an honest man._ I doubt is _ hell come on time this time. A.whether;That;when B.that;What;whether C.whether;What;whether D.that;Why;whether There is still some doubt _ the system will work even though all the factors have been considered. A.that B.which C.why D.whether,There is no doubt _is harder compared with any other jobs in the society.(2013广东,读写任务) 毫无疑问,一个清洁工干的活比社会上其他工作都要辛苦。,答案 B 句意:我从未怀疑过他是一个诚实的人。我所怀疑的是他这次是否会按时来。doubt作动词时,用于肯定句中,其后接由whether/if引导的宾语从句;用于否定句中,其后接由that引导的宾语从句。doubt后的表语从句常用whether引导,由此可排除A、C项,又因为主语从句“_ I doubt ”中所缺少的成分是宾语,故选B。 D 句意:即使所有的因素都考虑了,系统是否会运转仍有些疑问。whether引导同位语从句,作doubt的同位语。故选D项。 that what a cleaner does,2.People often have this belief that development is bad for the environment,but this does not have to be true. 人们常常认为经济发展对环境有害,但这不一定是正确的。,单项填空 The notice came around two in the afternoon _ the meeting would be postponed. A.when B.that C.whether D.how I made a promise to myself _ this year, my first year in high school, would be different. A.whether B.what C.that D.how,答案 B 句意:会议将被延期的通知大约下午两点钟来的。空格后的句子解释说明the notice的内容,作同位语,且引导词在句中不作任何成分,所以用that引导。 C that引导同位语从句,在从句中不作句子成分,补充说明同位语promise的内容。,


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