高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题五 代词、介词、冠词的缺失与误用课件.ppt

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高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题五 代词、介词、冠词的缺失与误用课件.ppt_第1页
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高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题五 代词、介词、冠词的缺失与误用课件.ppt_第2页
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高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题五 代词、介词、冠词的缺失与误用课件.ppt_第3页
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专题五 代词、介词、冠词的缺失 与误用,.单句填空 1.(2015课标全国卷改编)A few hours before,Id been at home in Hong Kong,with (it) choking smog. 2.(2015课标全国卷)For those who fly to Guilin,its only an hour away car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. 3.(2015课标全国卷改编)The adobe dwellings(土坯房) built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even most modern of architects and engineers. 4.(2015课标全国卷改编)When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough to cool the house during the hot day; the same time,they warm up again for the night.,its,by,the,at,5.(2015广东卷)He owned farm,which looked almost abandoned. 6.(2014课标全国卷)Now,years later,this river is one of most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup. 7.(2014课标全国卷)I got a place next the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk. 8.(2014课标全国卷)A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh!Its (I).” 9.(2014辽宁卷) OK.Dont laugh me. 10.(2014辽宁卷) Raise your leg and let stay in the air for seconds.,a,the,to,me/mine,at,it,.单句改错 1.(2015课标全国卷) Now I am living in a city,but I miss my home in countryside. 2.(2015课标全国卷) Unfortunately,on the development of industrialization,the environment has been polluted. 3.(2015课标全国卷改编) We must find ways to protect your environment. 4.(2015课标全国卷)Tony saw a toy on a shop window. 5.(2015课标全国卷) Five minutes later,Tony saw parents.,答案:1.countryside前加the,答案:2.on with,答案:3.your our/the,答案:4.on in,答案:5.parents前加his,6.(2014课标全国卷) As result,the plants are growing somewhere. 7.(2014课标全国卷) There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. 8.(2014课标全国卷) Therefore,we have more time with after-school activities. 9.(2014课标全国卷) There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. 10.(2014课标全国卷改编)We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sit by the lake listening music.,答案:6.As后加a;somewhereeverywhere,答案:7.muchmany,答案:8.withfor,答案:9.of后的the去掉,答案:10.listening后加to,11.(2014辽宁卷) Although weve been delighted to have you as neighbors,were hoping to settle something that bothers to us.,答案:11.bothers后的to去掉,该部分的内容是考查基本功的几个词类。考查的方式很简单,不外乎“错用”、“多用”与“漏用”三个方面。在日常复习备考中,我们一定要秉承这样的理念来把握其用法:1.冠词与名词的联系;2.介词的表意功能(时间、空间、方位、手段、状态)以及与名词、形容词、副词的搭配;3.代词与名词的联系、不同类别的代词的语法作用、代词的语篇衔接功能。解决问题的最基本办法是:分析句子成分,每个成分对应一个单词或对应一个短语,分析短语的结构和短语间的联系,围绕名词找冠词方面的错误,围绕动词或名词找代词方面的错误,基于短语找出介词方面的错误。,1.代词方面的相关问题:在语法填空题中不给出提示词,要求根据内容和成分填入合适的代词,特别注意代词的格、数以及指示代词、反身代词、it的用法;在“短文改错”题中则要注意上下文中代词“性别”方面的一致,不定代词的用法,代词的多用与漏用等。,2.在语法填空和短文改错题中,把握介词的用法要具体到句子成分,要对应到做该成分的短语结构,然后分析用不用介词,应该用哪个介词。,3.冠词作为一种虚词,在英语中只能和名词一起使用,因此解决问题的关键是看名词的情况:可数还是不可数,单数还是复数,特指还是泛指,抽象还是具体。同时也要注意一些固定用法、固定搭配等。,.用适当的代词填空 M:Excuse me,could you help me? W:Yes. seems to be the problem? M:Well,I was wondering if has turned in a passport. W:Im afraid not.Have lost your passport? M:I think so.I cant find anywhere in my hotel room,and remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store. W:Where exactly did you use passport in our store? M:I wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses first,but I couldnt find a suitable .Then,in the sports department I had to show it to pay for a pair of trainers with travelers checks.,What,anyone/someone,you,it,I,your,one,my,W:Well,would you please fill in this lost property report?Ill keep my eye out for it.Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually,but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell about your situation,so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesnt show up. M:OK.Do you have a pen? W:Here you are. M:Thank you.Oh,I always take good care of my things.I dont know what happened to yesterday.,them,me,.改正文中冠词和介词使用的错误 It may help you to know that there is no such a thing as a perfect speech.On some point in every speech,every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned.Fortunately,moments are usually not obvious for the listeners.Why?Because the listeners do not know what the speaker plans to say.They hear only what a speaker does say.If you lose your place in a moment,wrongly change the order of a couple of sentences,or forget to pause on a certain point,no one will be wiser.When such moments occur,dont worry about them.Just continue as if nothing happened. Even if you do make a obvious mistake during a speech,that doesnt really matter.On fact,the listeners are not looking for a perfect performer.They are looking for a well thought-out-speech that expresses the speakers ideas clearly and directly.As you work on your speech,dont worry about being imperfect.Once you free your mind with this,you will find it much easier to give your speech freely.,


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